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Notices for Eclipse Scout

This content is produced and maintained by the Eclipse Scout project.


Eclipse Scout, and Scout are trademarks of the Eclipse Foundation.


All content is the property of the respective authors or their employers. For more information regarding authorship of content, please consult the listed source code repository logs.

Declared Project Licenses

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0

Source Code

The project maintains the following source code repositories:

Third-party Content

This project leverages the following third party content.

activation-1.2.jar (1.2)

Apache Ant (1.9.4)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0, W3C License, Public Domain

Apache Axis (1.4)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Batik (1.6)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Batik DOM Level 3 implementation library (1.7.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0, W3C License

Apache Commons Codec (1.4)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Commons Codec (1.6)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

Apache Commons codec (1.9)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Commons Command Line Interface CLI (1.2)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Commons Exec (1.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Commons FileUpload (1.3.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Commons Lang (3.1.0)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

Apache Commons Logging (1.0.4)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Commons Logging Jar (1.1.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Commons Math (3.5.0)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Derby (

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Derby (

Apache HttpClient (4.5.3)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache HttpComponents Client (4.1.3)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache HttpComponents Client (4.2.5)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

Apache HttpComponents Client (4.3.4)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

Apache HttpComponents Client (4.3.4)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

Apache HttpComponents Client 4.3.6 (4.3.6)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache HttpComponents Core (4.1.4)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache HttpComponents Core (4.2.4)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache HttpComponents Core (4.3.2)

  • License: Apache License 2.0, Public Domain

Apache HttpComponents Core (4.3.2)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0, Public Domain

Apache HttpComponents HttpClient (4.5.6)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Apache HttpComponents HttpCore (4.4.6)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache HttpComponents HttpCore (4.4.10)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Apache Log4J (1.2.8)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Log4j (1.2.17)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

artemis-jms-client (1.1.0)

artemis-jms-server (1.1.0)

Asciidoctor (1.5.2)

ASM (5.0.1)

  • License: New BSD license

atinject (Package javax.inject) (1.0)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Batik animation library (1.7)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Batik animation library (1.10)

Batik AWT utility library (1.7)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

Batik AWT utility library (1.10)

Batik bridge library (1.7)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

Batik bridge library (1.10)

Batik constants library (1.10.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Batik CSS engine library (1.7)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Batik CSS engine library (1.10.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Batik DOM Level 3 implementation library (1.7)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0, W3C License

Batik DOM Level 3 implementation library (1.10)

Batik external code library (1.7)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Batik external code library (1.10)

Batik GUI utility library (1.7)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Batik GUI utility library (1.10)

Batik GVT library (1.7)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Batik GVT library (1.10)

Batik i18n library (1.10.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Batik parser library (1.7)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

Batik parser library (1.10)

Batik script library (1.7)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Batik script library (1.10)

Batik SVG DOM implementation (1.7)

  • License: Apache License 2.0, W3C License, Historical Permission Notice (without Disclaimer)

Batik SVG DOM implementation (1.10)

Batik SVG generator library (1.7)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

Batik Swing components library (1.7)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

Batik Swing components library (1.10)

Batik transcoder library (1.7)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

Batik utility library (1.7)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Batik utility library (1.10.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Batik XML utility library (1.7)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

Batik XML utility library (1.10)

chart.js@2.9.3 (2.9.3)

  • License: MIT

CoffeeScript (1.3.3)

commons-codec:commons-codec (1.10)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

commons-discovery-0.2.jar (0.2)

  • License: Apache Software License 1.1

commons-fileupload (1.3.2)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

commons-fileupload (1.3.3)

  • License: Apache-2.0

commons-io (2.2)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

commons-io (2.5)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

commons-logging-1.1.1.jar (1.1.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

easymock (2.4)

  • License: MIT license

FastClick (1.0.1)

FastClick (1.0.6)

Font Awesome (4.2.0)

  • License: OFL-1.1 AND MIT

Google Guava (15.0.0)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Google Guava (15.0.0)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

Google Guava (20.0)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Google Guava (21.0)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

google-http-client (1.22.0)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

google-http-client (1.23.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0

google-http-client (1.27.0)

Greenmail (1.5.10)

Guava (12.0)

hamcrest-core (1.3)

  • License: New BSD License

HK2 aopalliance-repackaged (2.5.0)

HK2 hk2-api (2.5.0)

HK2 hk2-locator (2.5.0)

HK2 hk2-utils (2.5.0)

HK2 javax.inject (2.5.0)

HK2 javax.inject (2.5.0)

HK2 OSGi Resource Locator (1.0.1)

  • License: Common Development and Distribution License

httpcomponent Core 4.3.3 (4.3.3)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0, Public Domain

j2objc-annotations (1.1)

Jackson Annotations (2.9.2)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Jackson Annotations (2.9.8)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Jackson Core (2.9.2)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Jackson Core (2.9.8)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Jackson Databind (2.9.2)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Jackson Databind (2.9.8)

  • License: Apache-2.0

jackson-annotations (2.8.7)

jackson-core (2.8.7)

  • License: Apache-2.0

jackson-databind (2.8.7)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Jandex (1.2.2)

Jandex (2.0.3)

Jandex (2.0.5)

jasmine (2.0)

  • License: MIT License

jasmine (2.5.2)

  • License: MIT

jasmine (3.1.0)

jasmine ajax (3.4.0)

jasmine jquery (2.1.1)

jasmine-maven-plugin (

Java Servlet API (3.1)

