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1013 lines (798 loc) · 41.3 KB
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Layering and Desugaring for First-Class Component Templates


This RFC propose to introduce a template() function as an substitution for the <template> syntax extension defined in RFC #779 using standard JavaScript, for use in environments where the custom syntax extension is not available, and also as a publishing format for addons on NPM:

import { template } from "@ember/template-compilation";
import Hello from "my-app/components/hello";

// <template><Hello /></template> becomes...
export default template(`<Hello />`, () => ({ Hello }));

// export const Foo = <template><Hello /></template> becomes...
export const Foo = template(`<Hello />`, () => ({ Hello }));

// export class Bar {
//   <template><Hello /></template>
// }
export class Bar {
  static {
    template(`<Hello />`, () => ({ Hello }), this);

Idiomatic usages of the template() function can be pre-compiled by a build step if desired, but a runtime implementation can also be used via an opt-in described below.

We also propose an alternative form that uses the template() function as a tag function for JavaScript tagged template strings. However, this variant does not have a runtime implementation and must be handled by a build step:

import { template } from "@ember/template-compilation";
import Hello from "my-app/components/hello";

// <template><Hello /></template> becomes...
export default template`<Hello />`;

// export const Foo = <template><Hello /></template> becomes...
export const Foo = template`<Hello />`;

// export class Bar {
//   <template><Hello /></template>
// }
export class Bar {
  static {
    template`<Hello />`;

In addition, we also propose a new @ember/template-compilation/runtime module as an opt-in to enable runtime template compilation.


RFC #779 introduced a first-class component syntax feature that has numerous benefits, among which are:

  1. Opt-in to strict mode (RFC #496)
  2. Eliminating the need for name-based runtime resolutions
  3. Ability to use imported template constructs
  4. Ability to interact with the surrounding JavaScript scope

However, one of the drawbacks is that it requires a custom syntax extension (<template>) and a custom file format (.gjs/.gts), which requires a build step and other custom tooling.

RFC #779 makes a good case for why this is necessary and preferable to the alternatives. We stand by the rationales given in RFC #779, and this RFC does not intend to revisit its recommendations. However, there remain cases where this drawback is highly undesirable or simply not acceptable:

  1. Until we have implemented good editor integration, the developer experience of using .gjs/.gts could be abysmal (without any syntax highlighting or completion at all, etc). Even after we ship good editor integration for the mainstream editors, this will likely remain the case for a subset of less used editors that we did not or could not prioritize supporting.

  2. There may be editors and environments that are impossible for us to support, either because they don't have an extension system at all, or those systems do not expose the capabilities we need. For example, CodeSandbox, CodePen, TypeScript playground, etc.

  3. When publishing packages to NPM, it is important and desirable to publish only standard .js files that does not require further processing by the consumer (see v2 Addon Format).

  4. There are use cases that prefer or require components that are directly runnable in the browser without a build step, such as bug report templates, runnable code samples, generating components dynamically at runtime, etc.

From here on, we will refer to users and use cases collectively as "standard JavaScript environments". Under these circumstances, users would be unable to adopt the <template> feature, which means they cannot take advantage of the numerous benefits unlocked by the feature, such as the strict mode opt-in.

Also, if an addon chose to only provide template constructs (e.g. helpers and components) exclusively via importable modules (as opposed to merging them into "App Javascript"), then there will be no easy way to access these template constructs from those environments.

It is not technically impossible to accomplish these same goals in standard JavaScript environments. After all, the <template> feature is specified using primitives that already exist. Users in standard JavaScript environments can just use those primitives directly.

However, that is not an ideal outcome. <template> is a user-facing feature, and is poised to (or at least well-positioned to) become the main way Ember users read, write and reason about components in the next edition of Ember when the feature is fully rolled out.

On the other hand, the primitives it is based on are very low-level, verbose, error-prone and were more intended as a compilation target than an user-facing authoring format. Their low-level nature and flexibility also makes it easy to get the details wrong, such as forgetting to pass the strictMode: true flag and or deviate from the normal lexical scope capturing rules. It would be unfortunate if being restricted to the standard JavaScript environment also means dropping down to a completely different programming model for components.

