diff --git a/text/0481-component-templates-co-location.md b/text/0481-component-templates-co-location.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2f8caef250 --- /dev/null +++ b/text/0481-component-templates-co-location.md @@ -0,0 +1,647 @@ +- Start Date: 2019-04-12 +- Relevant Team(s): Ember.js, Ember CLI +- RFC PR: (after opening the RFC PR, update this with a link to it and update the file name) +- Tracking: (leave this empty) + +# Component Templates Co-location + +## Summary + +We propose to place a component's JavaScript file (the class) and its template +in the same directory on the file system. + +Today: + +``` +app +├── components +│ ├── just-class.js +│ ├── my-widget.js +│ ├── nested +│ │ └── another-widget.js +│ └── ... +├── models +│ └── ... +├── routes +│ └── ... +├── services +│ └── ... +├── templates +│ ├── components +│ │ ├── just-template.hbs +│ │ ├── my-widget.hbs +│ │ ├── nested +│ │ │ └── another-widget.hbs +│ │ └── ... +│ ├── some-route.hbs +│ └── ... +└── ... +``` + +Proposed: + +``` +app +├── components +│ ├── just-class.js +│ ├── just-template.hbs +│ ├── my-widget.hbs +│ ├── my-widget.js +│ ├── nested +│ │ ├── another-widget.hbs +│ │ └── another-widget.js +│ └── ... +├── models +│ └── ... +├── routes +│ └── ... +├── services +│ └── ... +├── templates +│ ├── some-route.hbs +│ └── ... +└── ... +``` + +## Motivation + +Today, a component's JavaScript file is located in the `app/components` +directory. On the other hand, it's template is located in the +`app/templates/components` directory. + +This design decision is a relic of Ember's pre-1.0 days. In those early days, +before components were even conceived, "views" were the primary building blocks +in Ember's UI programming model. Like components, they consist of a view class +located in `app/views/$NAME.js` (subclassing `Ember.View`), and/or a template +located in `app/templates/$NAME.hbs`. In other words, every template in Ember +could optionally have an associated view class, and vice versa. + +Similar to components, they can be "invoked" in other templates using either +the `{{view "$NAME"}}` or `{{#view "$NAME"}}...{{/view}}` syntax. At the time, +this was how Ember developers create reusable pieces of UI in their app. + +Unlike components, when a view is "invoked", the view instance does not become +the `this` context of its template. Instead, the `this` from the calling side +will persist (similar to partials), while properties on the view instance are +accessible from within the template with `{{view.someProperty}}` syntax. + +Over time, this programming model has gone through several iterations of +refinements (remember the short-lived "controls"? 😀), eventually evolved into +the component-based programming model as we know it today. + +When components were introduced, it was decided that they would live in a +separate "namespace" than views: their JavaScript files are located in +`app/components` instead of `app/views`, and it uses the now-familiar curly +invocation syntax instead of the `view` keyword. + +This decision causes two problems. First, given a template file, such as +`app/templates/foo-bar.hbs`, how do we know if it belongs to a component or a +view? Furthermore, since they live in different namespaces, it is totally legal +to have unrelated components and views with the same names, which could result +in naming collisions if their templates were both located in `app/templates`. +To solve this problem, component templates were also given a separate namespace +`app/templates/components`, as opposed to sharing `app/templates` with views. + +Over the course of the Ember 1.x release series, components have taken over as +the primary UI programming primitive. Views were eventually deprecated and +removed from Ember's API entirely in Ember 2.0. Despite that, the ramifications +of that era are still around us. + +We argue that the current file system layout for component files is one such +example. Given how much Ember has evolved since its early days, most of the +design constraints we had at the time no longer apply. On the other hand, new +features in the framework – such as the introduction of Ember CLI and the addon +ecosystem – has brought new capabilities and constraints to the table. As a +result, this design has caused a lot of "ergonomics papercuts", which we have +enumerated below. While each of these may feel inconsequential on their own, +together they cause a lot of unnecessary friction and feel out-of-place in the +modern Ember experience. + +### 1. Component class/template coupling + +The JavaScript class and template of a component are not just _related_ but +fundamentally _coupled_. Together, they provide the whole implementation of +the component. It is impossible to understand one of them without the other. +When one file is changed, the other likely need to be updated as well. Placing +these files physically far apart on the file system fails to communicate this +tight coupling, in addition to causing a lot of inconveniences when navigating +a project. + +### 2. No single enumeration of components + +Given the importance of components in modern Ember apps, when navigating a +large-scale or otherwise unfamiliar project, some of the most common task for +Ember developers is to enumerate all components from the given app or to +determine whether there exists a component with a specific name. The former is +useful for getting a general sense of the scope, scale and coding style, and +the latter