  • License: CDDL, Apache 2.0

javassist (3.20.0)

javax.activation (1.1.1)

  • License: Common Development and Distribution License

Javax.annotation (1.2)

  • License: Common Development and Distribution License

javax.annotation : javax.annotation-api : (1.3.2)

  • License: CDDL-1.1 OR GPL-2.0

javax.jws-api (1.1)

javax.mail (1.5.5)

javax.mail (1.5.6)

javax.mail (1.6.1)

javax.mail (1.6.2) (2.0.1)

javax.xml.soap API (1.4.0)

jaxb api (2.2.7)

  • License: Common Development and Distribution License

JAXB API (2.2.12)

  • License: Common Development and Distribution License

JAXB API (2.3.1)

jaxb-api (2.2.9)

jaxrpc.jar (1.1)

  • License: Common Development and Distribution License

jaxws-api (2.2.9)

jaxws-api (2.2.10)

jaxws-api (2.3.1)

jcl-over-slf4j (1.7.25)

  • License: Apache-2.0

jcodemodel (1.0.3)

  • License: Common Development and Distribution License

jersey-client (2.25.1)

jersey-client (2.27)

jersey-common (2.25.1)

jersey-common (2.27)

jersey-connectors-apache (2.25.1)

jersey-connectors-apache (2.27)

jersey-guava (2.25.1)

JMS (1.1)

  • License: Common Development and Distribution License

jquery (2.1.1)

  • License: MIT License

jquery (2.1.4)

jquery (3.2.1)

jQuery (3.3.1)

jQuery (3.4.1)

  • License: MIT

jQuery Mobile (1.4.0)

  • License: MIT License

jQuery Mobile (1.4.5)

jQuery UI (1.11.2)

jQuery UI Resizable CSS Only (1.11.2) java impl of json parser Version: 2008-09-18 (n/a)

  • License: MIT License Version: (n/a)

jsr181-api (1.0)

jsr305 (1.3.9)

  • License: New BSD license

JUL to SLF4J bridge (jul-to-slf4j-1.7.12.jar) (1.7.12)

jul-to-slf4j (1.7.25)

JUnit (4.11)

  • License: Common Public License 1.0

JUnit (4.12)

  • License: Eclipse Public License

less (1.7.4)

lesscss-engine (1.5.1)

log4javascript (1.4.9)

Logback Classic (0.9.19)

  • License: Eclipse Public License

Logback Classic (1.2.2)

Logback Classic Module (logback-classic-1.1.3.jar) (1.1.3)

  • License: Eclipse Public License

Logback Core (0.9.19)

  • License: Eclipse Public License

Logback Core (1.2.2)

  • License: Eclipse Public License

Logback Core (1.2.3)

  • License: EPL-1.0

logback-classic (1.2.3)

  • License: EPL-1.0 OR LGPL-2.1

maven-model (3.3.3)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

mockito (1.9.5)

Mockito - Core (1.10.19)

Mozilla Rhino (1.7)

  • License: Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL), New BSD license

npm/npmjs/-/chartjs-plugin-datalabels/0.7.0 (0.7.0)

  • License: MIT

objenesis (2.2)

org.apache.derby (10.5.3) (2.0.1)

  • License: Apache-2.0 AND ISC

org.jsoup:jsoup:1.12.1 (1.12.1)

  • License: MIT

org.quartz (2.2.2)

org.quartz (2.2.3)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

org.quartz (2.3.0)

org.slf4j:slf4j-jdk14:1.7.30 (1.7.30)

  • License: MIT

plexus-utils (3.0.20)

  • License: Apache 2.0, Apache 1.1, BSD, Public Domain, Indiana University Extreme! Lab Software License V1.1.1 (Apache 1.1 style)

resolver.jar (1.2)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Saaj-api (1.3.8)

Saaj-api (1.3.5)

saaj.jar (1.2)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

selenium-java (2.20.0)

selenium-java (2.25.0)

serializer.jar (2.7.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

SLF4J (1.7.12)

  • License: MIT License

SLF4J (1.7.12)

  • License: MIT License

SLF4J API (1.5.11)

  • License: MIT license, MIT license with no endorsement clause

SLF4J EXT (1.5.11)

  • License: MIT license

SLF4J jcl-over-slf4j (1.5.11)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

SLF4J jul-to-slf4j (1.5.11)

  • License: MIT license with "no endorsement" clause

SLF4J log4j-over-slf4j (1.5.11)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

slf4j-api (1.7.25)

slf4j-jdk14 (1.7.25)

slf4j-log4j12 (1.7.25)

source-map.js (0.1.33)

sourcemapped-stacktrace (1.1.11)

  • License: BSD-3-Clause

wagon-http (2.10)

wagon-http-shared (2.10)

wagon-provider-api (2.10)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar (for Apache Axis (1.4)

  • License: Common Public License 1.0

wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar (for Apache Axis (1.4)

  • License: Common Public License 1.0

wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar (1.6.2)

  • License: Common Public License 1.0

Xalan (2.7.2)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Xalan Java Serializer (2.7.2)

xalan.jar (2.7.0)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Xerces (2.9.0)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

xerces (2.11.0)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0, W3C

XML Graphics Commons (1.4.0)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

XML Graphics Commons (2.2)

  • License: Apache-2.0

xml-apis.jar (1.3.04)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0, Public Domain, W3C

xml-apis.jar (1.3.04)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0, Public Domain, W3C

yuicompressor (2.4.8)

  • License: New BSD license

yuicompressor (2.4.9)


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