diff --git a/.ci/es-snapshots/Jenkinsfile_verify_es b/.ci/es-snapshots/Jenkinsfile_verify_es
index b22406e389276..d56ec61314ac7 100644
--- a/.ci/es-snapshots/Jenkinsfile_verify_es
+++ b/.ci/es-snapshots/Jenkinsfile_verify_es
@@ -42,8 +42,9 @@ kibanaPipeline(timeoutMinutes: 210) {
task {
- kibanaPipeline.buildXpack(10)
+ kibanaPipeline.buildXpack(10, true)
+ tasks.xpackCiGroupDocker()
diff --git a/.ci/jobs.yml b/.ci/jobs.yml
index 6aa93d4a1056a..1440c6870a86d 100644
--- a/.ci/jobs.yml
+++ b/.ci/jobs.yml
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ JOB:
- x-pack-ciGroup11
- x-pack-ciGroup12
- x-pack-ciGroup13
+ - x-pack-ciGroupDocker
- x-pack-accessibility
- x-pack-visualRegression
diff --git a/.eslintrc.js b/.eslintrc.js
index 8a6ea7957927a..20875a2c2913d 100644
--- a/.eslintrc.js
+++ b/.eslintrc.js
@@ -1114,6 +1114,118 @@ module.exports = {
'prefer-destructuring': 'error',
+ /**
+ * Metrics entities overrides
+ */
+ {
+ // front end and common typescript and javascript files only
+ files: [
+ 'x-pack/plugins/metrics_entities/public/**/*.{js,mjs,ts,tsx}',
+ 'x-pack/plugins/metrics_entities/common/**/*.{js,mjs,ts,tsx}',
+ ],
+ rules: {
+ 'import/no-nodejs-modules': 'error',
+ 'no-restricted-imports': [
+ 'error',
+ {
+ // prevents UI code from importing server side code and then webpack including it when doing builds
+ patterns: ['**/server/*'],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ // typescript and javascript for front and back end
+ files: ['x-pack/plugins/metrics_entities/**/*.{js,mjs,ts,tsx}'],
+ plugins: ['eslint-plugin-node'],
+ env: {
+ jest: true,
+ },
+ rules: {
+ 'accessor-pairs': 'error',
+ 'array-callback-return': 'error',
+ 'no-array-constructor': 'error',
+ complexity: 'error',
+ 'consistent-return': 'error',
+ 'func-style': ['error', 'expression'],
+ 'import/order': [
+ 'error',
+ {
+ groups: ['builtin', 'external', 'internal', 'parent', 'sibling', 'index'],
+ 'newlines-between': 'always',
+ },
+ ],
+ 'sort-imports': [
+ 'error',
+ {
+ ignoreDeclarationSort: true,
+ },
+ ],
+ 'node/no-deprecated-api': 'error',
+ 'no-bitwise': 'error',
+ 'no-continue': 'error',
+ 'no-dupe-keys': 'error',
+ 'no-duplicate-case': 'error',
+ 'no-duplicate-imports': 'error',
+ 'no-empty-character-class': 'error',
+ 'no-empty-pattern': 'error',
+ 'no-ex-assign': 'error',
+ 'no-extend-native': 'error',
+ 'no-extra-bind': 'error',
+ 'no-extra-boolean-cast': 'error',
+ 'no-extra-label': 'error',
+ 'no-func-assign': 'error',
+ 'no-implicit-globals': 'error',
+ 'no-implied-eval': 'error',
+ 'no-invalid-regexp': 'error',
+ 'no-inner-declarations': 'error',
+ 'no-lone-blocks': 'error',
+ 'no-multi-assign': 'error',
+ 'no-misleading-character-class': 'error',
+ 'no-new-symbol': 'error',
+ 'no-obj-calls': 'error',
+ 'no-param-reassign': ['error', { props: true }],
+ 'no-process-exit': 'error',
+ 'no-prototype-builtins': 'error',
+ 'no-return-await': 'error',
+ 'no-self-compare': 'error',
+ 'no-shadow-restricted-names': 'error',
+ 'no-sparse-arrays': 'error',
+ 'no-this-before-super': 'error',
+ // rely on typescript
+ 'no-undef': 'off',
+ 'no-unreachable': 'error',
+ 'no-unsafe-finally': 'error',
+ 'no-useless-call': 'error',
+ 'no-useless-catch': 'error',
+ 'no-useless-concat': 'error',
+ 'no-useless-computed-key': 'error',
+ 'no-useless-escape': 'error',
+ 'no-useless-rename': 'error',
+ 'no-useless-return': 'error',
+ 'no-void': 'error',
+ 'one-var-declaration-per-line': 'error',
+ 'prefer-object-spread': 'error',
+ 'prefer-promise-reject-errors': 'error',
+ 'prefer-rest-params': 'error',
+ 'prefer-spread': 'error',
+ 'prefer-template': 'error',
+ 'require-atomic-updates': 'error',
+ 'symbol-description': 'error',
+ 'vars-on-top': 'error',
+ '@typescript-eslint/explicit-member-accessibility': 'error',
+ '@typescript-eslint/no-this-alias': 'error',
+ '@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': 'error',
+ '@typescript-eslint/no-useless-constructor': 'error',
+ '@typescript-eslint/unified-signatures': 'error',
+ '@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type': 'error',
+ '@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion': 'error',
+ '@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars': 'error',
+ 'no-template-curly-in-string': 'error',
+ 'sort-keys': 'error',
+ 'prefer-destructuring': 'error',
+ },
+ },
* Alerting Services overrides
@@ -1144,6 +1256,22 @@ module.exports = {
+ /**
+ * Discover overrides
+ */
+ {
+ files: ['src/plugins/discover/**/*.{ts,tsx}'],
+ rules: {
+ '@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': 'error',
+ '@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment': [
+ 'error',
+ {
+ 'ts-expect-error': false,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
* Enterprise Search overrides
* NOTE: We also have a single rule at the bottom of the file that
diff --git a/.github/CODEOWNERS b/.github/CODEOWNERS
index bafa023cf3f35..de323128afed1 100644
--- a/.github/CODEOWNERS
+++ b/.github/CODEOWNERS
@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@
/src/core/ @elastic/kibana-core
/src/plugins/saved_objects_tagging_oss @elastic/kibana-core
/config/kibana.yml @elastic/kibana-core
+/x-pack/plugins/banners/ @elastic/kibana-core
/x-pack/plugins/features/ @elastic/kibana-core
/x-pack/plugins/licensing/ @elastic/kibana-core
/x-pack/plugins/global_search/ @elastic/kibana-core
diff --git a/BUILD.bazel b/BUILD.bazel
index 4502daeaacb59..1f6e3030e5d0c 100644
--- a/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/BUILD.bazel
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
+ "tsconfig.browser.json",
diff --git a/Jenkinsfile b/Jenkinsfile
index 8ab3fecb07a1b..4c8f126b4883b 100644
--- a/Jenkinsfile
+++ b/Jenkinsfile
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ kibanaLibrary.load()
kibanaPipeline(timeoutMinutes: 210, checkPrChanges: true, setCommitStatus: true) {
slackNotifications.onFailure(disabled: !params.NOTIFY_ON_FAILURE) {
githubPr.withDefaultPrComments {
- ciStats.trackBuild {
+ ciStats.trackBuild(requireSuccess: githubPr.isPr()) {
catchError {
diff --git a/STYLEGUIDE.md b/STYLEGUIDE.md
deleted file mode 100644
index cb75452a28cd2..0000000000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,685 +0,0 @@
-# Kibana Style Guide
-This guide applies to all development within the Kibana project and is
-recommended for the development of all Kibana plugins.
-- [General](#general)
-- [HTML](#html)
-- [API endpoints](#api-endpoints)
-- [TypeScript/JavaScript](#typeScript/javaScript)
-- [SASS files](#sass-files)
-- [React](#react)
-Besides the content in this style guide, the following style guides may also apply
-to all development within the Kibana project. Please make sure to also read them:
-- [Accessibility style guide (EUI Docs)](https://elastic.github.io/eui/#/guidelines/accessibility)
-- [SASS style guide (EUI Docs)](https://elastic.github.io/eui/#/guidelines/sass)
-## General
-### Filenames
-All filenames should use `snake_case`.
-**Right:** `src/kibana/index_patterns/index_pattern.js`
-**Wrong:** `src/kibana/IndexPatterns/IndexPattern.js`
-### Do not comment out code
-We use a version management system. If a line of code is no longer needed,
-remove it, don't simply comment it out.
-### Prettier and Linting
-We are gradually moving the Kibana code base over to Prettier. All TypeScript code
-and some JavaScript code (check `.eslintrc.js`) is using Prettier to format code. You
-can run `node script/eslint --fix` to fix linting issues and apply Prettier formatting.
-We recommend you to enable running ESLint via your IDE.
-Whenever possible we are trying to use Prettier and linting over written style guide rules.
-Consider every linting rule and every Prettier rule to be also part of our style guide
-and disable them only in exceptional cases and ideally leave a comment why they are
-disabled at that specific place.
-## HTML
-This part contains style guide rules around general (framework agnostic) HTML usage.
-### Camel case `id` and `data-test-subj`
-Use camel case for the values of attributes such as `id` and `data-test-subj` selectors.
- Click me
-The only exception is in cases where you're dynamically creating the value, and you need to use
-hyphens as delimiters:
-buttons.map(btn => (
- {btn.label}
-### Capitalization in HTML and CSS should always match
-It's important that when you write CSS/SASS selectors using classes, IDs, and attributes
-(keeping in mind that we should _never_ use IDs and attributes in our selectors), that the
-capitalization in the CSS matches that used in the HTML. HTML and CSS follow different case sensitivity rules, and we can avoid subtle gotchas by ensuring we use the
-same capitalization in both of them.
-### How to generate ids?
-When labeling elements (and for some other accessibility tasks) you will often need
-ids. Ids must be unique within the page i.e. no duplicate ids in the rendered DOM
-at any time.
-Since we have some components that are used multiple times on the page, you must
-make sure every instance of that component has a unique `id`. To make the generation
-of those `id`s easier, you can use the `htmlIdGenerator` service in the `@elastic/eui`.
-A React component could use it as follows:
-import { htmlIdGenerator } from '@elastic/eui';
-render() {
- // Create a new generator that will create ids deterministic
- const htmlId = htmlIdGenerator();
- return (
- Aggregation
-Each id generator you create by calling `htmlIdGenerator()` will generate unique but
-deterministic ids. As you can see in the above example, that single generator
-created the same id in the label's `htmlFor` as well as the input's `id`.
-A single generator instance will create the same id when passed the same argument
-to the function multiple times. But two different generators will produce two different
-ids for the same argument to the function, as you can see in the following example:
-const generatorOne = htmlIdGenerator();
-const generatorTwo = htmlIdGenerator();
-// Those statements are always true:
-// Same generator
-generatorOne('foo') === generatorOne('foo');
-generatorOne('foo') !== generatorOne('bar');
-// Different generator
-generatorOne('foo') !== generatorTwo('foo');
-This allows multiple instances of a single React component to now have different ids.
-If you include the above React component multiple times in the same page,
-each component instance will have a unique id, because each render method will use a different
-id generator.
-You can also use this service outside of React.
-## API endpoints
-The following style guide rules are targeting development of server side API endpoints.
-### Paths
-API routes must start with the `/api/` path segment, and should be followed by the plugin id if applicable:
-**Right:** `/api/marvel/nodes`
-**Wrong:** `/marvel/api/nodes`
-### snake_case
-Kibana uses `snake_case` for the entire API, just like Elasticsearch. All urls, paths, query string parameters, values, and bodies should be `snake_case` formatted.
-POST /api/kibana/index_patterns
- "id": "...",
- "time_field_name": "...",
- "fields": [
- ...
- ]
-## TypeScript/JavaScript
-The following style guide rules apply for working with TypeScript/JavaScript files.
-### TypeScript vs. JavaScript
-Whenever possible, write code in TypeScript instead of JavaScript, especially if it's new code.
-Check out [TYPESCRIPT.md](TYPESCRIPT.md) for help with this process.
-### Prefer modern JavaScript/TypeScript syntax
-You should prefer modern language features in a lot of cases, e.g.:
-- Prefer `class` over `prototype` inheritance
-- Prefer arrow function over function expressions
-- Prefer arrow function over storing `this` (no `const self = this;`)
-- Prefer template strings over string concatenation
-- Prefer the spread operator for copying arrays (`[...arr]`) over `arr.slice()`
-- Use optional chaining (`?.`) and nullish Coalescing (`??`) over `lodash.get` (and similar utilities)
-### Avoid mutability and state
-Wherever possible, do not rely on mutable state. This means you should not
-reassign variables, modify object properties, or push values to arrays.
-Instead, create new variables, and shallow copies of objects and arrays:
-// good
-function addBar(foos, foo) {
- const newFoo = { ...foo, name: 'bar' };
- return [...foos, newFoo];
-// bad
-function addBar(foos, foo) {
- foo.name = 'bar';
- foos.push(foo);
-### Avoid `any` whenever possible
-Since TypeScript 3.0 and the introduction of the
-[`unknown` type](https://mariusschulz.com/blog/the-unknown-type-in-typescript) there are rarely any
-reasons to use `any` as a type. Nearly all places of former `any` usage can be replace by either a
-generic or `unknown` (in cases the type is really not known).
-You should always prefer using those mechanisms over using `any`, since they are stricter typed and
-less likely to introduce bugs in the future due to insufficient types.
-If you’re not having `any` in your plugin or are starting a new plugin, you should enable the
-linting rule for your plugin via the [`.eslintrc.js`](https://github.com/elastic/kibana/blob/master/.eslintrc.js) config.
-### Avoid non-null assertions
-You should try avoiding non-null assertions (`!.`) wherever possible. By using them you tell
-TypeScript, that something is not null even though by it’s type it could be. Usage of non-null
-assertions is most often a side-effect of you actually checked that the variable is not `null`
-but TypeScript doesn’t correctly carry on that information till the usage of the variable.
-In most cases it’s possible to replace the non-null assertion by structuring your code/checks slightly different
-or using [user defined type guards](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/advanced-types.html#user-defined-type-guards)
-to properly tell TypeScript what type a variable has.
