This example shows how to enable Windows support in the EKS cluster.
As of the time of writing of this document, Windows workloads cannot be deployed on AWS-managed EC2 or Fargate nodes. Self-managed nodes must be deployed for Windows workloads. This can be done using the following variables, as shown in the eks-with-windows-support.tfvars
# Enable self-managed nodegroup in the EKS cluster. Required. Default value is false.
enable_self_managed_nodegroups = true
# Enable Windows support. Required. Default value is false.
enable_windows_support = true
# Windows self-managed nodegroup name. Recommended. Default value is "ng-linux".
self_managed_nodegroup_name = "ng-windows"
The following variables are optional. Their default values are as shown below.
# Instance types
self_managed_node_instance_types = ["m5.large", "m5a.large", "m5n.large"]
# Root volume size of each node in GiB
self_managed_node_volume_size = 50
# Desired capacity of the auto-scaling group
self_managed_node_desired_size = 3
# Maximum capacity of the auto-scaling group
self_managed_node_max_size = 3
# Minimum capacity of the auto-scaling group
self_managed_node_min_size = 3
By default, the latest EKS-optimized Windows 2019 Server Core AMI will be used. You can provide a custom AMI as follows:
self_managed_node_ami_id = "ami-12345678901234567"
By default, the user data script template in source/templates/userdata-windows.tpl
will be used. You can use a custom user data script as follows:
self_managed_node_userdata_template_file = "./path/to/my-template.tpl"
Default list of user data template parameters includes the following:
- cluster_name - The cluster's name
- cluster_ca_base64 - The cluster's base64-encoded certifying authority data
- cluster_endpoint - The cluster's K8s API server endpoint
- pre_userdata - Script snippet to be executed before running the main user data script
- additional_userdata - Script snippet to be executed after running the main user data script
- bootstrap_extra_args - Extra arguments for the bootstrap script (where applicable)
- kubelet_extra_args - Extra arguments for kubelet
You can optionally provide additional parameters as follows:
self_managed_node_userdata_template_extra_params = { my_param = "my_value" }
Use nodeSelector or Node affinity to deploy pods to either Windows or Linux nodes. The node label
can be used to select the nodes.
- Deploy the EKS cluster using the input variables as in
, by following the deployment steps. - Verify Windows support in the cluster using a sample Windows pod deployment:
kubectl apply -f examples/windows-support/k8s/windows-iis.yaml
- Verify a Linux sample pod deployment:
kubectl apply -f examples/windows-support/k8s/linux-nginx.yaml