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Unit 2a: Version Control and Git

Reminder - Our Learning Environment

  1. Toyota Improvement Kata:
    1. In consideration of the outcomes of your education...
    2. Grasp your current level of knowledge and understanding.
    3. Define what you want to learn next - e.g. the ideas in this module.
    4. Move toward that target level iteratively, which will uncover areas you don't know that need to be worked on.
  2. Ideas from the book A Mind for Numbers:
    • We let ourselves get too distracted or too engaged with multiple attentional things to think deeply (focused), for example using your phone or laptop during a lecture.
    • We fool ourselves into thinking that following and copying is the same as understanding - related to ego is the enemy.
    • We think focused attention is all we need and fail to use diffuse thinking
  3. An industry perspective - Meeting Norms at Skyscanner:
    • Be present both physically and mentally.
    • Ask why to me and yourself.
    • All voices are equal.
    • Listen actively which normally means close your laptop - take written notes instead.
    • Don't call people resources which is more about the work place than studying, but keep it in mind when working in teams.
    • And one addition from me - remember that ego is the enemy.
  4. Ideas from Lean and Continuous Improvement:
    • Respect for people supports continuous improvement.
    • Continuous improvement does not in itself support respect for people.
    • Education is not a competition - better learning comes from cooperation.

Behavioural Objectives

At the end of this Unit you will be able to:

  • Define what version control is.
  • Describe the key differences between client-server and distributed VCS.
  • Define what Git is.
  • List the basic Git commands.
  • Define the Gitflow workflow.

What is Version Control?

Version control is about the management of changes to documents or collections of information. Although you might think of version control as an inherently software development tool, it can be used for anything really. From a software development perspective, version control is a component of Software Configuration Management (SCM). Git's main website has the address as it is a part of SCM.

Version control is embedded in a number of tools. For example, Google Docs automatically versions your document as you make edits:

Google Doc Versioning

Track changes and similar functionality exists in Microsoft Word. The key point is that version management is seen as a key feature of documents in general, not just software. It allows two key pieces of meta-data to be tracked:

  1. When a change was made.
  2. Who made the change.

Both pieces of information allow us to track back to where problems arose, and know where to fix the issue. When working in a team this information can be fundamental to ensure everyone is working on the same version of the document, or at least know which changes have been made between different working versions.

Another key idea in version control is that we can return to previous versions of our document. Therefore, if we make an error (e.g. add a bug) we can rewind to the previous version - or any previous version - and continue our work from there:

Version Control Rewind

A further idea is the concept of working and managing multiple versions of the document using a concept called branching. Different branches allow different versions of the information to be worked on discretely by several people. When work needs to be combined we can merge the information together into one of the branches:

Revision controlled project visualization-2010-24-02.svg
By Revision_controlled_project_visualization.svg: *Subversion_project_visualization.svg: Traced by User:Stannered, original by en:User:Sami Kerola derivative work: Moxfyre (talk) derivative work: Echion2 (talk) - Revision_controlled_project_visualization.svg, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Popular Version Control Tools

There are many version control tools available to the software engineer. A few of the more popular ones are:

  • Git which is commonly associated with popular repository sites such as GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. Git is independent of these platforms and should not be confused with them.
  • Mercurial is a popular alternative to Git, and developed as a replacement for BitKeeper which itself led to the development of Git. The history of why BitKeeper is not popular and led to both Git and Mercurial is interesting. Mercurial, although less well known, is used by big organisations such as Facebook and Mozilla.
  • Subversion (SVN) which is an Apache project that derived from an older tool called Concurrent Versions System (CVS).
  • Visual SourceSafe and Visual Studio Team Services are both Microsoft products, although the latter can use Git as a back-end. SourceSafe has had no major releases since 2005, and support was ended in 2017.

Version Control Approaches

There are three approaches a Version Control System (VCS) can take:

  • Localised, which means developers must be working on the same file-system. These were early approaches and no longer relevant today.
  • Client-server where multiple developers (clients) can work locally and push changes to a single server repository.
  • Distributed where the complete code-base and history is stored by each developer locally, thus replicating the repository. Developers can collaborate via remote repositories - such as on GitHub.

Of the tools mentioned above:

  • SVN, Visual SourceSafe, and Visual Studio Team Services are client-server based.
  • Git, Mercurial, and Visual Studio Team Services are distributed based (yes VSTS can be either).

