diff --git a/.ci/cico-plugin-registry-pr-test.sh b/.ci/cico-plugin-registry-pr-test.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..e474074d86 --- /dev/null +++ b/.ci/cico-plugin-registry-pr-test.sh @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash +# Copyright (c) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. +# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials +# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 +# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at +# http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html + +set -x + +echo "========Starting PR Check test job $(date)========" +# shellcheck disable=SC1091 +source .ci/functional-tests-utils.sh +# shellcheck disable=SC1091 +source .ci/plugin-tests.sh +setupEnvs +installKVM +installDependencies +installCheCtl +installAndStartMinishift +createCert +loginToOpenshiftAndSetDevRole +deployCheIntoCluster +createTestUserAndObtainUserToken +downloadAndCheckoutBranch +downloadFiles +getAvailableDevfiles +createTestWorkspaceAndRunTest +echo "=========================== THIS IS POST TEST ACTIONS ==============================" +archiveArtifacts "che-plugin-registry-test" +echo '=======================FAILURE STATUS=======================:'"$TESTS_PASSED" +if [[ "$TESTS_PASSED" == "false" ]]; then exit 1; fi diff --git a/.ci/functional-tests-utils.sh b/.ci/functional-tests-utils.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ff2cf6b31 --- /dev/null +++ b/.ci/functional-tests-utils.sh @@ -0,0 +1,383 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +# Copyright (c) 2020 Red Hat, Inc. +# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials +# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 +# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at +# http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html + +function installOC() { + OC_DIR_NAME=openshift-origin-client-tools-v3.11.0-0cbc58b-linux-64bit + curl -vL "https://github.com/openshift/origin/releases/download/v3.11.0/${OC_DIR_NAME}.tar.gz" --output ${OC_DIR_NAME}.tar.gz + tar -xvf ${OC_DIR_NAME}.tar.gz + cp ${OC_DIR_NAME}/oc /usr/local/bin + cp ${OC_DIR_NAME}/oc /tmp +} + +function installJQ() { + installEpelRelease + yum install --assumeyes -d1 jq +} + +function installEpelRelease() { + if yum repolist | grep epel; then + echo "Epel already installed, skipping instalation." + else + #excluding mirror1.ci.centos.org + echo "exclude=mirror1.ci.centos.org" >>/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/fastestmirror.conf + echo "Installing epel..." + yum install -d1 --assumeyes epel-release + yum update --assumeyes -d1 + fi +} + +function installYQ() { + installEpelRelease + curl -Lo yq https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/releases/download/3.2.1/yq_linux_amd64 + chmod +x ./yq + mv ./yq /usr/local/bin/yq +} + +function installStartDocker() { + yum install --assumeyes -d1 yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2 + yum-config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo + yum install --assumeyes -d1 docker-ce + mkdir -p /etc/docker + echo "{ \"insecure-registries\": [\"\"] }" >/etc/docker/daemon.json + systemctl start docker + docker version +} + +function installMvn() { + yum install --assumeyes -d1 centos-release-scl + yum install --assumeyes -d1 rh-maven33 +} + +function installNodejs() { + curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | bash - + yum install -y nodejs +} + +function installYarn() { + yum-config-manager --add-repo https://dl.yarnpkg.com/rpm/yarn.repo + yum install -y yarn +} + +function installGit() { + yum install --assumeyes -d1 git +} + +function installWget() { + yum -y install wget +} + +function installGssCompiler() { + yum install -y gcc-c++ make +} + +function installDependencies() { + echo "======== Installing dependencies: ========" + start=$(date +%s) + + installEpelRelease + installYQ + installStartDocker + installJQ + installOC + installGit + installWget + # Getting dependencies ready + yum install --assumeyes -d1 \ + patch \ + pcp \ + bzip2 \ + golang \ + make \ + java-1.8.0-openjdk \ + java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel \ + python3 \ + firefox + python3 -m pip install selenium + wget