-Using non-null assertion increases the risk for future bugs. In case the condition under which we assumed that the
-variable can’t be null has changed (potentially even due to changes in compeltely different files), the non-null
-assertion would now wrongly disable proper type checking for us.
-If you’re not using non-null assertions in your plugin or are starting a new plugin, consider enabling the
-linting rule for you plugin in the [`.eslintrc.js`](https://github.com/elastic/kibana/blob/master/.eslintrc.js) config.
-### Return/throw early from functions
-To avoid deep nesting of if-statements, always return a function's value as early
-as possible. And where possible, do any assertions first:
-// good
-function doStuff(val) {
- if (val > 100) {
- throw new Error('Too big');
- }
- if (val < 0) {
- return false;
- }
- // ... stuff
-// bad
-function doStuff(val) {
- if (val >= 0) {
- if (val < 100) {
- // ... stuff
- } else {
- throw new Error('Too big');
- }
- } else {
- return false;
- }
-### Use object destructuring
-This helps avoid temporary references and helps prevent typo-related bugs.
-// best
-function fullName({ first, last }) {
- return `${first} ${last}`;
-// good
-function fullName(user) {
- const { first, last } = user;
- return `${first} ${last}`;
-// bad
-function fullName(user) {
- const first = user.first;
- const last = user.last;
- return `${first} ${last}`;
-### Use array destructuring
-Directly accessing array values via index should be avoided, but if it is
-necessary, use array destructuring:
-const arr = [1, 2, 3];
-// good
-const [first, second] = arr;
-// bad
-const first = arr[0];
-const second = arr[1];
-### Magic numbers/strings
-These are numbers (or other values) simply used in line in your code. _Do not
-use these_, give them a variable name so they can be understood and changed
-// good
-const minWidth = 300;
-if (width < minWidth) {
- ...
-// bad
-if (width < 300) {
- ...
-### Modules
-Module dependencies should be written using native ES2015 syntax wherever
-possible (which is almost everywhere):
-// good
-import { mapValues } from 'lodash';
-export mapValues;
-// bad
-const _ = require('lodash');
-module.exports = _.mapValues;
-// worse
-define(['lodash'], function (_) {
- ...
-In those extremely rare cases where you're writing server-side JavaScript in a
-file that does not pass run through webpack, then use CommonJS modules.
-In those even rarer cases where you're writing client-side code that does not
-run through webpack, then do not use a module loader at all.
-#### Import only top-level modules
-The files inside a module are implementation details of that module. They
-should never be imported directly. Instead, you must only import the top-level
-API that's exported by the module itself.
-Without a clear mechanism in place in JS to encapsulate protected code, we make
-a broad assumption that anything beyond the root of a module is an
-implementation detail of that module.
-On the other hand, a module should be able to import parent and sibling
-// good
-import foo from 'foo';
-import child from './child';
-import parent from '../';
-import ancestor from '../../../';
-import sibling from '../foo';
-// bad
-import inFoo from 'foo/child';
-import inSibling from '../foo/child';
-### Global definitions
-Don't do this. Everything should be wrapped in a module that can be depended on
-by other modules. Even things as simple as a single value should be a module.
-### Only use ternary operators for small, simple code
-And _never_ use multiple ternaries together, because they make it more
-difficult to reason about how different values flow through the conditions
-involved. Instead, structure the logic for maximum readability.
-// good, a situation where only 1 ternary is needed
-const foo = a === b ? 1 : 2;
-// bad
-const foo = a === b ? 1 : a === c ? 2 : 3;
-### Use descriptive conditions
-Any non-trivial conditions should be converted to functions or assigned to
-descriptively named variables. By breaking up logic into smaller,
-self-contained blocks, it becomes easier to reason about the higher-level
-logic. Additionally, these blocks become good candidates for extraction into
-their own modules, with unit-tests.
-// best
-function isShape(thing) {
- return thing instanceof Shape;
-function notSquare(thing) {
- return !(thing instanceof Square);
-if (isShape(thing) && notSquare(thing)) {
- ...
-// good
-const isShape = thing instanceof Shape;
-const notSquare = !(thing instanceof Square);
-if (isShape && notSquare) {
- ...
-// bad
-if (thing instanceof Shape && !(thing instanceof Square)) {
- ...
-### Name regular expressions
-// good
-const validPassword = /^(?=.*\d).{4,}$/;
-if (password.length >= 4 && validPassword.test(password)) {
- console.log('password is valid');
-// bad
-if (password.length >= 4 && /^(?=.*\d).{4,}$/.test(password)) {
- console.log('losing');
-### Write small functions
-Keep your functions short. A good function fits on a slide that the people in
-the last row of a big room can comfortably read. So don't count on them having
-perfect vision and limit yourself to ~15 lines of code per function.
-### Use "rest" syntax rather than built-in `arguments`
-For expressiveness sake, and so you can be mix dynamic and explicit arguments.
-// good
-function something(foo, ...args) {
- ...
-// bad
-function something(foo) {
- const args = Array.from(arguments).slice(1);
- ...
-### Default argument syntax
-Always use the default argument syntax for optional arguments.
-// good
-function foo(options = {}) {
- ...
-// bad
-function foo(options) {
- if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
- options = {};
- }
- ...
-And put your optional arguments at the end.
-// good
-function foo(bar, options = {}) {
- ...
-// bad
-function foo(options = {}, bar) {
- ...
-### Use thunks to create closures, where possible
-For trivial examples (like the one that follows), thunks will seem like
-overkill, but they encourage isolating the implementation details of a closure
-from the business logic of the calling code.
-// good
-function connectHandler(client, callback) {
- return () => client.connect(callback);
-setTimeout(connectHandler(client, afterConnect), 1000);
-// not as good
-setTimeout(() => {
- client.connect(afterConnect);
-}, 1000);
-// bad
-setTimeout(() => {
- client.connect(() => {
- ...
- });
-}, 1000);
-### Use slashes for comments
-Use slashes for both single line and multi line comments. Try to write
-comments that explain higher level mechanisms or clarify difficult
-segments of your code. _Don't use comments to restate trivial things_.
-_Exception:_ Comment blocks describing a function and its arguments
-(docblock) should start with `/**`, contain a single `*` at the beginning of
-each line, and end with `*/`.
-// good
-const matches = item.match(/ID_([^\n]+)=([^\n]+)/));
- * Fetches a user from...
- * @param {string} id - id of the user
- * @return {Promise}
- */
-function loadUser(id) {
- // This function has a nasty side effect where a failure to increment a
- // redis counter used for statistics will cause an exception. This needs
- // to be fixed in a later iteration.
- ...
-const isSessionValid = (session.expires < Date.now());
-if (isSessionValid) {
- ...
-// bad
-// Execute a regex
-const matches = item.match(/ID_([^\n]+)=([^\n]+)/));
-// Usage: loadUser(5, function() { ... })
-function loadUser(id, cb) {
- // ...
-// Check if the session is valid
-const isSessionValid = (session.expires < Date.now());
-// If the session is valid
-if (isSessionValid) {
- ...
-### Getters and Setters
-Feel free to use getters that are free from [side effects][sideeffect], like
-providing a length property for a collection class.
-Do not use setters, they cause more problems than they can solve.
-[sideeffect]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Side_effect_(computer_science)
-### Avoid circular dependencies
-As part of a future effort to use correct and idempotent build tools we need our code to be
-able to be represented as a directed acyclic graph. We must avoid having circular dependencies
-both on code and type imports to achieve that. One of the most critical parts is the plugins
-code. We've developed a tool to identify plugins with circular dependencies which
-has allowed us to build a list of plugins who have circular dependencies
-between each other.
-When building plugins we should avoid importing from plugins
-who are known to have circular dependencies at the moment as well as introducing
-new circular dependencies. You can run the same tool we use on our CI locally by
-typing `node scripts/find_plugins_with_circular_deps --debug`. It will error out in
-case new circular dependencies has been added with your changes
-(which will also happen in the CI) as well as print out the current list of
-the known circular dependencies which, as mentioned before, should not be imported
-by your code until the circular dependencies on these have been solved.
-## SASS files
-When writing a new component, create a sibling SASS file of the same name and import directly into the **top** of the JS/TS component file. Doing so ensures the styles are never separated or lost on import and allows for better modularization (smaller individual plugin asset footprint).
-All SASS (.scss) files will automatically build with the [EUI](https://elastic.github.io/eui/#/guidelines/sass) & Kibana invisibles (SASS variables, mixins, functions) from the [`globals_[theme].scss` file](src/core/public/core_app/styles/_globals_v7light.scss).
-While the styles for this component will only be loaded if the component exists on the page,
-the styles **will** be global and so it is recommended to use a three letter prefix on your
-classes to ensure proper scope.
-// component.tsx
-import './component.scss';
-// All other imports below the SASS import
-export const Component = () => {
- return (
- );
-// component.scss
-.plgComponent { ... }
-Do not use the underscore `_` SASS file naming pattern when importing directly into a javascript file.
-## React
-The following style guide rules are specific for working with the React framework.
-### Prefer reactDirective over react-component
-When using `ngReact` to embed your react components inside Angular HTML, prefer the
-`reactDirective` service over the `react-component` directive.
-You can read more about these two ngReact methods [here](https://github.com/ngReact/ngReact#features).
-Using `react-component` means adding a bunch of components into angular, while `reactDirective` keeps them isolated, and is also a more succinct syntax.
-### Action function names and prop function names
-Name action functions in the form of a strong verb and passed properties in the form of on. E.g:
-## Attribution
-Parts of the JavaScript style guide were initially forked from the
-[node style guide](https://github.com/felixge/node-style-guide) created by [Felix Geisendörfer](http://felixge.de/) which is
-licensed under the [CC BY-SA 3.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)
diff --git a/STYLEGUIDE.mdx b/STYLEGUIDE.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..628a7d157dfcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/STYLEGUIDE.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+id: kibStyleGuide
+slug: /kibana-dev-docs/styleguide
+title: StyleGuide
+summary: JavaScript/TypeScript styleguide.
+date: 2021-05-06
+tags: ['kibana', 'onboarding', 'dev', 'styleguide', 'typescript', 'javascript']
+This guide applies to all development within the Kibana project and is
+recommended for the development of all Kibana plugins.
+Besides the content in this style guide, the following style guides may also apply
+to all development within the Kibana project. Please make sure to also read them:
+- [Accessibility style guide (EUI Docs)](https://elastic.github.io/eui/#/guidelines/accessibility)
+- [SASS style guide (EUI Docs)](https://elastic.github.io/eui/#/guidelines/sass)
+## General
+### Filenames
+All filenames should use `snake_case`.
+**Right:** `src/kibana/index_patterns/index_pattern.js`
+**Wrong:** `src/kibana/IndexPatterns/IndexPattern.js`
+### Do not comment out code
+We use a version management system. If a line of code is no longer needed,
+remove it, don't simply comment it out.
+### Prettier and Linting
+We are gradually moving the Kibana code base over to Prettier. All TypeScript code
+and some JavaScript code (check `.eslintrc.js`) is using Prettier to format code. You
+can run `node script/eslint --fix` to fix linting issues and apply Prettier formatting.
+We recommend you to enable running ESLint via your IDE.
+Whenever possible we are trying to use Prettier and linting over written style guide rules.
+Consider every linting rule and every Prettier rule to be also part of our style guide
+and disable them only in exceptional cases and ideally leave a comment why they are
+disabled at that specific place.
+## HTML
+This part contains style guide rules around general (framework agnostic) HTML usage.
+### Camel case `id` and `data-test-subj`
+Use camel case for the values of attributes such as `id` and `data-test-subj` selectors.
+Click me
+The only exception is in cases where you're dynamically creating the value, and you need to use
+hyphens as delimiters:
+buttons.map(btn => (
+ {btn.label}
+### Capitalization in HTML and CSS should always match
+It's important that when you write CSS/SASS selectors using classes, IDs, and attributes
+(keeping in mind that we should _never_ use IDs and attributes in our selectors), that the
+capitalization in the CSS matches that used in the HTML. HTML and CSS follow different case sensitivity rules, and we can avoid subtle gotchas by ensuring we use the
+same capitalization in both of them.
+### How to generate ids?
+When labeling elements (and for some other accessibility tasks) you will often need
+ids. Ids must be unique within the page i.e. no duplicate ids in the rendered DOM
+at any time.
+Since we have some components that are used multiple times on the page, you must
+make sure every instance of that component has a unique `id`. To make the generation
+of those `id`s easier, you can use the `htmlIdGenerator` service in the `@elastic/eui`.
+A React component could use it as follows:
+import { htmlIdGenerator } from '@elastic/eui';
+render() {
+ // Create a new generator that will create ids deterministic
+ const htmlId = htmlIdGenerator();
+ return (
+ Aggregation
+Each id generator you create by calling `htmlIdGenerator()` will generate unique but
+deterministic ids. As you can see in the above example, that single generator
+created the same id in the label's `htmlFor` as well as the input's `id`.
+A single generator instance will create the same id when passed the same argument
+to the function multiple times. But two different generators will produce two different
+ids for the same argument to the function, as you can see in the following example:
+const generatorOne = htmlIdGenerator();
+const generatorTwo = htmlIdGenerator();
+// Those statements are always true:
+// Same generator
+generatorOne('foo') === generatorOne('foo');
+generatorOne('foo') !== generatorOne('bar');
+// Different generator
+generatorOne('foo') !== generatorTwo('foo');
+This allows multiple instances of a single React component to now have different ids.
+If you include the above React component multiple times in the same page,
+each component instance will have a unique id, because each render method will use a different
+id generator.
+You can also use this service outside of React.
+## API endpoints
+The following style guide rules are targeting development of server side API endpoints.
+### Paths
+API routes must start with the `/api/` path segment, and should be followed by the plugin id if applicable:
+**Right:** `/api/marvel/nodes`
+**Wrong:** `/marvel/api/nodes`
+### snake_case
+Kibana uses `snake_case` for the entire API, just like Elasticsearch. All urls, paths, query string parameters, values, and bodies should be `snake_case` formatted.
