A fully functional, two-player, graphics-based, interactive chess game/program. Developed with Java using BlueJ.
To start the game...
- Clone this repository (git clone https://github.com/ehansen247/JavaChessGame.git)
- Change into the project's src directory
- Compile all .java files (Java 1.8).
- Run the Chess main method.
git clone https://github.com/ehansen247/JavaChessGame.git
cd JavaChessGame; cd src
javac *.java
java Chess
Thanks for playing!
- Complies with all standard Chess rules as regulated by the World Chess Federation (FIDE)
Ref: https://www.fide.com/
- Features all standard Chess moves including pawn promotion, en-passant, castling and more!
- Includes a user-defined timer (if desired). Possible game times range from 1 minute per
player to ~two billion minutes per player!
- Features elegantly designed Graphics, including 84 custom made pieces
7 color choices, and a total of 42 possible color combinations!
- Features fully functional and efficient Move Validity, Check, CheckMate and StaleMate detection
- Features a GAME to PGN converter, output in a file named "LastGamePGN.out"
Fully complies with standard PGN format. Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Game_Notation
Example Output:
1. f3 e5
2. g4 Qh4#
Outputs in the prompt window include:
- "Not A Piece": The user has clicked a square before clicking a piece. Click a piece instead.
- "Out of Bounds": The user has clicked outside of the board.
- "Invalid Move": This move is invalid according to the rules of chess.
- "Wrong Color": It's not the color/player's turn. You cannot move the black pieces when it is not black's turn.
- "White/Black Wins!": The game has ended by checkmate.
- "White/Black wins on time!": The game has ended on time.
Contact me at ehansen247@gmail.com if you have any more questions.