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1009 lines (855 loc) · 44.3 KB

A handy reminder of key bindings

  • Open with C-h C-d

general editing bindings

custom key bindings

C-x g magit-status C-x O back one window C-x C-o forward two windows C-x C-i idomenu <F5> revert buffer <F6> toggle whitespace mode <F7> toggle menu bar C-h C-d open key binding reminder doc C-x M-d insdate-insert-current-date C-x M-r eval-and-replace elisp sexp


C-x C-f Find file C-x C-s Save buffer C-x s Save file (like save-as) C-x b Switch buffer C-x k Kill buffer C-x 1 Delete other windows C-x 0 Delete current window C-x 2 Split window horizontally C-x 3 Split window vertically


C-a Move to beginning of line M-m Move to the first non-whitespace character on the line C-e Move to end of line C-n Next line (down) C-p Previous line (up) C-f Move forward one character C-b Move backward one character M-f Move forward one word (I use this a lot) M-b Move backward one word (I use this a lot, too) C-s Regex search for text in the current buffer and move to it. Hit C-s again to move to the next match C-r Same as above, but search in reverse C-v Forward a page M-v Back a page M-< Move to beginning of buffer M-> Move to end of buffer M-g g Go to line


C-d Kill character M-d Kill word M-delete Kill word backwards


C-s Regex search forwards C-r Regex search backwards M-% Query replace

kill ring and regions

C-Spc Set mark C-w Kill region M-w Copy region to kill ring C-y Yank M-y Cycle through kill ring after yanking M-d Kill word C-k Kill line (from point)


C-h t Tutorial (goes over the basics) C-h b Describe all current key bindings C-h m Describe the current mode C-h a Apropos - search the help for a term C-h k Describe key

keyboard macros

C-x (’ or <f3> start defining a keyboard macro C-x )’ or <f4> stop defining the keyboard macro C-x e’ or <f4> execute the keyboard macro

win-switch (C-x o)

transient mode that aids window navigation

direct navigation:

i select the window above the current window. k select the window below the current window. j select the window left of the current window. l select the window right of the current window.

cycling navigation

o cycles forward through the window list in the current frame. p cycles backward through the window list in the current frame. SPACE cycles among existing frames.


u / <Ret> exit window switching mode. Any key not bound to a win-switch command exits window switching mode (like u does) and then executes the original function. Waiting idle for more than win-switch-idle-time will exit window switching mode (like u does) C-M-g is an “emergency” exit


I vertically enlarges the current window K vertically shrinks the current window L horizontally enlarges the current window J horizontally shrinks the current window

splitting and deleting windows

h splits the current window into two equal windows, one above the other. (H is a visual mnemonic for the split.) ; splits the current window into two equal windows, side by side. (: is a visual mnemnoic for the split.) 0 deletes the current window

execute commands (smex) and find files (ido) in mini buffer

M-x extended-execute-command (smex) M-X smex-major-mode-commands (only command relevant to mode) C-c C-c M-x extended-execute-command (old) C-s / C-r next / previous match in ‘smex’ and ‘ido’ C-f / C-b switch find file or find buffer in ‘smex’ and ‘ido’ Tab tab completion Ret choose selection // go to root directory ~/ go to home directory C-SPC (C-@) type some characters then execute for name filtering. M-p / M-n or M-UP / M-DOWN to change to previous/next directories from the history M-s search for a file matching your input C-h f describe function on selection M-. jump to definition of selected function C-h w show key binding of selected funtion (where-is) none smex-show-unbound-commands


ace jump mode

C-c Spc ace-jump-word-mode C-u C-c Spc ace-jump-char-mode C-u C-uC-c Spc ace-jump-line-mode


C-: jump to single letter C-’ jump to two letters


C-: jump to letter on screen C-’ jump to two of letters on screen

multiple cursors


C-S-c C-S-c mc/edit-lines) C-> mc/mark-next-like-this C-< mc/mark-previous-like-this C-c C-< mc/mark-all-like-this

