fix there may be a voice line in the input of fancy say
fix there may be a voice line in the input of fancy say
fix null error on missing config at game_start
fix null error on missing config at game_start
also remove overlay creation from docs
also remove overlay creation from docs
remove overlay creation from api so we don't have clone
remove overlay creation from api so we don't have clone
add global Fancy9Piece for global replacement
add global Fancy9Piece for global replacement
no need to use cloning as _sayspr isn't removed
no need to use cloning as _sayspr isn't removed
more fixes to fancysay and fancytypedsay
more fixes to fancysay and fancytypedsay
reorganize _fancy_say_update for clarity
reorganize _fancy_say_update for clarity
more fancy say position/limits adjustments
more fancy say position/limits adjustments
fix say textbox going outside the screen
fix say textbox going outside the screen
room example with lots of things going on
room example with lots of things going on
move width internally to FancyState
move width internally to FancyState
more rename fixes for box -> text for internals
more rename fixes for box -> text for internals
Renamed BoxWidth to TextWidth and same for Height
Renamed BoxWidth to TextWidth and same for Height
reduce code size in remove fancybtn logic
reduce code size in remove fancybtn logic
more code duplication reduction
more code duplication reduction
more code duplication reduction
more code duplication reduction