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Bruce D'Arcus edited this page Apr 16, 2021 · 38 revisions

A single "entry" command?

A flat list of standard Emacs commands plus Embark gives a lot of flexibility.

If you come from helm-bibtex or ivy-bibtex and crave a shorter entry point, however, the simple solution is to define an alias to what you'd like to be your default command; like:

(defalias 'my/bibtex 'bibtex-actions-insert-citation)

Proactive reloading of library

The README includes a section on this. If you have other setups you use, put them here.

Automating path watches

Possible script. Feel to improve this:

(defun my/add-bib-watches (paths)
  "Add path watches for all PATHS."
  ;; TODO add message for success/failure; what about removal?
  (let ((flat-paths (-flatten paths)))
     for path in flat-paths
      path '(change) 'bibtex-actions-refresh))))

(defvar my/bib-paths
  "My bib paths."))

;; Add watches for all bib paths.
(my/add-bib-watches my/bib-paths)

Note: bibtex-comoletion sets up path watches for the bib file(s) automatically, and this currently cannot be turned off. This means if you use ivy-bibtex or helm-bibtex along with bibtex-actions for some reason, it's possible for you to end up with more than one call of bibtex-comoletion-candidates on a path change.


(setq bibtex-actions-template
  '((t . "${=has-pdf=:1} ${=has-note=:1}	${author:24} ${title:64} ${year:4}")))

Using icons instead of plain-text symbols






Bind the keymap to embark-act like so:

(add-to-list 'embark-keymap-alist '(bibtex . bibtex-actions-map))

Easy access to the keybindings from embark-act

You have, again, options.

Default embark prompter

You can setup the default prompter per the embark README.

This commit also adds an option to use prefix completion.


This variable will configure which-key to sort the bindings so the bibtex-action ones are grouped first.

(setq which-key-sort-order 'which-key-description-order)


For marking candidates in the embark-collect buffer. TODO Still need code to bind this to embark.


This allows you to bypass the embark-act command and invoke actions directly within a collect buffer.

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