Currently, the addon ember-template-imports provides an alternative that does work in regular .js/.ts files – the "hbs backtick" format. However, it is not a good candidate for solving these problems for a few reasons, some of which were the same reasons RFC #779 chose not to go that route:

  1. The feature was never specified in RFC #779 or any other RFC. It was added to the addon when its purpose was to be a sandbox for experimentation. With the acceptance of RFC #779, the experimentation phase is over and the addon should be transitioned into a compliant polyfill, which means removing the alternative hbs form.

  2. The naming conflicts with the "official" hbs from ember-cli-htmlbars. This would have been fine if we chose to go that route in RFC #779 and have plans to evolve the official version to have the same feature. With RFC #779 favoring the <template> approach, this is not going to happen and this conflict will now be quite confusing, especially since they actually do very different things (e.g. the "official" hbs does not return a component).

  3. It uses a standard JavaScript syntax in a non-standard way, semantics-wise. It looks like an inert JavaScript string but has access to the lexical scope around it (without using the ${ ... } syntax), which can be confusing. It also means that it is impossible to provide a runtime implementation using the same syntax that works in environments that does not permit a build step.

  4. It uses static template = to associate templates to classes. This implies runtime behavior that is actually not true (e.g. TypeScript will believe the template property exists on the class).

  5. Values consumed by the template but is otherwise unused in the rest of the file may generate errors/warnings from linters or language servers.

To address these issues, this RFC propose that we introduce a new template() function that servers as a middle ground between the <template> language extension and the low-level primitives.

  • It is designed to have the same semantics as the <template> feature (such as the strict-mode opt-in, returning a template-only component when not attached to a class), providing the same high-level programming model for authoring components in standard JavaScript environments.

  • It requires manually supplying the lexical scope variable bindings (the "scope function").

  • It uses a static initializer block to associate the template.

  • While it is more cumbersome to use and have a degraded experience (e.g. possibly lacking hbs syntax highlighting) compared to first-class component templates, it is still designed to be ergonomic to use, to the extent possible in standard JavaScript environments.

  • It is designed to be pre-processed at build time where possible, just like the <template> feature and today's "official" hbs tag. However, in cases where this is not possible, there will be a runtime implementation available provided the template compiler is also available at runtime.

  • For environments where it is possible to configure the development and build tools to recognize the format, the tagged template literal form can be used, which automatically captures the lexical scope variable bindings. This directly replaces ember-template-imports's "hbs backtick" format but brings its naming into alignment with the <template> feature.

    This form will produce an error at runtime if not pre-processed out as a correct runtime implementation is impossible.

    Despite the drawbacks mentioned above, this format may still be preferred as a transitional tool for early adopters while editor integrations are being worked on. It may also be useful for communicating with code snippets in platforms where syntax highlighting is not yet available for the custom .gjs format (such as Discord and GitHub today), but where it's desirable to still retain the highlighting for the JavaScript/TypeScript portions.

This RFC also recommends that the addon spec (v2.1?) to be updated to consider using template() (the function call version, not the tagged template literal form) as the primary publishing format for component templates and consider reducing and deprecating the need for the alternative mechanisms (such as shipping .hbs modules). However, this is only a general recommendation, and a future RFC or amendment is needed to explore that further.

That being said, such an update is only needed for the purpose of clarifying the recommended way of shipping templates in addons. Because template() is just standard JavaScript, there is nothing stopping addons from adopting the format as long as their target Ember versions support the feature, or that they depend on a suitable polyfill.

Detailed design

This RFC proposes to re-specify the <template> language extension into a de-sugaring into template() calls:

  1. Top-level declaration

    import Foo from "somewhere";
      <Foo />


    import { template } from "@ember/template-compilation";
    import Foo from "somewhere";
    export default template(
      <Foo />
      () => ({ Foo })
  2. Expression

    import Foo from "somewhere";
    export const Bar = <template><Foo /><template>;


    import { template } from "@ember/template-compilation";
    import Foo from "somewhere";
    export const Bar = template(`<Foo />`, () => ({ Foo }));
  3. Class

    import Foo from "somewhere";
    export default class Bar {
      <template><Foo /><template>


    import { template } from "@ember/template-compilation";
    import Foo from "somewhere";
    export default class Bar {
      static {
        template(`<Foo />`, () => ({ Foo }), this);

    When used in this form, the function returns/passes through the target supplied in the third argument (the component class).

    Note that the use of a static initializer block here is important for capturing access to private fields. This will be discussed in a subsequent section.

