Welcome to the openDuT community. We appreciate contributions and suggestions.
Start here for info on how to contribute and help improve the project.
When contributing, please observe the Eclipse Community Code of Conduct.
If you have a bug to report or would like to suggest a feature, please open an issue.
To contribute code to this project, you will need an Eclipse Foundation account and agree to the Eclipse Contributor Agreement.
See more info at https://www.eclipse.org/projects/handbook/#contributing-contributors.
Code contributions can be submitted via pull requests.
To do so, fork this repository, apply the suggested changes and create a pull request to integrate them.
The pull request should be created against the development
Before creating the request, please ensure the following:
- No breakages: All builds and tests pass (CI/CD).
- Docs updated: Make sure any changes and additions are appropriately included into the design and user documentation.
After opening your request, we will also check these in addition to a technical review.
Contact the project developers via the project's "dev" list, raise an issue or start a discussion.
- Dev list: https://www.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/opendut-dev
- Issues: https://github.com/eclipse-opendut/opendut/issues
- Discussions: https://github.com/eclipse-opendut/opendut/discussions
The Eclipse openDuT project has a monthly call and everyone in the community is welcome to join. See Eclipse openDuT Calls (tbd.)