Some Terminology

Before looking at the history of version control let us define some common terms in a VCS:

  • Repository is where the code and history is stored. In a client-server model this is on the server. In a distributed model this is any local version.
  • Checkout or clone is the process of getting a copy of the code from the repository. In a client-server model, we checkout the code. In a distributed model, we clone the entire repository, including the history.
  • Working copy is the local version of the code-base. We can make any changes we want to the working copy as it is not reflected anywhere else - it is a sandbox.
  • Fetch or pull is to get the most recent version of the code-base from the remote repository. In Git, fetch and pull are different in that pull will also merge any changes into the local working copy.
  • Push is when we push our local changes to the remote repository. To do this we have to create a commit.
  • Commit is a new version of the code-base. Typically a commit contains the changes added in the local working copy which can then be sent to the remote repository if need be. In distributed models, working copies are repositories, so we can undertake numerous commits before pushing all the changes to the remote repository.
  • Tag or label is extra information we can add to a particular commit, such as v0.1.0.
  • Head is a special tag or label for the most recent commit on a branch.
  • Branch is another version of the code-base. Branches are independent, meaning they can be worked on without causing conflicts. We merge branches when we wish to synchronise them.
  • Master or trunk is the name of the main branch in a repository. Git uses the term master and SVN uses the term trunk.
  • Merge is the process of combining one branch into another. Any differences between files in the branches have to be resolved before the merge can be completed.
  • Conflict occurs when different change versions of the same document exist while merging branches which must be fixed.
  • Resolve is the process of fixing conflicts. There are tools that can support this process, but it does require human intervention.

History of Version Control

Version control of documents has been around almost as long as writing. For code, version control likely had primitive approaches in the early days, but the the 1970s is where work seen to begin:

  • 1972 Source Code Control System developed at Bell Labs - aimed at single mainframe code access model that was prevalent at the time.
  • 1977 SCCS given general release.
  • 1982 Revision Control System (RCS) introduced as an alternative to SCCS.
  • 1986 Original version of Concurrent Versions Control (CVS) released as a series of shell scripts as a front-end to RCS.
  • 1990 CVS 1.0 released as a separate tool.
  • 1994 SourceSafe is bought by Microsoft from One Tree Software.
  • 1998 BitKeeper first mentioned as a solution to managing the Linux kernel source.
  • 1999 SourceForge launched - one of the first major web-based code repository platforms or forges.
  • 2000
    • Subversion (SVN) released as a generally compatible successor to CVS.
    • BitKeeper launched.
  • 2002 Linux kernel development moved to BitKeeper - this was controversial as BitKeeper was proprietary.
  • 2005
    • Microsoft release Team Foundation Server which includes source code management.
    • Last major version of Visual SourceSafe released.
    • BitKeeper becomes commercially licensed - the BitKeeper Controversy.
    • Linus Torvalds releases Git to overcome the BitKeeper Controversy.
    • Mercurial is created in response to the BitKeeper Controversy.
  • 2006
    • Google launch Google Code Project Hosting which supports Subversion, Git and Mercurial.
    • Microsoft launch CodePlex which supports Team Foundation Services, Subversion, Mercurial, and Git.
  • 2008
    • GitHub launches.
    • Bitbucket launches originally only supporting Mercurial but adds Git in 2011.
  • 2011 GitLab launches.
  • 2013 Microsoft launches Visual Studio Team Services (originally named Visual Studio Online) as an Internet service version of Team Foundation Server.
  • 2016
    • BitKeeper moves to an open-source license.
    • Google Code Project Hosting shuts down.
  • 2017 Microsoft closes CodePlex.
  • 2018 Microsoft buys GitHub - Git seen as the major VCS for Microsoft.

As you can see, the 1990s was were version control started to take off, but it was in the 2000s where modern tooling emerged. The nexus point in 2005 is particularly interesting due to the BitKeeper Controversy and managing the development of the Linux kernel. This module will work using Git and using GitHub as our forge.

What is Git?

Git is a distributed VCS where developers clone a complete copy of the repository, including its history, within the local file system. Born from the BitKeeper Controversy, Linus Torvalds wanted a system that was fast. He used three points to drive the design of Git:

  1. See Concurrent Versions System (CVS) as the model of what not to do.
  2. Support a distributed workflow, as in BitKeeper.
  3. Have strong safeguards against corruption.