In these small snippets, the scope bindings may look very verbose compared to the size of the templates, but in real-world templates, the ratio will improve.

This de-sugaring specified in this section is intended to subsume the parts of RFC #779 which references its compilation output, and where it specified the feature in terms of the low-level primitives such as precompileTemplate(). If this RFC is accepted, the <template> feature should only be understood in terms of template(), which will be a stable and public API that stands on its own.

Any build-time optimization that pre-compiles the template() calls at build time are required to ensure their output to have equivalent semantics as the runtime template() calls, assuming the same set of AST plugins are applied. Their exact compilation output should be considered private implementation details which may change over time and should not be relied upon.

Once this RFC is accepted, any future changes (including deprecations) to the primitive APIs referenced in RFC #779 should have no direct bearing on the <template> or template() features.

Tagged Template Literals

Alternatively, the template() function can also be used as a tag function for a JavaScript tagged template string. This alternate form automatically captures the lexical scope variable bindings. However, this form does not have a runtime implementation and must be processed by a build step.

  1. Top-level declaration

    import Foo from "somewhere";
      <Foo />


    import { template } from "@ember/template-compilation";
    import Foo from "somewhere";
    export default template`<Foo />`;
  2. Expression

    import Foo from "somewhere";
    export const Bar = template`<Foo />`;


    import { template } from "@ember/template-compilation";
    import Foo from "somewhere";
    export const Bar = template`<Foo />`;
  3. Class

    import Foo from "somewhere";
    export default class Bar {
      <template><Foo /><template>


    import { template } from "@ember/template-compilation";
    import Foo from "somewhere";
    export default class Bar {
      static {
        template`<Foo />`;

    Again, the use of a static initializer block is important for capturing access to private fields.

    In this form, the tagged template string literal must be the only statement in the static initializer block. However, the JavaScript standard permits multiple static initializer blocks in the same class body, so any other initialization logic can be placed in separate blocks as needed. It is an error for a class body to contain multiple templates associated this way, just as it is for a class body to contain multiple <template> blocks.

Access to Private Fields

The <template> feature proposed by RFC #779 explicitly chose not to provide access to private fields when a <template> is associated with a class, citing limitations to the compilation output, specifically that the compiled template, as proposed, would be placed outside of the class body, rendering it impossible to access any private fields. RFC #779 acknowledges that is a gap that should be addressed in a future RFC.

With the advancement of static initialization blocks, it is now possible to place the associated template directly inside the class body. This RFC takes advantage of this and propose an adornment to allow access to private fields inside <template> tags and the proposed template():

import { tracked } from "@glimmer/tracking";

export default class Foo {
  @tracked #value;

    My value is {{this.#value}}.
    The other value is {{@other.#value}}.
import { template } from "@ember/template-compilation";
import { tracked } from "@glimmer/tracking";

export default class Foo {
  @tracked #value;

  static {
      My value is {{this.#value}}.
      The other value is {{@other.#value}}.
import { template } from "@ember/template-compilation";
import { tracked } from "@glimmer/tracking";

export default class Foo {
  @tracked #value;

  static {
      My value is {{this.#value}}.
      The other value is {{@other.#value}}.
    `, () => ({ '#value': (_) => _.#value }, this);

As shown in this last example, it requires a small amendment to the "scope function". The scope function was first introduced in RFC #496, and then subsequently modified slightly from returning an array to an object literal.

The purpose of the scope function is to provide the rendering layer with the needed lexical scope variable bindings that are referenced in the template, in the form of key-value pairs in the returned object literal, where the key is the identifier (variable) as referenced in the template, and the value is the value referenced by the identifier.

To support private field access, we propose to extend this format to allow keys that starts with a leading # character. For each unique private field reference in the template (any .# access), a corresponding entry must be added to the object literal where the key matches the name of the private field in string form. This is not a legal JavaScript identifier thus it does not generate a conflict with the current format, and will require quoting. The value of the entry is expected to be a JavaScript "accessor function" that takes a single argument – an object instance of the same class – and returns the current value of the private field at the time of the call.

This will require an update to the glimmer-vm rendering engine to support this format. Internally, it will compile the template in such a way that any access to a private field in the template will go through the corresponding accessor function. Since the accessor functions are embedded inside the class body, they will be permitted to access the private fields declared for the class. It is therefore crucial that the template() call is embedded inside a static initializer block in the class body.