is sometimes necessary to disambiguate components from helpers or +to determine whether a component is part of the app or provided by an addon. + +Unfortunately, under the current filesystem layout, neither `app/components` or +`app/templates/components` provide a complete view for those purposes. With +template-only components, it is possible to define a component without a class, +therefore a casual scan of `app/components` will not discover those components. +With the release of Octane, we expect template-only components to become more +common. Likewise, albeit less common, it is also possible to define a component +with *only* a class, making `app/templates/components` potentially incomplete +also. + +Therefore, the "correct" way to explore the components in an app is to mentally +merge the contents of both folders, which is difficult and counterproductive. + +### 3. Deviation from route template conventions + +In the view-centric days of Ember, `app/templates` was a "kitchen-sink" folder +without much internal structure – it mixes route templates with reusable view +templates, as well as component templates, each of which could be grouped into +their own deeper nesting structure. + +With Ember 2.0 removing views, and therefore view templates, `app/templates` +now has a clear purpose and internal structure: each template file corresponds +to a route, and each folder corresponding to a nested route. For example, +`app/templates/post.hbs` is the template for the top-level `post` route, and +`app/templates/admin/authors/new.hbs` is the template for `admin.authors.new`. + +Of course, there is one prominent exception to this: `app/templates/components` +breaks the otherwise clear convention. Unlike other folders in `app/templates`, +`app/templates/components` does not represent a nested route. Furthermore, its +internal structure (if any) also differs from its siblings: folders represent +arbitrary logical/domain groupings, rather than sub-routes. + +Since `app/templates/components` did not start with a special character (e.g. +`app/templates/-components`), it shows up in the middle between its routes +siblings in most apps, due to lexicographical sorting of the filenames. + +This inconsistency causes confusion and prevents us from teaching the otherwise +clear convention crisply. + +### 4. Lack of single import + +Even though the JavaScript class and template of a component are fundamentally +coupled and inseparable pieces, this relationship is only very loosely encoded +in Ember today. In fact – the only thing that ties them together is their name: +when Ember tries to render a component, it will separately lookup the class and +template by name through the resolver. These elements can both be present at +the same time, or in the cases of template-only or class-only components, one +of the resolutions will return a negative result. Only when both elements are +missing would Ember declare the component missing and raise an error. + +This setup falls short when designing components meant for subclassing. For +example: + +```js +// app/components/foo-bar.js + +import MyParentComponent from './my-parent'; + +export default class FooBarComponent extends MyParentComponent { + // ... +} +``` + +As far as Ember can tell, this file defines a class-only component by the name +of `foo-bar`. The fact that it inherits from `my-parent` is an irrelevant and +unobservable detail. While the developer may expect this to also inherit the +parent component's template (`app/templates/components/my-parent.hbs`), Ember +has no way to know that the two are related. + +Because of this problem, addons typically use the `layout` property from the +classic component API to get around this problem. When generating a component +in an addon, this is the default output from the blueprint: + +```js +// addon/components/foo-bar.js + +import Component from '@ember/component'; +import layout from '../templates/components/foo-bar'; + +export default Component.extend({ + layout +}); +``` + +```hbs +{{!-- addon/templates/components/foo-bar.hbs --}} + +{{yield}} +``` + +```js +// app/components/foo-bar.js + +export { default } from 'my-addon/components/foo-bar'; +``` + +First, within the `addon` folder, there is the component class and template. +Having these files in the `addon` folder allow them to be imported from +JavaScript (e.g. `import FooBar from 'my-addon/components/foo-bar';`) for +subclassing. However, as mentioned above, this does not also bring along the +component's template. + +To avoid developers having to also import the template, the addon component +blueprint sets the `layout` property on the component's class. At runtime, +when Ember fail to find a template associated with the component, it will +then fall back to this property. + +Finally, it re-exports the component in the `app` folder, which is merged with +the app's `app` folder, allowing the component to be resolved by the resolver +and invoked from Handlebars. + +This workaround gets the job done, but has several major drawbacks. + +First, it adds a significant amount of boilerplate to addon components, which +could be puzzling even to seasoned addon developers. In fact, the problem it +solves is unique to addons – there is nothing wrong with using inheritance in +apps – we just didn't think we could justify adding this amount of boilerplate +to every app and putting them in Ember's "happy path". + +Second, the `layout` property in classic component uses a feature