So, Git has the following properties:

  1. It is fast.
  2. It has data integrity features.
  3. It is distributed, thus supporting non-linear workflows.

Git is likely the most popular and well known VCS at the moment, although this is partly due to the popularity of GitHub. The two are often confused, but there is no link between the two beyond GitHub supporting Git repositories.

Let us move onto the principles of Git, which will provide a deeper understanding of how Git works.

Principles of Git

The following section will step through numerous principles in Git with the relevant commands. We will look at the basics of repositories, basic workflow for submitting changes, the basic workflow for fetching and merging changes, and the basics of branching.

Working with Repositories

Git works with repositories. A repository is the code and history of a code-base. Every time you work with Git you are working within a repository: your local repository. You may also work with some remote repositories. That is a key idea with Git - your local machine working copy is also a repository.

You can create your local repository in one of two ways:

  1. Initialise an empty repository using git init in a folder.
  2. Call git clone <url> to clone an existing repository from a remote repository as shown below:

Git Clone

When you clone a repository you also set up a link to the remote repository called origin. We will discuss remotes later.

There is a special version of empty initialisation: git init --bare. This is usually used on a server that is used to coordinate teams. In general, you should not use git init --bare.

Working with Changes

A Git repository is a folder which contains a hidden folder (.git). The hidden folder contains the history and other status information of the repository. Otherwise, the repository just looks like a folder - there is nothing extra managed.

Whenever you add, remove or edit a file in the repository, Git can tell based on the information in the hidden .git folder. Any changes at this point are not saved by Git. To save the changes, we have to go through two steps:

  1. Add the changes we want to save at this point.
  2. Commit the changes to the repository.
  3. (optional) Push the changes to the remote(s).

Adding Changes

Before step 1 (adding changes) we are in a working files state. We are editing files and working on our code but not ready to store the changes long term. This is usually because we are not finished whatever change we have in mind.

Once we are ready to add the changes we can use the following command:

git add <filename>

We can name each file individually, name a folder, or use a wildcard (e.g., git add *). In any case, we have moved changes from the working area to the staging area.

We can see files that are different from the currently Git version or staged using the following command:

git status

git status is useful for keeping track of the work we are doing. You should use it often to remind yourself what you are doing.

Once we have added all the changes we want for a particular feature/task, we create a commit.

Committing Changes

A commit is just a group of changes. A commit operation takes the changes currently in the staging area and creates a new snapshot of our code at this point. Git stores this snapshot in its history. To create a commit, we use the following:

git commit -m "<message>"

The message should be informative about what the changes are. A message should ideally be simple and to the point (e.g., do not use the word and if you can avoid it). The messages allow others to see the changes made and (hopefully) why, thus providing more information to your fellow software developers.

A commit is a store piece of history, and Git keeps track of all the history in a repository. This actually has an advantage - you can ask Git to go back to a previous version. In simple terms, Git provides you with a big rewind button that allows you to go back to previous versions of your code, so as advice:

  • Create commits often, from simple little changes that don't break the build.
  • Experiment in the comfort that you can always go back to a previous working version of your application.

The big idea is to commit often. Commits allow you to checkout a previous commit if anything goes wrong. But always ensure your commit works!

Pushing Changes

Any commit created on your machine is only stored locally. So, although you have been keeping a good record of your changes locally, they can not be seen by others. Your changes have also not been stored on a remote server. To do this, we use the git push command:

git push

git push will push the current branch (e.g., master) to the current remote (normally origin). You can be more explicit with a push:

git push <remote> <branch>

For example, it is common to see git push origin master. This will push your local version of branch master to the origin remote.

There are other options with git push such as:

  • git push --force forces your local branch version to become the remote's. Not recommended!
  • git push --all pushes updates to all local branches to the remote. Useful shortcut if needed.


Git keeps track of history by storing the differences between files. We can simplify a difference to four types:

  1. The addition of a new file and its initial contents.
  2. The removal of a file.
  3. The addition of new lines to a file.
  4. The removal of lines from a file.

If you edit a line it is considered a new line addition and the old line being removed. To see the changes made, we can use the git diff command:

Git Difference Between Two Files

As Git tracks changes as line additions and removals, it is very good at monitoring text files (such as code files). It is very bad at binary data such as executables and images. A couple of rules:

  • Do not store executables in your Git repository - even those built by the project.
  • Be careful when working with media files - only store versions that will not change.

