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44 lines (25 loc) · 4.25 KB

File metadata and controls

44 lines (25 loc) · 4.25 KB



Patch Changes

  • b7c227a #280 Thanks @emdotem! - Fixed a broken call to setProperty that has prevented the library to work correctly.


Minor Changes

  • 722e10a #278 Thanks @emdotem! - Set inline style's height property with the "important" priority.

Patch Changes

  • db872f0 Thanks @Andarist! - TextareaAutosizeProps are now based on React.TextareaHTMLAttributes<HTMLTextAreaElement> instead of JSX.IntrinsicElements['textarea']. The latter one includes a type for ref attribute and it being included as part of TextareaAutosizeProps has caused problems when using TextareaAutosizeProps to declare wrapper components. This is also more semantically correct as ref shouldn't be a part of props. It's rather accepted by a particular JSX element and in case of the react-textarea-autosize this is the type of the exported component which is React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<TextareaAutosizeProps> (a result of React.forwardRef call).
  • 61ca826 Thanks @Andarist! - maxHeight and minHeight has been disallowed as part of TextareaAutosizeProps['style']. The intention to do that was there since the v8 release but it was not implemented correctly and allowed those to slip into the mentioned type.


Patch Changes

  • 2307033 #266 Thanks @vlazh! - Fixed a regression with calculating too high height for textareas with box-sizing: border-box;.
  • da960f4 Thanks @Andarist! - Fixed an issue with internal cache not being populated correctly when using cacheMeasurements prop.


Major Changes

  • The package has been rewritten in TypeScript so type definitions are now included in the package itself. There is no need to install separate types from the DefinitelyTyped.
  • At the same time the package internals have been rewritten to use React's hooks API. This means that the peer dependency requirement for React version had to be changed to ^16.8.0.
  • You can now use ref prop to get access to the underlaying textarea element as React.forwardRef is being used now. The support for innerRef has been completely removed.
  • useCacheForDOMMeasurements prop has been renamed to cacheMeasurements.
  • onHeightChange callback no longer receives the second argument. It was the component's instance (its this), but as the component is now implemented using hooks there no longer is any instance that could be given to a consumer like that.
  • Removed handling and values. If you need to control those boundaries you should use maxRows and minRows props respectively.

Minor Changes

  • The height is being set now directly on the underlaying textarea element and not caused by updating internal state and this triggering React's rerender. This shouldn't make for any observable difference for consumers of this package.