With this change, we can fully support private fields in templates. As shown in the examples, this applies to both direct access (this.#field) as well as indirect access (some.nested.object.of.the.same.kind.#field), as long as it is of the same instance type, fully matching the JavaScript semantics.

Build-time Transformations

Typically, it is desirable to for Ember apps to precompile all templates at build time. By default, Ember does not include a template compiler in the bundle as it adds significant amount of code but most apps do not have a use for it.

The template() function proposed in this RFC is designed so that idiomatic usages (defined in the next section) can be processed by a built step, which is enabled by default.

Non-idiomatic usages are not guaranteed to be transformable at build time. If a transformation cannot be applied, the call will be left as-is for runtime processing. Note that since the runtime template compiler is not available by default (see below for how to opt-in), this default behavior will result in a runtime error.

Because the rules for determining idiomatic usages are purely syntactical, they can also be checked by a linter. We propose to include a enabled-by-default lint rule to warn against accidental non-idiomatic usages.

The purpose of specifying an idiomatic subset of the possible syntaxes and compositions is to reflect that this feature is intended to be an equivalent of the <template> feature in environments where the custom extensions are not viable. Therefore, developers should try to stick to the same set of semantics and affordances provided by <template>. It also defines the common subset of features that tools like codemods and linters must be able to handle.

Deviating outside of this subset of idiomatic uses may result in degraded performance (due to requiring runtime template compilations) and development experience (due to tools not able to make static analysis on the templates), so developers should be very aware of these tradeoffs and should be a deliberate choice.

That being said, we acknowledge that there are legitimate use cases for wanting the extra flexibility or needing runtime behavior. By including a runtime implementation of the feature (again, see below), we get handling for all the remaining edge cases "for free".

Idiomatic Usages

In either form, the template() function must be imported directly from the @ember/template-compilation module for the invocation to be considered idiomatic. Renaming the import binding is permitted. The import binding must be used directly in the invocations/call-sites. For example, if the imported value is stored into another constant storing the imported into another variable, then any indirect invocations are not considered an idiomatic use.

For the function call form of the template() function, idiomatic usages are defined as:

  1. Unless otherwise specified:

    1. All string literals inside the call (arguments, property keys, etc) must:
      1. Be quoted with single quotes, or
      2. Be quoted with double quotes, or
      3. Be quoted with backticks but without a tag and without interpolations.
    2. All object literals ("POJOs") inside the call must:
      1. Not contain duplicate property names, and
      2. Not contain computed property names, even if the computed name is just a string literal, and
      3. Not contain any getters, setters or methods, and
      4. Not use the spread operator.
    3. All function expressions must:
      1. Be specified with either the function keyword or arrows, and
      2. Be anonymous, and
      3. Not have any modifiers (e.g. async, function*, etc), and
      4. Have exactly one statement in the function body, which must be a return statement. For arrow function expressions, this implies the single-expression implicit return shorthand syntax can be used, which is encouraged but optional.
  2. The first argument to the call must be a string literal containing the template source.

  3. The second argument to the call is optional. If provided, it must be a function expression that:

    1. Has no parameters, and
    2. Returns an object literal where every name-value pair must be in the form of:
      1. The property name must be a valid JavaScript identifier and its value must be a reference to the variable with the same name. This implies that the JavaScript shorthand property syntax can be used, which is encouraged but optional.
  4. In order to associate a template with a component class:

    1. The template() function must be called from within a static block on the class, where it must be the only statement in the block, and
    2. A third argument must be supplied to the call, and it must be the this keyword, and
    3. The specifications for the object literal described in 3.2. is expanded to permit the following:
      1. The property name can also be a valid JavaScript private field name (i.e. a valid JavaScript identifier prefixed by the # character), which must be quoted. Its value must be a function expression that:
        1. Has exactly one parameter, and
        2. When called with an object instance of the same class as parameter, it must return the value of the corresponding private field on the object.
  5. No additional arguments can be passed.

  6. Comments are permitted in any positions allowable by JavaScript, and any conforming tool must be configured to ignore comments when applying these rules. However, there is no guarantee that the comments will be preserved in the output, and even if they are preserved, there are no guarantee around the placements of these comments in the output.

