All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.3.0 (2024-03-22)
- support new optional
env for passport on identity endpoints (9363e7c)
- deps: edit axios semver to also be satisfied with v0 (c1b4ec6)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#134) (d86b1eb)
- deps: update dependency axios to v1 (#210) (f959399)
- deps: update dependency axios to v1.6.0 [security] (#262) (d6579b6)
2.2.1 (2021-03-10)
- axios-instance: ensure
is defined (39b6c24) - axios-instance: prevent 'Uncaught TypeError: instance.defaults.headers is undefined' error (a1b1605)
2.2.0 (2021-01-24)
- apis-base-urls: support customizind default apis with env vars (4d91564)
- env: syntax fix, must export default (687e449)
- request: properlly checking '.json' extensions (7b26cf0)
2.1.4 (2021-01-07)
2.1.3 (2020-10-29)
2.1.2 (2020-10-23)
- request-timeout: increase cache api timeout on node (dd48406)
2.1.1 (2020-09-10)
2.1.0 (2020-07-28)
- request: retry server errors for requests without timeout (d991312)
2.0.4 (2020-03-03)
- request: also handle cuncorrent request, always shedule (ed3a656)
2.0.3 (2020-03-03)
- request: add 50ms delay to search and cache api to prevent 503 (c0eb251)
2.0.2 (2020-01-05)
2.0.1 (2020-01-02)
2.0.0 (2019-12-22)
- babel: remove babel runtime plugin (2ba8dd4)
- bin: fix webpack externals for node (ecomplus/utils,axios) (4ef168c)
- bin: fix webpack externals for node target (peer deps only) (ceca7f6)
- bin: fix webpack externals for node target (peer deps only) (10b1166)
- bin: ecomplus/utils still not shipped but is no more direct dep
1.1.3 (2019-09-04)
1.1.2 (2019-08-28)
- bin: fix node.js output config (1a51a5c)
1.1.1 (2019-08-28)
- webpack: add Node.js target output (20d0f3d)
1.1.0 (2019-08-28)
- no-timeout: check env.ECOMCLIENT_NOTIMEOUT to reset req timeout (86ef913)
1.0.3 (2019-08-20)
1.0.2 (2019-08-20)
1.0.1 (2019-08-12)
1.0.0 (2019-08-12)
- export: exporting both named methods and default with all (3da37b2)
0.8.0 (2019-07-25)
- methods: using always a config object as method unique param (e9a4e09)
- methods: all methods params edited, old calls will no more work
0.7.1 (2019-07-24)
0.7.0 (2019-07-24)
- request: all APIs endpoints have JSON extension (f945c1a)
- methods: removing 'getStoreId' and 'mapBySlug' (5012ae1)
- method: new 'storefront' method (Storefront API) (2e15e05)
- methods: 'getStoreId' and 'mapBySlug' will no more work
0.6.0 (2019-07-21)
- constants: removing ':id' from API_PASSPORT (1741906)
- get-store-id: also sets channel ID on config (2bf6f9e)
- get-store-id: returns channel info object on promise chain (c5c3a50)
- methods: renaming request methods with prefix 'api' (f36f02e)
- method: new 'apiPassport' method (c510b5c)
- method: new 'getStoreId' method (7c89bc8)
- method: new 'mapBySlug' method (9596528)
- get-store-id: changed returned object on 'getStoreId' resolve
- methods: old request methods will not work (renamed)
0.5.1 (2019-07-19)
- request: complete absolute URI, check for debug option (72909e3)
- request: fix exported request function (4a7d3bb)
- debug: set window.ECOMCLIENT_DEBUG = true (d4e9d19)
0.5.0 (2019-07-19)
- methods: renaming all client methods (4fda72e)
- methods: all methods will no more work with old names
0.4.3 (2019-07-17)
- bin: fix handling ecomplus/utils external dependency with webpack (418f583)
0.4.2 (2019-07-17)
- bin: fix webpack config, using 'config.externals' (436817f)
0.4.1 (2019-07-16)
- bin: fix output filenames (cf27d8f)
0.4.0 (2019-07-11)
- lib: importing request function from lib properly (1f381f3)
- request: fix importing api constants (5c39a82)
- request-store-api: fix handling request error (c8b89e4)
- request-store-api: store id only on url when using cache api (761e278)
- bin: setup config for multiple webpack outputs (2e24605)
- webpack: edit default webpack output filename (c7a33c0)
- constants: add API_PASSPORT to constants (1ad714b)
- method: new 'requestModulesApi' method (ae12547)
- methods: add 'requestGraphsApi' and 'requestPlatformApi' methods (3cc269c)
- request: add request function to lib, handle 503 errors and queue (86c2f8c)
- fix: update script src to new webpack output filename (4fcd915)
0.3.0 (2019-07-10)
- request-store-api: default 5s timeout for live api on browser only (8894f01)
0.2.1 (2019-07-10)
- request-store-api: fix handling chosing cache or live api host (4553d64)
- request-store-api: fix some fuction params default values (2fc15b8)
- request-store-api: revert 'requestStoreApi' params order (9310837)
- bin: don't include dependencies to lib production output (4a84564)
0.2.0 (2019-07-09)
- babel: default settings for babel traspilation (e184387)
- bin: setup binary build (to production) script (bafbcbd)
- webpack: fix output library global object (56284aa)
- webpack: fixes for webpack default settings (2ddea0c)
- webpack: setup webpack default settings (09ada09)
- axios: create custom axios instance (46b6ef9)
- constants: defining api base urls with consts (c78db76)
- method: new 'requestStoreApi' method (6ef943b)
- self: info about package on '_self' property (b7d2dcb)
- setup test files (642398c)
0.1.0 (2019-07-09)
- babel: default settings for babel traspilation (e184387)
- bin: setup binary build (to production) script (bafbcbd)
- webpack: fix output library global object (56284aa)
- webpack: fixes for webpack default settings (2ddea0c)
- webpack: setup webpack default settings (09ada09)
- axios: create custom axios instance (46b6ef9)
- constants: defining api base urls with consts (c78db76)
- method: new 'requestStoreApi' method (6ef943b)
- self: info about package on '_self' property (b7d2dcb)
- setup test files (642398c)