Grant applications are completed by individuals or teams to propose allocation of Baseline grant funds to a specific project. Please use this application template and submit an issue.
The grant application has been approved if a majority (5 or more) of the Technical Steering Committee members upvote this application (thumbs up).
If approved, please add your project to the 'Approved Grants' list here.
Update above line with the title of your grant, in a few words, prefix with '[GR]'
Describe your idea in greater detail
What is the motivation and context for this proposed work?
Elaborate on the value this effort provides to the further development, enhancement, or adoption of the Baseline Protocol
What are the downsides, execution risks, and/or limitations of this work?
Provide information on the final deliverables, proposed schedule, and milestones that you and/or your team will follow to complete the work
Name of person or team submitting the grant request, with background and experience
I understand and agree to the 'Process for Approved Grants' outlined here
- I agree
- I do not agree