in Glimmer VM +called "late-bound layout", in which we must assume a different template for +each _instance_ of the component (the `layout` property can be set in `init`). +This is fundamentally more difficult to optimize and excludes the component +from key optimizations (and opportunities for future optimizations). + +Most importantly, Glimmer components do not have the equivalent of the `layout` +property, meaning that addons (or components designed for inheritance in mind) +cannot be written using Glimmer components today. + +To solve these problems once and for all, we need to change things such that +component templates are automatically associated with their JavaScript class at +build time, and importing the JavaScript class should result in a value that +has this metadata associated with it, which needs to survive subclassing as +well. Solving this problem is also essential for unblocking template imports. + +We believe the technical design for allowing co-location will solve this +problem nicely. + +## Detailed design + +### High-level design + +We propose to allow placing a component's template adjacent to its JavaScript +file in `app/components`. For example, for a component named `foo-bar`, it will +be `app/components/foo-bar.js` and `app/components/foo-bar.hbs`. + +In addition, per the node resolution convention, we propose to allow `index` +files inside a directory to have the equivalent semantics. In the example +above, it could also be structured as `app/components/foo-bar/index.js` and +`app/components/foo-bar/index.hbs`. This allows additional files related to the +component (such as a `README.md` file) to be co-located on the filesystem. + +For template-only components, they can be either `app/components/foo-bar.hbs` +or `app/components/foo-bar/index.hbs` without a corresponding JavaScript file. + +Similarly, for addons, templates can be placed inside `addon/components` with +the same rules laid out above. + +In all of these case, if a template file is present in `app/components` or +`addon/components`, it will take precedence over any corresponding template +files in `app/templates`, the `layout` property on classic components, or a +template with the same name that is made available with the resolver API. +Instead of being resolved at runtime, a template in `app/components` will be +associated with the component's JavaScript class at build time. + +### Low-level primitives + +We propose to introduce the following low-level APIs: + +* The `setComponentTemplate` function takes two arguments, the first being the + pre-compiled (wire-format) template, the second being the component class. It + transparently associates the given template with the component class in a way + can be retrieved later with the `getComponentTemplate` function described + below. For convenience, `setComponentTemplate` will return the component + class (the second argument). + +* The `getComponentTemplate` function takes a component class and returns the + template associated with the given component class, if any, or one of its + superclasses, if any, or `undefined` if no template association was found. + +This is one possible way to implement these functions: + +```js +function setComponentTemplate(template, componentClass) { + Object.defineProperty(componentClass, "__template__", { + configurable: true, + enumerable: false, + writable: false, + value: template + }); + + return componentClass; +} + +function getComponentTemplate(componentClass) { + return componentClass.__template__; +} + +class Foo {} +class Bar extends Foo {} +class Baz extends Bar {} + +class Bat {} + + +// USAGE + +setComponentTemplate(precompile("foo template"), Foo); +setComponentTemplate(precompile("baz template"), Baz); + +getComponentTemplate(Foo); // => foo tempalte +getComponentTemplate(Bar); // => foo tempalte (inherited) +getComponentTemplate(Baz); // => baz tempalte (overridden) + +getComponentTemplate(Bat); // => undefined +``` + +In an actual implementation, we would probably want to avoid polluting the +component class with a string key (`__template__` in this example) and use a +`Symbol` or `WeakMap` based strategery. + +For performance reason, changing the template is not allowed once set. It is +also illegal to call `setComponentTemplate` on a component class that has +already been rendered, or once `getComponentTemplate` has been called on it. +Together, these rules ensure the results from calling `getComponentTemplate` +can be reliably cached, either by the internals of `getComponentTemplate` +itself or by one of its callers. + +While the default export of a component's JavaScript file is usually a class, +it is not a strict requirement with custom component managers. To accommodate +this, `setComponentTemplate` can be passed any JavaScript `Object`. + +### Build-time transformations + +The low-level `setComponentTemplate` and `getComponentTemplate` APIs are not +intended to be called by end-users directly, even though they will be public +and part of our semver stability guarantee. Instead, they are meant to be used +primarily in the output emitted by build tools. At build time, any template +files found in `{app,addon}/components` will be inlined into the component's +JavaScript file and removed from the build output. For example, given these +files on disk: + +```js +// app/components/foo-bar.js + +import Component from '@ember/component'; + +export default Component.extend({ + // ... +}); +``` + +```hbs +{{!