https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases/download/v0.24.0/geckodriver-v0.24.0-linux64.tar.gz + tar -xvzf geckodriver* + chmod +x geckodriver + mv geckodriver /usr/local/bin/ + installMvn + installNodejs + installYarn + + stop=$(date +%s) + install_dep_duration=$((stop - start)) + echo "======== Installing all dependencies lasted $install_dep_duration seconds. ========" + +} + +function installKVM() { + echo "======== Start to install KVM virtual machine ========" + + yum install -y qemu-kvm libvirt libvirt-python libguestfs-tools virt-install + + curl -L https://github.com/dhiltgen/docker-machine-kvm/releases/download/v0.10.0/docker-machine-driver-kvm-centos7 -o /usr/local/bin/docker-machine-driver-kvm + chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-machine-driver-kvm + + systemctl enable libvirtd + systemctl start libvirtd + + virsh net-list --all + echo "======== KVM has been installed successfully ========" +} + +function generateCerts() { + CA_CN="Local Eclipse Che Signer" + DOMAIN=\*.$( minishift ip ).nip.io + OPENSSL_CNF=/etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf + + openssl genrsa -out ca.key 4096 + + openssl req -x509 \ + -new -nodes \ + -key ca.key \ + -sha256 \ + -days 1024 \ + -out ca.crt \ + -subj /CN="${CA_CN}" \ + -reqexts SAN \ + -extensions SAN \ + -config <(cat ${OPENSSL_CNF} \ + <(printf '[SAN]\nbasicConstraints=critical, CA:TRUE\nkeyUsage=keyCertSign, cRLSign, digitalSignature')) + + openssl genrsa -out domain.key 2048 + + openssl req -new -sha256 \ + -key domain.key \ + -subj "/O=Local {prod}/CN=${DOMAIN}" \ + -reqexts SAN \ + -config <(cat ${OPENSSL_CNF} \ + <(printf "\n[SAN]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:${DOMAIN}\nbasicConstraints=critical, CA:FALSE\nkeyUsage=digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, keyAgreement, dataEncipherment\nextendedKeyUsage=serverAuth")) \ + -out domain.csr + + openssl x509 \ + -req \ + -sha256 \ + -extfile <(printf "subjectAltName=DNS:${DOMAIN}\nbasicConstraints=critical, CA:FALSE\nkeyUsage=digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, keyAgreement, dataEncipherment\nextendedKeyUsage=serverAuth") \ + -days 365 \ + -in domain.csr \ + -CA ca.crt \ + -CAkey ca.key \ + -CAcreateserial -out domain.crt +} + +function installAndStartMinishift() { + echo "======== Start to install minishift ========" + curl -Lo minishift.tgz https://github.com/minishift/minishift/releases/download/v1.34.2/minishift-1.34.2-linux-amd64.tgz + tar -xvf minishift.tgz --strip-components=1 + chmod +x ./minishift + mv ./minishift /usr/local/bin/minishift + + #Setup GitHub token for minishift + if [ -z "$CHE_BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN" ] + then + echo "\$CHE_BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN is empty. Minishift start might fail with GitGub API rate limit reached." + else + echo "\$CHE_BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN is set, checking limits." + GITHUB_RATE_REMAINING=$(curl -slL "https://api.github.com/rate_limit?access_token=$CHE_BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN" | jq .rate.remaining) + if [ "$GITHUB_RATE_REMAINING" -gt 1000 ] + then + echo "Github rate greater than 1000. Using che-bot token for minishift startup." + export MINISHIFT_GITHUB_API_TOKEN=$CHE_BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN + else + echo "Github rate is lower than 1000. *Not* using che-bot for minishift startup." + echo "If minishift startup fails, please try again later." + fi + fi + + minishift version + minishift config set memory 14GB + minishift config set cpus 4 + + echo "======== Launch minishift ========" + minishift start +} + +function installCheCtl() { + echo "======== Start to install chectl ========" + bash <(curl -sL https://www.eclipse.org/che/chectl/) --channel=stable + echo "======== chectl has been installed successfully ========" +} + +function getOpenshiftLogs() { + oc logs "$(oc get pods --selector=component=che -o jsonpath="{.items[].metadata.name}")" || true + oc logs "$(oc get pods --selector=component=keycloak -o jsonpath="{.items[].metadata.name}")" || true +} + +function deployCheIntoCluster() { + echo "======== Start to install CHE ========" + if chectl server:start -a operator -p openshift --k8spodreadytimeout=360000 --self-signed-cert --chenamespace=che; then + echo "Started succesfully" + oc get checluster -o yaml + else + echo "======== oc get events ========" + oc get events + echo "======== oc get all ========" + oc get all + # echo "==== docker ps ====" + # docker ps + # echo "==== docker ps -q | xargs -L 1 docker logs ====" + # docker ps -q | xargs -L 1 docker logs | true + getOpenshiftLogs + curl -vL http://keycloak-che.${LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS}.nip.io/auth/realms/che/.well-known/openid-configuration || true + oc get checluster -o yaml || true + exit 1337 + fi +} + +function loginToOpenshiftAndSetDevRole() { + generateCerts + oc login -u system:admin --insecure-skip-tls-verify + oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin developer + oc project default + oc delete secret router-certs + cat domain.crt domain.key > minishift.crt + oc create secret tls router-certs --key=domain.key --cert=minishift.crt + oc rollout latest router + oc create namespace che + cp rootCA.crt ca.crt + oc create secret generic self-signed-certificate --from-file=ca.crt -n=che + oc login -u developer -p pass --insecure-skip-tls-verify + oc project che +} + +function archiveArtifacts() { + JOB_NAME=$1 + DATE=$(date +"%m-%d-%Y-%H-%M") + echo "Archiving artifacts from ${DATE} for ${JOB_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}" + cd /root/payload + ls -la ./artifacts.key + chmod 600 ./artifacts.key + chown "$(whoami)" ./artifacts.key + mkdir -p "./che/${JOB_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}" + cp -R ./report "./che/${JOB_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}/" || true + rsync --password-file=./artifacts.key -Hva --partial --relative "./che/${JOB_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}" devtools@artifacts.ci.centos.org::devtools/ +} + +function defineCheRoute(){ + CHE_ROUTE=$(oc get route che --template='{{ .spec.host }}') + echo "====== Check CHE ROUTE ======" + curl -vLk "$CHE_ROUTE" +} + +# Set the default to true +TESTS_PASSED=true + +function createTestWorkspaceAndRunTest() { + defineCheRoute + oc project che + oc get namespace + + ### Create workspace + for devfile in "${AVAILABLE_DEVFILES[@]}" + do + echo "Starting workspace with devfile: $devfile" + rm workspace_url.txt + chectl workspace:create --access-token "$USER_ACCESS_TOKEN" -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eclipse/che-devfile-registry/master/devfiles/java-maven/devfile.yaml --start > workspace_url.txt + workspace_url=$(tail -n 1 workspace_url.txt) + + cat "$devfile" + + pods=$(oc get pods --all-namespaces -l che.workspace_id --field-selector status.phase=Running 2>&1) + while [ "$pods" == 'No resources found.' ]; + do + echo "No pod found with che.workspace_id" + echo "Current available pods are" + oc get pods + echo "Current deployments are" + oc get deployments + oc get pods --all-namespaces -l che.workspace_id + sleep 10 + pods=$(oc get pods --all-namespaces -l che.workspace_id --field-selector status.phase=Running 2>&1) + done + + oc get pods + oc get pods -l che.workspace_id -o json + oc get pods --all-namespaces -l che.workspace_id -o json + + oc get pods -l che.workspace_id + + ### Now we need to wait until we see some arguments in the output of the theia? pod + ### Once we see this correct output then we can proceed by running cat on the created file + ### that lives in the workspace + workspace_name=$(oc get pods -l che.workspace_id -o json | jq '.items[0].metadata.name' | tr -d \") + theia_ide_container_name=$(oc get pods -l che.workspace_id -o json | jq '.items[0].metadata.annotations[]' | grep -P "theia-ide" | tr -d \") + + echo "Workspace name is: " + echo "$workspace_name" + echo "Theia IDE Container Name is: " + echo "$theia_ide_container_name" + + # Start the python3 selenium script that will connect to the workspace so that git clone will finish and tests will be run + python3 .ci/test.py ${workspace_url} & + + oc cp che/${workspace_name}:/projects/test.log ./test.log -c ${theia_ide_container_name} + while ! grep -q "TESTS FAILED" test.log && ! grep -q "TESTS PASSED" test.log; + do + echo "Waiting for log file to be created and have TESTS FAILED or TESTS PASSED" + sleep 60 + oc cp che/${workspace_name}:/projects/test.log ./test.log -c ${theia_ide_container_name} + ls + cat test.log + cat geckodriver.log + done + + # Test to see if the tests failed, the TEST_PASSED default is set to true + if cat test.log | grep -q "TESTS FAILED" + then + TESTS_PASSED=false + fi + done + export TESTS_PASSED +} + +function createTestUserAndObtainUserToken() { + + ### Create user and obtain token + KEYCLOAK_URL=$(oc get route/keycloak -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}') + KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL="https://${KEYCLOAK_URL}/auth" + + TEST_USERNAME=testUser1 + + echo "======== Getting admin token ========" + ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl -k -X POST "$KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL"/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "username=admin" -d "password=admin" -d "grant_type=password" -d "client_id=admin-cli" | jq -r .access_token) + echo "$ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN" + + echo "========Creating user========" + USER_JSON="{\"username\": \"${TEST_USERNAME}\",\"enabled\": true,\"emailVerified\": true,\"email\":\"test1@user.aa\"}" + echo "$USER_JSON" + + curl -k -X POST "$KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL"/admin/realms/che/users -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "${USER_JSON}" -v + USER_ID=$(curl -k -X GET "$KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL"/admin/realms/che/users?username=${TEST_USERNAME} -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN}" | jq -r .[0].id) + echo "========User id: $USER_ID========" + + echo "========Updating password========" + # shellcheck disable=SC2125 + CREDENTIALS_JSON={\"type\":\"password\",\"value\":\"${TEST_USERNAME}\",\"temporary\":false} + echo $CREDENTIALS_JSON + + curl -k -X PUT "$KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL/admin/realms/che/users/${USER_ID}/reset-password" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "${CREDENTIALS_JSON}" -v + USER_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl -k -X POST "$KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL"/realms/che/protocol/openid-connect/token -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "username=${TEST_USERNAME}" -d "password=${TEST_USERNAME}" -d "grant_type=password" -d "client_id=che-public" | jq -r .access_token) + export USER_ACCESS_TOKEN + echo "========User Access Token: $USER_ACCESS_TOKEN " +} + +function setupEnvs() { + eval "$(./env-toolkit load -f jenkins-env.json -r \ + CHE_BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN \ + CHE_MAVEN_SETTINGS \ + CHE_GITHUB_SSH_KEY \ + ^BUILD_NUMBER$ \ + CHE_OSS_SONATYPE_GPG_KEY \ + CHE_OSS_SONATYPE_PASSPHRASE \ + QUAY_ECLIPSE_CHE_USERNAME \ + QUAY_ECLIPSE_CHE_PASSWORD)" + + export PATH=$PATH:/opt/rh/rh-maven33/root/bin +} diff --git a/.ci/plugin-tests.sh b/.ci/plugin-tests.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..5eb125e1ae --- /dev/null +++ b/.ci/plugin-tests.sh @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +# Copyright (c) 2020 Red Hat, Inc. +# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials +# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 +# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at +# http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html + + +#################################################### +# # +# Testing purposes # +# # +#################################################### +# Just for testing purposes +ghprbAuthorRepoGitUrl=https://github.com/svor/che-plugin-registry.git +ghprbSourceBranch=sv/java0.57.0 +ghprbPullId=387 +ghprbActualCommitAuthor=svor + +# Keeps track of the available devfiles that are set in getAvailableDevfiles +AVAILABLE_DEVFILES=() + +# This will be replaced by the incoming meta.yaml files that are coming from the PR +FILE_PATHS=() + +# Clone the branch from the author and then checkout their changes +function downloadAndCheckoutBranch() { + + echo "Starting to check out and clone the project" + echo "Set variables are:" + echo ${ghprbAuthorRepoGitUrl} + echo ${ghprbSourceBranch} + echo ${ghprbPullId} + + git clone ${ghprbAuthorRepoGitUrl} github + cd github || exit + git checkout ${ghprbSourceBranch} + cd .. +} + +function downloadFiles() { + + # Silently grab all the files that are in the PR + for changedFile in $(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/eclipse/che-plugin-registry/pulls/${ghprbPullId}/files | jq -r '.