# learn-cantrill-io-labs


Welcome .. this repo stores a collection of freely available demos and mini projects for AWS (and in the future other cloud platforms)
These demos are available in three ways:-

- here in instruction & architecture diagram form for free
- as part of [https://learn.cantrill.io](https://learn.cantrill.io) courses - including theory lessons and guided videos.
- **some** of the popular mini projects have been upgraded with video guides on this repo (people buying my courses supports this)

**💰💰 You can be paid to create new mini projects for this repo ... [click here](https://github.com/acantril/learn-cantrill-io-labs/blob/master/get-paid-to-create-projects.md) for more info 💰💰**  
*this is made possible via my courses at [learn.cantrill.io](https://learn.cantrill.io) so if you need any training content please check this out*  

The free versions here are fully functional, with instructions & architecture diagrams and are maintained by me.

All demos have a structure ...
-  Most are started using a `1-Click Deployment` .. click a link, check a box, click create stack and wait until complete.
- `01_LABSETUP` contains assets required for the DEMO if required - **many are linked directly from the instructions.**
- `02_LABINSTRUCTIONS` contains text instructions and architecture diagrams - **most of these are directly linked from the instructions.**

A full range of Video guided versions are available in my courses at https://learn.cantrill.io

**I give free course credits for any bugs submitted via PR so please submit fixes for any issues you find**

## VIDEO GUIDED MINI PROJECTS (videos linked inside and on [Youtube](https://youtube.com/c/learncantrill))

- [Web Application Architecture Evolution](https://github.com/acantril/learn-cantrill-io-labs/tree/master/aws-elastic-wordpress-evolution)
- [Implement a Serverless Application](https://github.com/acantril/learn-cantrill-io-labs/tree/master/aws-serverless-pet-cuddle-o-tron)
- [Implement a Dynamic, BGP Based, Highly-Available Site-to-Site VPN](https://github.com/acantril/learn-cantrill-io-labs/tree/master/aws-hybrid-bgpvpn)
- [Building a serverless application using Web Identity Federation](https://github.com/acantril/learn-cantrill-io-labs/tree/master/aws-cognito-web-identity-federation)
- [CatPipeline - code commit, build, deploy & pipeline using containers and ECS](https://github.com/acantril/learn-cantrill-io-labs/tree/master/aws-codepipeline-catpipeline)
- [Hybrid DNS using Route53 Inbound and Outbound Endpoints](https://github.com/acantril/learn-cantrill-io-labs/tree/master/aws-hybrid-dns)
- [Implement a simple client VPN](https://github.com/acantril/learn-cantrill-io-labs/tree/master/aws-client-vpn)
- [Pixel Art Image Processing Workflow - Pixelator 3000](https://github.com/acantril/learn-cantrill-io-labs/tree/master/00-aws-simple-demos/aws-lambda-s3-events)
- [Database Migration using DMS](https://github.com/acantril/learn-cantrill-io-labs/tree/master/aws-dms-database-migration)
- [Implement Hybrid Directory - On-premises & AWS](https://github.com/acantril/learn-cantrill-io-labs/tree/master/aws-hybrid-activedirectory)



- [Patching AWS and On-premises using Systems Manager Patch Manager](https://github.com/acantril/learn-cantrill-io-labs/tree/master/aws-patch-manager)