diff --git a/source/blog/2019-03-02-update-on-module-unification-and-octane.md b/source/blog/2019-03-02-update-on-module-unification-and-octane.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5de843ca42 --- /dev/null +++ b/source/blog/2019-03-02-update-on-module-unification-and-octane.md @@ -0,0 +1,484 @@ +--- +title: 'Update on Module Unification' +author: Tom Dale +tags: Recent Posts, 2019, Ember Octane +responsive: true +--- + + + +Ember's conventions for project layout and file naming are central to the +developer experience. It's crucial that we get both the technical and +ergonomic details right. I wanted to provide an update about Module +Unification and our plans for the file structure in Ember Octane. + +**In short, we do not plan to ship Module Unification in Octane**. Instead, +Octane will ship with today's file system layout, with one change: support +for nested components in `` invocation syntax + +Because Octane apps will continue with today's file system layout, we want to +address the largest barrier to `` adoption today: components +nested inside other directories. + +For example, if you have a component located at +`app/components/icons/download-icon.js` (i.e., nested inside an `icons` +directory), you can invoke it with curly invocation syntax like this: + +```handlebars +{{icons/download-icon}} +``` + +However, it's not possible to invoke the same nested component with angle +bracket syntax without resorting to clunky workarounds. + +As proposed in the [Nested Invocations in Angle Bracket Syntax +RFC][nested-angle-brackets], we plan to address this by adding support for +nested components via the `::` separator. + +[nested-angle-brackets]: https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/pull/457 + +With this proposal, the component described above could be invoked with angle +bracket syntax like this: + +```handlebars + +``` + +Because this is a small change, it can be implemented quickly without +requiring us to delay the Ember Octane release. + +## Status of Module Unification + +Given that the Module Unification RFC was merged in late 2016, and we talked +about shipping Module Unification in the [2018 Roadmap RFC][roadmap-rfc], +it's fair to ask what happened and why we're making this decision now. + +[roadmap-rfc]: https://emberjs.github.io/rfcs/0364-roadmap-2018.html + +Heads up: this post gets long and detailed, so if you are only care about the +plan going forward, you can safely skip the rest. + +In the spirit of transparency and overcommunication, though, I wanted to +share a little bit of the history and evolution of MU from my perspective. + +Let's call the file system layout that Ember apps use today the "classic" +layout. While this structure has served us well, it also has several +shortcomings. + +In the classic layout, files are grouped by type, not by name. Sometimes, +this means that closely related files (like a component and its template) are +separated from each other, and navigating between them can be frustrating. + +Ideally, related files would be close to each other in the file system. For +example, you may want an Ember Data model and its associated serializer to be +co-located in the same directory. + +Early on, Ember CLI implemented an experimental "pods" layout that grouped +files by name rather than by kind. For example, a `User` model and its +serializer would be grouped together in `app/user/`, as `model.js` and +`serializer.js` respectively. + +Feedback from the community was that pods felt more productive than the +classic layout. However, pods had several problems that needed to be +addressed before it could be enabled by default. + +The effort to address the design flaws of pods led to the [Module Unification +RFC][mu], a ground-up rethink of how the file system should work in Ember +apps. Importantly, this design grappled with overhauling Ember's resolver and +dependency injection systems as well, which was just as important as +shuffling around where particular files went on disk. + +[mu]: https://emberjs.github.io/rfcs/0143-module-unification.html + +The MU RFC was merged at the end of 2016, but new Ember apps are still +generated with the classic layout. So, why can't we flip the switch on +enabling Module Unification-style layout by default today? + +Remember that MU described not just a new file system but a significant +overhaul of Ember's resolver. Implementing MU was a **huge** initiative that, +while often hidden, touched nearly every part of the framework. Despite this +large scope, and thanks to the incredible amount of time and energy our +community devoted to the work, MU implementation has made great progress, and +nearly everything needed to make Module Unification work has landed in Ember. + +**Nearly** everything. When we merged the Roadmap RFC last year, there was one +last major piece of MU that still needed to be designed: component +namespacing, or how to refer to components that come from other addons in +templates. + +While we had a plan, a shift in the JavaScript ecosystem sent us back to the +drawing board. And the harder we worked on solving this last piece, the more +we realized that fundamental aspects of the overall design needed to be +rethought. + +### Namespaces and Scoped Packages + +Besides files being spread out, another problem with the classic layout is +that everything goes into one big global pool of names. + +So, for example, Ember Data defines a service called `store` that you can +inject into components and services. If you install another addon that also +has a service called `store`, there's no easy way to use both. + +Similarly, if your app has a component called `small-button` and you install +an