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Markos Gogoulos edited this page Jul 29, 2018 · 11 revisions


This was tested on Ubuntu 16.04, python 3.5 and a python virtualenv.

A virtualenv is not necessary, though very helpful. We assume installation directory is /opt/demo-app. If you plan to install on a different directory, make sure you change references to all files mentioned here.

It installs Django, all models used in this application, and deploys it through uwsgi and nginx (if you follow the deployment steps) or the simple Django server (if used for development).

So let's create the directory we'll work and clone this repository as /opt/demo-app/demo

root@server ~ # mkdir /opt/demo-app
root@server ~ # cd /opt/demo-app
root@server /opt/demo-app # git clone demo
root@server /opt/demo-app # cd demo
root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # 

Then install a few system dependencies

root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # apt-get install -y g++ build-essential autoconf libtool pkg-config python3-dev

Time to install python packages and dependencies

root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # pip3 install setuptools
root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # pip3 install --upgrade pip
root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # pip3 install -r requirements.txt 

Next install all spaCy models we'll use

root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # python3 -m spacy download en
root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # python3 -m spacy download el # as of 28 July 2018 this is not YET possible
root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # python3 -m spacy download de
root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # python3 -m spacy download es
root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # python3 -m spacy download pt
root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # python3 -m spacy download fr
root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # python3 -m spacy download it
root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # python3 -m spacy download nl

Local development

At that stage, edit file demo/ and set

ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost']

remove line

STATIC_ROOT = BASE_DIR + '/static/'

and instead add

STATICFILES_DIRS = [os.path.join(BASE_DIR,  'static')]

Also, at the end of the file, add DEBUG=True

DEBUG = True

otherwise Django won't let you load static files

Edit file demo/ and make it:

from django.conf.urls import url, include
from django.contrib import admin
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.static import static

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^', include('nlp.urls')),
] + static(settings.STATIC_URL, document_root=settings.STATIC_ROOT)

Now run Django migrations (though we don't have any Django models, this is necessary for the application)

root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # python3 makemigrations
root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # python3 migrate

Ready to go, just start the simple Django server

root@server /opt/demo-app/demo #  python3 runserver

and visit http://localhost:8000 , the app should load there!

Production deployment

For a production deployment through nginx/uwsgi, there are a few more steps to perform:

Install nginx

root@server /opt/demo-app/demo #  apt-get install -y nginx

Edit file deploy/text-analysis-domain and set a proper server_name to point on your URL

Copy this nginx domain file and enable it

root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # cp deploy/text-analysis-domain  /etc/nginx/sites-available/
root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # ln -s  /etc/nginx/sites-available/text-analysis-domain  /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # cp deploy/uwsgi_params  /etc/nginx/
root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # systemctl restart nginx

Now run Django migrations (though we don't have any Django models, this is necessary for the application)

root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # python3 makemigrations
root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # python3 migrate

Edit demo/ and set your URL (as in nginx) on ALLOWED_HOSTS - remove any other entries there

root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # vi demo/

Create a service with name uwsgi on systemd, enable and start it

root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # cp deploy/uwsgi.service /etc/systemd/system/uwsgi.service 
root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # systemctl enable  uwsgi.service 
root@server /opt/demo-app/demo # systemctl start uwsgi

Now if you visit http://URL you should be able to see the application ;)

fastText classifier

To make use of the classifier and predict category for a text provided, fastText needs to be installed and one or more language models need to be present. Getting fastText installed is easy, just follow instructions on . Set the correct path as fasttext_path on file nlp/ and also where are the models as MODEL_MAPPING. We are planning to release the Greek model we've trained.

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