Integrating the desktop and mobile versions of into a single application with a unified cross-platform interface.
In this hybrid project, we are rewriting everthing to integrate our best two apps into a single one.
Let us first review two different versions of "Unique Bible App" we have already developed:
Desktop version:
Plaforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, Chrome OS
Programming language: Python
Gui framework: PySide2 [Python API for the Qt framework]
Database formats: mainly sqlite
Pros: Comprehensive features for bible studies, offline resources, expandable resources, capability to import resources from various bible softwares, users can customise resources.
Cons: Difficult to install for non-technical users. General users don't know how to setup python and dependencies.
Mobile version:
Plaforms: iOS, Android, Chrome OS; can also be installed on Windows, macOS through 3rd-party "BlueStacks"
Programming language: Dart
Gui framework: Flutter
Database formats: json + sqlite
Pros: easy to be installed, can be installed on more platforms, tts support better than the desktop version
Cons: less features compared to the desktop version, resources not expandable
By "Hybrid", we mean to integrate all the good sides of the deskop and mobile versions and bring further improvement on interface and resources.
- Windows 10
- macOS
- iOS
- Android
- Chrome OS
- Linux (need to check)
Programming language: Dart
Gui framework: Flutter
Database formats: sqlite + json
what have been done in this hybrid project:
- General UI Layout
- codes on loading preferences
- codes on bible navigation
- codes on changing bible version
- codes on reading parallel verses
- codes on reading parallel chapters
- codes on scrolling parallel chapters with exact corresponding verses
- codes on search bible, display results book by book
- codes on piechart to present search result
- navigation drawer ui finished
- five modes of searching bibles are added (basic, regular express, words with AND combination, words with OR combination, custom SQL)
- added option to exclude word for bible search result
- added feature of loading multiple verses
- instant audio
- instant highlighting
- instant word study features
- interlinear customisation
[screenshot_ui_layout.png] [screenshot_customise_interlinear.png] [screenshot_search_result_chart.png] [combined_screenshot1_search_MAB.png] [combined_screenshot1_highlight_color.png]