This document covers the compilation and installation of Luminance HDR.
- Copyrights
- (C) 2006-2010 Giuseppe Rota
- (C) 2010-2017 Davide Anastasia
- (C) Franco Comida
- (C) Daniel Kaneider
- (C) 2019 Maciej Dworak
- Project homepage:
- Source code and issue tracker:
- Forum:
Luminance HDR is readily available on all major platforms.
- Get a Windows installer
- Linux
- Get a macOS DMG
The rest of this document concerns compiling Luminance HDR yourself.
To compile Luminance HDR your system will need a set of tools and code libraries called "dependencies". The following is a list of dependencies needed to compile the latest version of Luminance HDR:
- Qt5, the widget toolkit used by the graphical user interface (GUI).
- Exiv2, used to read and write image metadata (Exif, IPTC, XMP).
- Little CMS, LCMS2 is used for color management.
- libjpeg-turbo (or libjpeg), used to read and write JPEG files.
- LibTIFF, used to read and write TIFF files.
- libpng, used to read and write PNG files.
- LibRaw, used to read raw files.
- OpenEXR, used to read and write high dynamic range EXR files. Some distributions refer to the package as
. - CFITSIO, an optional library for reading and writing FITS files, commonly used by the astrophotographer community.
- FFTW, used for computing discrete Fourier transforms. Luminance HDR requires the single-precision "float" version of FFTW3, usually called
on MacPorts. - Boost, a set of C++ support libraries.
- GNU Scientific Library, GSL is used by the Mantiuk08 tone mapping operator.
- Eigen3, a C++ template library required by by the Lischinski tone mapping operator.
Compilation involves obtaining the source code, configuring the build process using CMake, and finally performing the actual compilation.
In order to keep your file system clean and to isolate self-compiled programs from those installed using your system's package manager, we will be cloning the source code into ~/programs/code-lhdr
, performing an out-of-source build in ~/programs/code-lhdr/build
and installing the compiled program into ~/programs/lhdr
. To this end:
mkdir ~/programs
cd ~/programs
First, you need to clone Luminance HDR's source code repository. Bring up your console and run this:
git clone code-lhdr
cd code-lhdr
In order to keep your source code folder clean, the build will be created in a folder called build
. If you just cloned the source code, you will need to create this folder:
mkdir build
cd build
CMake allows you to configure the build process. The -D
option allows you to customize settings for the project. Multiple settings can be specified - each must be prefixed with -D
. Multiple options must be separated by whitespace. Setting values must be enclosed in parentheses. The last argument must point to the source code (as you are in the build
sub-folder, you can point to the source code using double dots ..
). Refer to the example at the end of this section.
The most significant options follow:
. This controls whether the build will favor faster execution times, more verbose debugging output, or a smaller executable. TheDebug
builds will let you get a useful stack-backtrace if Luminance HDR crashes while running through GDB - you can then submit the backtrace to us so that we can find the problem and fix it. TheDebug
build is the slowest but generates the most detailed information. TheRelWithDebInfo
build is as fast as aRelease
build and generates often sufficient information, though not as detailed as aDebug
build. TheRelease
build provides very little useful information when it crashes, but does contain many speed optimizations resulting in a program that works several times faster than theDebug
build would. For normal use, make aRelease
build. If you find a reproducible bug, then make aDebug
build and send us a stack-backtrace (or fix it yourself and send us the patch).CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
Points to a folder into which the compiled program will be installed. Defaults to/usr/local
in Linux/macOS andc:/Program Files/Luminance HDR
. Luminance HDR ships with translations files for localization. These are stored inside thei18n
folder. Should you wish to update the translation.ts
files then set this option toON
, compile, then set it back toOFF
. Enables unit testing. Requires Google's gtest framework. The resulting test executables are placed in thetest
Your final CMake command (split into multiple lines for readability) should look something like this:
cmake \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$HOME/programs/lhdr" \
Find out how many processing units are available:
On a typical modern machine with simultaneous multithreading, the number of processing units would be twice the number of actual physical cores. Pass this number as the value for the --jobs
parameter below. This influences only the compilation speed, it has no influence over how fast the compiled build runs. As an example, a typical dual-core CPU would return "4" processing units.