For the tagged template string literal form, idiomatic usages are defined as:

  1. The string literal must not contain any interpolations.
  2. For class association, the tagged template string must be placed inside a static block on the class, where it must be the only statement in the block.

Some examples of idiomatic usages:

template("Hello world!");
template(`Hello world!`);

template("Hello world!", () => ({}));
template("Hello world!", () => {
  return {};
template("Hello world!", function () {
  return {};

template("<Hello />", () => ({ Hello }));
template("<Hello />", () => {
  return { Hello };
template("<Hello />", function () {
  return { Hello };

// Quoting the property names are also allowed
template("<Hello />", () => ({ Hello: Hello }));
template("<Hello />", () => {
  return { Hello: Hello };
template("<Hello />", function () {
  return { Hello: Hello };

class Foo {
  static {
    template("<Hello />", () => ({ Hello }), this);

class Bar {
  static {
    // Note: this does meet the requirements for associating the template with
    // the surrounding `Bar` class (rule 4). However, it is otherwise perfectly
    // legal to have an *unassociated* template() call inside a static block. = template("<Hello />");

Some examples of non-idiomatic or incorrect usages:


let t = template;
t("Hello world!");

let source = "Hello world!";

template("Hello" + " " + "world!");
template(`Hello ${audience}!`);

template("Hello world!", () => {});

const EMPTY_OBJECT = {};
template("Hello world!", () => EMPTY_OBJECT);

template("Hello world!", function scope() {
  return {};

template("Hello world!", /* this is a comment */ () => {});

template("<Hello />", () => ({ ...scope }));
template("<Hello />", () => ({ ["Hello"]: Hello }));
template("<Hello />", () => {
  let scope = {};
  scope["Hello"] = Hello;
  return scope;

template("<Hello />", () => ({ Hello }), class Foo {});

template("<Hello />", () => ({ Hello }), Foo);

class Foo {
  static template = template("<Hello />", () => ({ Hello }));

class Bar {
  static {
    template`<Hello />`;

As pointed out above, the philosophy around these restrictions is to maintain parity between the possible semantics with the <template> and restricting the syntactic variations to make it feasible for tools to perform the static analysis reliably.

On the other hand, at least in some of the use cases we are targeting, these would be hand-written in hand-maintained source code files (as opposed to only being a compilation target). Therefore, it is also an important balancing act to not add gratuitous restrictions that prescribe a "canonical syntax" that is easy to violate by accident. For example, while would could mandate, say, that the scope function must be specified using arrow functions, it could be easily forgotten and get missed in code-reviews, which could subtly cause the template to fallback to runtime compilation. Formatting tools like prettier may also automatically rewrite the code between different equivalent styles.

If the idiomatic usage rules are followed, a build-time processor will be able to provide warnings or errors for common mistakes, such as syntax errors within the Handlebars source code, missing or unused scope variables, etc. It may also be possible to provide some limited editor integration, though as pointed out by RFC #779, there are some inherit challenges with this approach.

Runtime Compilation

Ember has always had the ability to compile template at runtime. However, since this incur significant costs and most apps do not benefit from it, this feature is disabled by default and requires and explicit opt-in to include the runtime template compiler into the app's bundle. The mechanism of the opt-in will be discussed later in this section.

If the template compiler is available at runtime, then it will be possible to use the template() function at runtime as well. However, as mentioned above, this does not extend to the "tagged template string" format. Attempting to use the template() function as a tag at runtime will result in a helpful error in debug builds and undefined behavior on production builds.

If the template compiler is not available at runtime, then attempts to call the template() function at runtime will result in a helpful error in debug builds and undefined behavior on production builds. On production builds, it is not guaranteed that the template named export may be undefined (i.e. it may not even be a function), but developers must not rely on this to "feature-detect" the availability of runtime compilation.

Notably, even when template compilation is available at runtime, the result of the compilations may be subtly different. This is because that applications may have custom glimmer/handlebars AST plugins in their build, and these plugins will not be available at runtime.

This may change in the future, but it has always been true for runtime template compilation and will likely remain to be the case for the foreseeable future, as these plugins are often authored or packaged in ways that are inherently not browser-friendly. This usually only used for optional syntax extensions such as "inline {{let}}" so in practice it is not an issue. However, some polyfills for template features also uses the AST plugin API and those polyfilled features will not be available to templates compiled at runtime.