Command overview

Mark one more occurrence

mc/mark-next-like-this: Adds a cursor and region at the next part of the buffer forwards that matches the current region. mc/mark-next-word-like-this: Like mc/mark-next-like-this but only for whole words. mc/mark-next-symbol-like-this: Like mc/mark-next-like-this but only for whole symbols. mc/mark-previous-like-this: Adds a cursor and region at the next part of the buffer backwards that matches the current region. mc/mark-previous-word-like-this: Like mc/mark-previous-like-this but only for whole words. mc/mark-previous-symbol-like-this: Like mc/mark-previous-like-this but only for whole symbols. mc/mark-more-like-this-extended: Use arrow keys to quickly mark/skip next/previous occurances. mc/add-cursor-on-click: Bind to a mouse event to add cursors by clicking. See tips-section. mc/mark-pop: Set a cursor at the current point and move to the next (different) position on the mark stack. This allows for fine grained control over the placement of cursors.

Juggle around with the current cursors

mc/unmark-next-like-this: Remove the cursor furthest down in the buffer. mc/unmark-previous-like-this: Remove the cursor furthest up in the buffer. mc/skip-to-next-like-this: Remove the cursor furthest down, marking the next occurance down. mc/skip-to-previous-like-this: Remove the cursor furthest up, marking the next occurance up. mc/mark-next-like-this-extended: Temporarily bind the arrow keys to mark/unmark/skip cursors.

Mark many occurrences

mc/edit-lines: Adds one cursor to each line in the current region. mc/edit-beginnings-of-lines: Adds a cursor at the start of each line in the current region. mc/edit-ends-of-lines: Adds a cursor at the end of each line in the current region. mc/mark-all-like-this: Marks all parts of the buffer that matches the current region. mc/mark-all-words-like-this: Like mc/mark-all-like-this but only for whole words. mc/mark-all-symbols-like-this: Like mc/mark-all-like-this but only for whole symbols. mc/mark-all-in-region: Prompts for a string to match in the region, adding cursors to all of them. mc/mark-all-like-this-in-defun: Marks all parts of the current defun that matches the current region. mc/mark-all-words-like-this-in-defun: Like mc/mark-all-like-this-in-defun but only for whole words. mc/mark-all-symbols-like-this-in-defun: Like mc/mark-all-like-this-in-defun but only for whole symbols. mc/mark-all-dwim: Tries to be smart about marking everything you want. Can be pressed multiple times.


set-rectangular-region-anchor: Think of this one as set-mark except you’re marking a rectangular region. mc/mark-sgml-tag-pair: Mark the current opening and closing tag. mc/insert-numbers: Insert increasing numbers for each cursor, top to bottom. mc/sort-regions: Sort the marked regions alphabetically. mc/reverse-regions: Reverse the order of the marked regions.


C-_ C-/ (`undo-tree-undo’) Undo changes. M-_ C-? (`undo-tree-redo’) Redo changes. `undo-tree-switch-branch’ Switch undo-tree branch. C-x u (`undo-tree-visualize’) Visualize the undo tree. C-x r u (`undo-tree-save-state-to-register’) Save current buffer state to register. C-x r U (`undo-tree-restore-state-from-register’) Restore buffer state from register.

In the undo-tree visualizer:

<up> p C-p (`undo-tree-visualize-undo’) Undo changes. <down> n C-n (`undo-tree-visualize-redo’) Redo changes. <left> b C-b (`undo-tree-visualize-switch-branch-left’) Switch to previous undo-tree branch. <right> f C-f (`undo-tree-visualize-switch-branch-right’) Switch to next undo-tree branch. C-<up> M-{ (`undo-tree-visualize-undo-to-x’) Undo changes up to last branch point. C-<down> M-} (`undo-tree-visualize-redo-to-x’) Redo changes down to next branch point. <down> n C-n (`undo-tree-visualize-redo’) Redo changes. <mouse-1> (`undo-tree-visualizer-mouse-set’) Set state to node at mouse click. t (`undo-tree-visualizer-toggle-timestamps’) Toggle display of time-stamps. d (`undo-tree-visualizer-toggle-diff’) Toggle diff display. s (`undo-tree-visualizer-selection-mode’) Toggle keyboard selection mode. q (`undo-tree-visualizer-quit’) Quit undo-tree-visualizer. C- q (`undo-tree-visualizer-abort’) Abort undo-tree-visualizer. , < Scroll left. . > Scroll right. <pgup> M-v Scroll up. <pgdown> C-v Scroll down.