The .git folder contains all the changes, and so a repository can become large if you do not behave yourself. If your repository becomes many megabytes in size you are probably tracking something you should not be.

Git Log

Once we have some commits, we can ask Git to provide us with the history of commits in the Git Log. To open the log use the log command:

git log

log opens the Git log file, for example:

commit e426d2c1b1aa7f732c5b863708de4e3a29da3b52 (HEAD -> feature/lecture03, origin/feature/lecture03)
Author: Kevin Chalmers <>
Date:   Wed Aug 15 16:32:59 2018 +0100

    Almost completed section on adding changes to lecture 03.

commit b53479816d69a0d6254f9501d636f6b6e75460fb
Author: Kevin Chalmers <>
Date:   Thu Aug 9 15:23:16 2018 +0100

    Added working with repositories section.

commit b9001d50cc976e70a150d129fe5aeb9e67e8c210
Author: Kevin Chalmers <>
Date:   Thu Aug 9 15:11:29 2018 +0100

    Spell check.

commit dcbc34b2d990f768317c7e7a684b1de037ac199c
Author: Kevin Chalmers <>
Date:   Thu Aug 9 14:31:58 2018 +0100

The hex value is the SHA-1 hash of the commit which Git generates automatically for every commit you make. The SHA-1 hash is after the word commit.

A better way to use log is to display simple information. For example, we can provide the information on one line

git log --pretty=oneline

Which provides the following:

e426d2c1b1aa7f732c5b863708de4e3a29da3b52 (HEAD -> feature/lecture03, origin/feature/lecture03) Almost completed section on adding changes to lecture 03.
b53479816d69a0d6254f9501d636f6b6e75460fb Added working with repositories section.
b9001d50cc976e70a150d129fe5aeb9e67e8c210 Spell check.
dcbc34b2d990f768317c7e7a684b1de037ac199c Added intro to git.
bc03649d4aee053ddd3174676484ee7c6aaaafb0 Fix to image file.
9dbd514068d6af135b55e8e7e49181c38e831b19 Fix to image file.

The SHA-1 hash can be shortened to a more usable version as follows:

git log --pretty="%h %s"

The %h will provide the short SHA-1 hash, and %s the commit message:

e426d2c Almost completed section on adding changes to lecture 03.
b534798 Added working with repositories section.
b9001d5 Spell check.
dcbc34b Added intro to git.
bc03649 Fix to image file.
9dbd514 Fix to image file.

Going Backwards

Once you have a chain of commits it is possible to go backwards through our work. There are various methods to return to previous states of the repository - some of which can be destructive. We will look at the basic approach which is non-destructive.

Git provides a command - checkout - that allows you to revert to a previous commit. It has the following form:

git checkout <hash>

The <hash> value is the SHA-1 hash from the log. You can use the shortened hash:

git checkout b9001d5

Checking out previous commits allows you to revert to a previous repository state which may fix errors with your work. The ability to go backwards is one of the key features of version control.

Fetching and Merging Changes

When multiple people are working on a single code-base we often want to take their changes and merge them into our own. There are essentially two methods to do this:

Fetch and Merge

We can fetch the current version of the remote repository using the fetch command:

git fetch <remote>

<remote> is the name of the remote repository you want to fetch from - in the initial case this will likely be origin:

git fetch origin

We can also fetch from different branches or from everything.

A fetch operation does not do anything to change the files you are working with. fetch simply gets the remote history. To see any changes you have to merge:

git merge <branch>

To start with you will likely use origin/master to merge the master branch from the origin remote:

git merge origin/master

You will now be able to see any changes made to the remote repository in your local files.

Merging with merge is also how you combine changes from one branch into another. For example, say you are working on a feature branch and want to merge the changes there into the main master branch. To do so we must perform the following steps:

  1. Commit any changes to the feature branch.
  2. Checkout the master branch.
  3. Merge the feature branch into the master branch.

The commands for 2. and 3. are:

git checkout master
git merge feature

We will look at branching presently.


Fetching and merging provide a fine-grained control over managing changes, but often you just want to get the most recent updates without any worry. To do this, we use the pull command:

git pull

And that is it. pull will perform the fetching and merging (if it can) for you. Generally, as a beginner you will find pull provides the functionality you need.

Managing Conflicts

Problems arise when you have changed a file that has also been changed by someone else. Managing conflicts can be a tricky business, and rather than try to explain it here we will provide a reference for you to read.