addon that also has a component called `small-button`, you have no way to +tell Ember which one you mean when you type `{{small-button}}` in a template. + +One of the key benefits of the MU design is that names are no longer global, +but namespaced to the package where they come from. So, for example, if an +npm package called `ember-ui-library` contains a component called +`small-button`, the MU RFC proposed referring to it in your template like +this: + +```handlebars +{{#ember-ui-library::small-button}} + ... +{{/ember-ui-library::small-button}} +``` + +Around the same time we were designing MU, however, [npm announced support +for scoped package names][scoped-packages]. Prior to this change, npm package +names were limited to alphanumeric characters and dashes. Now, though, +packages could start with an `@` and contain a `/`, like +`@glimmer/component`. + +[scoped-packages]: https://blog.npmjs.org/post/116936804365/solving-npms-hard-problem-naming-packages + +Component invocations with scoped packages blew past the verbosity limit. We +simply could not bring ourselves to accept a syntax that commonly produced +code like this: + +```handlebars +{{#@my-company/ember-ui-library::small-button}} + ... +{{/@my-company/ember-ui-library::small-button}} +``` + +We also had concerns that this was confusing to scan visually, considering +that `@` already means a component argument and `/` already means a closing +tag. + +While Ember had been using it for years, around this time JavaScript module +syntax (`import Post from './post'`) started gaining significant traction in +the wider ecosystem, along with tools like webpack that could use these +modules to perform code splitting. + +After scoped npm packages scuttled our original plan for namespaced +components, we went back to the drawing board, and something similar to +JavaScript's `import` seemed like a promising solution. However, we +immediately hit some challenges while exploring this idea. + +The concept of a "component" in Ember isn't a singular thing, but the union +of a template and a component class. With the component and template in +separate files, it isn't clear which one you're supposed to import. Because +of this, we wanted something where you would import a component by name +(`my-component`), not a specific file like in JavaScript. + +But despite the differences, the overall concept of importing modules was +similar. We wanted to find a syntax that would give users who already knew +JavaScript an intuition about the similarities, while not making it look so +similar that people would be misled into thinking it was literally the same +thing. + +We tried to find a balance between these two constraints with a syntax that +looked like this: + +```handlebars +{{use component-name from 'package-name'}} +``` + +We hoped that it looked similar enough to JavaScript's `import` syntax to +give you a clue about what it was doing, but by adopting the `use` keyword +instead of `import`, signal that this was not exactly the same as JavaScript +modules. + +Matthew Beale poured significant time into capturing all of these conflicting +constraints in the [Module Unification Packages RFC][mu-pkg], but, even after +months of discussion, we couldn't come to consensus and the RFC was never +merged. + +[mu-pkg]: https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/pull/367 + +Despite everyone agreeing this was an urgent problem, we couldn't convince +ourselves that having different module systems for JavaScript and templates +was a viable solution. Unfortunately, there wasn't an obvious alternative +plan, and not having an answer meant MU was indefinitely blocked until we +could figure out this last piece of the puzzle. + +We felt stuck. + +### Real-World Feedback + +In the meantime, enough of Module Unification was shipping behind feature +flags (and in Glimmer.js) that we were able to get feedback from early +adopters. While overall people really liked the new file system and really +appreciated not dealing with frustrating name collisions, something felt +_off_. + +One common theme in the feedback was that MU felt too rigid and frequently +got in the way of simple tasks. To understand why, it's important to +understand that MU is about more than a file system. MU is really a system +for _controlling scope_. + +For example, a feature of MU is the ability to have private components that +don't leak into the rest of the app. If we have a component called +`list-paginator` and it has a child component called `paginator-control`, MU +allows us to organize them like this: + +``` +src +├── ui +│ ├── components +│ │ └── list-paginator +│ │ ├── paginator-control +│ │ │ ├── component.js +│ │ │ └── template.hbs +│ │ ├── component.js +│ │ └── template.js +``` + +In this example, the `list-paginator` template can invoke +`{{paginator-control}}` to render its child component. However, if you try to +invoke `{{paginator-control}}` from any template outside the `list-paginator` +directory, you'll get an error. In other words, `paginator-control` is +_local_ to `list-paginator`. + +MU, then, is about scope, and controlling who has access to what. Where a +module lives in the MU file system determines what it can see to and who +else can see it. + +This is a clever idea that eliminates a lot of boilerplate. If you have to +organize your files anyway, and if you want to group related things together +anyway, it makes sense to try to create a single system that solves +organization and scoping at the same time. + +In practice, though, we ran into a few challenges: + +1. This idea is not common in the JavaScript ecosystem, so the file system + controlling scope isn't intuitive for new