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File metadata and controls

89 lines (74 loc) · 3.14 KB


Charts where readers guess the trend.

First off, 90 percent of this code is owed to NYT's Adam Pearce. My only real changes were design-related.

So you want to create one of these?

Here's what you're gonna need to do:

Get the files:

  • Download one of the HTML files.
  • Download one of the init_ files, along with d3v4 (or use the latest remote version).
  • Download the css file.
  • Change the HTML title of the chart.
  • Change the text in <p> tags. That's what will show up after the person has finished guessing.

Data changes:

First you'll need to add your data. Go to this section --

var data = [
{'year': 2005, 'hisp': 25.3},
{'year': 2006, 'hisp': 25.9},
{'year': 2007, 'hisp': 26.6},
{'year': 2008, 'hisp': 30.3},
{'year': 2009, 'hisp': 30.1},
{'year': 2010, 'hisp': 31.1},
{'year': 2011, 'hisp': 30.8},
{'year': 2012, 'hisp': 30.8},
{'year': 2013, 'hisp': 31.0},
{'year': 2014, 'hisp': 31.0},
{'year': 2015, 'hisp': 30.5},
{'year': 2016, 'hisp': 30.6},
{'year': 2017, 'hisp': 30.6}

And change it to your data. At the moment, it only works by year. But you can change the year range. To do that, go to

c.x.domain([2005, 2017])
c.y.domain([22, 38])

Change the x.domain to the years you want to show, and the y domain to the y axis of the graph. If you're not displaying percentages, you may also have to change c.yAxis.ticks(5).tickFormat(d => d3.format(",.3r")(d) + '%') to remove the percent sign or add, say, a dollar sign.

You'll also have to change this, later in the code:

var year = clamp(2005, 2017, c.x.invert(pos[0]))

And this:

      clipRect.transition().duration(1000).attr('width', c.x(2017))

Again, just change it to the years you want.

You also have to configure what year to show at first, the trendline part before the reader adds their guess. That's here:

var clipRect = c.svg
  .at({width: c.x(2009)-2, height: c.height})

Right now, it's set to show everyone up to 2009.

You'll do the same thing at

yourData = data
   return {year: d.year, hisp: d.hisp, defined: 0} })
   if (d.year == 2009) d.defined = true
   return d.year >= 2009

Again, change 2009 to the year you want.

The annoying part: That dot

I'm sorry to say this next part will take some guesswork and trial-and-error, and I haven't found an easier way to do it. It's that dot and text that tells the reader to start drawing there. Right here:

c.svg.append('circle').attr('cx',c.totalWidth*.31-20).attr('cy',c.height*.50).attr('r', 5).attr('class', 'intro-dot')

c.svg.append('text').attr('x',c.totalWidth*.31-16).attr('y',c.height*.49).text('Start dragging here').attr('class','intro-text')

circle refers to the dot, text refers to the accompanying text. To move them around, change totalWidth*.31-20 and c.height*.50 to the horizontal and vertical locations, respectively, of your dot and text. You may have to double check it in mobile as well.

That's it! Embed with pym as needed.