-- app/components/foo-bar.hbs --}} + +foo bar! +``` + +The build output will be something to the effect of this JavaScript file: + +```js +// app/components/foo-bar.js + +import Component, { setComponentTemplate } from '@ember/component'; + +// output of precompile("foo bar!") +const TEMPLATE = { + id: "...", + block: "...", + meta: { moduleName: "app/components/foo-bar" } +}; + +const CLASS = Component.extend({ + // ... +}); + +export default setComponentTemplate(TEMPLATE, CLASS); +``` + +The variables are named here for clarity, but the actual build output would +be careful to avoid introducing hygiene issues and other observable semantic +changes to the JavaScript file. + +One caveat here is that each component JavaScript file should export a value +that is unique to that file. For example, this should be **avoided**: + +```js +// app/components/foo-bar.js + +import MyParentComponent from './my-parent'; + +// BAD: don't do this! +export default MyParentComponent; +``` + +This is problematic because `setComponentTemplate` will be called on +`MyParentComponent` directly, affecting the parent component and all of its +descendants. This can be avoided by subclassing, even when no customization is +required: + +```js +// app/components/foo-bar.js + +import MyParentComponent from './my-parent'; + +// GOOD: do this instead! +export default class extends MyParentComponent {} +``` + +Most cases of this problem can be linted against easily. + +### Template-only components + +For template-only components, we propose to introduce the following low-level +API: + +* The `templateOnlyComponent` function takes no arguments and produces a unique + value that can be used to represent a template-only component. + +Again, this function, though public, is not intended to be called by users +directly. It is primarily used in the output emitted by build tools. When a +template is found in `{app,addon}/components` but without a corresponding +JavaScript file, the build output will be something similar to the following: + +```js +// app/components/foo-bar.js + +import Component, { setComponentTemplate } from '@ember/component'; +import templateOnlyComponent from '@ember/component/template-only'; + +// output of precompile("foo bar!") +const TEMPLATE = { + id: "...", + block: "...", + meta: { moduleName: "app/components/foo-bar" } +}; + +const CLASS = templateOnlyComponent(); + +export default setComponentTemplate(TEMPLATE, CLASS); +``` + +In addition to build tooling, addon authors may also find this function +useful. Currently, the only way to create a "true" template-only component +is by enabling an optional feature in the app. Since addons cannot assume the +value of that flag in the consuming app, they currently cannot take advantage +of the feature. By providing this function, addon authors can work around this +problem by explicitly defining a JavaScript file with `templateOnlyComponent()` +as the default export. + +On the other hand, app developers, should _not_ have any reason to use this +function directly in their app, since they could just as easily enable the +optional feature across the board. + +### Codemod + +A codemod will be provided to seamlessly migrate component templates. + +Such a "codemod" will essentially just merges `app/templates/components` into +`app/components`. For a quick "taste test" of what the resulting tree will look +like in your app, the following commands give a close approximation: + +```bash +$ rsync --archive --remove-source-files app/templates/components/ app/components/ +$ rm -rf app/templates/components/ +``` + +Of course, the resulting output won't "work", but it can be useful for getting +a sense of what it's like to work with the new layout on editors, Github, etc. + +### Generator + +We propose to make some updates to the components generator to accompany this +change. + +1. It should accept a `--component-class` option. This controls which base + class is used for that component and whether native classes are used. The + legal values for this option are `@glimmer/component` (aliased as `-gc`), + `@ember/component` (aliased as `-ec`), `@ember/component/template-only` + (aliased as `-tc`) or an empty string (aliased as `--no-component-class` and + `-nc`). + + The latter two differ in that `@ember/component/template-only` would + generate an explicit JavaScript file with `templateOnlyComponent()` as the + default export, which is useful for addons, whereas `--no-component-class` + would skip generating a JavaScript file altogether. + + This option may be extended in the future to allow other custom components + to provide their own blueprints, but for now, passing anything other than + the allowed values will result in an error. + +2. It should accept a `--component-structure` option. + + When this option is set to `flat` (aliased as `-fs`), the component's JavaScript and template files will both be generated at the root of + `{app,addon}/components`. + + When this option is set to `nested` (aliased as `-ns`), a folder will be + generated for the component in `{app,addon}/components`, and the component's + JavaScript and template files will be generated as `index.