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Containerization of Java Application using Docker

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Project-11: Containerization of Java Application using Docker


  • DockerHub account
  • VirtualBox setup or AWS account to create a server to test

Step-1: Overview of Base Images

For Base images, we will go to DockerHub which is Container Image Repository.

For our application we need five images for below services:

  • Tomcat (need to create our customized image from base image)
  • MySQL (need to create our customized image from base image)
  • Memcached (we can use base image and override settings)
  • RabbitMQ (we can use base image and override settings)
  • Nginx (need to create our customized image from base image)

Step-2: DockerHub Setup

We will store our images in DockerHub. If you don't have DockerHub account, you can sign-up for free from the website

Step-3: Setup Docker Engine

We will create an Ubuntu machine with Vagrant to run our Docker commands. First. lets create a new directory docker-engine. We will run vagrant init ubuntu/bionic64 command which will create an Ubuntu 18.04 machine for us.

mkdir docker-engine
cd docker-engine
vagrant init ubuntu/bionic64

We can give an IP address by updating Vagrantfile to access the VM. Uncomment the line given below, which will create a Private network only host can use it to test in this VM.

vim Vagrantfile
### Uncomment the in the Vagrantfile like below ###
# Create a private network, which allows host-only access to the machine
# using a specific IP. "private_network", ip: ""

Time to create the VM. And ssh into it.

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

We will go to official Docker Documentation to get Docker installation steps for Ubuntu 18.04. Follow the installation steps. Once all steps completed, run below command:

docker --version

We need to add vagrant user to Docker group to be able to run docker commands. Once we add the user, we will exit and log back in. Now we are able to run docker commands successfully.

docker images
sudo usermod -aG docker vagrant
vagrant ssh
id # verify that vagrant user is part of docker group now
docker images 

Step-4: Dockerfile References

I will use IntelliJ (any IDE is fine) while creating my images. First I will clone the repository in the same directory that I have created my Vagrantfile, this will give me chance to quickly test Docker images that I will create for my application services.

Next checkout the branch docker. You will see there is Docker-files directory, we will create our images under this directory.

Click here to go to official website for Dockerfile creation

Step-5: Dockerfile for App Image[TOMCAT]

Create an app directory under Docker-files directory. Copy the below content to a file named as Dockerfile.

RUN apt update && apt install maven -y
RUN git clone
RUN cd vprofile-project && git checkout docker && mvn install

FROM tomcat:9-jre11
LABEL "Project"="Vprofile"
LABEL "Author"="eregbene"
RUN rm -rf /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/*
COPY --from=BUILD_IMAGE vprofile-project/target/vprofile-v2.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war
CMD ["", "run"]
WORKDIR /usr/local/tomcat/
VOLUME /usr/local/tomcat/webapps

Step-6: Dockerfile for DB Image[MYSQL]

Create an db directory under Docker-files directory. Copy the below content to a file named as Dockerfile.

FROM mysql:8.0.33
LABEL "Project"="Vprofile"
LABEL "Author"="Eregbene"


ADD db_backup.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/db_backup.sql

We need to copy db_backup.sql file from src/main/resources directory to db directory where our DB Dockerfile exists.

Step-7: Dockerfile for Web Image[NGINX]

Create an web directory under Docker-files directory. Copy the below content to a file named as Dockerfile.

FROM nginx
LABEL "Project"="Vprofile"
LABEL "Author"="Eregbene"
RUN rm -rf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
COPY nginxvproapp.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/vproapp.conf

We will create our own nginxvproapp.conf file under web directory with below content, and replaced in the container with default config file.

upstream vproapp{
  server vproapp:8080;
listen 80;
location / {
 proxy_pass http://vproapp;

Step-8: Building Images

Before building the images, we need to have our artifact in the target directory target/vprofile-v2.war.

We can check the files from our VM by executing below commands:

Time to build our artifact. To be able to create our artifact we need Maven and JDK installed. We will install them in our Ubuntu VM by executing below commands. I am in vprofile-project dircetory now.

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk -y && sudo apt install maven -y

Installation complete.

We need to make sure the containers we will create with Docker images will comply with the settings we mentioned in file as below. Otherwise application cannot run properly.

Time to build our artifact. From project directory, run mvn install command.

Build is success and our artifact is generated under /target directory.

We need to copy the artifact under Docker-files/app directory.

Building app image

Let's build our images now. Go to/Docker-files/app directory.Run below command:

docker build -t <docker_hub_username>/vprofileapp:V1 .
docker images

Building db image

Let's build our images now. Go to/Docker-files/db directory.Run below command:

docker build -t <docker_hub_username>/vprofiledb:V1 .
docker images

Building web image

Let's build our images now. Go to/Docker-files/web directory.Run below command:

docker build -t <docker_hub_username>/vprofileweb:V1 .
docker images

Building RabbitMQ&Memcached image

We don't need any customization for RabbitMQ&Memcached images. We can directly pull from DockerHub.

docker pull memcached
docker pull rabbitmq

Our Docker images are ready. Next we will build our containers with Docker compose.

Step-9: Seting up Docker-Compose

To run docker-compose commands, first we need to install it. We can go to official documentation and follow installation steps.

sudo curl -SL -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
docker-compose --version

Docker-compose is installed, next we will create docker-compose.yml file in the root directory of project which will create our containers.

We have to give container names same as given in and nginxvproapp.conf files.

If we are not sure which port to map or where to map to volume, we can use below command to get info:

docker inspect <image_name>:<version_tag>

Create docker-compose.yml with below content.

version: '3'
    image: <your_dockerhub_username>/vprofiledb:V1
    container_name: vprodb 
      - "3306:3306"
      - vprodbdata:/var/lib/mysql
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=vprodbpass

    image: memcached
    container_name: vprocache01
      - "11211:11211"

    image: rabbitmq
    container_name: vpromq01
      - "15672:157672"

    image: <your_dockerhub_username>/vprofileapp:V1
    container_name: vproapp 
      - "8080:8080"
      - vproappdata:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps

    image: <your_dockerhub_username>/vprofileweb:V1 
    container_name: vproweb 
      - "80:80"

  vprodbdata: {}
  vproappdata: {}

Step-10: Run Containers & Test

We will go to directory where we have our docker-compose.yml file and run below command:

docker-compose up

We can use the IP address that we uncomment in Vagrantfile in Step3 to check the application from browser.

Step-11: Push Images to DockerHub

Next we will push our images to DockerHub. First we need to login to DockerHUb with below command and provide username/password.

docker login

Once we got Login Succeeded message, we can push our images with below commands:

docker push <dockerhub_username>/vprofiledb:V1
docker push <dockerhub_username>/vprofileapp:V1
docker push <dockerhub_username>/vprofileweb:V1

We can check in our DockerHub account from browser.