+POST /api/kibana/index_patterns
+ "id": "...",
+ "time_field_name": "...",
+ "fields": [
+ ...
+ ]
+## TypeScript/JavaScript
+The following style guide rules apply for working with TypeScript/JavaScript files.
+### TypeScript vs. JavaScript
+Whenever possible, write code in TypeScript instead of JavaScript, especially if it's new code.
+Check out [TYPESCRIPT.md](TYPESCRIPT.md) for help with this process.
+### Prefer modern JavaScript/TypeScript syntax
+You should prefer modern language features in a lot of cases, e.g.:
+- Prefer `class` over `prototype` inheritance
+- Prefer arrow function over function expressions
+- Prefer arrow function over storing `this` (no `const self = this;`)
+- Prefer template strings over string concatenation
+- Prefer the spread operator for copying arrays (`[...arr]`) over `arr.slice()`
+- Use optional chaining (`?.`) and nullish Coalescing (`??`) over `lodash.get` (and similar utilities)
+### Avoid mutability and state
+Wherever possible, do not rely on mutable state. This means you should not
+reassign variables, modify object properties, or push values to arrays.
+Instead, create new variables, and shallow copies of objects and arrays:
+// good
+function addBar(foos, foo) {
+ const newFoo = { ...foo, name: 'bar' };
+ return [...foos, newFoo];
+// bad
+function addBar(foos, foo) {
+ foo.name = 'bar';
+ foos.push(foo);
+### Avoid `any` whenever possible
+Since TypeScript 3.0 and the introduction of the
+[`unknown` type](https://mariusschulz.com/blog/the-unknown-type-in-typescript) there are rarely any
+reasons to use `any` as a type. Nearly all places of former `any` usage can be replace by either a
+generic or `unknown` (in cases the type is really not known).
+You should always prefer using those mechanisms over using `any`, since they are stricter typed and
+less likely to introduce bugs in the future due to insufficient types.
+If you’re not having `any` in your plugin or are starting a new plugin, you should enable the
+linting rule for your plugin via the [`.eslintrc.js`](https://github.com/elastic/kibana/blob/master/.eslintrc.js) config.
+### Avoid non-null assertions
+You should try avoiding non-null assertions (`!.`) wherever possible. By using them you tell
+TypeScript, that something is not null even though by it’s type it could be. Usage of non-null
+assertions is most often a side-effect of you actually checked that the variable is not `null`
+but TypeScript doesn’t correctly carry on that information till the usage of the variable.
+In most cases it’s possible to replace the non-null assertion by structuring your code/checks slightly different
+or using [user defined type guards](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/advanced-types.html#user-defined-type-guards)
+to properly tell TypeScript what type a variable has.
+Using non-null assertion increases the risk for future bugs. In case the condition under which we assumed that the
+variable can’t be null has changed (potentially even due to changes in compeltely different files), the non-null
+assertion would now wrongly disable proper type checking for us.
+If you’re not using non-null assertions in your plugin or are starting a new plugin, consider enabling the
+linting rule for you plugin in the [`.eslintrc.js`](https://github.com/elastic/kibana/blob/master/.eslintrc.js) config.
+### Return/throw early from functions
+To avoid deep nesting of if-statements, always return a function's value as early
+as possible. And where possible, do any assertions first:
+// good
+function doStuff(val) {
+ if (val > 100) {
+ throw new Error('Too big');
+ }
+ if (val < 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ... stuff
+// bad
+function doStuff(val) {
+ if (val >= 0) {
+ if (val < 100) {
+ // ... stuff
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Too big');
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+### Use object destructuring
+This helps avoid temporary references and helps prevent typo-related bugs.
+// best
+function fullName({ first, last }) {
+ return `${first} ${last}`;
+// good
+function fullName(user) {
+ const { first, last } = user;
+ return `${first} ${last}`;
+// bad
+function fullName(user) {
+ const first = user.first;
+ const last = user.last;
+ return `${first} ${last}`;
+### Use array destructuring
+Directly accessing array values via index should be avoided, but if it is
+necessary, use array destructuring:
+const arr = [1, 2, 3];
+// good
+const [first, second] = arr;
+// bad
+const first = arr[0];
+const second = arr[1];
+### Magic numbers/strings
+These are numbers (or other values) simply used in line in your code. _Do not
+use these_, give them a variable name so they can be understood and changed
+// good
+const minWidth = 300;
+if (width < minWidth) {
+ ...
+// bad
+if (width < 300) {
+ ...
+### Modules
+Module dependencies should be written using native ES2015 syntax wherever
+possible (which is almost everywhere):
+// good
+import { mapValues } from 'lodash';
+export mapValues;
+// bad
+const _ = require('lodash');
+module.exports = _.mapValues;
+// worse
+define(['lodash'], function (_) {
+ ...
+In those extremely rare cases where you're writing server-side JavaScript in a
+file that does not pass run through webpack, then use CommonJS modules.
+In those even rarer cases where you're writing client-side code that does not
+run through webpack, then do not use a module loader at all.
+#### Import only top-level modules
+The files inside a module are implementation details of that module. They
+should never be imported directly. Instead, you must only import the top-level
+API that's exported by the module itself.
+Without a clear mechanism in place in JS to encapsulate protected code, we make
+a broad assumption that anything beyond the root of a module is an
+implementation detail of that module.
+On the other hand, a module should be able to import parent and sibling
+// good
+import foo from 'foo';
+import child from './child';
+import parent from '../';
+import ancestor from '../../../';
+import sibling from '../foo';
+// bad
+import inFoo from 'foo/child';
+import inSibling from '../foo/child';
+#### Avoid export \* in top level index.ts files
+The exports in `common/index.ts`, `public/index.ts` and `server/index.ts` dictate a plugin's public API. The public API should be carefully controlled, and using `export *` makes it very easy for a developer working on internal changes to export a new public API unintentionally.
+// good
+export { foo } from 'foo';
+export { child } from './child';
+// bad
+export * from 'foo/child';
+export * from '../foo/child';
+### Global definitions
+Don't do this. Everything should be wrapped in a module that can be depended on
+by other modules. Even things as simple as a single value should be a module.
+### Only use ternary operators for small, simple code
+And _never_ use multiple ternaries together, because they make it more
+difficult to reason about how different values flow through the conditions
+involved. Instead, structure the logic for maximum readability.
+// good, a situation where only 1 ternary is needed
+const foo = a === b ? 1 : 2;
+// bad
+const foo = a === b ? 1 : a === c ? 2 : 3;
+### Use descriptive conditions
+Any non-trivial conditions should be converted to functions or assigned to
+descriptively named variables. By breaking up logic into smaller,
+self-contained blocks, it becomes easier to reason about the higher-level
+logic. Additionally, these blocks become good candidates for extraction into
+their own modules, with unit-tests.
+// best
+function isShape(thing) {
+ return thing instanceof Shape;
+function notSquare(thing) {
+ return !(thing instanceof Square);
+if (isShape(thing) && notSquare(thing)) {
+ ...
+// good
+const isShape = thing instanceof Shape;
+const notSquare = !(thing instanceof Square);
+if (isShape && notSquare) {
+ ...
+// bad
+if (thing instanceof Shape && !(thing instanceof Square)) {
+ ...
+### Name regular expressions
+// good
+const validPassword = /^(?=.*\d).{4,}$/;
+if (password.length >= 4 && validPassword.test(password)) {
+ console.log('password is valid');
+// bad
+if (password.length >= 4 && /^(?=.*\d).{4,}$/.test(password)) {
+ console.log('losing');
+### Write small functions
+Keep your functions short. A good function fits on a slide that the people in
+the last row of a big room can comfortably read. So don't count on them having
+perfect vision and limit yourself to ~15 lines of code per function.
+### Use "rest" syntax rather than built-in `arguments`
+For expressiveness sake, and so you can be mix dynamic and explicit arguments.
+// good
+function something(foo, ...args) {
+ ...
+// bad
+function something(foo) {
+ const args = Array.from(arguments).slice(1);
+ ...
+### Default argument syntax
+Always use the default argument syntax for optional arguments.
+// good
+function foo(options = {}) {
+ ...
+// bad
+function foo(options) {
+ if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
+ options = {};
+ }
+ ...
+And put your optional arguments at the end.
+// good
+function foo(bar, options = {}) {
+ ...
+// bad
+function foo(options = {}, bar) {
+ ...
+### Use thunks to create closures, where possible
+For trivial examples (like the one that follows), thunks will seem like
+overkill, but they encourage isolating the implementation details of a closure
+from the business logic of the calling code.
+// good
+function connectHandler(client, callback) {
+ return () => client.connect(callback);
+setTimeout(connectHandler(client, afterConnect), 1000);
+// not as good
+setTimeout(() => {
+ client.connect(afterConnect);
+}, 1000);
+// bad
+setTimeout(() => {
+ client.connect(() => {
+ ...
+ });
+}, 1000);
+### Use slashes for comments
+Use slashes for both single line and multi line comments. Try to write
+comments that explain higher level mechanisms or clarify difficult
+segments of your code. _Don't use comments to restate trivial things_.
+_Exception:_ Comment blocks describing a function and its arguments
+(docblock) should start with `/**`, contain a single `*` at the beginning of
+each line, and end with `*/`.
+// good
+const matches = item.match(/ID_([^\n]+)=([^\n]+)/));
+ * Fetches a user from...
+ * @param {string} id - id of the user
+ * @return {Promise}
+ */
+function loadUser(id) {
+ // This function has a nasty side effect where a failure to increment a
+ // redis counter used for statistics will cause an exception. This needs
+ // to be fixed in a later iteration.
+ ...
+const isSessionValid = (session.expires < Date.now());
+if (isSessionValid) {
+ ...
+// bad
+// Execute a regex
+const matches = item.match(/ID_([^\n]+)=([^\n]+)/));
+// Usage: loadUser(5, function() { ... })
+function loadUser(id, cb) {
+ // ...
+// Check if the session is valid
+const isSessionValid = (session.expires < Date.now());
+// If the session is valid
+if (isSessionValid) {
+ ...
+### Getters and Setters
+Feel free to use getters that are free from [side effects][sideeffect], like
+providing a length property for a collection class.
+Do not use setters, they cause more problems than they can solve.
+[sideeffect]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Side_effect_(computer_science)
+### Avoid circular dependencies
+As part of a future effort to use correct and idempotent build tools we need our code to be
+able to be represented as a directed acyclic graph. We must avoid having circular dependencies
+both on code and type imports to achieve that. One of the most critical parts is the plugins
+code. We've developed a tool to identify plugins with circular dependencies which
+has allowed us to build a list of plugins who have circular dependencies
+between each other.
+When building plugins we should avoid importing from plugins
+who are known to have circular dependencies at the moment as well as introducing
+new circular dependencies. You can run the same tool we use on our CI locally by
+typing `node scripts/find_plugins_with_circular_deps --debug`. It will error out in
+case new circular dependencies has been added with your changes
+(which will also happen in the CI) as well as print out the current list of
+the known circular dependencies which, as mentioned before, should not be imported
+by your code until the circular dependencies on these have been solved.
+## SASS files
+When writing a new component, create a sibling SASS file of the same name and import directly into the **top** of the JS/TS component file. Doing so ensures the styles are never separated or lost on import and allows for better modularization (smaller individual plugin asset footprint).
+All SASS (.scss) files will automatically build with the [EUI](https://elastic.github.io/eui/#/guidelines/sass) & Kibana invisibles (SASS variables, mixins, functions) from the [`globals_[theme].scss` file](src/core/public/core_app/styles/_globals_v7light.scss).
+While the styles for this component will only be loaded if the component exists on the page,
+the styles **will** be global and so it is recommended to use a three letter prefix on your
+classes to ensure proper scope.
+// component.tsx
+import './component.scss';
+// All other imports below the SASS import
+export const Component = () => {
+ return
+// component.scss
+.plgComponent { ... }
+Do not use the underscore `_` SASS file naming pattern when importing directly into a javascript file.
+## React
+The following style guide rules are specific for working with the React framework.
+### Prefer reactDirective over react-component
+When using `ngReact` to embed your react components inside Angular HTML, prefer the
+`reactDirective` service over the `react-component` directive.
+You can read more about these two ngReact methods [here](https://github.com/ngReact/ngReact#features).
+Using `react-component` means adding a bunch of components into angular, while `reactDirective` keeps them isolated, and is also a more succinct syntax.