learners. They also have to + memorize these naming rules, which are implicit and get quite complex. +2. Similarly, ecosystem tools don't understand MU. We have to build custom + integrations to get things like "Go to Definition" to work in IDEs or code + splitting to work in webpack, that other libraries get for free. +3. JavaScript files in Ember use module syntax, which doesn't go through the + MU system, adding to the confusion. Having one system in a component's + JavaScript and another in its template is not ideal. +4. When file names and locations are so meaningful, it can be frustrating + if you want to create a file that isn't part of the MU world. Tasks that + are normally trivial, such as extracting utility functions into a separate + file or grouping related files together in a directory, can easily turn + into a battle where your build starts erroring because you're not playing + by the MU rules. + +### A Personal Anecdote + +Personally, this last one was what really caused me to step back and +re-evaluate our plan for MU. It happened during a project at work where we +were using both Glimmer.js (with Module Unification) and Preact. + +As the number of components grew, a co-worker created a directory called +`icons` in the Preact app to hold all of the components for rendering +different SVG icons. I'm sure it didn't take more than a few minutes to +create the directory, drag the appropriate component files in, and update the +paths everywhere those components were imported. (In fact, VS Code probably +updated the import paths automatically.) + +When we tried to do the same thing in the Glimmer app, it was a much +different experience that turned into an hours-long slog. And despite all the +great things it _does_ do, MU doesn't really have a way to do this kind of +lightweight grouping. + +We could have found a workaround. We could have extracted the SVG icon +components into a separate package, or created a higher-order component that +wrapped all of the child icon components. But it seemed ridiculous to burn so +much time looking for a "workaround" to perform a task that felt like it +should have been (and was, in Preact) trivial. + +I knew, intellectually, the benefits of MU. I knew how carefully it was +designed to enforce structure and consistency as your application grew and +had different engineers of different experience levels working on it. (Indeed, +by the end of the project, I found the Glimmer app much easier to navigate, +while the Preact app had several inconsistently-followed conventions.) + +But I never forgot how viscerally bad it felt to have my co-workers fight so +hard to do something that felt like it should be so easy. + +So this was the status quo last year. We were all incredibly frustrated that +we couldn't make progress on the scoped package problem, but I was even more +overwhelmed trying to figure out what, if anything, to do about the negative +experiences my co-workers had had when using MU. + +Discovering problems in a design you've been working on for so long is +painful, especially in cases like this where the majority of the work was +already complete, and we thought we were so close to the finish line. + +Programming language and API design is really hard. Sometimes I read old RFCs +and marvel at how obvious the solution seems now, in contrast to the weeks, +months, or years I know it took to tease it out from the millions of possible +alternatives. + +When you're trying to balance so many competing constraints, sometimes a +small change is all it takes to get you out of a design conundrum you've +struggled with for months. In this case, that change was angle bracket +component invocation. + +One thing making JavaScript imports difficult to use with templates was the +constraint that components had to have a dash in their name. Unfortunately, +dashes aren't valid in JavaScript identifiers, so something like `import +some-component from './some-component'` produces a syntax error. + +Angle bracket components, on the other hand, start with a capital letter to +disambiguate themselves from normal HTML tags: `` instead of +`{{my-component}}`. Most importantly, there's no dash. + +As the Ember community started using angle bracket syntax, early feedback was +very positive. All of a sudden, JavaScript import syntax was back on the +table. + +### The Path Forward: Template Imports + +Speaking for the Ember.js core team, we are trying to get better at updating +the community when plans have changed but the new plan isn't fully locked in +yet. So, consider this one of those situations. + +We know that the exact plan for Module Unification (MU), as described in the +original RFC, will need to change. How it changes is not yet certain, +but we believe that some of the problems we wanted to solve with MU are +better solved with template imports. + +With template imports, we intend to make templates play nicely with +JavaScript, so you can use the `import` feature you already know and love. By +having components and helpers be modules you can import, we can eliminate the +most complex parts of Module Unification so it's easier to learn and use. + +We recently posted the [SFC & Template Imports RFC][template-imports-rfc], +which describes some of the low-level APIs needed in Ember to make template +imports possible. + +[template-imports-rfc]: https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/pull/454 + +Learning from past mistakes, this RFC focuses on the primitives so we can +quickly experiment, get feedback, and iterate on template import proposals in +addons, before stabilizing them in the core framework. + +While the Ember.js core team has reached consensus that template imports are +the intended path forward, please note that the current RFC only covers +low-level primitives, not the API that would be used by Ember developers to +author templates. + +Here is one example of a **very hypothetical** template imports syntax: + +```hbs +--- +import UserProfile from './user-profile'; +import UserIcon from './icons/user'; +--- +


