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This board connects a Pi Zero [W] to a multi-drop serial bus and a control board with a target (e.g. RPUno, RPUlux, RPUicp, Irrigate7).


        Pi Zero power is from a 5V SMPS regulator powered by the Vin pin
        Pi Zero UART connects crossover style to the rpubus pairs
        rpubus pairs daisy-chain to other RPUpi or RPUadpt shields
        The UART's from multiple targets may connect to the rpubus pairs 
        An out of band management pair is used to control host to target (P2P) connection.
        SPI is available between SBC and the local target.


        Raspberry Pi with a Raspian Linux instance is a compelling platform.
        Accessing the machine instance with SSH is prefered.
        Serving files with Samba is availalbe, but not prefered.
        The machine instance has a physical serial link (rpubus ) to the bare metal targets.


        If the Pi Zero bootloads its local board (the one under the RPUpi) then 
        the VIN power from the local board must not turn off after a reset 
        (the defaut setup has been tested and works). 

Table Of Contents

  1. Status
  2. Design
  3. Bill of Materials
  4. How To Use



        ^5  Done: Design, Layout, BOM, Review*, Order Boards, Assembly, Testing,
            WIP: Evaluation.
            *during review the Design may change without changing the revision.
            AVR's nSS should goto R-Pi's nCE00 not nCE10.

        ^4  Done: Design, Layout, BOM, Review*, Order Boards, Assembly, Testing,
            WIP: Evaluation.
            *during review the Design may change without changing the revision.
            IOREF is for I2C and UART
            SPI_IOREF is for SPI only
            Add SPI nSS so the Raspery Pi CE10 can use it, (it was tested with RPUadpt^6)
            remove ADC6 and ADC7.
            remove smd mounts for 100 Ohm pair termination.
            Use TI's 5V THVD1500, wich cost less and has better specs.
            Run Manager at 5V to match trancever's.
            Remove 3V3 regulator, which is no longer needed.
            Change Q1..Q3 to use K1N. 

Debugging and fixing problems i.e. Schooling

Setup and methods used for Evaluation


The board is 0.063 thick, FR4, two layer, 1 oz copper with ENIG (gold) finish.

Top TAssy Bottom BAssy

Electrical Parameters (Typical)

        VIN pin needs 7V to 30V (RPUno has 12.8V) at up to 4W for SMPS regulator to power a Pi Zero
        5V pin needs 150mA (RPUno has 1+ Amp) to power RPU_BUS


        Shield or Mezzanine

Electrical Schematic



Check correct assembly and function with Testing

Bill of Materials

The BOM is a CVS file, import it into a spreadsheet program like LibreOffice Calc (or Excel), or use a text editor.

Option BOM's included

Order Form

How To Use

Your Raspberry Pi is your computer, you are the expert because I am not. Don't buy an RPUpi board and expect that I can help with your computer, I can not. So far I have found that SSH works and the AVR toolchain, so I am able to serial bootload the ATmega328p, ATmega328pb, and ATmega1284p. I have tested SMBus and found it works but it does not do clock stretching, so let's not call it I2C. I have also tested SPI somewhat. The serial console program I use is picocom, the install package is built to do standard baud rates (e.g. 38.4k bps) so that is what I have been using (250kbps may work with other programs).

Simplified Serial

To allow a hardware UART on a Raspberry Pi Single Board Computer to interface with an AVR UART the following connections can be used. Notice that the AVR is powered by 3.3V.


Next, lets set things up to use an AVR at 5V. Using a buffer with IOFF for level shifting. Now I can turn off the SBC without locking (pulling down) the serial port lines (e.g. to the USB UART bridge).



ArduinoISP sketch on an Uno or the ICSP tool is what I use to program the bus manager with the Remote firmware. I then plug the RPUpi onto a target board and load my application firmware (e.g. target RPUno can run i2c-debug). The RPUpi's SBC host can communicate via serial with other target boards that have an RPUBUS. The additional boards will need the Remote firmware (on there manager) to have a different bus address.

Pi Zero Setup

The Pi Zero is a Single Board Computer (SBC) running Linux. I use it as a network machine and to run a toolchain at the network edge. It has enough memory and processing power for the AVR toolchain (and others that I have not tested). It also does self-hosted compiling for (e.g. compiles programs to run on itself) and has lots of applications and services. My use is sort of like a headless test bench computer embedded next to the bare metal control boards, I daisy-chain the serial to each target I want to bootload. Is it IoT, no it is not, it is a classic control system (but it is headless), but I can interact with the target boards over an SSH session (e.g. in other words it does what IoT should).