+### Action function names and prop function names
+Name action functions in the form of a strong verb and passed properties in the form of on. E.g:
+## Attribution
+Parts of the JavaScript style guide were initially forked from the
+[node style guide](https://github.com/felixge/node-style-guide) created by [Felix Geisendörfer](http://felixge.de/) which is
+licensed under the [CC BY-SA 3.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)
diff --git a/WORKSPACE.bazel b/WORKSPACE.bazel
index bd4d8801b0d4e..d334d7979ed59 100644
--- a/WORKSPACE.bazel
+++ b/WORKSPACE.bazel
@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
# Fetch Node.js rules
name = "build_bazel_rules_nodejs",
- sha256 = "dd7ea7efda7655c218ca707f55c3e1b9c68055a70c31a98f264b3445bc8f4cb1",
- urls = ["https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_nodejs/releases/download/3.2.3/rules_nodejs-3.2.3.tar.gz"],
+ sha256 = "65067dcad93a61deb593be7d3d9a32a4577d09665536d8da536d731da5cd15e2",
+ urls = ["https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_nodejs/releases/download/3.4.2/rules_nodejs-3.4.2.tar.gz"],
# Now that we have the rules let's import from them to complete the work
load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:index.bzl", "check_rules_nodejs_version", "node_repositories", "yarn_install")
# Assure we have at least a given rules_nodejs version
-check_rules_nodejs_version(minimum_version_string = "3.2.3")
+check_rules_nodejs_version(minimum_version_string = "3.4.2")
# Setup the Node.js toolchain for the architectures we want to support
diff --git a/api_docs/actions.json b/api_docs/actions.json
index 1a92e7270d4fb..1c08a3661cc24 100644
--- a/api_docs/actions.json
+++ b/api_docs/actions.json
@@ -12,9 +12,12 @@
"classes": [],
"functions": [
+ "parentPluginId": "actions",
"id": "def-server.asHttpRequestExecutionSource",
"type": "Function",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "asHttpRequestExecutionSource",
+ "description": [],
"signature": [
"(source: ",
@@ -27,13 +30,19 @@
") => ",
- "description": [],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/actions/server/lib/action_execution_source.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 22
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
"children": [
+ "parentPluginId": "actions",
"id": "def-server.asHttpRequestExecutionSource.$1",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "source",
- "isRequired": true,
+ "description": [],
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -44,64 +53,68 @@
- "description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/actions/server/lib/action_execution_source.ts",
"lineNumber": 22
- }
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "isRequired": true
- "tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
- "source": {
- "path": "x-pack/plugins/actions/server/lib/action_execution_source.ts",
- "lineNumber": 22
- },
"initialIsOpen": false
+ "parentPluginId": "actions",
"id": "def-server.asSavedObjectExecutionSource",
"type": "Function",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "asSavedObjectExecutionSource",
+ "description": [],
"signature": [
"(source: Pick<",
", \"type\" | \"id\">) => ",
- "description": [],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/actions/server/lib/action_execution_source.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 29
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
"children": [
+ "parentPluginId": "actions",
"id": "def-server.asSavedObjectExecutionSource.$1",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "source",
- "isRequired": true,
+ "description": [],
"signature": [
", \"type\" | \"id\">"
- "description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/actions/server/lib/action_execution_source.ts",
"lineNumber": 30
- }
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "isRequired": true
- "tags": [],
"returnComment": [],
- "source": {
- "path": "x-pack/plugins/actions/server/lib/action_execution_source.ts",
- "lineNumber": 29
- },
"initialIsOpen": false
"interfaces": [
+ "parentPluginId": "actions",
"id": "def-server.ActionResult",
"type": "Interface",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "ActionResult",
+ "description": [],
"signature": [
"pluginId": "actions",
@@ -112,91 +125,119 @@
- "description": [],
- "tags": [],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/actions/server/types.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 62
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
"children": [
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "actions",
"id": "def-server.ActionResult.id",
"type": "string",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "id",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/actions/server/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 63
- }
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "actions",
"id": "def-server.ActionResult.actionTypeId",
"type": "string",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "actionTypeId",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/actions/server/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 64
- }
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "actions",
"id": "def-server.ActionResult.name",
"type": "string",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "name",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/actions/server/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 65
- }
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
+ "parentPluginId": "actions",
+ "id": "def-server.ActionResult.isMissingSecrets",
+ "type": "CompoundType",
"tags": [],
- "id": "def-server.ActionResult.config",
- "type": "Uncategorized",
- "label": "config",
+ "label": "isMissingSecrets",
"description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "boolean | undefined"
+ ],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/actions/server/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 66
+ "deprecated": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "actions",
+ "id": "def-server.ActionResult.config",
+ "type": "Uncategorized",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "config",
+ "description": [],
"signature": [
"Config | undefined"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/actions/server/types.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 67
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "actions",
"id": "def-server.ActionResult.isPreconfigured",
"type": "boolean",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "isPreconfigured",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "x-pack/plugins/actions/server/types.ts",
- "lineNumber": 67
- }
+ "lineNumber": 68
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "source": {
- "path": "x-pack/plugins/actions/server/types.ts",
- "lineNumber": 62
- },
"initialIsOpen": false
+ "parentPluginId": "actions",
"id": "def-server.ActionsApiRequestHandlerContext",
"type": "Interface",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "ActionsApiRequestHandlerContext",
"description": [],
- "tags": [],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/actions/server/types.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 39
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
"children": [
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "actions",
"id": "def-server.ActionsApiRequestHandlerContext.getActionsClient",
"type": "Function",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "getActionsClient",
"description": [],
- "source": {
- "path": "x-pack/plugins/actions/server/types.ts",
- "lineNumber": 40
- },
"signature": [
"() => ",
@@ -206,18 +247,20 @@
"section": "def-server.ActionsClient",
"text": "ActionsClient"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/actions/server/types.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 40
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "actions",
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@@ -935,13 +1103,19 @@
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@@ -168,18 +210,24 @@
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+ ">; }; observability: { setup: { getScopedAnnotationsClient: (requestContext: ",
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- ">"
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+ "\nReceives observable that emits strings, and returns a new observable\nthat also returns strings separated by delimiter.\n\nInput stream:\n\n asdf.f -> df..aaa. -> dfsdf\n\nOutput stream, assuming \".\" is used as delimiter:\n\n asdf -> fdf -> aaa -> dfsdf\n"
+ ],
+ "signature": [
+ "(delimiter?: string) => (in$: ",
+ "Observable",
+ ") => ",
+ "Observable",
+ ""
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- "(delimiter?: string) => (in$: ",
- "Observable",
- ") => ",
- "Observable",
- ""
- ],
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- "\nReceives observable that emits strings, and returns a new observable\nthat also returns strings separated by delimiter.\n\nInput stream:\n\n asdf.f -> df..aaa. -> dfsdf\n\nOutput stream, assuming \".\" is used as delimiter:\n\n asdf -> fdf -> aaa -> dfsdf\n"
- ],
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+ "(payload: Payload, signal: AbortSignal | undefined) => Promise"
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") => { xhr: XMLHttpRequest; stream: ",
"; }"
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"signature": [
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+ "(data: BatchItemData) => Promise"
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- "(data: BatchItemData) => Promise"
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- "public"
- ],
"description": [
"\nRequest handler modified to allow to return an observable.\n\nSee {@link BfetchServerSetup.createStreamingRequestHandler} for usage example."
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- "lineNumber": 18
- },
"signature": [
"(context: ",
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"signature": [
"(path: string, handler: (request: ",
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"text": "BatchProcessingRouteParams"
") => void"
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- },
"signature": [
"(path: string, params: (request: ",
@@ -273,20 +293,22 @@
"text": "StreamingResponseHandler"
") => void"
- ]
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+ },
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"id": "def-server.BfetchServerSetup.createStreamingRequestHandler",
"type": "Function",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "createStreamingRequestHandler",
"description": [
"\nCreate a streaming request handler to be able to use an Observable to return chunked content to the client.\nThis is meant to be used with the `fetchStreaming` API of the `bfetch` client-side plugin.\n"
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- "path": "src/plugins/bfetch/server/plugin.ts",
- "lineNumber": 81
- },
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"signature": [
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@@ -398,110 +438,114 @@
"- "
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- }
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- }
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"id": "def-common.ItemBuffer.length",
"type": "number",
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"tags": [],
+ "label": "length",
"description": [
"\nGet current buffer size."
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/bfetch/common/buffer/item_buffer.ts",
"lineNumber": 37
- }
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"label": "write",
- "signature": [
- "(item: Item) => void"
- ],
"description": [
"\nAdd item to the buffer."
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"description": [
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"description": [
"\nCallback that is called every time buffer is flushed. It receives a single\nargument which is a list of all buffered items. If `.flush()` is called\nwhen buffer is empty, `.onflush` is called with empty array."
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+ "(items: Item[]) => void"
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/canvas/common/index.ts",
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\ No newline at end of file
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index 4555d2bf9fef3..75ac78d571bc9 100644
--- a/api_docs/canvas.mdx
+++ b/api_docs/canvas.mdx
@@ -22,3 +22,8 @@ import canvasObj from './canvas.json';
### Interfaces
+## Common
+### Objects
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+ },
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+ "section": "def-public.Plugin",
+ "text": "Plugin"
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+ ""
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "id": "def-public.CasesUiPlugin.setup",
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+ "signature": [
+ "(core: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "public",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-public.StartPlugins",
+ "text": "StartPlugins"
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+ "label": "stop",
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+ "() => void"
+ ],
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+ }
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"functions": [],
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+ "{ authc: ",
+ "AuthenticationServiceSetup",
+ "; sessionTimeout: ",
+ "ISessionTimeout",
+ "; license: Readonly<{ isLicenseAvailable: () => boolean; isEnabled: () => boolean; getType: () => \"basic\" | \"standard\" | \"gold\" | \"platinum\" | \"enterprise\" | \"trial\" | undefined; getFeatures: () => ",
+ "SecurityLicenseFeatures",
+ "; features$: ",
+ "Observable",
+ "<",
+ "SecurityLicenseFeatures"
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/public/types.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 23
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
+ },
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+ {
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+ "section": "def-public.TriggersAndActionsUIPublicPluginSetup",
+ "text": "TriggersAndActionsUIPublicPluginSetup"
+ }
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/public/types.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 24
+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/public/types.ts",
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+ "text": "TriggersAndActionsUIPublicPluginStart"
+ }
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/public/types.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 28
+ },
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+ }
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+ }
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"enums": [],
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+ {
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+ "id": "def-public.StartServices",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "StartServices",
+ "description": [
+ "\nTODO: The extra security service is one that should be implemented in the kibana context of the consuming application.\nSecurity is needed for access to authc for the `useCurrentUser` hook. Security_Solution currently passes it via renderApp in public/plugin.tsx\nLeaving it out currently in lieu of RBAC changes"
+ ],
+ "signature": [
+ "CoreStart & StartPlugins & { security: SecurityPluginSetup; }"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/public/types.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 37
+ },
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+ }
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+ "description": [],
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+ "(props: ",
+ "AllCasesProps",
+ ") => React.ReactElement<",
+ "AllCasesProps",
+ ", string | ((props: any) => React.ReactElement React.Component)> | null) | (new (props: any) => React.Component)>"
+ ],
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+ "lineNumber": 43
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
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+ "(props: ",
+ "AllCasesSelectorModalProps",
+ ") => React.ReactElement<",
+ "AllCasesSelectorModalProps",
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+ "lineNumber": 44
+ },
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+ "(props: ",
+ "CaseViewProps",
+ ") => React.ReactElement<",
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+ "(props: ",
+ "ConfigureCasesProps",
+ ") => React.ReactElement<",
+ "ConfigureCasesProps",
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+ "lineNumber": 48
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+ "(props: ",
+ "CreateCaseProps",
+ ") => React.ReactElement<",
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+ "(props: ",
+ "RecentCasesProps",
+ ") => React.ReactElement<",
+ "RecentCasesProps",
+ ", string | ((props: any) => React.ReactElement React.Component)> | null) | (new (props: any) => React.Component)>"
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"description": [],
- "source": {
- "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/server/types.ts",
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"signature": [
"() => ",
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@@ -48,10 +600,7200 @@
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+ "signature": [
+ "(message: string) => Error"
+ ],
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+ "string"
+ ],
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+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
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+ "(runtimeType: ",
+ "Type",
+ " , createError?: ErrorFactory) => (inputValue: I) => A"
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+ "Type",
+ " "
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+ "(errors: ",
+ "Errors",
+ ") => string[]"
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ "((caseId: string, caseConnectorId: string, subCaseId?: string | undefined) => void) | undefined"
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
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+ "text": "Case"
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+ "(() => void) | undefined"
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+ "label": "AssociationType",
+ "description": [
+ "\nthis is used to differentiate between an alert attached to a top-level case and a group of alerts that should only\nbe attached to a sub case. The reason we need this is because an alert group comment will have references to both a case and\nsub case when it is created. For us to be able to filter out alert groups in a top-level case we need a field to\nuse as a filter."
+ ],
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+ "\nAction routes"
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+ "\"/api/actions\""
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/constants.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 40
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "ActionResult"
+ ],
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+ "lineNumber": 22
+ },
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+ },
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+ "\"append\" | \"overwrite\" | \"nothing\""
+ ],
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+ "lineNumber": 22
+ },
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+ },
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+ ],
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+ "lineNumber": 23
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "description": [],
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+ ],
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+ "lineNumber": 135
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "label": "APP_ID",
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+ "\"cases\""
+ ],
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+ "lineNumber": 10
+ },
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+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "description": [],
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+ "{ type: CommentType.alert | CommentType.generatedAlert; alertId: string | string[]; index: string | string[]; rule: { id: string | null; name: string | null; }; } & { associationType: AssociationType; created_at: string; created_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; }; pushed_at: string | null; pushed_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; } | null; updated_at: string | null; updated_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; } | null; }"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "source": {
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+ "lineNumber": 34
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "source": {
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+ "lineNumber": 27
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "lineNumber": 18
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/constants.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 28
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/constants.ts",
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/constants.ts",
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "source": {
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+ "lineNumber": 31
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "lineNumber": 32
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "{ description: string; status: ",
+ {
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+ "text": "CaseStatuses"
+ },
+ "; tags: string[]; title: string; type: CaseType; connector: ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ {
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+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ {
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ {
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ }
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ }
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+ "lineNumber": 82
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "\"description\" | \"title\" | \"comments\""
+ ],
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "description": [],
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+ "null | { connector_id: string; connector_name: string; external_id: string; external_title: string; external_url: string; } & { pushed_at: string; pushed_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; }; }"
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "{ description?: string | undefined; status?: ",
+ {
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+ "section": "def-common.CaseStatuses",
+ "text": "CaseStatuses"
+ },
+ " | undefined; tags?: string[] | undefined; title?: string | undefined; type?: CaseType | undefined; connector?: ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ {
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+ }
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ {
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "{ description: string; status: ",
+ {
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+ "text": "CaseStatuses"
+ },
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+ {
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ {
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+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".resilient; fields: { incidentTypes: string[] | null; severityCode: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowITSM; fields: { impact: string | null; severity: string | null; urgency: string | null; category: string | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 183
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CASES_URL",
+ "type": "string",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CASES_URL",
+ "description": [
+ "\nCase routes"
+ ],
+ "signature": [
+ "\"/api/cases\""
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/constants.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 16
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CasesClientPostRequest",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasesClientPostRequest",
+ "description": [
+ "\nThis field differs from the CasePostRequest in that the post request's type field can be optional. This type requires\nthat the type field be defined. The CasePostRequest should be used in most places (the UI etc). This type is really\nonly necessary for validation."