To start compiling, run:
make install --jobs 4
Compilation will take a few minutes. When completed successfully, you will see that it had installed the built files.
To run your self-compiled build of Luminance HDR, assuming you used the settings as laid out in this document, type:
Every time you want to update Luminance HDR to the latest code available, just run the following:
cd ~/programs/code-lhdr
git pull
cd build
Then repeat the compilation step above.
You can safely delete the source code folder ~/programs/code-lhdr
if you so wish. The compiled program in ~/programs/lhdr
will still work, but then you will have to redo all the steps if you want to update. Rather, leave the repository intact so that you can just update in a week or a month's time without redoing all the steps.
Currently, Luminance HDR can be compiled using Microsoft Visual Studio. Either use the precompiled libraries available at , or self-compile the dependencies using the provided script, as described in /build_files/platforms/msvc/README.txt
It is also possible to build Luminance HDR using MSYS2/MinGW, see build_files/platforms/msys2/README.txt
On macOS, all the dependencies can be obtained using MacPorts, except for LibRaw which must be compiled from source, and Qt5 which must be downloaded from the official Qt5 website.
If you install Qt/5.13.0 into ~/Qt/5.13.0
, generate the project with:
export QT=~/Qt/5.13.0/clang_64
cd ~/programs/code-lhdr
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(echo $QT/lib/cmake/* | sed -Ee 's$ $;$g') ..
As AppleClang requires preprocessing to detect OpenMP, the CMake command to enable AppleClang to use the libomp implementation would be:
cmake .. \
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$(echo $QT/lib/cmake/* | sed -Ee 's$ $;$g')" -G "Unix Makefiles" \
-DOpenMP_C_FLAGS=-fopenmp="lomp" \
-DOpenMP_CXX_FLAGS=-fopenmp="lomp" \
-DOpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES="libomp" \
-DOpenMP_CXX_LIB_NAMES="libomp" \
-DOpenMP_libomp_LIBRARY="/opt/local/lib/libomp.dylib" \
-DOpenMP_CXX_FLAGS="-Xpreprocessor -fopenmp /opt/local/lib/libomp.dylib -I/opt/local/include" \
-DOpenMP_CXX_LIB_NAMES="libiomp5" \
-DOpenMP_C_FLAGS="-Xpreprocessor -fopenmp /opt/local/lib/libomp.dylib -I/opt/local/include"
- If you crash on start up with a message about
, modify the executable as follows:install_name_tool -change @loader_path/libz.1.2.8.dylib @loader_path/libz.1.dylib "Luminance HDR HDR 2.6.0"
- If you built libboost from source, you may encounter errors from macdeployqt about missing libraries. Copy the boost libraries to
:sudo cp /usr/local/*boost*.dylib /usr/lib
- Copy Qt frameworks and dynamic libraries into the bundle:
This may produce warnings (which you can ignore) such as:
$QT/bin/macdeployqt Luminance*.app/ -executable=Luminance*.app/Contents/MacOS/luminance-hdr-cli -no-strip
WARNING: Plugin "libqsqlodbc.dylib" uses private API and is not Mac App store compliant. WARNING: Plugin "libqsqlpsql.dylib" uses private API and is not Mac App store compliant. ERROR: no file at "/opt/local/lib/mysql55/mysql/libmysqlclient.18.dylib" ERROR: no file at "/usr/local/lib/libpq.5.dylib"
If you wish to make a DMG:
hdiutil create -ov -fs HFS+ -srcfolder "Luminance HDR" "Luminance HDR 2.6.0.dmg"
If you wish to build with an earlier version of the MacOSX Platform SDK (e.g. 10.10), you can obtain legacy SDKs from Then use the following:
export QT=~/Qt/5.9.8/clang_64
export CMAKE_SYSROOT="/Applications/"
cmake .. \
-DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT="/Applications/" \
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(echo $QT/lib/cmake/* | sed -Ee 's$ $;$g')