In visualizer selection mode:

<up> p C-p (`undo-tree-visualizer-select-previous’) Select previous node. <down> n C-n (`undo-tree-visualizer-select-next’) Select next node. <left> b C-b (`undo-tree-visualizer-select-left’) Select left sibling node. <right> f C-f (`undo-tree-visualizer-select-right’) Select right sibling node. <pgup> M-v Select node 10 above. <pgdown> C-v Select node 10 below. <enter> (`undo-tree-visualizer-set’) Set state to selected node and exit selection mode. s (`undo-tree-visualizer-mode’) Exit selection mode. t (`undo-tree-visualizer-toggle-timestamps’) Toggle display of time-stamps. d (`undo-tree-visualizer-toggle-diff’) Toggle diff display. q (`undo-tree-visualizer-quit’) Quit undo-tree-visualizer. C-q (`undo-tree-visualizer-abort’) Abort undo-tree-visualizer. , < Scroll left. . > Scroll right.

Persistent undo history:

undo-tree-auto-save-history (variable) automatically save and restore undo-tree history along with buffer undo-tree-save-history (command) manually save undo history to file undo-tree-load-history (command) manually load undo history from file

Miscellaneous stuff

;; Regular fill text:

lorem-ipsum C-c l p - lorem-ipsum-insert-paragraphs C-c l s - lorem-ipsum-insert-sentences C-c l l - lorem-ipsum-insert-list




M-x magit-status Magit’s status buffer The main entry point to Magit, and the context where the commands described in this cheatsheet are meant to be executed. Probably a good idea to bind magit-status to a key.

$ magit-process buffer Behind-the-scenes Displays the git command and its output.

g reload status buffer Necessary to update an existing Magit status buffer after saving a file in emacs, or after making changes to repo outside of emacs.

Section Visibility

TAB Toggle visibility of current section

S-TAB Toggle visibility of current section and its children

1,2,3,4 Expand current section to the corresponding level of detail

  • 1, 2, 3 or 4 e.g., 4 will show all detail for the current


M-1,2,3,4 Expand all sections to the corresponding level of detail

  • 1, 2, 3 or 4 e.g., M-4 will show all detail for the

entire buffer.

Untracked Files

s Add untracked file to staging area

i Add file to .gitignore

C-u i Prompt for file/directory to add to .gitignore

I Add file to .git/info/exclude instead of .gitignore

Staging and Committing

s Stage current hunk If point is in diff header, will stage all hunks belonging to current diff. If a region is active, only lines in that region will be staged. This is a distinct improvement on the conventional ‘git add -p’, the splitting mechanics of which are… ‘imperfect’.

u Unstage current hunk As with s command, only in reverse: diff headers and regions provide a corresponding context to the unstage action.

S Stage all hunks

U Unstage all hunks

k Discard uncommitted changes As with s command.

c Prepare for commit Pops up magit-log-edit buffer. to allow you to enter your commit message.

C-c C-c Execute commit Actually triggers commit action. Fire this inside the magit -log-edit commit message buffer. To postpone the commit for later, just C-x b to a different buffer and come back to this buffer when you’re ready,

C-c C-a Make the next commit an amend


l History Shows terse history for repository.

L Verbose history

C-u l History segment Will prompt for beginning and end points.

RET Inspect commit Shows full information for commit and move point into the new buffer.

a Stage current commit on your current branch Useful to cherrypick changes while browsing an alternative branch. Cherrypicked changes need to be committed manually.

A Commit current commit on your current branch As with ‘a’, but will automatically commit changes when there aren’t any conflicts.

C-w Copy sha1 of current commit into kill ring

= Show differences between current and marked commits

.. Mark current commit

. Unmark current commit if marked

C-u .. Unmark marked commit from anywhere


h Browse reflog from HEAD Reflog buffer works just like History buffer described above.

H Browse reflog from chosen point


d Show changes between working tree and HEAD

D Show changes between two arbitrary revisions

a Apply current changes to working tree Change-selection works as described in ‘Staging and Committing’ above.

v Apply current changes to working tree in reverse


t Make lightweight tag

T Prepare annotated tag Launches magit-log-edit buffer for writing annotation.

