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Currently implementing nonparametric kernel density estimation, bandwidth selection, and other utilities for analyzing directional data. Further nonparametric tools expected to be included in subsequent releases.


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The following are examples of the usage of the Bai et al. (1988)’s kernel density estimator, the cross-validatory bandwidth selectors in Hall et al. (1987), and the plug-in bandwidth selectors in García-Portugués (2013).

Compute bandwidths

# Sample from a von Mises--Fisher on S^2
q <- 2
n <- 300
samp <- rbind(rotasym::r_vMF(n = n / 3, mu = c(rep(0, q), 1), kappa = 5),
              rotasym::r_vMF(n = n / 3, mu = c(rep(0, q), -1), kappa = 5),
              rotasym::r_vMF(n = n / 3, mu = c(1, rep(0, q)), kappa = 5))

# LCV bandwidth
(h_LCV <- bw_dir_lcv(data = samp)$h_opt)
#> [1] 0.2567438

# LSCV bandwidth
(h_LSCV <- bw_dir_lscv(data = samp)$h_opt)
#> [1] 0.232965

# ROT bandwidth
(h_ROT <- bw_dir_rot(data = samp))
#> [1] 0.4053648

# Mixture fit, for AMI and EMI bandwidth selectors
fit_mix <- bic_vmf_mix(data = samp)

# AMI bandwidth
(h_AMI <- bw_dir_ami(data = samp, fit_mix = fit_mix))
#> [1] 0.2054242

# EMI bandwidth
(h_EMI <- bw_dir_emi(data = samp, fit_mix = fit_mix)$h_opt)
#> [1] 0.22527

Compute kernel density estimator

# Compute kde
l <- 200
th <- seq(0, 2 * pi, l = l)
phi <- seq(0, pi, l = l / 2)
ang <- expand.grid(th = th, phi = phi)
x <- to_sph(th = ang$th, ph = ang$phi)
kde <- kde_dir(x = x, data = samp, h = h_EMI)

# Visualization
contour(x = th, y = phi, z = matrix(kde, nrow = l, ncol = l / 2),
        col = viridisLite::viridis(15), 
        levels = round(seq(min(kde), max(kde), length.out = 15), 4), 
        lwd = 2, xlab = expression(theta), ylab = expression(phi))
points(to_rad(samp), pch = 16)


Bai, Z. D., Rao, C. R., and Zhao, L. C. (1988). Kernel estimators of density function of directional data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 27(1):24–39. doi:10.1016/0047-259X(88)90113-3.

García-Portugués, E. (2013). Exact risk improvement of bandwidth selectors for kernel density estimation with directional data. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 7:1655–1685. doi:10.1214/13-ejs821.

Hall, P., Watson, G. S., and Cabrera, J. (1987). Kernel density estimation with spherical data. Biometrika, 74(4):751–762. doi:10.1093/biomet/74.4.751.