+ ],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ type: CaseType; description: string; tags: string[]; title: string; connector: ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".jira; fields: { issueType: string | null; priority: string | null; parent: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".resilient; fields: { incidentTypes: string[] | null; severityCode: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowITSM; fields: { impact: string | null; severity: string | null; urgency: string | null; category: string | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 181
+ },
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+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.CasesConfigure",
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+ "label": "CasesConfigure",
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+ "{ connector: ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".resilient; fields: { incidentTypes: string[] | null; severityCode: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowITSM; fields: { impact: string | null; severity: string | null; urgency: string | null; category: string | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ {
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+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/configure.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 47
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.CasesConfigureAttributes",
+ "type": "Type",
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+ "label": "CasesConfigureAttributes",
+ "description": [],
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+ "{ connector: ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".jira; fields: { issueType: string | null; priority: string | null; parent: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".resilient; fields: { incidentTypes: string[] | null; severityCode: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowITSM; fields: { impact: string | null; severity: string | null; urgency: string | null; category: string | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowSIR; fields: { category: string | null; destIp: boolean | null; malwareHash: boolean | null; malwareUrl: boolean | null; priority: string | null; sourceIp: boolean | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/configure.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 50
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CasesConfigurePatch",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasesConfigurePatch",
+ "description": [],
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+ "{ connector?: ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".jira; fields: { issueType: string | null; priority: string | null; parent: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".resilient; fields: { incidentTypes: string[] | null; severityCode: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ {
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+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowSIR; fields: { category: string | null; destIp: boolean | null; malwareHash: boolean | null; malwareUrl: boolean | null; priority: string | null; sourceIp: boolean | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/configure.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 49
+ },
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+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.CasesConfigureRequest",
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+ "label": "CasesConfigureRequest",
+ "description": [],
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+ "{ connector: ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".jira; fields: { issueType: string | null; priority: string | null; parent: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".resilient; fields: { incidentTypes: string[] | null; severityCode: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowITSM; fields: { impact: string | null; severity: string | null; urgency: string | null; category: string | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowSIR; fields: { category: string | null; destIp: boolean | null; malwareHash: boolean | null; malwareUrl: boolean | null; priority: string | null; sourceIp: boolean | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/configure.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 48
+ },
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+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.CasesConfigureResponse",
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+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasesConfigureResponse",
+ "description": [],
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+ "{ connector: ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".jira; fields: { issueType: string | null; priority: string | null; parent: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".resilient; fields: { incidentTypes: string[] | null; severityCode: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowITSM; fields: { impact: string | null; severity: string | null; urgency: string | null; category: string | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowSIR; fields: { category: string | null; destIp: boolean | null; malwareHash: boolean | null; malwareUrl: boolean | null; priority: string | null; sourceIp: boolean | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/configure.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 51
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CaseSettings",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CaseSettings",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ syncAlerts: boolean; }"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 190
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CasesFindRequest",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasesFindRequest",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ type?: CaseType | undefined; tags?: string | string[] | undefined; status?: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CaseStatuses",
+ "text": "CaseStatuses"
+ },
+ " | undefined; reporters?: string | string[] | undefined; defaultSearchOperator?: \"AND\" | \"OR\" | undefined; fields?: string[] | undefined; page?: number | undefined; perPage?: number | undefined; search?: string | undefined; searchFields?: string[] | undefined; sortField?: string | undefined; sortOrder?: \"asc\" | \"desc\" | undefined; }"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 185
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CasesFindResponse",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasesFindResponse",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ cases: ({ description: string; status: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CaseStatuses",
+ "text": "CaseStatuses"
+ },
+ "; tags: string[]; title: string; type: CaseType; connector: ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".jira; fields: { issueType: string | null; priority: string | null; parent: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".resilient; fields: { incidentTypes: string[] | null; severityCode: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowITSM; fields: { impact: string | null; severity: string | null; urgency: string | null; category: string | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
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+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 186
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CasesPatchRequest",
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+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasesPatchRequest",
+ "description": [],
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+ "{ cases: ({ description?: string | undefined; status?: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CaseStatuses",
+ "text": "CaseStatuses"
+ },
+ " | undefined; tags?: string[] | undefined; title?: string | undefined; type?: CaseType | undefined; connector?: ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".jira; fields: { issueType: string | null; priority: string | null; parent: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".resilient; fields: { incidentTypes: string[] | null; severityCode: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowITSM; fields: { impact: string | null; severity: string | null; urgency: string | null; category: string | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 188
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CasesResponse",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasesResponse",
+ "description": [],
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+ "({ description: string; status: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CaseStatuses",
+ "text": "CaseStatuses"
+ },
+ "; tags: string[]; title: string; type: CaseType; connector: ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".jira; fields: { issueType: string | null; priority: string | null; parent: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".resilient; fields: { incidentTypes: string[] | null; severityCode: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowITSM; fields: { impact: string | null; severity: string | null; urgency: string | null; category: string | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 184
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CasesStatusResponse",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasesStatusResponse",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ count_open_cases: number; count_in_progress_cases: number; count_closed_cases: number; }"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/status.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 30
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.caseStatuses",
+ "type": "Array",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "caseStatuses",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CaseStatuses",
+ "text": "CaseStatuses"
+ },
+ "[]"
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/status.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 22
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CaseStatusWithAllStatus",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CaseStatusWithAllStatus",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "\"all\" | ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CaseStatuses",
+ "text": "CaseStatuses"
+ },
+ ".open | typeof ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CaseStatuses",
+ "text": "CaseStatuses"
+ },
+ "[\"in-progress\"] | ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CaseStatuses",
+ "text": "CaseStatuses"
+ },
+ ".closed"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/ui/types.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 24
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.caseTypeField",
+ "type": "string",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "caseTypeField",
+ "description": [
+ "\nExposing the field used to define the case type so that it can be used for filtering in saved object find queries."
+ ],
+ "signature": [
+ "\"type\""
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 25
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CaseUserActionAttributes",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CaseUserActionAttributes",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ action_field: (\"status\" | \"description\" | \"title\" | \"comment\" | \"tags\" | \"settings\" | \"connector\" | \"pushed\" | \"sub_case\")[]; action: \"add\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"update\" | \"push-to-service\"; action_at: string; action_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; }; new_value: string | null; old_value: string | null; }"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/user_actions.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 59
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CaseUserActionsResponse",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CaseUserActionsResponse",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "({ action_field: (\"status\" | \"description\" | \"title\" | \"comment\" | \"tags\" | \"settings\" | \"connector\" | \"pushed\" | \"sub_case\")[]; action: \"add\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"update\" | \"push-to-service\"; action_at: string; action_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; }; new_value: string | null; old_value: string | null; } & { action_id: string; case_id: string; comment_id: string | null; } & { sub_case_id?: string | undefined; })[]"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/user_actions.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 60
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.ClosureType",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "ClosureType",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "\"close-by-user\" | \"close-by-pushing\""
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/configure.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 46
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.Comment",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "Comment",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ comment: string; type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ },
+ ".user; } & { associationType: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.AssociationType",
+ "text": "AssociationType"
+ },
+ "; id: string; createdAt: string; createdBy: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ElasticUser",
+ "text": "ElasticUser"
+ },
+ "; pushedAt: string | null; pushedBy: string | null; updatedAt: string | null; updatedBy: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ElasticUser",
+ "text": "ElasticUser"
+ },
+ " | null; version: string; } | { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/ui/types.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 26
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CommentAttributes",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CommentAttributes",
+ "description": [],
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+ "{ comment: string; type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ },
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+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.AssociationType",
+ "text": "AssociationType"
+ },
+ "; created_at: string; created_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; }; pushed_at: string | null; pushed_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; } | null; updated_at: string | null; updated_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; } | null; } | { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ },
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ },
+ ".generatedAlert; alertId: string | string[]; index: string | string[]; rule: { id: string | null; name: string | null; }; } & { associationType: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.AssociationType",
+ "text": "AssociationType"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 131
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CommentPatchAttributes",
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+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CommentPatchAttributes",
+ "description": [],
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+ "{ associationType?: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.AssociationType",
+ "text": "AssociationType"
+ },
+ " | undefined; created_at?: string | undefined; created_by?: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; } | undefined; pushed_at?: string | null | undefined; pushed_by?: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; } | null | undefined; updated_at?: string | null | undefined; updated_by?: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; } | null | undefined; } | { type?: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ },
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+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ },
+ ".generatedAlert | undefined; alertId?: string | string[] | undefined; index?: string | string[] | undefined; rule?: { id: string | null; name: string | null; } | undefined; } & { associationType?: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.AssociationType",
+ "text": "AssociationType"
+ },
+ " | undefined; created_at?: string | undefined; created_by?: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; } | undefined; pushed_at?: string | null | undefined; pushed_by?: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; } | null | undefined; updated_at?: string | null | undefined; updated_by?: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; } | null | undefined; }"
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 138
+ },
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+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CommentPatchRequest",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CommentPatchRequest",
+ "description": [],
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+ "{ comment: string; type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ },
+ ".user; } & { id: string; version: string; } | { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ },
+ ".alert | ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ },
+ ".generatedAlert; alertId: string | string[]; index: string | string[]; rule: { id: string | null; name: string | null; }; } & { id: string; version: string; }"
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 137
+ },
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+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "label": "CommentRequest",
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+ "{ comment: string; type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ },
+ ".user; } | { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ },
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+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ },
+ ".generatedAlert; alertId: string | string[]; index: string | string[]; rule: { id: string | null; name: string | null; }; }"
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 132
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.CommentRequestAlertType",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CommentRequestAlertType",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ type: CommentType.alert | CommentType.generatedAlert; alertId: string | string[]; index: string | string[]; rule: { id: string | null; name: string | null; }; }"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 140
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CommentRequestUserType",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CommentRequestUserType",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ comment: string; type: CommentType.user; }"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 139
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.CommentResponse",
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+ "label": "CommentResponse",
+ "description": [],
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+ "{ comment: string; type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ },
+ ".user; } & { associationType: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.AssociationType",
+ "text": "AssociationType"
+ },
+ "; created_at: string; created_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; }; pushed_at: string | null; pushed_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; } | null; updated_at: string | null; updated_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; } | null; } & { id: string; version: string; } | { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ },
+ ".alert | ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ },
+ ".generatedAlert; alertId: string | string[]; index: string | string[]; rule: { id: string | null; name: string | null; }; } & { associationType: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.AssociationType",
+ "text": "AssociationType"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 133
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CommentResponseAlertsType",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CommentResponseAlertsType",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ type: CommentType.alert | CommentType.generatedAlert; alertId: string | string[]; index: string | string[]; rule: { id: string | null; name: string | null; }; } & { associationType: AssociationType; created_at: string; created_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; }; pushed_at: string | null; pushed_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; } | null; updated_at: string | null; updated_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; } | null; } & { id: string; version: string; }"
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 134
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CommentsResponse",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CommentsResponse",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ comments: (({ comment: string; type: CommentType.user; } & { associationType: AssociationType; created_at: string; created_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; }; pushed_at: string | null; pushed_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; } | null; updated_at: string | null; updated_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; } | null; } & { id: string; version: string; }) | ({ type: CommentType.alert | CommentType.generatedAlert; alertId: string | string[]; index: string | string[]; rule: { id: string | null; name: string | null; }; } & { associationType: AssociationType; created_at: string; created_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; }; pushed_at: string | null; pushed_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; } | null; updated_at: string | null; updated_by: { email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; } | null; } & { id: string; version: string; }))[]; page: number; per_page: number; total: number; }"
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 136
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.ConnectorField",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "ConnectorField",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ id: string; name: string; required: boolean; type: \"text\" | \"textarea\"; }"
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/connectors/mappings.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 48
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.ConnectorFields",
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+ "label": "ConnectorFields",
+ "description": [],
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+ "null | { issueType: string | null; priority: string | null; parent: string | null; } | { incidentTypes: string[] | null; severityCode: string | null; } | { impact: string | null; severity: string | null; urgency: string | null; category: string | null; subcategory: string | null; } | { category: string | null; destIp: boolean | null; malwareHash: boolean | null; malwareUrl: boolean | null; priority: string | null; sourceIp: boolean | null; subcategory: string | null; }"
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/connectors/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 92
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.ConnectorJiraTypeFields",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "ConnectorJiraTypeFields",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ type: ConnectorTypes.jira; fields: { issueType: string | null; priority: string | null; parent: string | null; } | null; }"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/connectors/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 84
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.ConnectorMappings",
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+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "ConnectorMappings",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ mappings: { action_type: \"append\" | \"overwrite\" | \"nothing\"; source: \"description\" | \"title\" | \"comments\"; target: string; }[]; }"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/connectors/mappings.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 37
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.ConnectorMappingsAttributes",
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+ "label": "ConnectorMappingsAttributes",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ action_type: \"append\" | \"overwrite\" | \"nothing\"; source: \"description\" | \"title\" | \"comments\"; target: string; }"
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/connectors/mappings.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 36
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.ConnectorResillientTypeFields",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "ConnectorResillientTypeFields",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ type: ConnectorTypes.resilient; fields: { incidentTypes: string[] | null; severityCode: string | null; } | null; }"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/connectors/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 85
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.ConnectorServiceNowITSMTypeFields",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "ConnectorServiceNowITSMTypeFields",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ type: ConnectorTypes.serviceNowITSM; fields: { impact: string | null; severity: string | null; urgency: string | null; category: string | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; }"
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/connectors/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 86
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.ConnectorServiceNowSIRTypeFields",
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+ "label": "ConnectorServiceNowSIRTypeFields",
+ "description": [],
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+ "{ type: ConnectorTypes.serviceNowSIR; fields: { category: string | null; destIp: boolean | null; malwareHash: boolean | null; malwareUrl: boolean | null; priority: string | null; sourceIp: boolean | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; }"
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/connectors/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 89
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.ConnectorTypeFields",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "ConnectorTypeFields",
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+ "{ type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".jira; fields: { issueType: string | null; priority: string | null; parent: string | null; } | null; } | { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".resilient; fields: { incidentTypes: string[] | null; severityCode: string | null; } | null; } | { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowITSM; fields: { impact: string | null; severity: string | null; urgency: string | null; category: string | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; } | { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowSIR; fields: { category: string | null; destIp: boolean | null; malwareHash: boolean | null; malwareUrl: boolean | null; priority: string | null; sourceIp: boolean | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; } | { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/connectors/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 83
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT",
+ "type": "string",
+ "tags": [],
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "\"dateFormat\""
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/constants.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 7
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT_TZ",
+ "type": "string",
+ "tags": [],
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "\"dateFormat:tz\""
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/constants.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 8
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.ENABLE_CASE_CONNECTOR",
+ "type": "boolean",
+ "tags": [],
+ "description": [
+ "\nThis flag governs enabling the case as a connector feature. It is disabled by default as the feature is not complete."