C-c C-c Commit annotated tag Actually triggers annotated tag action.


x Reset your current head to chosen revision No changes will be made to working tree or staging area. Typing x while point is in a line describing a commit will offer this commit as the default revision to reset to.

X Reset working tree and staging area to most recent committed state Destructive! Will discard all local modifications.


z Create new stash Stashes are listed in the status buffer.

Z Create new stash and maintain state Leaves current changes in working tree and staging area.

RET View stash

a Apply stash

A Pop stash

k Drop stash


b Switch to different branch Current branch is indicated in header of status buffer.

B Create and switch to new branch


w Show summary of how other branches relate to current branch

i Toggle ignore branch

C-u w Show all branches including ignored ones


m Initiate manual merge Applies all changes to working area and index, without committing.

M Initiate automatic merge Applies all changes to working area and index. Commits changes immediately.


R Initiate or continue a rebase


r s Start a rewrite

v Revert a given commit

r t Remove bookkeeping information from buffer

r a Abort rewriting

r f Finish rewriting Applies all unused commits.

r * Toggle the * mark on a pending commit

r .. Toggle the . mark on a pending commit

Pushing and Pulling

P git push Uses default remote repository.

C-u P git push to specified remote repository

f git remote update

F git pull

Interfacing with Subversion

N r git svn rebase

N c git svn dcommit

company completion

M-n / M-p select next/previous item Ret complete item Tab complete common part C-s / C-r / C-o search through completions none company-complete - initiate completion manually <F1> show documentation of selection C-w show the selections source



M-(, M-{, M-[ surround expression after point in brackets C-→ Slurp; move closing parenthesis to the right to include next expression C-← Barf; move closing parenthesis to the left to exclude last expression C-M-f, C-M-b Move to the opening/closing parenthesis

SEXP navagation

C-M-f sp-forward-sexp (&optional arg) C-M-b sp-backward-sexp (&optional arg) C-M-d sp-down-sexp (&optional arg) C-M-a sp-backward-down-sexp (&optional arg) C-M-e sp-up-sexp (&optional arg) C-M-u sp-backward-up-sexp (&optional arg) C-M-n sp-next-sexp (&optional arg) C-M-p sp-previous-sexp (&optional arg) C-S-d sp-beginning-of-sexp (&optional arg) C-S-a sp-end-of-sexp (&optional arg) none sp-beginning-of-next-sexp (&optional arg) none sp-beginning-of-previous-sexp (&optional arg) none sp-end-of-next-sexp (&optional arg) none sp-end-of-previous-sexp (&optional arg)

manipulation functions

C-M-k sp-kill-sexp (&optional arg) C– C-M-k sp-backward-kill-sexp (&optional arg)

C-M-w sp-copy-sexp (&optional arg) C– C-M-w sp-backward-copy-sexp (&optional arg)

M-<delete> sp-unwrap-sexp (&optional arg) M-<backspace> sp-backward-unwrap-sexp (&optional arg)

C-M-t sp-transpose-sexp

M-D sp-splice-sexp (&optional arg) C-M-<delete> sp-splice-sexp-killing-forward (&optional arg) C-M-<backspace> sp-splice-sexp-killing-backward (&optional arg) C-S-<backspace> sp-splice-sexp-killing-around (&optional arg)

none sp-convolute-sexp (&optional arg) none sp-absorb-sexp (&optional arg) none sp-emit-sexp (&optional arg) none sp-extract-before-sexp (&optional arg) none sp-extract-after-sexp (&optional arg)

none sp-split-sexp (arg) none sp-join-sexp (&optional arg)

none sp-rewrap-sexp (&optional arg) none sp-swap-enclosing-sexp (&optional arg)

C-<right> sp-forward-slurp-sexp (&optional arg) C-<left> sp-forward-barf-sexp (&optional arg) C-M-<left> sp-backward-slurp-sexp (&optional arg) C-M-<right> sp-backward-barf-sexp (&optional arg)

none sp-add-to-next-sexp (&optional arg) none sp-add-to-previous-sexp (&optional arg)

