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Global sensitivity analysis applied to ordinary differential equation model

Simon Frost (@sdwfrost), 2022-03-01


The classical ODE version of the SIR model is:

  • Deterministic
  • Continuous in time
  • Continuous in state

This tutorial uses tools from the QuasiMonteCarlo.jl package to explore sensitivity of the peak number of infected individuals, the timing of the peak and the final size of the epidemic to changes in parameter values. Specifically, we use Latin hypercube sampling to sample parameters between upper and lower bounds, run models (either in serial or in parallel), and extract quantities of interest. This tutorial can easily be adapted to other types of model (SDEs, DDEs, jump processes, maps, Markov processes, etc.).


using OrdinaryDiffEq
using DiffEqCallbacks
using QuasiMonteCarlo
using StatsBase
using Plots


The following function provides the derivatives of the model, which it changes in-place. State variables and parameters are unpacked from u and p.

function sir_ode!(du,u,p,t)
    (S,I,R) = u
    (β,c,γ) = p
    N = S+I+R
    @inbounds begin
        du[1] = -β*c*I/N*S
        du[2] = β*c*I/N*S - γ*I
        du[3] = γ*I

Time domain

We set the timespan for simulations, tspan, initial conditions, u0, and parameter values, p. We will set the maximum time to be high, as we will be using a callback in order to stop the integration early.

tmax = 10000.0
tspan = (0.0,tmax)
(0.0, 10000.0)


If we just wanted the final size, we could use a SteadyStateProblem with the DynamicSS solver. To get access to the entire solution, we can use a callback instead to stop the simulation when it reaches a steady state.

cb_ss = TerminateSteadyState();

Initial conditions and parameter values

We first set fixed parameters, in this case, the total population size, N. In addition, in order to define an ODEProblem, we also need a default set of initial conditions, u, and parameter values, p.

N = 1000.0;
u0 = [990.0,10.0,0.0];
p = [0.05,10.0,0.25]; # β,c,γ

We then generate a random sample of parameter values as well as the initial number of infected individuals. Rather than a full factorial design, we use LatinHypercubeSample from the QuasiMonteCarlo.jl package. We specify lower (lb) and upper (ub) bounds for each parameter.

n_samples = 1000 # Number of samples
# Parameters are β, c, γ, I₀
lb = [0.01, 5.0, 0.1, 1.0]
ub = [0.1, 20.0, 1.0, 50.0];
pu0 = QuasiMonteCarlo.sample(n_samples,lb,ub,LatinHypercubeSample());

Running the model

prob_ode = ODEProblem(sir_ode!,u0,tspan,p);

We will consider three summary statistics of the simulation for sensitivity analysis:

  1. The peak number of infected individuals, I.
  2. The time at which the peak is reached.
  3. The final size of the epidemic (as R(0)=0, this will be R(t_stop) where t_stop is the time at which the steady state is reached).


In the serial implementation, we write a function that takes a Vector of parameters and initial conditions and returns a Vector of outputs.

f1 = function(pu0)
  p = pu0[1:3]
  I0 = pu0[4]
  u0 = [N-I0,I0,0.0]
  prob = remake(prob_ode;p=p,u=u0)
  sol = solve(prob, ROS34PW3(),callback=cb_ss)
  [maximum(sol[2,:]), sol.t[argmax(sol[2,:])], sol[end][3]]

We can use a list comprehension to run in serial.

m_serial = [f1(pu0[:,i]) for i in 1:n_samples]
m_serial = hcat(m_serial...); # convert into matrix

Running the model in parallel

To run in parallel, we pass a Matrix of parameter values and use EnsembleProblem internally in order to run different parameter sets in parallel, returning a Matrix of outputs.

pf1 = function (pu0)
  p = pu0[1:3,:]
  I0 = pu0[4,:]
  prob_func(prob,i,repeat) = remake(prob;p=p[:,i],u=[N-I0[i],I0[i],0.0])
  ensemble_prob = EnsembleProblem(prob_ode,prob_func=prob_func)
  sol = solve(ensemble_prob,ROS34PW3(),EnsembleThreads();trajectories=size(p,2))
  out = zeros(3,size(p,2))
  for i in 1:size(p,2)
    out[1,i] = maximum(sol[i][2,:])
    out[2,i] = sol[i].t[argmax(sol[i][2,:])]
    out[3,i] = sol[i][end][3]
m_parallel = pf1(pu0);


l = @layout [a b; c d]
pl1 = scatter(pu0[1,:],m_parallel[1,:],title="Peak infected",xlabel="β",ylabel="Number")
pl2 = scatter(pu0[2,:],m_parallel[1,:],title="Peak infected",xlabel="c",ylabel="Number")
pl3 = scatter(pu0[3,:],m_parallel[1,:],title="Peak infected",xlabel="γ",ylabel="Number")
pl4 = scatter(pu0[4,:],m_parallel[1,:],title="Peak infected",xlabel="I₀",ylabel="Number")

l = @layout [a b; c d]
pl1 = scatter(pu0[1,:],m_parallel[2,:],title="Peak time",xlabel="β",ylabel="Time")
pl2 = scatter(pu0[2,:],m_parallel[2,:],title="Peak time",xlabel="c",ylabel="Time")
pl3 = scatter(pu0[3,:],m_parallel[2,:],title="Peak time",xlabel="γ",ylabel="Time")
pl4 = scatter(pu0[4,:],m_parallel[2,:],title="Peak time",xlabel="I₀",ylabel="Time")

l = @layout [a b; c d]
pl1 = scatter(pu0[1,:],m_parallel[3,:],title="Final size",xlabel="β",ylabel="Number")
pl2 = scatter(pu0[2,:],m_parallel[3,:],title="Final size",xlabel="c",ylabel="Number")
pl3 = scatter(pu0[3,:],m_parallel[3,:],title="Final size",xlabel="γ",ylabel="Number")
pl4 = scatter(pu0[4,:],m_parallel[3,:],title="Final size",xlabel="I₀",ylabel="Number")

A numerical summary of this can be obtained by calculating the rank correlations between the input values (β, c, γ, and I₀) and the three output values (I_max, t_peak, and R(t_stop)).

4×3 Matrix{Float64}:
  0.382916    0.168645    0.419143
  0.306155    0.142897    0.302707
 -0.433894   -0.366626   -0.409213
  0.0154885   0.0090582   0.011003