- Added case handling when zero value is 0
- Implemented type hinting
- Removed warning for geometry factors above 4
- Refactored material functions in
- Add name to material properties dictionary
- Added option for crushed particles
- Minor internal repository fixes
- Allowed for all material properties to be retrieved from material function
- Added particle density to manifold model and trimmed the validation on same model
- Extended the clampon standard step function
- Bumped iteration start and maximum number of iterations for Hydro critical velocity calculation
- Allow for numpy handling in selected validation functions
- Added gitignore and initialisation of test directory
- Added choke operation models from DNVGL RP-O501
- sand_rate now returns np.nan instead of None when step is 0 or negative
- std_step_clampon and std_step_emerson now returns np.nan instead of None when validate_asd returns True
- Added nozzle-valve wall erosion model (derived from CFD study by DNVGL)
- Added liquid properties (density and viscosity)
- Added sand transport examples notebook
- Added sand transport models
- Added exponent to ASD sand rate calculation
- Added Travis CI pipeline
- Fixed bug in fluid properties test
- Updated the example notebooks due to breaking change in v1.5
- Breaking change: Erosion results now in mm/ton instead of mm/year
- Choke gallery erosion model test
- Added test functions for material properties and angle dependency
- Added material properties to all erosion models
- Input validation of ASD calculations
- Input validation of fluid properties
- Test input validation of erosion probes
- Erosion models now return NaN when v_m, rho_m, mu_m or Q_s < 0.
- Fixes missing input validation for erosion models
- Added erosion probe sand quantification (incl test and validation)
- Added erosion model for flexible pipes with interlock carcass
- Added erosion model for choke gallery
- Added input validation for erosion models (with tests)
- Fixed calculation error for blinded tees
- Added examples folder and notebooks
- Better readme file with added logo
- Increased decimals on mix viscosity
- Modified setup file metadata for PyPi distribution
- Initial public version