C-M-] sp-select-next-thing (&optional arg) C-[ sp-select-previous-thing (&optional arg)

C-] sp-select-next-thing-exchange (&optional arg) C– C-] sp-select-previous-thing-exchange (&optional arg)


C-c ! c flycheck-buffer C-c ! n flycheck-next-error C-c ! p flycheck-previous-error C-c ! l flycheck-list-errors

clojure mode bindings (cider)

summary (basics)

C-c C-k compile and load current buffer C-x C-f open file C-x C-s save file C-x b switch buffer C-c C-, run tests C-c ’ check test error C-x o swtich to other window M-p scroll back in repl historyq M-n scroll forwareds in repl history C-c M-n change namespace of REPL C-c C-d clojure doc of symbol M-. jump to source M-, pop back to where you were C-c M-, jump to resource M-x imenu list definitions in a menu (use ‘clojure.repl)



C-c C-k Load the current buffer. C-c C-l Load a file. C-x C-e or C-c C-e Evaluate the form preceding point and display the result in the echo area. If invoked with a prefix argument, insert the result into the current buffer. C-c C-p pretty print last sexp C-c C-w Evaluate the form preceding point and replace it with its result C-c M-e Evaluate the form preceding point and output it result to the REPL buffer. If invoked with a prefix argument, takes you to the REPL buffer after being invoked. C-c C-p Evaluate the form preceding point and pretty-print the result in a popup buffer. C-c C-f Evaluate the top level form under point and pretty-print the result in a popup buffer. C-c C-n Eval the ns form. C-M-x or C-c C-c Evaluate the top level form under point and display the result in the echo area. If invoked with a prefix argument, insert the result into the current buffer. C-c C-r Evaluate the region and display the result in the echo area. C-C m-: cider-read-and-eval C-c M-i Inspect expression. Will act on expression at point if present. M-p cider-eval-print-last-sexp

macro expansion

C-c C-m Invoke macroexpand-1 on the form at point and display the result in a macroexpansion buffer. If invoked with a prefix argument, macroexpand is used instead of macroexpand-1. C-c M-m Invoke clojure.walk/macroexpand-all on the form at point and display the result in a macroexpansion buffer.


M-TAB / C-M-i Complete the symbol at point.

clojure documentation

C-c C-d cider-doc-map C-c C-d d or C-c C-d C-d Display doc string for the symbol at point. If invoked with a prefix argument, or no symbol is found at point, prompt for a symbol. C-c C-d j or C-c C-d C-j Display JavaDoc (in your default browser) for the symbol at point. If invoked with a prefix argument, or no symbol is found at point, prompt for a symbol. C-c C-d a Apropos search for functions/vars. C-c C-d A Apropos search for documentation. C-c C-d g Lookup symbol in Grimoire. C-c C-d h cider-grimore-web

cider control

C-c M-p Load the form preceding point in the REPL buffer.

C-c C-z Switch to the relevant REPL buffer. Use a prefix argument to change the namespace of the REPL buffer to match the currently visited source file. C-c M-o Clear the entire REPL buffer, leaving only a prompt. Useful if you’re running the REPL buffer in a side by side buffer. C-c M-s cider-selector C-c M-d Display default REPL connection details, including project directory name, buffer namespace, host and port. C-c M-r Rotate and display the default nREPL connection. C-c M-n Switch the namespace of the REPL buffer to the namespace of the current buffer. C-c M-t Toggle var tracing. C-c C-b Interrupt any pending evaluations. C-c C-x cider-refresh C-u C-u C-c or C-z Switch to the REPL buffer based on a user prompt for a directory. C-c C-q cider-quit

testing (clojure test)

C-c , Run tests for namespace. C-c C-, Re-run test failures/errors for namespace. C-c M-, Run test at point. C-c C-t Show the test report buffer.

source navigation

M-. Jump to the definition of a symbol. If invoked with a prefix argument, or no symbol is found at point, prompt for a symbol. M-, Return to your pre-jump location. C-c M-. Jump to the resource referenced by the string at point.

