- [Unreleased]
- [1.1.4] - 2024-10-24
- Changes
- Fixed
- [1.1.3] - 2024-10-24
- [1.1.2] - 2023-09-15
- Fixed
- [1.1.1] - 2023-05-25
- [1.1.0] - 2023-02-05
- [1.0.4] - 2023-12-19
- [1.0.3] - 2023-12-02
- [1.0.2] - 2023-10-01
- [1.0.1] - 2023-7-31
- [1.0.0] - 2023-6-22
- [1.0.0-b6] - 2023-03-11
- [1.0.0-b5] - 2022-12-22
- [1.0.0-b4] - 2022-06-04
- [1.0.0-b3] - 2021-03-01
- [1.0.0-b2] - 2020-06-07
- [1.0.0-b1] - 2019-12-01
- [0.0.9] - 2019-05-16
- [0.0.8] - 2019-02-20
- [0.0.7] - 2018-10-29
- [0.0.6] - 2018-06-23
- [0.0.5] - 2018-04-07
- [0.0.4] - 2018-01-18
- [0.0.3] - 2017-10-14
- [0.0.2] - 2017-06-25
- [0.0.1] - 2017-03-14
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Update OrientDB driver to 3.2.36
Update Couchbase client 3.7.6
Update DynamoDB driver 2.29.45
Update ArangoDb driver to 7.17.0
At repositories params, use the Param annotation from Jakarta Data API.
Include between query support at MongoDB
Include Graph as Apache TinkerPop
Include UUID support to MongoDB
Upgrade AraongDB driver to 7.7.1
Upgrade Couchbase to version 3.7.1
Upgrade dynamodb to version 2.27.2
Upgrade Elasticsearch to version 8.14.3
Upgrade Hazelcast to version 5.5.0
Upgrade Hbase version to 2.6.0
Upgrade Infinispan to version 15.0.7.Final
Upgrade MongoDB to version 5.1.3
Upgrade Oracle NoSQL to version 5.4.15
Upgrade OrientDB to version 3.2.32
Upgrade Redis to version 5.1.4
Upgrade Solr to version 9.6.1
Fixed the support to negation queries on the Eclipse JNoSQL layer to MongoDB
Fixed the precedence of NOT operator in AQL query generation on the Eclipse JNoSQL layer to ArangoDB
Update ArangoDB driver to 7.6.0
Update Couchbase library to version 3.6.2
Update Elasticsearch driver to 8.13.4
Update Hazelcast driver to 5.4.0
Update MongoDB driver to 4.13.0
Update OrientDB driver to 3.2.29
Update Jedis driver to 5.1.0
Update Solr driver to 9.5.0
Update Testcontainer to 1.19.8
Upgrade Jakarta Data to version 1.0.0-M3
Modify aggregate method to return DocumentEntity at MongoDB.
Update MongoDB driver to version 4.11.1
Update Hazelcast to version 5.3.6
Update Apache Sorl to version 9.4.0
Update Jedis to version 5.0.2
Update OrienteDB library to version 3.2.24
Update ElastisSearch library to version 8.11.0
Update DynamoDB library to version 2.21.21
Update Couchbase library to version 3.4.11
Update ArangoDB library to version 7.2.0
Removed unnecessary attribute and constructor argument from
and from its dependent classes; -
Update Cassandra driver to 4.16.0
Update DynamoDb to version 2.20.98
Update Elasticsearch to version 8.8.2
Update Hazelcast to version 5.3.1
Update MongoDB driver to version 4.10.1
Update Apache Solr driver to version 9.2.1
Update Testcontainer to version 1.18.3
Update ArangoDB API to the version 7.1.0
Define integration test and disable it by default
Rename project to databases
Define container nomenclature to integrate test
Update package name convention to
Integrate the mapping layer on this repository
Upgrade the AWS SDK for DynamoDB to version 2.20.65;
Added to the JNoSQL MongoDB Database Implementation the MongoDB Aggregation support;
Added into the JNoSQL MongoDB Database Implementation a count method by Bson query filter
Upgrade Tinkerpop to version 3.6.0
Upgrade Eclipse Yasson to version 1.0.11(test propose)
Upgrade Weld Se to version 3.1.9.Final (test propose)
Upgrade test container to version 1.17.2 (test propose)
Upgrade Jedis to version 4.2.3
Upgrade ArangoDB driver to version 6.17.0
Upgrade Cassandra driver to version 4.14.1
Upgrade Elastic Search to version 7.17.4
Upgrade OrientDB to version 3.2.6
Allows Repository with pagination
Allows update query with column using JSON
Allows insert query with column using JSON
Allows update query with a document using JSON
Allows insert query with a document using JSON
Define alias configuration in the communication layer
Allow cryptography in the settings
Improve performance to access instance creation beyond reading and writing attributes
Improve documentation in Class and Field metadata
Join projects as one single repository
Allows inject by Template and repositories classes from @ConfigurationUnit
Updates OrientDB to version 3.0
Improves query to Column
Improves query to Document
Improves Cassandra query with paging state
Optimizes Query cache to avoid memory leak
Improves performance of a query method
Adds support to ravenDB
Adds support to syntax query with String in Column, Key-value, and document.
Adds integration with gremlin as String in Mapper layer -Adds support to syntax query in Repository and template class to Mapper
Adds support to Repository Producer
Changes start to skip when need to jump elements in either Document or Column query
Changes maxResult to limit to define the maximum of items that must return in a query in either Document or Column query
Couchbase keeps the behavior when key is not found
Redis improves SortedSet with clear method
ArangoDB optimizes AQL query
Couchbase fixes TTL behavior in document
Couchbase fixes TTL behavior in key-value
Couchbase Fixes the JSON structure when a document is saved
Couchbase Fixes JSON structures in key-value structures
OrientDB fixes live query
OrientDB fixes live query with Map param
OrientDB fixes delete query without parameters
OrientDB fixes query with not condition
OrientDB fixes sort of query
OrientDB fixes pagination resource
MongoDB fixes queries with "in" condition
Cassandra fixes query with condition "in"
Cassandra fixes UDT
ArangoDB fixes insert
Supports to Infinispan
Modules at JNoSQL Diana
Adds query with param to OrientDB
Adds Hazelcast query
Updates API to use Fluent API
Updates driver ArangoDB to 2
Updates Couchbase driver to version 2.5.1
Updates OrientDB driver to version 2.2.29
Updates Cassandra driver to version 3.3.0
Updates MongoDB driver to version 2.5.1
Updates Hazelcast driver version to 3.9
Updates Redis driver to version 2.9.0
Updates Riak driver to version 2.1.1
Improves fluent API in document
Improves fluent API in column
Start to use flapdoodle on MongoDB implementation
Adds supports to User defined type on Cassandra
Adds Cassandra-unit test to Cassandra implementation
Uses JSON-B to process JSON
Update the MongoDB client
Updates Header license
Updates nomenclature (Repository.save discussion)
Updates ES version