All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Security issues regarding container images executed as root user are now executed as non-root user
- Configurable log level settings with default to INFO
- Configurable timeouts for HTTP client calls with lower default value
- Fix blocking issue upon status list creation
- Remove unused UI
- Fix credential status description in OpenApi
- Add an allowlist for requested connections based on the DID of the requester
- Add Kotlin docs to the interfaces
- Fix regex bug in utility method
- Rename enviroment variables and secrets
- Set verkey as optional in the verify credentials and presentation method
- Re-enable BPDM scheduler
- Make the values in OpenAPI configurable
- Use separate AcaPy instances for Base Endorser wallet and multi-tenant company wallets
- Support endorsement by Base wallet for setting did-communication service endpoints for company wallet
- Support acceptance and reception of connection requests and credential issuance from external issuers by company wallets
- update the supported AcaPy version to 0.7.5
- update the Business Partner data integration from external BPDM service
- other improvements and additional tests
- Wallet handling via CRUD
- Verifiable Credentials and Verifiable Presentation handling via CRUD
- Revocation of Verifiable Credentials
- DID document and Service Endpoint handling via CRUD
- Business Partner data integration from external BPDM service and Verifiable Credentials
- Copyright, dependency and notice files according to Eclipse project requirements