cider repl mode

RET Evaluate the current input in Clojure if it is complete. If incomplete, open a new line and indent. If invoked with a prefix argument is given then the input is evaluated without checking for completeness. C-RET Close any unmatched parenthesis and then evaluate the current input in Clojure. C-j Open a new line and indent. C-c M-o Clear the entire REPL buffer, leaving only a prompt. C-c C-o Remove the output of the previous evaluation from the REPL buffer. C-c C-u Kill all text from the prompt to the current point. C-c C-b or C-c C-c Interrupt any pending evaluations. C-up C-down Goto to previous/next input in history. M-p M-n Search the previous/next item in history using the current input as search pattern. If M-p/M-n is typed two times in a row, the second invocation uses the same search pattern (even if the current input has changed). M-s M-r Search forward/reverse through command history with regex. C-c C-n or C-c C-p Move between the current and previous prompts in the REPL buffer. Pressing RET on a line with old input copies that line to the newest prompt. TAB Complete symbol at point.

C-c C-d d Display doc string for the symbol at point. If invoked with a prefix argument, or no symbol is found at point, prompt for a symbol C-c C-d j Display JavaDoc (in your default browser) for the symbol at point. If invoked with a prefix argument, or no symbol is found at point, prompt for a symbol. C-c C-d g Lookup symbol in Grimoire. C-c C-d a Apropos search for functions/vars. C-c C-d A Apropos search for documentation.

C-c C-z Switch to the previous Clojure buffer. This complements C-c C-z used in cider-mode. C-c M-f Select a function from the current namespace and insert into the REPL buffer. C-c M-i Inspect expression. Will act on expression at point if present. C-c M-n Select a namespace and switch to it. C-c M-t v Toggle var tracing. C-c M-t n Toggle namespace tracing. , Short-cut command ad REPL

cider macroexpansion

C-c C-m Invoke macroexpand-1 on the form at point and replace the original form with its expansion. If invoked with a prefix argument, macroexpand is used instead of macroexpand-1. C-c M-m Invoke clojure.walk/macroexpand-all on the form at point and replace the original form with its expansion. g Theprior macroexpansion is performed again and the current contents of the macroexpansion buffer are replaced with the new expansion. C-/ C-x u Undo the last inplace expansion performed in the macroexpansion buffer.

cider inspector mode

Tab or Shift-Tab navigate inspectable sub-objects Return inspect sub-objects l pop to the parent object g refresh the inspector (e.g. if viewing an atom/ref/agent)

cider test report mode

C-c , Run tests for namespace. C-c C-, Re-run test failures/errors for namespace. C-c M-, Run test at point. M-p Move point to previous test. M-n Move point to next test. t and M-. Jump to test definition. d Display diff of actual vs expected. e Display test error cause and stacktrace info.

cider stacktrace mode

M-p move point to previous cause M-n move point to next cause M-. or Return navigate to the source location (if available) for the stacktrace frame Tab Cycle current cause detail 0 or S-Tab Cycle all cause detail 1 Cycle cause #1 detail 2 Cycle cause #2 detail 3 Cycle cause #3 detail 4 Cycle cause #4 detail 5 Cycle cause #5 detail j toggle display of java frames c toggle display of clj frames r toggle display of repl frames t toggle display of tooling frames (e.g. compiler, nREPL middleware) d toggle display of duplicate frames a toggle display of all frames

clojure re-factor

M-n refactor prefix ad: add declaration for current top-level form ai: add import to namespace declaration, then jump back ar: add require to namespace declaration, then jump back (see optional setup) au: add “use” (ie require refer all) to namespace declaration, then jump back cc: cycle surrounding collection type ci: refactoring between if and if-not cp: cycle privacy of defns and defs dk: destructure keys el: expand let il: introduce let mf: move one or more forms to another namespace, :refer any functions ml: move to let pc: run project cleaner functions on the whole project pf: promote function literal or fn, or fn to defn rf: rename file, update ns-declaration, and then query-replace new ns in project. rl: remove-let, inline all variables and remove the let form rr: remove unused requires ru: replace all :use in namespace with :refer :all sn: sort :use, :require and :import in the ns form sp: Sort all dependency vectors in project.clj sr: stop referring (removes :refer [] from current require, fixing references) tf: wrap in thread-first (->) and fully thread th: thread another expression tl: wrap in thread-last (->>) and fully thread ua: fully unwind a threaded expression uw: unwind a threaded expression