Opting In

Today, applications can opt-in to bundling the runtime compiler with something along these lines in their ember-cli-build.js:


The exact details depend on the version of ember-source and is not very well documented. It also does not align with the direction we are headed, where we encourage using the modules system and imports to express dependencies. This configuration is also not friendly to tree-shaking/code-splitting, as it forces the template compiler to be included into the main/initial bundle, when it may only be needed in one of the infrequently used routes.

This RFC takes the opportunity to improve on this by proposing a new module – @ember/template-compilation/runtime. When the template() module is imported from this location, it guarantees that those calls will not be pre-processed at build time. It will also ensure the runtime template compiler is included in the bundle to support the runtime calls.

In addition, this module can also be imported for side-effect. Like the above, this again ensures the runtime template compiler is included in the build. It essentially serves as an alternative to the app.import() opt-in today. Note that merely including this side-effect import does not preclude build-time pre-processing from happening, which is controlled by other build config such as the inclusion of the relevant Babel plugins. It simply ensures that if, for any reason, there were unprocessed template() calls left in the build, they will work correctly at runtime without producing any errors.

The general recommendation is that the @ember/template-compilation module should be used (and the idiomatic usage guidelines are followed) in most situations and whenever possible, so that the code can be agnostic against how and where the compilation happens. Whether the application or environment is set up for build-time pre-processing,

either as a "side-effect" import statement, or if its exported values are imported, then it serves as an opt-in for making runtime template compilation available.

For the time being, we propose that this module should have a single named export – template, which is a re-export of the template() function we described above. It has the same semantics as template() from the main module except it is always invalid to use this imported function as a tag, so linters and TypeScript can trivial flag this invalid usage.

The purpose of the re-exported template() from the runtime module is to signal to both human readers and build tools that the template compilation is deliberately deferred to runtime. These usages must not be processed at build time and linters must not warn about non-idiomatic usages.

Typically, developers should favor importing template() from the main module so that their code can be agonistic against where the compilation is happening. However, since the intent is that build-time compilation should be possible, they should also take care to ensure they stay within the set of idiomatic set of usages to guarantee that is the case, and this re-export from the runtime module offers a way to signal that the deviations are deliberate.

This RFC does not propose to add re-exports for other features found in the @ember/template-compilation package. Conceptually, it makes sense to provide the same ex-export for at least the compile() function. However, as we move to a world where components are used everywhere and the need for "standalone templates" dwindles, it is unclear that the compile() function is needed in the long run. In any case, if that turns out to be necessary, a future RFC can propose to add support for that and the precedence set forth in this RFC should make that a straightforward process.


We don't expect this feature to pose any significant challenges in terms of TypeScript support, other than having a few overloaded signatures/purpose on the same template() function may make things a little cumbersome, but not prohibitively so. The signature of the function can be described as such:

// These types are defined in other RFCs
interface Component<Signature> {
  /* ... */

type Scope = () => Record<string, unknown>;

function template<Signature>(source: string): Component<Signature>;
function template<Signature>(
  source: string,
  scope: Scope
): Component<Signature>;
function template<Signature, C extends Component<Signature>>(
  source: string,
  scope: Scope,
  target: C
): C;

// For the build-time tagged template literal extension. By not specifying
// additional arguments here, TypeScript actually enforces that the tagged
// string literal cannot have any interpolation expressions.
function template<Signature>(
  source: TemplateStringsArray
): Component<Signature>;

One nice thing about this design is that there is a natural place for the type (generic) argument for the template's signature, negating the need for the special <template[Signature]> syntax.

How we teach this

The teaching recommendations in RFC #779 shall remain in full force. We continue to recommend teaching materials to be focused around <template> and .gjs. The template() feature is recommended only in standard JavaScript environments where adoption of <template> and .gjs is not feasible.

Because template() is a standard JavaScript API that has a "real" import location, there is a natural place to document and describe its behavior in the API docs. This should be the primary reference of the feature, and should also where we document the idiomatic subset as well.

In the section of the guides where we teach <template>, there should also be a small subsection discussing using template() as an alternative, including what the appropriate use cases and its potential drawbacks. There may also be value in teaching <template> in terms of its desugaring into template() in the guides. Some developers may find it easier to appreciate what <template> is or does and its benefits by comparing it to the equivalent standard JavaScript desugaring.


