Let your Android experience fly.
First of all, you should have a decent knowledge about the Source Control Tools.
After you got all the needed commands for setting up your environment, set up the sources.
repo init -u https://github.com/elytraOS/manifest.git -b tesseract
And then start syncing with our sources.
repo sync --no-clone-bundle --current-branch --no-tags --force-sync -j$(nproc --all)
And now, you are ready to start building. Remember to set up device tree, common tree (if any) etc.
There are many way you can start to modify your device/common tree for building elytraOS. You can check our devices trees, if you have any problems. All of them (should) boot, and it's a great way of adapting your device tree to elytraOS.
Now that you (presumably) got everything working, you can finally start building elytraOS.
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch elytra_<codename>-userdebug
make bacon -j32