Using refactor-nrepl, you also get:

am: add a missing libspec ap: add a dependency to your project cn: Perform various cleanups on the ns form ef: Extract function fu: Find usages hd: Hotload dependency rd: Remove (debug) function invocations rs: Rename symbol


F8 jump to imports C-c C-. sort and align imports M-. jump to definition M-x haskell-mode-stylish-buffer format file C-c C-l load file in interpreter C-c C-z navigate errors in the file (haskell-mode, interactive) C-c C-n C-t show type of expression (haskell-mode, interactive) C-c C-n C-t show info of expression (interactive) C-c C-n C-c run cabal build (interactive) C-c C-n c run any other cabal command (interactive) M-x haskell-debug start debugger M-n or Esc n go to next error or warning M-p or Esc p go to previous error or warning M-? or Esc ? show error or warning information C-c C-c change checking between GHC and HLint C-c C-t show type of expression (ghc-mod) C-c C-i show info of expression (ghc-mod) M-C-d or Esc C-d show documentation of expression C-c C-h search using Hoogle M-C-i or Esc C-i auto-completion M-C-m or Esc C-m insert module import C-u M-t initial code generation M-t perform case split C-c < indent region shallower (ghc-mod) C-c > indent region deeper (ghc-mod) wait show completions (company-ghc) C-c M-n go to next hole C-c M-p go to previous hole C-c C-f refine hole C-c C-a automatically fill hole C-c C-r refactoring command prefix C-c C-r r rename refactoring M-a go to parent node (SHM) C-j newline and indent


Erlang Mode


TAB (erlang-indent-command) Indents the current line of code. M-C-\ (indent-region) Indents all lines in the region. M-l (indent-for-comment)

  • Insert a comment character to the right of the code on the line (if any).

Lines with one %-character is indented to the right of the code. The column is specified by the variable comment-column, by default column 48 is used. Lines with two %-characters will be indented to the same depth as code would have been in the same situation. Lines with three of more %-characters are indented to the left margin. C-c C-q (erlang-indent-function) Indents the current Erlang function. M-x erlang-indent-clause Indent the current Erlang clause. M-x erlang-indent-current-buffer Indent the entire buffer.

Edit - Fill Comment

When editing normal text in text mode you can let Emacs reformat the text by the fill-paragraph command. This command will not work for comments since it will treat the comment characters as words.

The Erlang editing mode provides a command that knows about the Erlang comment structure and can be used to fill text paragraphs in comments. Ex:

%% This is just a very simple test to show %% how the Erlang fill %% paragraph command works.

Clearly, the text is badly formatted. Instead of formatting this paragraph line by line, let’s try erlang-fill-paragraph by pressing M-q. The result is: %% This is just a very simple test to show how the Erlang fill %% paragraph command works.

Edit - Comment/Uncomment Region

C-c C-c will put comment characters at the beginning of all lines in a marked region. If you want to have two comment characters instead of one you can do C-u 2 C-c C-c C-c C-u will undo a comment-region command.

Edit - Moving the marker

C-a M-a (erlang-beginning-of-function) Move the point to the beginning of the current or preceding Erlang function. With an numeric argument (ex C-u 2 C-a M-a) the function skips backwards over this many Erlang functions. Should the argument be negative the point is moved to the beginning of a function below the current function. M-C-a (erlang-beginning-of-clause) As above but move point to the beginning of the current or preceding Erlang clause. C-a M-e (erlang-end-of-function) Move to the end of the current or following Erlang function. With an numeric argument (ex C-u 2 C-a M-e) the function skips backwards over this many Erlang functions. Should the argument be negative the point is moved to the end of a function below the current function. M-C-e (erlang-end-of-clause) As above but move point to the end of the current or following Erlang clause.

Edit - Marking

C-c M-h (erlang-mark-function) Put the region around the current Erlang function. The point is placed in the beginning and the mark at the end of the function. M-C-h (erlang-mark-clause) Put the region around the current Erlang clause. The point is placed in the beginning and the mark at the end of the function.

