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Wilma Operation Modes

Tamás Kőhegyi edited this page Dec 7, 2019 · 3 revisions

On Wilma's main page the main operation mode of Wilma can be set.

operation modes

The operation mode of Wilma specifies how Wilma's routing engine should work.

PROXY mode

In this case - routing engine shall not evaluate anything, always should be routed to proxy path. This means in this operational mode Wilma acts as a pure proxy, without the stubbing part

STUB mode

In this case - routing engine evaluates the request normally (by using the Sub Configuration), and works normally, - but in case the message should be handled in proxy mode (i.e. there is no such Stub config that could be used to generate the response), Wilma responds with E404 (text/html/xml) message.

WILMA mode

In this case - Wilma works in normal, i.e. "mixed" mode, this is the default operational mode - routing engine evaluates the request, and based on the stub config, either a stub answer is generated, or proxy mode is used

Note: In case WilmaBypass=true parameter-value appears in the incoming request header, Wilma should handle the message in proxy mode (so no dialogDescriptor evaluation is performed at all). This works this way even if Wilma is in exclusive STUB mode.

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