- update CITATION. Fix indentaiton and check that file is valid. Change title to 'guide', add keywords, zenodo link, and release date so citation may be generated. Add link to website. Add link to repo.
- Guide to be cited as: "Gould E, Jones C, Yen J, Fraser H, Wootton H, Vivian L, GoodM, Duncan D, Rumpff L, Fidler F (2024). "EcoConsPreReg: AGuide to Adaptive Preregistration for Model-Based Research inEcology and Conservation. https://github.com/egouldo/EcoConsPreReg"
- fix rel filepath to references.bib
- remove empty line in -quarto.yaml
- Add elsevier template and paper metadata
- use cff github action
- update README with case study info/links
- ignore README.html and files/
- Add CITATION.cff file to force update Zenodo metadata
- Add zenodo DOI badge
- update DESCRIPTION with title
- rm old license file
- Prepare repo for release after minor changes to website and formatting / typo edits to preregistration template.