Edit - Function Header Commands

C-c C-j (erlang-generate-new-clause) Create a new clause in the current Erlang function. The point is placed between the parentheses of the argument list. C-c C-y (erlang-clone-arguments) Copy the function arguments of the preceding Erlang clause. This command is useful when defining a new clause with almost the same argument as the preceding.

Edit - Arrows

C-c C-a (erlang-align-arrows) aligns arrows after clauses inside a region.


sum(L) -> sum(L, 0). sum([H|T], Sum) -> sum(T, Sum + H); sum([], Sum) -> Sum.


sum(L) -> sum(L, 0). sum([H|T], Sum) -> sum(T, Sum + H); sum([], Sum) -> Sum.

Syntax highlighting

The syntax highlighting can be activated from the Erlang menu. There are four different alternatives:

Off: Normal black and white display. Level 1: Function headers, reserved words, comments, strings, quoted atoms, and character constants will be colored. Level 2: The above, attributes, Erlang bif:s, guards, and words in comments enclosed in single quotes will be colored. Level 3: The above, variables, records, and macros will be colored. (This level is also known as the Christmas tree level.)


For the tag commands to work it requires that you have generated a tag file. See Erlang mode users guide M-. (find-tag) Find a function definition. The default value is the function name under the point. Find Tag (erlang-find-tag) Like the Elisp-function `find-tag’. Capable of retrieving Erlang modules. Tags can be given on the forms `tag’, `module:’, `module:tag’. M-+ (erlang-find-next-tag) Find the next occurrence of tag. M-TAB (erlang-complete-tag) Perform completion on the tag entered in a tag search. Completes to the set of names listed in the current tags table. Tags aprops (tags-apropos) Display list of all tags in tags table REGEXP matches. C-x t s (tags-search) Search through all files listed in tags table for match for REGEXP. Stops when a match is found.


A skeleton is a piece of pre-written code that can be inserted into the buffer. Erlang mode comes with a set of predefined skeletons. The skeletons can be accessed either from the Erlang menu of from commands named tempo-template-erlang-*, as the skeletons is defined using the standard Emacs package “tempo”. Here follows a brief description of the available skeletons:

Simple skeletons If, Case, Receive, Receive After, Receive Loop - Basic code constructs. Header elements Module, Author - These commands insert lines on the form -module(xxx). and -author(‘my@home’).. They can be used directly, but are also used as part of the full headers described below. Full Headers Small (minimum requirement), Medium (with fields for basic information about the module), and Large Header (medium header with some extra layout structure). Small Server Skeleton for a simple server not using OTP. Application Skeletons for the OTP application behavior Supervisor skeleton for the OTP supervisor behavior Supervisor Bridge skeleton for the OTP supervisor bridge behavior gen_server skeleton for the OTP gen_server behavior gen_event skeleton for the OTP gen_event behavior gen_fsm skeleton for the OTP gen_fsm behavior Library module skeleton for a module that does not implement a process. Corba callback skeleton for a Corba callback module. Erlang test suite skeleton for a callback module for the erlang test server.


New shell (erlang-shell) Starts a new Erlang shell. C-c C-z (erlang-shell-display) Displays an Erlang shell, or starts a new one if there is no shell started.


C-c C-k (erlang-compile) Compiles the Erlang module in the current buffer. You can also use C-u C-c C-k to debug compile the module with the debug options debug_info and export_all. C-c C-l (erlang-compile-display) Display compilation output. C-u C-x Start parsing the compiler output from the beginning. This command will place the point on the line where the first error was found. C-x (erlang-next-error) Move the point on to the next error. The buffer displaying the compilation errors will be updated so that the current error will be visible.


On unix you can view the manual pages in emacs. In order to find the manual pages, the variable `erlang-root-dir’ should be bound to the name of the directory containing the Erlang installation. The name should not include the final slash. Practically, you should add a line on the following form to your ~/.emacs,

(setq erlang-root-dir “/the/erlang/root/dir/goes/here”)

Starting IMenu

M-x imenu-add-to-menubar This command will create the IMenu menu containing all the functions in the current buffer.The command will ask you for a suitable name for the menu.


M-x erlang-version


org babel

;; <s TAB - create code block ;; C-c C-c - Run code block ;; C-c ’ - Edit code block