+ + +``` + +The syntax is up in the air and will almost certainly be different from this +example. Regardless, it shows the benefit of template imports clearly: we've +imported two components—`UserProfile` and `UserIcon`—just like how we would +refer to any other JavaScript module. This makes it very easy for +everyone—from developer who are new to Ember, to IDEs, and other tooling in +the JavaScript ecosystem`—to understand what came from where. + +You can even imagine an (again, **very hypothetical**) single-file component +format that places the template right within the component's class. Here, a +unified imports solution feels especially natural: + +```js +// src/ui/components/blog-post.gbs + +import Component from '@glimmer/component'; +import UserIcon from './icons/user'; + +export class BlogPost extends Component { + blog = { title: 'Coming soon in Octane', authorId: '1234' }; + + +} +``` + +Again, the exact syntax is up in the air and will almost certainly be +different from this example. The benefit of exposing the low-level primitives +first is that we can try out multiple competing designs relatively easily +before comitting. And if you don't like what we eventually decide on, you can +build an alternative that is just as stable as the default implementation. + +But note that template imports are not a replacement for MU. They don't help +with things like better isolation of an addon's services, or a more intuitive +file system layout. Instead, we hope that template imports will better solve +one aspect of MU, so the overall design can be simplified and its benefits +can shine through more clearly. + +Template imports also give us a good opportunity to try to address the +ergonomic problems people reported when trying MU. + +Without template imports, we had to rely on MU to resolve component names, +meaning the files in the `src/ui/components` directory had to follow strict +rules. But **with** template imports, users can just tell us which module on +disk they want. We can skip resolving components through MU altogether, and +let Ember users organize their component files however they want. + +As frustrating as it was at the time, the inability to make progress on MU +may have been a blessing in disguise. It gave us time to implement angle +bracket syntax for components, which allowed template imports to seem +feasible again—which means we now have a solution that seems to address both +the scoped package problem and the ergonomics problem. Even better, template +imports make things like treeshaking and code-splitting in +[Embroider][embroider] much easier. + +[embroider]: https://github.com/embroider-build/embroider + +I believe the dead-end we found ourselves in was a sign from the universe +that something better was just around the corner. Time will tell, but my +hunch is that template imports solve these important problems much more +elegantly than what we had before. This process also pushed us to explore +single-file components, which I think will be a surprisingly big productivity +improvement for Ember developers. + +While we're excited about template imports, we want to keep our promise to +finish what we started. We are prioritizing Ember Octane and making sure that +our first edition is a polished, cohesive experience. Only once Octane is out +the door will we turn our attention to new initiatives like template imports. + +Hopefully, this post helps provide some context about the state of MU. Of +course, what I've written here is my personal, imperfect recollection of +events, simplified for clarity. The reality of technical design is messy and +feels a lot more like going around in circles than the tidy sequence I've +presented here. + +I will also mention that, as a project, I think we've dramatically improved +how we design, implement, validate, and iterate on features since we +originally started the Module Unification RFC. The MU RFC is the last of the +proposals from the "mega-RFC" era, where we had a tendency to do a ton of +upfront design and implementation before we had any feedback from real users. + +Nowadays, I think we're a lot better about making sure RFCs are relatively +small and focused on doing one thing. We also tend to prioritize exposing +hooks or other primitives that let us test out new ideas in addons. This +allows us to improve designs based on early feedback, without the strict +stability requirements that come with landing something in the framework +proper. + +This has worked well for things like `ember-decorators` and Glimmer +components, where real world feedback and the ability to make breaking +changes based on that feedback was critical. I'm hopeful that a similar +strategy for template imports will be just as successful. + +My sincere thanks to everyone who has worked so hard on MU and related +efforts. I'm proud to be part of a community that refuses to charge ahead +with something we know isn't right. Ember's longevity is, at least in part, +explained by our willingness to make these kinds of hard decisions. + +I'm so excited about Ember, our roadmap, and the newfound energy in our +community. In 2019, a thriving Ember is more important for the web than ever. +Thank you for being a part of our community, and I hope to see you at +[EmberConf](https://emberconf.com) in a few weeks. It's gonna be a good one.