A powerful technique of version control is the ability to create different branches. A branch is a new version of the code that is independent to other branches, including the main one. For example:

Git Branches

Here, four branches are in operation. The one on the left will be master. From this two further branches were made, and from one of these a further branch, leading to four. Each have their own commits and therefore history.

To create a branch we use the following command:

git branch <name>

This will create a new branch with the given name from the current state of the repository. We then need to switch to that branch:

git checkout <name>

This will switch to (checkout) the new branch, and allow you to work in a new unique instance of the codebase. You can do both operations at once:

git checkout -b <name>

The -b flag also creates a branch while switching.

Once you have a new branch and do some work on it, we will want to merge these changes back into single branch - this is the collaborative nature of version control. To combine branches we do the following:

git merge <name>

This will merge the named branch into the current branch. We can now define a typical branching workflow:

  1. Create a new branch and check it out - git checkout -b my_branch.
  2. Do some work.
  3. Add necessary changes to the commit - git add * for example.
  4. Commit the changes - git commit -m "Did some changes".
  5. Checkout the original branch - git checkout master for example.
  6. Perform the merge - git merge my_branch.
  7. Commit the new changes to the original branch - git commit -m "Merged with my_branch".
  8. Push the changes to the main remote - git push.

Steps 2-4 are repeated until you are ready to do the final merge - do not merge every small change. The point is that changes are isolated and kept to the branch they are being undertaken in.


A final command we will look at is git remote. This allows us to view or add remotes. A remote is just a remote repository - such as a GitHub one. Remote repositories are used for collaboration. To view the current remote we use the raw command:

git remote

Which will display the name of the current remote, e.g.,:


We can also list all current remotes:

git remote -v

For example:

origin (fetch)
origin (push)

And to add a new remote we use the following command:

git remote add <name> <url>

This will add a new remote with the given name using the given URL. We can now push and pull from this remote using the given name.

Ignoring Files

A final piece of functionality is ignoring files. It is often the case that the build system and other functions will generate files we do not want to store in our repository. Binary files are such an example.

To ignore files, we specify a .gitignore file. This file uses wildcards, folder names, etc. to specify files to ignore. We look at examples in the lab.

A Primitive Git Workflow

  1. Modify files to make a working change.
  2. Add changes to the staging area with git add.
  3. Create a commit from the changes with git commit.
  4. Send the changes to the remote with git push.


The following diagram attempts to summarise some of the concepts we have looked at in this Unit:

Git operations.svg
By Daniel Kinzler - Own work, CC BY 3.0, Link

We have covered the following commands:
Command Description
init Initialises a new Git repository.
clone Clones an existing Git repository.
add Adds files to a the staging area for a commit.
status Gets the current status of the Git repository.
commit Creates a new commit (checkpoint) in the code base.
push Pushes changes (commits) to a remote.
diff Provides information on differences between commits.
log Provides history of Git commits.
checkout Switches to a given branch or commit.
fetch Fetches changes from a remote repository.
merge Merges changes from another branch into the current one.
pull Fetches and merges changes.
branch Creates a new branch.
remote Allows working with (e.g., adding, listing) remotes for the current repository.

Gitflow Workflow / Collaboration Model

To wrap-up we will look at a basic Git workflow called the Gitflow Workflow. This workflow defines a number of different branches:

Branch Description
master The main branch.
develop The main development branch - work is normally undertaken here.
feature The development of an actual feature, e.g., feature/get-details.
release Actual releases are tagged here.
hotfix Fixes to releases are undertaken here.

The basic idea of the Gitflow is as follows:

  • The initial repository has the master branch.
  • develop is created from the master branch.
  • release is created from the develop branch.
  • feature is created from develop.
  • When a feature is completed, it is merged back into develop.
  • When enough features are completed, a new release is created on the release branch.
  • Releases are mirrored on the master branch.
  • Problems to releases are fixed on the hotfix branches.

This workflow allows a good understanding of the work undertaken, allows easy collaboration (each person works on a feature branch), and allows changes to be isolated to keep the master branch clean. We will implement the Gitflow workflow in the lab.


We have covered a lot in this Unit:

  • Defined what version control is.
  • Described the key differences between client-server and distributed VCS.
  • Defined what Git is.
  • Listed the basic Git commands.
  • Defined the Gitflow workflow.