+ ],
+ "signature": [
+ "false"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/constants.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 63
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.ESCaseAttributes",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "ESCaseAttributes",
+ "description": [],
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+ "Pick<{ description: string; status: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CaseStatuses",
+ "text": "CaseStatuses"
+ },
+ "; tags: string[]; title: string; type: CaseType; connector: ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".jira; fields: { issueType: string | null; priority: string | null; parent: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".resilient; fields: { incidentTypes: string[] | null; severityCode: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowITSM; fields: { impact: string | null; severity: string | null; urgency: string | null; category: string | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 193
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.ESCaseConnectorTypes",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "ESCaseConnectorTypes",
+ "description": [],
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+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".resilient | ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowITSM | ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowSIR | ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "text": "CaseStatuses"
+ },
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+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
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+ "section": "def-common.ConnectorTypes",
+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".resilient; fields: { incidentTypes: string[] | null; severityCode: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
+ },
+ ".serviceNowITSM; fields: { impact: string | null; severity: string | null; urgency: string | null; category: string | null; subcategory: string | null; } | null; }) | ({ id: string; name: string; } & { type: ",
+ {
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+ "text": "ConnectorTypes"
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "{ title: string; id: string; pushedDate: string; url: string; } & { comments?: ({ commentId: string; pushedDate: string; } & { externalCommentId?: string | undefined; })[] | undefined; }"
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "{ references: { doc_count: number; caseIds: { buckets: { key: string; }[]; }; }; }"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "text": "CommentType"
+ },
+ ".alert | ",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/sub_case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 77
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.SUPPORTED_CONNECTORS",
+ "type": "Array",
+ "tags": [],
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "string[]"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/constants.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 47
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.ThirdPartyField",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "ThirdPartyField",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "string"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/connectors/mappings.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 24
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.UpdateKey",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "UpdateKey",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "\"status\" | \"description\" | \"title\" | \"tags\" | \"settings\" | \"connector\""
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/ui/types.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 163
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.User",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "User",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ email: string | null | undefined; full_name: string | null | undefined; username: string | null | undefined; }"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/user.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 18
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.UserAction",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "UserAction",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "\"add\" | \"delete\" | \"create\" | \"update\" | \"push-to-service\""
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/user_actions.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 62
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.UserActionField",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "UserActionField",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "(\"status\" | \"description\" | \"title\" | \"comment\" | \"tags\" | \"settings\" | \"connector\" | \"pushed\" | \"sub_case\")[]"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/user_actions.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 63
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.UserActionFieldType",
+ "type": "Type",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "UserActionFieldType",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "\"status\" | \"description\" | \"title\" | \"comment\" | \"tags\" | \"settings\" | \"connector\" | \"pushed\" | \"sub_case\""
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/user_actions.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 64
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "objects": [
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.AlertCommentRequestRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "AlertCommentRequestRt",
+ "description": [
+ "\nThis defines the structure of how alerts (generated or user attached) are stored in saved objects documents. It also\nrepresents of an alert after it has been transformed. A generated alert will be transformed by the connector so that\nit matches this structure. User attached alerts do not need to be transformed."
+ ],
+ "signature": [
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ type: ",
+ "UnionC",
+ "<[",
+ "LiteralC",
+ "<",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ },
+ ".generatedAlert>, ",
+ "LiteralC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 67
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.AllCommentsResponseRt",
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+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "AllCommentsResponseRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "ArrayC",
+ "<",
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "UnionC",
+ "<[",
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 128
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.AllCommentsResponseRT",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "AllCommentsResponseRT",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "ArrayC",
+ "<",
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "UnionC",
+ "<[",
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 99
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.CaseAttributesRt",
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+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CaseAttributesRt",
+ "description": [],
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+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ description: ",
+ "StringC",
+ "; status: ",
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+ "<[",
+ "LiteralC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 62
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CaseConfigureAttributesRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CaseConfigureAttributesRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ connector: ",
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ id: ",
+ "StringC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/configure.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 27
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CaseConfigureResponseRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CaseConfigureResponseRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ connector: ",
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/configure.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 37
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CaseConnectorRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CaseConnectorRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ id: ",
+ "StringC",
+ "; name: ",
+ "StringC",
+ "; }>, ",
+ "UnionC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/connectors/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 74
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CasePatchRequestRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasePatchRequestRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "PartialC",
+ "<{ description: ",
+ "StringC",
+ "; status: ",
+ "UnionC",
+ "<[",
+ "LiteralC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 142
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CasePostRequestRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasePostRequestRt",
+ "description": [
+ "\nThis type is not used for validation when decoding a request because intersection does not have props defined which\nrequired for the excess function. Instead we use this as the type used by the UI. This allows the type field to be\noptional and the server will handle setting it to a default value before validating that the request\nhas all the necessary fields. CasesClientPostRequestRt is used for validation."
+ ],
+ "signature": [
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "PartialC",
+ "<{ type: ",
+ "UnionC",
+ "<[",
+ "LiteralC",
+ "<",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CaseType",
+ "text": "CaseType"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 97
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CasePushRequestParamsRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasePushRequestParamsRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ case_id: ",
+ "StringC",
+ "; connector_id: ",
+ "StringC",
+ "; }>"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 150
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CaseResponseRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CaseResponseRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ description: ",
+ "StringC",
+ "; status: ",
+ "UnionC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 117
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CasesClientPostRequestRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasesClientPostRequestRt",
+ "description": [
+ "\nThis type is used for validating a create case request. It requires that the type field be defined."
+ ],
+ "signature": [
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ type: ",
+ "UnionC",
+ "<[",
+ "LiteralC",
+ "<",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CaseType",
+ "text": "CaseType"
+ },
+ ".collection>, ",
+ "LiteralC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 86
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CasesConfigurePatchRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasesConfigurePatchRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "PartialC",
+ "<{ connector: ",
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ id: ",
+ "StringC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/configure.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 22
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CasesConfigureRequestRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasesConfigureRequestRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ connector: ",
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ id: ",
+ "StringC",
+ "; name: ",
+ "StringC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/configure.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 21
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CasesFindRequestRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasesFindRequestRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "PartialC",
+ "<{ type: ",
+ "UnionC",
+ "<[",
+ "LiteralC",
+ "<",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CaseType",
+ "text": "CaseType"
+ },
+ ".collection>, ",
+ "LiteralC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 102
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CasesFindResponseRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasesFindResponseRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ cases: ",
+ "ArrayC",
+ "<",
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "IntersectionC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 132
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.CasesPatchRequestRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasesPatchRequestRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ cases: ",
+ "ArrayC",
+ "<",
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "PartialC",
+ "<{ description: ",
+ "StringC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 147
+ },
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+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.CasesResponseRt",
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+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasesResponseRt",
+ "description": [],
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+ "ArrayC",
+ "<",
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ description: ",
+ "StringC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/case.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 148
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.CasesStatusResponseRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CasesStatusResponseRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ count_open_cases: ",
+ "NumberC",
+ "; count_in_progress_cases: ",
+ "NumberC",
+ "; count_closed_cases: ",
+ "NumberC",
+ "; }>"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/status.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 24
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.CaseStatusRt",
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+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CaseStatusRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
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+ "<",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CaseStatuses",
+ "text": "CaseStatuses"
+ },
+ ".open>, ",
+ "LiteralC",
+ ", ",
+ "LiteralC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/user_actions.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 55
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CaseUserActionsResponseRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CaseUserActionsResponseRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "ArrayC",
+ "<",
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ action_field: ",
+ "ArrayC",
+ "<",
+ "UnionC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/user_actions.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 57
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CommentAttributesBasicRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CommentAttributesBasicRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ associationType: ",
+ "UnionC",
+ "<[",
+ "LiteralC",
+ "<",
+ {
+ "pluginId": "cases",
+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.AssociationType",
+ "text": "AssociationType"
+ },
+ ".case>, ",
+ "LiteralC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 38
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CommentPatchAttributesRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CommentPatchAttributesRt",
+ "description": [
+ "\nThis type is used by the CaseService.\nBecause the type for the attributes of savedObjectClient update function is Partial\nwe need to make all of our attributes partial too.\nWe ensure that partial updates of CommentContext is not going to happen inside the patch comment route."
+ ],
+ "signature": [
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "UnionC",
+ "<[",
+ "PartialC",
+ "<{ associationType: ",
+ "UnionC",
+ "<[",
+ "LiteralC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 116
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.CommentPatchRequestRt",
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+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CommentPatchRequestRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "UnionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ comment: ",
+ "StringC",
+ "; type: ",
+ "LiteralC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 101
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CommentRequestRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CommentRequestRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "UnionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ comment: ",
+ "StringC",
+ "; type: ",
+ "LiteralC",
+ "<",
+ {
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+ "scope": "common",
+ "docId": "kibCasesPluginApi",
+ "section": "def-common.CommentType",
+ "text": "CommentType"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 81
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CommentResponseRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CommentResponseRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "UnionC",
+ "<[",
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ comment: ",
+ "StringC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 83
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CommentResponseTypeAlertsRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CommentResponseTypeAlertsRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ type: ",
+ "UnionC",
+ "<[",
+ "LiteralC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 91
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
+ "parentPluginId": "cases",
+ "id": "def-common.CommentsResponseRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "CommentsResponseRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ comments: ",
+ "ArrayC",
+ "<",
+ "IntersectionC",
+ "<[",
+ "UnionC",
+ "<[",
+ "IntersectionC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/cases/comment.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 121
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.ConnectorFieldsRt",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "ConnectorFieldsRt",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "UnionC",
+ "<[",
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ issueType: ",
+ "UnionC",
+ "<[",
+ "StringC",
+ ", ",
+ "NullC"
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/cases/common/api/connectors/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 25
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "initialIsOpen": false
+ },
+ {
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+ "id": "def-common.ConnectorMappingsAttributesRT",
+ "type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
+ "label": "ConnectorMappingsAttributesRT",
+ "description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "TypeC",
+ "<{ action_type: ",
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--- a/api_docs/cases.mdx
+++ b/api_docs/cases.mdx
@@ -11,8 +11,39 @@ warning: This document is auto-generated and is meant to be viewed inside our ex
import casesObj from './cases.json';
+## Client
+### Start
+### Classes
+### Interfaces
+### Consts, variables and types
## Server
### Interfaces
+## Common
+### Objects
+### Functions
+### Interfaces
+### Enums
+### Consts, variables and types
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+ "({ onChange, color: selectedColor, label, useLegacyColors, colorIsOverwritten, onKeyDown, }: ColorPickerProps) => JSX.Element"
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"signature": [
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- "(num: number) => string[]"
- ],
"description": [
"\nGenerates an array of hex colors the length of the input number.\nIf the number is greater than the length of seed colors available,\nnew colors are generated up to the value of the input number."
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+ "(num: number) => string[]"
+ ],
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+ "\nReturns the adjusted interval based on the data\n"
+ ],
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- "(xValues: number[], esValue: number, esUnit: moment.unitOfTime.Base, timeZone: string) => number"
- ],
- "description": [
- "\nReturns the adjusted interval based on the data\n"
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+ },
+ ", xAccessor: string | number | ",
+ "AccessorFn",
+ ") => ({ x: selectedRange }: ",
+ "XYBrushArea",
+ ") => ",
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@@ -229,28 +298,44 @@
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@@ -262,38 +347,26 @@
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"type": "Interface",
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"label": "PaletteDefinition",
+ "description": [
+ "\nDefinition of a global palette.\n\nA palette controls the appearance of Lens charts on an editor level.\nThe palette wont get reset when switching charts.\n\nA palette can hold internal state (e.g. for customizations) and also includes\nan editor component to edit the internal state."
+ ],
"signature": [
"pluginId": "charts",
@@ -1117,15 +1279,17 @@
- "description": [
- "\nDefinition of a global palette.\n\nA palette controls the appearance of Lens charts on an editor level.\nThe palette wont get reset when switching charts.\n\nA palette can hold internal state (e.g. for customizations) and also includes\nan editor component to edit the internal state."
- ],
- "tags": [],
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+ "path": "src/plugins/charts/public/services/palettes/types.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 63
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"children": [
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"type": "string",
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"label": "id",
"description": [
"\nUnique id of the palette (this will be persisted along with the visualization state)"
@@ -1133,12 +1297,14 @@
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/charts/public/services/palettes/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 67
- }
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"id": "def-public.PaletteDefinition.title",
"type": "string",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "title",
"description": [
"\nUser facing title (should be i18n-ized)"
@@ -1146,69 +1312,73 @@
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/charts/public/services/palettes/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 71
- }
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"id": "def-public.PaletteDefinition.internal",
"type": "CompoundType",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "internal",
"description": [
"\nFlag indicating whether users should be able to pick this palette manually."
+ "signature": [
+ "boolean | undefined"
+ ],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/charts/public/services/palettes/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 75
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- "boolean | undefined"
- ]
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"id": "def-public.PaletteDefinition.toExpression",
"type": "Function",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "toExpression",
"description": [
"\nSerialize the internal state of the palette into an expression function.\nThis function should be used to pass the palette to the expression function applying color and other styles"
+ "signature": [
+ "(state?: T | undefined) => ",
+ "Ast"
+ ],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/charts/public/services/palettes/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 81
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- "(state?: T | undefined) => ",
- "Ast"
- ]
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"id": "def-public.PaletteDefinition.renderEditor",
"type": "Function",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "renderEditor",
"description": [
"\nRenders the UI for editing the internal state of the palette.\nNot each palette has to feature an internal state, so this is an optional property."