{js,hbs}` inside + the folder. + + When this option is set to `classic` (aliased as `-cs`), the component's + template file will be generated in `{app,addon}/templates/components`. For + addons, when used with `--component-class=@ember/component`, this will also + emit the `layout` property workaround. + +3. Thses options will default to `--component-class=@ember/component` and + `--component-structure=classic` for backwards compatibility. + + However, the default values can be overridden in `.ember-cli` as usual, and + teams are encouraged to do so as they see fit. Due to a limitation in how + the system works, the names for these options are chosen such that they are + unlikely to conflict with options on other `ember` commands, which is why + they are a bit verbose. + + For Octane apps, the default app blueprint will include a `.ember-cli` file + that defaults to `--no-component-class` and `--component-structure=flat`. + The guides and documentation will assume these settings going forward. + +### Timing + +We propose to include this change as part of the Octane edition. Admittedly, +this is a rather late addition. However, there are a few compelling reasons for +including it: + +1. Module Unification was a much-anticipated feature that + [did not make it](https://blog.emberjs.com/2019/03/11/update-on-module-unification-and-octane.html) + into the Octane edition. Even though it tries to solve a lot of other + problems, component co-location is one of the main benefits. This proposal + allows us to incrementally deliver a solution one of the biggest pain points + while we work out the other issues. + +2. The Octane edition will enable template-only components by default, which + will encourage its use and intensifies some of the issues enumerated in the + motivation section. + +3. The Octane edition will highlight Glimmer Components as the main programming + model. Without the `setComponentTemplate` API proposed in this RFC, addons + authors will not be able to adopt Glimmer Components. This will, over time, + significantly increase the barrier to authoring addons, as most Ember + developers will no longer be familiar with the classic components API. + +4. The Octane edition presents a good opportunity to update the documentation + and get the whole community on board with adopting a feature like this. It + is important that build tools, linters, codemods, etc take this feature into + account, and shipping this as part of the Octane edition is a good way to + signal that.x + +Even though it is pretty late in the Octane timeframe, we believe this feature +is relatively limited in scope (compared to, say, `@tracked`) and can be +implemented relatively quickly. + +## How we teach this + +As mentioned above, the learning team will update the guides and API docs to +assume the "flat" co-located layout. + +With this layout, it should be much easier for new users to form a mental model +around components. We can start by teaching that the most basic component is +just a reusable piece of markup (template-only components), but can "upgraded" +to have dynamic content by taking arguments using the `@name` syntax, and +further "upgraded" to keep internal states by creating a JavaScript file next +to the template and finally add interactivity with element modifiers. + +Because template-only component is such a light-weight concept, it is arguably +not necessary to separate out the topic of "templates" from "components" in the +guides, but this can be addressed in a future revision of the guides. + +We will teach that the `templates` folder is used for route templates. This can +be introduced at the same time as the `routes` and `controllers` folder, which +would come at a later time than components. + +## Drawbacks + +Unlike the rest of the Octane features, this is not as battle-tested. Also, as +mentioned above, this addition would be quite last-minute. However, it is quite +normal to discover minor problems (e.g. issues with using Glimmer components in +addons today) through real-world usage, and that is precisely the point of the +Octane preview period. Since Octane is all about polish and cohesion, we think +it is worth addressing these issues before stamping on the quality seal. + +Another drawback is that it only address the co-location issue for components, +not other related types like [[route, controller, route template]] and [[model, +adapter, serializer]], or even co-location of tests. However, we believe the +situation with components is unique enough (see the motivation section) that +they are not merely *related*, but *coupled*. That, along with the fact that +components are much more common, sets them apart from the rest and justifies +solving the problem first. + +There is a small risk that we will subject the community to another migration +when we finalize the replacement of Module Unification (the "New File Layout"). +However, we feel pretty confident that regardless of where the collection of +components will end up on disk (e.g. `src/ui/components`), the internal +structure of that collection will closely match what is proposed in this RFC. +Ultimately, we expect there to be automatic migrators for these kinds of +changes anyway, so the cost of the possible churn is contained. + +## Alternatives + +We can forgo the opportunity to address these problems as part of Octane, and +instead land this proposal (or something like it) after the edition has +shipped. That would come at a cost of addon authors not being able to adopt +some of the Octane features until we find alternative solutions. + +## Unresolved questions + +* Where would the build tool changes be implemented? And how? +* How should the build tool changes interact with "pods" and `template.hbs`? +* How should the new generator options interact with "pods"?