The purpose of this project is to build a simple digital clock using JS, HTML, & CSS. The focus is on understanding and getting the JS working (with your basic HTML setup) and to flush out styling if there is time. Focus on simplicity and getting the app to work. Here is an example of a working clock.
- 🕰 Completion time is 1-2 weeks.
- 📚 No libraries or frameworks.
- Don't follow a clock tutorial or copy someone elses project code.
- Don't use date.toLocalTimeString().
- Clock should show the seconds update every one second (in other words it should seem as if the clock is ticking
- Clock should show current time in format HH:MM:SS (Example: 03:39:09)
- Clock should show current time for hours, minutes and seconds with leading zeros. For example, if it should say 04:04:09 instead of 4:4:9.
- Clock should show current date in format Day, Month Date Year (eg. Monday, August 12th 2021)
- Application is publicly available on GitHub pages
- My Live Application
Distributed under the MIT License.
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