+ "signature": [
+ "((domElement: Element, props: { state?: T | undefined; setState: (updater: (oldState: T) => T) => void; }) => void) | undefined"
+ ],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/charts/public/services/palettes/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 88
- "signature": [
- "((domElement: Element, props: { state?: T | undefined; setState: (updater: (oldState: T) => T) => void; }) => void) | undefined"
- ]
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"id": "def-public.PaletteDefinition.getColor",
"type": "Function",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "getColor",
"description": [
"\nColor a series according to the internal rules of the palette."
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- "path": "src/plugins/charts/public/services/palettes/types.ts",
- "lineNumber": 97
- },
"signature": [
"(series: ",
@@ -1227,35 +1397,41 @@
"text": "ChartColorConfiguration"
" | undefined, state?: T | undefined) => string | null"
- ]
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+ "lineNumber": 97
+ },
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"id": "def-public.PaletteDefinition.getColors",
"type": "Function",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "getColors",
"description": [
"\nGet a spectrum of colors of the current palette.\nThis can be used if the chart wants to control color assignment locally."
+ "signature": [
+ "(size: number, state?: T | undefined) => string[]"
+ ],
"source": {
"path": "src/plugins/charts/public/services/palettes/types.ts",
"lineNumber": 106
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- "(size: number, state?: T | undefined) => string[]"
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"signature": [
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"\nName of the series (can be used for lookup-based coloring)"
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"description": [
"\nUsing a random color generator presented awful colors and unpredictable color schemes.\nSo we needed to come up with a color scheme of our own that creates consistent, pleasing color patterns.\nThe order allows us to guarantee that 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc values always get the same color."
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- ],
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"label": "ToastsApi",
"description": [
"\nMethods for adding and removing global toast messages."
@@ -30,33 +29,48 @@
", \"get$\" | \"add\" | \"remove\" | \"addSuccess\" | \"addWarning\" | \"addDanger\" | \"addError\" | \"addInfo\">"
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+ "Observable of the toast messages to show to the user."
+ ],
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"() => ",
@@ -98,21 +113,23 @@
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- "Observable of the toast messages to show to the user."
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+ "\nAdds a new toast to current array of toast.\n"
+ ],
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"(toastOrTitle: ",
@@ -131,15 +148,21 @@
"text": "Toast"
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- "\nAdds a new toast to current array of toast.\n"
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+ "\nRemoves a toast from the current array of toasts if present."
+ ],
"signature": [
"(toastOrId: string | ",
@@ -182,15 +204,21 @@
") => void"
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- "\nRemoves a toast from the current array of toasts if present."
- ],
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+ "- a {@link Toast} returned by {@link ToastsApi.add} or its id"
+ ],
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"string | ",
@@ -201,26 +229,25 @@
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- }
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+ "\nAdds a new toast pre-configured with the info color and info icon.\n"
+ ],
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"(toastOrTitle: ",
@@ -247,15 +274,21 @@
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- "\nAdds a new toast pre-configured with the info color and info icon.\n"
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+ ],
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+ "\nAdds a new toast pre-configured with the success color and check icon.\n"
+ ],
"signature": [
"(toastOrTitle: ",
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"text": "Toast"
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- "\nAdds a new toast pre-configured with the success color and check icon.\n"
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+ ],
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" | undefined"
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- ],
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"a {@link Toast}"
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+ "\nAdds a new toast pre-configured with the warning color and help icon.\n"
+ ],
"signature": [
"(toastOrTitle: ",
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"text": "Toast"
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- "\nAdds a new toast pre-configured with the warning color and help icon.\n"
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+ ],
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" | undefined"
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"a {@link Toast}"
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+ "\nAdds a new toast pre-configured with the danger color and alert icon.\n"
+ ],
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"(toastOrTitle: ",
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"text": "Toast"
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- "\nAdds a new toast pre-configured with the danger color and alert icon.\n"
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" | undefined"
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- ],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/notifications/toasts/toasts_api.tsx",
"lineNumber": 204
- }
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "isRequired": false
- "tags": [],
"returnComment": [
"a {@link Toast}"
- ],
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/notifications/toasts/toasts_api.tsx",
- "lineNumber": 204
- }
+ ]
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.ToastsApi.addError",
"type": "Function",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "addError",
+ "description": [
+ "\nAdds a new toast that displays an exception message with a button to open the full stacktrace in a modal.\n"
+ ],
"signature": [
"(error: Error, options: ",
@@ -595,31 +654,40 @@
"text": "Toast"
- "description": [
- "\nAdds a new toast that displays an exception message with a button to open the full stacktrace in a modal.\n"
- ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/notifications/toasts/toasts_api.tsx",
+ "lineNumber": 221
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
"children": [
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.ToastsApi.addError.$1",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "error",
- "isRequired": true,
- "signature": [
- "Error"
- ],
"description": [
"- an `Error` instance."
- "source": {
+ "signature": [
+ "Error"
+ ],
+ "source": {
"path": "src/core/public/notifications/toasts/toasts_api.tsx",
"lineNumber": 221
- }
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "isRequired": true
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.ToastsApi.addError.$2",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "options",
- "isRequired": true,
+ "description": [
+ "- {@link ErrorToastOptions}"
+ ],
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -629,49 +697,44 @@
"text": "ErrorToastOptions"
- "description": [
- "- {@link ErrorToastOptions}"
- ],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/notifications/toasts/toasts_api.tsx",
"lineNumber": 221
- }
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "isRequired": true
- "tags": [],
"returnComment": [
"a {@link Toast}"
- ],
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/notifications/toasts/toasts_api.tsx",
- "lineNumber": 221
- }
+ ]
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/notifications/toasts/toasts_api.tsx",
- "lineNumber": 94
- },
"initialIsOpen": false
"functions": [],
"interfaces": [
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.AppCategory",
"type": "Interface",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "AppCategory",
"description": [
"\n\nA category definition for nav links to know where to sort them in the left hand nav"
- "tags": [
- "public"
- ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/types/app_category.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 15
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
"children": [
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.AppCategory.id",
"type": "string",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "id",
"description": [
"\nUnique identifier for the categories"
@@ -679,12 +742,14 @@
"source": {
"path": "src/core/types/app_category.ts",
"lineNumber": 19
- }
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.AppCategory.label",
"type": "string",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "label",
"description": [
"\nLabel used for category name.\nAlso used as aria-label if one isn't set."
@@ -692,67 +757,77 @@
"source": {
"path": "src/core/types/app_category.ts",
"lineNumber": 25
- }
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.AppCategory.ariaLabel",
"type": "string",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "ariaLabel",
"description": [
"\nIf the visual label isn't appropriate for screen readers,\ncan override it here"
+ "signature": [
+ "string | undefined"
+ ],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/types/app_category.ts",
"lineNumber": 31
- "signature": [
- "string | undefined"
- ]
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.AppCategory.order",
"type": "number",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "order",
"description": [
"\nThe order that categories will be sorted in\nPrefer large steps between categories to allow for further editing\n(Default categories are in steps of 1000)"
+ "signature": [
+ "number | undefined"
+ ],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/types/app_category.ts",
"lineNumber": 38
- "signature": [
- "number | undefined"
- ]
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.AppCategory.euiIconType",
"type": "string",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "euiIconType",
"description": [
"\nDefine an icon to be used for the category\nIf the category is only 1 item, and no icon is defined, will default to the product icon\nDefaults to initials if no icon is defined"
+ "signature": [
+ "string | undefined"
+ ],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/types/app_category.ts",
"lineNumber": 45
- "signature": [
- "string | undefined"
- ]
+ "deprecated": false
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/types/app_category.ts",
- "lineNumber": 15
- },
"initialIsOpen": false
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.AsyncPlugin",
"type": "Interface",
+ "tags": [
+ "deprecated"
+ ],
"label": "AsyncPlugin",
+ "description": [
+ "\nA plugin with asynchronous lifecycle methods.\n"
+ ],
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -763,18 +838,20 @@
- "description": [
- "\nA plugin with asynchronous lifecycle methods.\n"
- ],
- "tags": [
- "deprecated",
- "public"
- ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/plugins/plugin.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 39
+ },
+ "deprecated": true,
+ "references": [],
"children": [
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.AsyncPlugin.setup",
"type": "Function",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "setup",
+ "description": [],
"signature": [
"(core: ",
@@ -786,13 +863,19 @@
", plugins: TPluginsSetup) => TSetup | Promise"
- "description": [],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/plugins/plugin.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 45
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
"children": [
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.AsyncPlugin.setup.$1",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "core",
- "isRequired": true,
+ "description": [],
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -803,38 +886,40 @@
- "description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/plugins/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 45
- }
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "isRequired": true
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.AsyncPlugin.setup.$2",
"type": "Uncategorized",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "plugins",
- "isRequired": true,
+ "description": [],
"signature": [
- "description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/plugins/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 45
- }
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "isRequired": true
- "tags": [],
- "returnComment": [],
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/plugins/plugin.ts",
- "lineNumber": 45
- }
+ "returnComment": []
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.AsyncPlugin.start",
"type": "Function",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "start",
+ "description": [],
"signature": [
"(core: ",
@@ -846,13 +931,19 @@
", plugins: TPluginsStart) => TStart | Promise"
- "description": [],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/plugins/plugin.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 46
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
"children": [
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.AsyncPlugin.start.$1",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "core",
- "isRequired": true,
+ "description": [],
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -862,143 +953,153 @@
"text": "CoreStart"
- "description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/plugins/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 46
- }
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "isRequired": true
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.AsyncPlugin.start.$2",
"type": "Uncategorized",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "plugins",
- "isRequired": true,
+ "description": [],
"signature": [
- "description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/plugins/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 46
- }
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "isRequired": true
- "tags": [],
- "returnComment": [],
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/plugins/plugin.ts",
- "lineNumber": 46
- }
+ "returnComment": []
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.AsyncPlugin.stop",
"type": "Function",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "stop",
+ "description": [],
"signature": [
"(() => void) | undefined"
- "description": [],
- "children": [],
- "tags": [],
- "returnComment": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/plugins/plugin.ts",
"lineNumber": 47
- }
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
+ "children": [],
+ "returnComment": []
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/plugins/plugin.ts",
- "lineNumber": 39
- },
"initialIsOpen": false
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.Capabilities",
"type": "Interface",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "Capabilities",
"description": [
"\nThe read-only set of capabilities available for the current UI session.\nCapabilities are simple key-value pairs of (string, boolean), where the string denotes the capability ID,\nand the boolean is a flag indicating if the capability is enabled or disabled.\n"
- "tags": [
- "public"
- ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/types/capabilities.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 16
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
"children": [
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.Capabilities.navLinks",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "navLinks",
"description": [
"Navigation link capabilities."
+ "signature": [
+ "Record"
+ ],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/types/capabilities.ts",
"lineNumber": 18
- "signature": [
- "Record"
- ]
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.Capabilities.management",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "management",
"description": [
"Management section capabilities."
+ "signature": [
+ "{ [sectionId: string]: Record; }"
+ ],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/types/capabilities.ts",
"lineNumber": 21
- "signature": [
- "{ [sectionId: string]: Record; }"
- ]
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.Capabilities.catalogue",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "catalogue",
"description": [
"Catalogue capabilities. Catalogue entries drive the visibility of the Kibana homepage options."
+ "signature": [
+ "Record"
+ ],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/types/capabilities.ts",
"lineNumber": 26
- "signature": [
- "Record"
- ]
+ "deprecated": false
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.Capabilities.Unnamed",
"type": "Any",
- "label": "Unnamed",
"tags": [],
+ "label": "Unnamed",
"description": [
"Custom capabilities, registered by plugins."
+ "signature": [
+ "any"
+ ],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/types/capabilities.ts",
"lineNumber": 29
- "signature": [
- "any"
- ]
+ "deprecated": false
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/types/capabilities.ts",
- "lineNumber": 16
- },
"initialIsOpen": false
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.CoreSetup",
"type": "Interface",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "CoreSetup",
+ "description": [
+ "\nCore services exposed to the `Plugin` setup lifecycle\n"
+ ],
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -1009,25 +1110,21 @@
- "description": [
- "\nCore services exposed to the `Plugin` setup lifecycle\n"
- ],
- "tags": [
- "public"
- ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 213
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
"children": [
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.CoreSetup.application",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "application",
"description": [
"{@link ApplicationSetup}"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 210
- },
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -1036,20 +1133,22 @@
"section": "def-public.ApplicationSetup",
"text": "ApplicationSetup"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 215
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.CoreSetup.fatalErrors",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "fatalErrors",
"description": [
"{@link FatalErrorsSetup}"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 212
- },
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -1058,20 +1157,22 @@
"section": "def-public.FatalErrorsSetup",
"text": "FatalErrorsSetup"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 217
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.CoreSetup.http",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "http",
"description": [
"{@link HttpSetup}"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 214
- },
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -1080,20 +1181,22 @@
"section": "def-public.HttpSetup",
"text": "HttpSetup"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 219
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.CoreSetup.notifications",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "notifications",
"description": [
"{@link NotificationsSetup}"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 216
- },
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -1102,20 +1205,22 @@
"section": "def-public.NotificationsSetup",
"text": "NotificationsSetup"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 221
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.CoreSetup.uiSettings",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "uiSettings",
"description": [
"{@link IUiSettingsClient}"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 218
- },
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -1124,38 +1229,43 @@
"section": "def-public.IUiSettingsClient",
"text": "IUiSettingsClient"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 223
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
+ "id": "def-public.CoreSetup.injectedMetadata",
+ "type": "Object",
"tags": [
- "id": "def-public.CoreSetup.injectedMetadata",
- "type": "Object",
"label": "injectedMetadata",
"description": [
"\nexposed temporarily until https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/41990 done\nuse *only* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values\nin the new platform."