Exposing the ability to manually pass a scope function can expose flexibility that we don't intend on providing and opening it up to misuse. For example, the closure could do more than just simply capturing the surrounding lexical scope, impart side-effects, observe the timing of the call, etc.

However, this is not a new problem in a sense, as the primitives already exists and the current status quo is that users who cannot use <template> must use those primitives directly. With good linting and the ability to precompile and analyze templates statically, it provides good incentives for developers to stick with the idiomatic subset, which is carefully defined to have the same semantics and power as <template>.

In any case, a lot of these "dangerous" patterns are already possible outside of the scope function, especially after the default helper manager making it easy to define inline helpers.

With the ability to fallback to runtime compilation, the existence of these edge cases do not create a lot of additional implementation complexity.


Class Decorators

We could use class decorators to associate templates to classes instead of the static initializer block approach. The biggest drawback is that we would not be able to access private fields with this design. In addition, in practice it feels pretty awkward to use due to the length of the source text and the amount of arguments needed, even for trivial examples. It also doesn't help this case that stage 3 decorators require that class decorators come after the export and default keywords:

export @template(`<Hello />`, () => ({ Hello }) class Bar {

Reserving Space For "Attributes"

It seems likely that the <template> tag will eventually gain some kind of "attributes" syntax for configuring things like whitespace handling (see the next section).

One option is to "reserve space" for that now, but it can also be done later by optionally allowing the current "scope closure" argument to be a options object where the scope closure would be passed as { scope: () => ({ ... }) }.

Unresolved questions

Whitespace Handling

One thing that RFC #779 did not specify is that how whitespace should be handled. The default conclusion is probably that the whitespaces should be preserved exactly the way they appear in the .gjs source text. While this technically works, it is a conclusion that pleases and benefits no one, and will likely be revised/refined during the "spec work" process before the feature is shipped.

On the one hand, there is the argument that whitespaces are typically not significant in almost all HTML contexts templates. Shipping all these useless whitespace just to have the browser fold them away when rendered into the DOM is a not insignificant amount of wasted space in app bundles today. It also just creates unnecessary work for the browser and the rendering layer.

On the other hand, there is the argument that whitespaces can be significant. Sometimes, this can be observed from uses of the <pre> element, but really, the whitespace handling for any element (including <pre>) can be changed using the CSS white-space property, so it is not necessarily safe to assume that we can fold/collapse whitespaces in templates just because that's the default behavior of the browser.

However, even with that in mind, the default conclusion for the whitespace handling in <template> tags is still not useful, especially when the author is trying to preserve significant whitespace for something like code samples. This is because <template> tags often appears in JavaScript contexts that already has leading indentation (such as inside a class body), so in practice, if we preserve the whitespace exactly as it appears inside the <template> tag, it still would not do what the author was trying to accomplish.

It seems likely that we would need to define some default (perhaps globally configurable) whitespace handling rules, along with some mechanisms for local overrides. Perhaps something like <template white-space="pre">.

Once we decide that for <template>, then we have to make the additional choice of what to do about template(). Because they are the same feature, they face the same challenges. Again, the default course of action would be to do nothing/preserve the whitespaces exactly, but it's a solution that serves no one for the same reasons.

It is the same challenge that multi-line backtick string literals faces in normal JavaScript. Perhaps it would have been ideal if the language specified backticks to have stripIndent semantics, but that ship has sailed now.

In the build time version of template(), we could certainly apply the same whitespace handling semantics as we have the full source text available to us for the analysis. Depends on what those semantics are, we may or may not be able to do the same in the runtime version, and it may be a divergence that we have to accept.

Of course, in those cases, since the compilation runs at runtime anyway, developers can apply arbitrary whitespace normalization on the source text themselves before passing them into the template() function, such as using the popular strip-indent NPM package, so it does not create any functional limitations per-se. The main issue here is whether we end up with different semantics in this area between the build-time and runtime versions, and whether it is acceptable to require the few developers needing runtime compilation to know that the difference exists. Then again, because of the lack of AST plugins at runtime, this may not be the only or even the most notable difference in a given application anyway.

In any case, we don't necessarily have to solve this problem as part of this RFC, as we would still have to do the same amendment on <template>, with that conclusion being the primary driver for the decision in template(). However, it is import to come to some conclusion before either of these features is officially shipped as it would be hard to change after.