The BCM2835 Broadcom chip used in the Raspberry Pi Zero is an ARM11 running at 1 GHz it has good support with the Raspbian distribution.


The Pi serial port (RX is BCM 15 and TX is BCM 14) is crossover connected at the transceivers that drive the differential pairs and then connect to the shield's target header for Tx and Rx e.g. BCM Rx goes through a transceiver to the target's Tx pin on the shield. This allows the SBC to talk to the shield's target with serial as is expected as well as being copied to the other transceivers connected to the differential pairs.

Pi Pinout

The Pi's handshake lines nCTS and nRTS lines are on BCM 16 and 17 when the ALT3 option is active. BCM 17 is on the original 26 pin Pi connector, but BCM 16 is on the new 40 pin connector (e.g. use a 40 pin model). I use this rpirtscts program as a command-line utility for enabling hardware flow control on the Pi Zero serial port.

On the RPUpi board, the Pi Zero serial lines (Rx, Tx, nRTS, and nCTS) have been interfaced through a 74LVC07A buffer which is powered from the Pi's 3V3 power. When the Pi Zero is powered off the IOFF feature of the buffer will hi-z the output (it's an open collector output) which will allow a pull-up to set the proper value on nRTS and the Tx line. This allows the RPUBUS to be used when the Pi Zero is powered off (or not plugged in). Also, a 74LVC07A buffer is used between the transceiver and the controller that the shield is pluged into so it can run at 3.3V or 5V, this buffer is powered from the controller so it works without the SBC.

When the Pi's handshake lines are enabled the nRTS line is used to start a targets bootloader. When avrdude opens the serial port the nRTS goes active, that is it pulls low the bus manager sees this and broadcast a bootload address on the DTR pair causing everything but the bootload device which is also reset to lockout and thus avrdude sees a single target running its serial bootloader. Since picocom does the same thing I have to make sure the target is one I want to reset, and then have to wait for that targets bootloader to timeout and its application to get the bus address from its shield.

Full Duplex Serial Management

The shield has a manager that can enable each transceiver's receiver and driver so that the targets can be isolated or connected from the serial bus; the implications are significant. The original intent was to allow boot loading with a point to point full duplex mode (e.g., target with optiboot/xboot and the host running avrdude). It supports boot loading a new executable binary image over a severely goofed up bare metal application; I have tried to retain the nearly bulletproof upload found with RS232 using optiboot and avrdude.

Transceiver (RS-485)

The transceivers used have a built-in fail-safe bias, which is a little complicated to explain, but it makes an undriven bus (e.g., 0V is the failed condition) a defined logic state (HIGH). That is if I turn off the transceiver driving the bus (only one should steer the bus at any time), it is guaranteed to be in a defined state (e.g., HIGH). I have set up the transceivers to automatically turn off the driver while the UART output is HIGH (its default value). That means the driver will automatically drive the bus only when data is sent, so nothing needs to be done in software to turn on or off the transceivers. The bus manager may override.


The SBC's SPI lines (MOSI, SCK, MISO, ^4 adds nSS) are interfaced through a 74LVC07A buffer. The lines MOSI, SCK, and nSS are powered from the SBC 3V3 power. When the SBC is powered off the IOFF feature of the buffer will hi-z its open collector output which will allow a pull-up to set the value on SCK and the MOSI line or allow the MCU to control them.

Known issues: RPUno has its SPI lines run to user connectors for digital control so make sure those are free if SPI is to be used.


The SBC has an SMBus port when it is running Linux. The Raspberry Pi Zero has 1.8k pull-ups to 3.3V, and when it is powered down those resistors pull the I2C lines and lock the bus. That is why the ^4 manager has an ATmega328pb. The second I2C port can talk to the SBC with SMBus commands, and the original I2C port can talk to the target.


SBC SD Card corruption can happen when the SD card is doing wear leveling operations at the time power is removed. It is possible with this setup to push the shutdown button and have that run a Shutdown script. Also, the local programmable controller can initiate a power down with PwrMgt which monitors power before killing power to the shield (VIN pin). The idea is that wear leveling will draw current somewhat randomly until all the page updates are done. The BCM2835 will be halted, and looping (it is checking one of the I2C pins) and using a steady current draw. So when the current draw is stable, the wear leveling should be done and safe to disconnect the shield VIN.


Do not bootload bare metal over links that can have adversaries in the middle.