+ "signature": [
+ "{ getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown; }"
+ ],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 225
+ "lineNumber": 230
- "signature": [
- "{ getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown; }"
- ]
+ "deprecated": true,
+ "references": []
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.CoreSetup.getStartServices",
"type": "Function",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "getStartServices",
"description": [
"{@link StartServicesAccessor}"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 229
- },
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -1165,38 +1275,40 @@
"text": "StartServicesAccessor"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 234
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 208
- },
"initialIsOpen": false
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.CoreStart",
"type": "Interface",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "CoreStart",
"description": [
"\nCore services exposed to the `Plugin` start lifecycle\n"
- "tags": [
- "public"
- ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 258
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
"children": [
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.CoreStart.application",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "application",
"description": [
"{@link ApplicationStart}"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 255
- },
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -1205,20 +1317,22 @@
"section": "def-public.ApplicationStart",
"text": "ApplicationStart"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 260
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.CoreStart.chrome",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "chrome",
"description": [
"{@link ChromeStart}"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 257
- },
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -1227,20 +1341,22 @@
"section": "def-public.ChromeStart",
"text": "ChromeStart"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 262
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.CoreStart.docLinks",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "docLinks",
"description": [
"{@link DocLinksStart}"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 259
- },
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -1249,20 +1365,22 @@
"section": "def-public.DocLinksStart",
"text": "DocLinksStart"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 264
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.CoreStart.http",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "http",
"description": [
"{@link HttpStart}"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 261
- },
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -1271,20 +1389,22 @@
"section": "def-public.HttpSetup",
"text": "HttpSetup"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 266
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
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"id": "def-public.CoreStart.savedObjects",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "savedObjects",
"description": [
"{@link SavedObjectsStart}"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 263
- },
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -1293,20 +1413,22 @@
"section": "def-public.SavedObjectsStart",
"text": "SavedObjectsStart"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 268
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
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"id": "def-public.CoreStart.i18n",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "i18n",
"description": [
"{@link I18nStart}"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 265
- },
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -1315,20 +1437,22 @@
"section": "def-public.I18nStart",
"text": "I18nStart"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 270
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
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"id": "def-public.CoreStart.notifications",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "notifications",
"description": [
"{@link NotificationsStart}"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 267
- },
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -1337,20 +1461,22 @@
"section": "def-public.NotificationsStart",
"text": "NotificationsStart"
- ]
+ ],
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+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 272
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
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"id": "def-public.CoreStart.overlays",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "overlays",
"description": [
"{@link OverlayStart}"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 269
- },
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -1359,20 +1485,22 @@
"section": "def-public.OverlayStart",
"text": "OverlayStart"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 274
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
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"id": "def-public.CoreStart.uiSettings",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "uiSettings",
"description": [
"{@link IUiSettingsClient}"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 271
- },
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -1381,20 +1509,22 @@
"section": "def-public.IUiSettingsClient",
"text": "IUiSettingsClient"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 276
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.CoreStart.fatalErrors",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "fatalErrors",
"description": [
"{@link FatalErrorsStart}"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 273
- },
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -1403,20 +1533,22 @@
"section": "def-public.FatalErrorsSetup",
"text": "FatalErrorsSetup"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 278
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.CoreStart.deprecations",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "deprecations",
"description": [
"{@link DeprecationsServiceStart}"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 275
- },
"signature": [
"pluginId": "core",
@@ -1425,110 +1557,129 @@
"section": "def-public.DeprecationsServiceStart",
"text": "DeprecationsServiceStart"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 280
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
+ "id": "def-public.CoreStart.injectedMetadata",
+ "type": "Object",
"tags": [
- "id": "def-public.CoreStart.injectedMetadata",
- "type": "Object",
"label": "injectedMetadata",
"description": [
"\nexposed temporarily until https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/41990 done\nuse *only* to retrieve config values. There is no way to set injected values\nin the new platform."
+ "signature": [
+ "{ getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown; }"
+ ],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 282
+ "lineNumber": 287
- "signature": [
- "{ getInjectedVar: (name: string, defaultValue?: any) => unknown; }"
+ "deprecated": true,
+ "references": [
+ {
+ "plugin": "monitoring",
+ "link": {
+ "path": "x-pack/plugins/monitoring/public/legacy_shims.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 81
+ }
+ }
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/index.ts",
- "lineNumber": 253
- },
"initialIsOpen": false
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.DeprecationsServiceStart",
"type": "Interface",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "DeprecationsServiceStart",
"description": [
"\nDeprecationsService provides methods to fetch domain deprecation details from\nthe Kibana server.\n"
- "tags": [
- "public"
- ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 20
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
"children": [
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.DeprecationsServiceStart.getAllDeprecations",
"type": "Function",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "getAllDeprecations",
"description": [
"\nGrabs deprecations details for all domains."
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts",
- "lineNumber": 24
- },
"signature": [
"() => Promise<",
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 24
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.DeprecationsServiceStart.getDeprecations",
"type": "Function",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "getDeprecations",
"description": [
"\nGrabs deprecations for a specific domain.\n"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts",
- "lineNumber": 30
- },
"signature": [
"(domainId: string) => Promise<",
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 30
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.DeprecationsServiceStart.isDeprecationResolvable",
"type": "Function",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "isDeprecationResolvable",
"description": [
"\nReturns a boolean if the provided deprecation can be automatically resolvable.\n"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts",
- "lineNumber": 36
- },
"signature": [
"(details: ",
") => boolean"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 36
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.DeprecationsServiceStart.resolveDeprecation",
"type": "Function",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "resolveDeprecation",
"description": [
"\nCalls the correctiveActions.api to automatically resolve the depprecation.\n"
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts",
- "lineNumber": 42
- },
"signature": [
"(details: ",
@@ -1541,126 +1692,184 @@
"text": "ResolveDeprecationResponse"
- ]
+ ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 42
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "source": {
- "path": "src/core/public/deprecations/deprecations_service.ts",
- "lineNumber": 20
- },
"initialIsOpen": false
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.DocLinksStart",
"type": "Interface",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "DocLinksStart",
"description": [],
- "tags": [
- "public"
- ],
+ "source": {
+ "path": "src/core/public/doc_links/doc_links_service.ts",
+ "lineNumber": 407
+ },
+ "deprecated": false,
"children": [
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.DocLinksStart.DOC_LINK_VERSION",
"type": "string",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "DOC_LINK_VERSION",
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/doc_links/doc_links_service.ts",
- "lineNumber": 349
- }
+ "lineNumber": 408
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.DocLinksStart.ELASTIC_WEBSITE_URL",
"type": "string",
+ "tags": [],
"description": [],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/doc_links/doc_links_service.ts",
- "lineNumber": 350
- }
+ "lineNumber": 409
+ },
+ "deprecated": false
- "tags": [],
+ "parentPluginId": "core",
"id": "def-public.DocLinksStart.links",
"type": "Object",
+ "tags": [],
"label": "links",
"description": [],
+ "signature": [
+ "{ readonly canvas: { readonly guide: string; }; readonly dashboard: { readonly guide: string; readonly drilldowns: string; readonly drilldownsTriggerPicker: string; readonly urlDrilldownTemplateSyntax: string; readonly urlDrilldownVariables: string; }; readonly discover: Record; readonly filebeat: { readonly base: string; readonly installation: string; readonly configuration: string; readonly elasticsearchOutput: string; readonly elasticsearchModule: string; readonly startup: string; readonly exportedFields: string; }; readonly auditbeat: { readonly base: string; }; readonly metricbeat: { readonly base: string; readonly configure: string; readonly httpEndpoint: string; readonly install: string; readonly start: string; }; readonly enterpriseSearch: { readonly base: string; readonly appSearchBase: string; readonly workplaceSearchBase: string; }; readonly heartbeat: { readonly base: string; }; readonly logstash: { readonly base: string; }; readonly functionbeat: { readonly base: string; }; readonly winlogbeat: { readonly base: string; }; readonly aggs: { readonly composite: string; readonly composite_missing_bucket: string; readonly date_histogram: string; readonly date_range: string; readonly date_format_pattern: string; readonly filter: string; readonly filters: string; readonly geohash_grid: string; readonly histogram: string; readonly ip_range: string; readonly range: string; readonly significant_terms: string; readonly terms: string; readonly avg: string; readonly avg_bucket: string; readonly max_bucket: string; readonly min_bucket: string; readonly sum_bucket: string; readonly cardinality: string; readonly count: string; readonly cumulative_sum: string; readonly derivative: string; readonly geo_bounds: string; readonly geo_centroid: string; readonly max: string; readonly median: string; readonly min: string; readonly moving_avg: string; readonly percentile_ranks: string; readonly serial_diff: string; readonly std_dev: string; readonly sum: string; readonly top_hits: string; }; readonly runtimeFields: { readonly overview: string; readonly mapping: string; }; readonly scriptedFields: { readonly scriptFields: string; readonly scriptAggs: string; readonly painless: string; readonly painlessApi: string; readonly painlessLangSpec: string; readonly painlessSyntax: string; readonly painlessWalkthrough: string; readonly luceneExpressions: string; }; readonly search: { readonly sessions: string; }; readonly indexPatterns: { readonly introduction: string; readonly fieldFormattersNumber: string; readonly fieldFormattersString: string; }; readonly addData: string; readonly kibana: string; readonly upgradeAssistant: string; readonly elasticsearch: Record; readonly siem: { readonly guide: string; readonly gettingStarted: string; }; readonly query: { readonly eql: string; readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string; readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string; readonly percolate: string; readonly queryDsl: string; }; readonly date: { readonly dateMath: string; readonly dateMathIndexNames: string; }; readonly management: Record; readonly ml: Record; readonly transforms: Record; readonly visualize: Record; readonly apis: Readonly<{ bulkIndexAlias: string; byteSizeUnits: string; createAutoFollowPattern: string; createFollower: string; createIndex: string; createSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string; createRoleMapping: string; createRoleMappingTemplates: string; createApiKey: string; createPipeline: string; createTransformRequest: string; cronExpressions: string; executeWatchActionModes: string; indexExists: string; openIndex: string; putComponentTemplate: string; painlessExecute: string; painlessExecuteAPIContexts: string; putComponentTemplateMetadata: string; putSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string; putIndexTemplateV1: string; putWatch: string; simulatePipeline: string; timeUnits: string; updateTransform: string; }>; readonly observability: Record; readonly alerting: Record; readonly maps: Record; readonly monitoring: Record; readonly security: Readonly<{ apiKeyServiceSettings: string; clusterPrivileges: string; elasticsearchSettings: string; elasticsearchEnableSecurity: string; indicesPrivileges: string; kibanaTLS: string; kibanaPrivileges: string; mappingRoles: string; mappingRolesFieldRules: string; runAsPrivilege: string; }>; readonly watcher: Record; readonly ccs: Record; readonly plugins: Record; readonly snapshotRestore: Record; readonly ingest: Record; }"
+ ],
"source": {
"path": "src/core/public/doc_links/doc_links_service.ts",
- "lineNumber": 351
+ "lineNumber": 410
- "signature": [
- "{ readonly dashboard: { readonly guide: string; readonly drilldowns: string; readonly drilldownsTriggerPicker: string; readonly urlDrilldownTemplateSyntax: string; readonly urlDrilldownVariables: string; }; readonly discover: Record; readonly filebeat: { readonly base: string; readonly installation: string; readonly configuration: string; readonly elasticsearchOutput: string; readonly elasticsearchModule: string; readonly startup: string; readonly exportedFields: string; }; readonly auditbeat: { readonly base: string; }; readonly metricbeat: { readonly base: string; readonly configure: string; readonly httpEndpoint: string; readonly install: string; readonly start: string; }; readonly enterpriseSearch: { readonly base: string; readonly appSearchBase: string; readonly workplaceSearchBase: string; }; readonly heartbeat: { readonly base: string; }; readonly logstash: { readonly base: string; }; readonly functionbeat: { readonly base: string; }; readonly winlogbeat: { readonly base: string; }; readonly aggs: { readonly composite: string; readonly composite_missing_bucket: string; readonly date_histogram: string; readonly date_range: string; readonly date_format_pattern: string; readonly filter: string; readonly filters: string; readonly geohash_grid: string; readonly histogram: string; readonly ip_range: string; readonly range: string; readonly significant_terms: string; readonly terms: string; readonly avg: string; readonly avg_bucket: string; readonly max_bucket: string; readonly min_bucket: string; readonly sum_bucket: string; readonly cardinality: string; readonly count: string; readonly cumulative_sum: string; readonly derivative: string; readonly geo_bounds: string; readonly geo_centroid: string; readonly max: string; readonly median: string; readonly min: string; readonly moving_avg: string; readonly percentile_ranks: string; readonly serial_diff: string; readonly std_dev: string; readonly sum: string; readonly top_hits: string; }; readonly runtimeFields: { readonly mapping: string; }; readonly scriptedFields: { readonly scriptFields: string; readonly scriptAggs: string; readonly painless: string; readonly painlessApi: string; readonly painlessLangSpec: string; readonly painlessSyntax: string; readonly painlessWalkthrough: string; readonly luceneExpressions: string; }; readonly indexPatterns: { readonly introduction: string; readonly fieldFormattersNumber: string; readonly fieldFormattersString: string; }; readonly addData: string; readonly kibana: string; readonly elasticsearch: Record; readonly siem: { readonly guide: string; readonly gettingStarted: string; }; readonly query: { readonly eql: string; readonly luceneQuerySyntax: string; readonly queryDsl: string; readonly kueryQuerySyntax: string; }; readonly date: { readonly dateMath: string; readonly dateMathIndexNames: string; }; readonly management: Record; readonly ml: Record; readonly transforms: Record; readonly visualize: Record; readonly apis: Readonly<{ createIndex: string; createSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string; createRoleMapping: string; createRoleMappingTemplates: string; createApiKey: string; createPipeline: string; createTransformRequest: string; cronExpressions: string; executeWatchActionModes: string; indexExists: string; openIndex: string; putComponentTemplate: string; painlessExecute: string; painlessExecuteAPIContexts: string; putComponentTemplateMetadata: string; putSnapshotLifecyclePolicy: string; putWatch: string; simulatePipeline: string; updateTransform: string; }>; readonly observability: Record; readonly alerting: Record; readonly maps: Record; readonly monitoring: Record; readonly security: Readonly<{ apiKeyServiceSettings: string; clusterPrivileges: string; elasticsearchSettings: string; elasticsearchEnableSecurity: string; indicesPrivileges: string; kibanaTLS: string; kibanaPrivileges: string; mappingRoles: string; mappingRolesFieldRules: string; runAsPrivilege: string; }>; readonly watcher: Record; readonly ccs: Record