[] .filename') + do + + # If they end with meta.yaml then those are the files we need to check + if [[ $changedFile == *meta.yaml ]] + then + echo "Changed file" + echo "$changedFile" + FILE_PATHS+=("github/${changedFile}") + fi + done + +} + +DEVFILES_PRODUCED=0 + +function writeToYAMLTemplate() { + # Write to generateName and projectName + yq write -i .ci/sample-devfile-${DEVFILES_PRODUCED}.yaml metadata.generateName "$1" + yq write -i .ci/sample-devfile-${DEVFILES_PRODUCED}.yaml projects[0].name "$1" + + # Write to the github project location + yq write -i .ci/sample-devfile-${DEVFILES_PRODUCED}.yaml projects[0].source.location "$2" + + # Write the tests reference to chePlugin + yq write -i .ci/sample-devfile-${DEVFILES_PRODUCED}.yaml components[0].reference "$3" + + # Write the changed meta.yaml reference to chePlugin + yq write -i .ci/sample-devfile-${DEVFILES_PRODUCED}.yaml components[1].reference "$4" + + cat .ci/sample-devfile-${DEVFILES_PRODUCED}.yaml +} + +function getAvailableDevfiles() { + + for filePath in "${FILE_PATHS[@]}" + do + # Grab the values we need from samples.json + for i in $(jq -c '.[]' .ci/samples.json) + do + + # Grab the projectName, projectLocation, projectMetaYAML from the samples.json and remove the double quotes + projectName=$(jq -c '.projectName' <<< "$i" | tr -d '"') + projectLocation=$(jq -c '.projectLocation' <<< "$i" | tr -d '"') + projectMetaYAML=$(jq -c '.projectMetaYAML' <<< "$i" | tr -d '"') + + if grep -q "${projectName}" "${filePath}" + then + # Found ${projectName} in the meta.yaml + cp .ci/sample-devfile.yaml .ci/sample-devfile-${DEVFILES_PRODUCED}.yaml + + # Remove the github from the file path that was added in downloadFiles + filePathGithubStripped="${filePath//github\//$''}" + + # Create a reference to the changed meta.yaml on github + rawReference="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${ghprbActualCommitAuthor}/che-plugin-registry/${ghprbSourceBranch}/${filePathGithubStripped}" + + # Fill out all the required fields of the YAML Template + writeToYAMLTemplate "$projectName" "$projectLocation" "$projectMetaYAML" "$rawReference" + + AVAILABLE_DEVFILES+=(".ci/sample-devfile-${DEVFILES_PRODUCED}.yaml") + + DEVFILES_PRODUCED=$((DEVFILES_PRODUCED + 1)) + fi + done + done + +} diff --git a/.ci/sample-devfile.yaml b/.ci/sample-devfile.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dc3d3d7757 --- /dev/null +++ b/.ci/sample-devfile.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +apiVersion: 1.0.0 +metadata: + generateName: test- +projects: [] +components: + - type: chePlugin + alias: test_suite + reference: + - type: chePlugin + alias: test_plugin + reference: + - type: cheEditor + alias: theia-editor + reference: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/JPinkney/e98391dcf7d852e9e2581b0f3b062303/raw/57f66ee8c987a45b9894b90ad2d8bf6b39d2f38a/meta.yaml + diff --git a/.ci/samples.json b/.ci/samples.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e49d95ce2f --- /dev/null +++ b/.ci/samples.json @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +[ + { + "projectName": "jdt.ls", + "projectLocation": "https://github.com/JPinkney/Che-Java-Tests.git", + "projectMetaYAML": "https://github.com/JPinkney/Che-Java-Tests/raw/master/meta.yaml" + } +] diff --git a/.ci/test.py b/.ci/test.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..80846be5b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/.ci/test.py @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +import sys +import time +from selenium import webdriver +from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys +from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC +from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait +from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options +from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By + +options = Options() +options.log.level = "trace" +options.headless = True + +NEW_USER="testUser1" + +browser = webdriver.Firefox(options=options, executable_path="/usr/local/bin/geckodriver") +wait = WebDriverWait(browser, 1000) +browser.get(sys.argv[1]) + +wait.until(EC.title_contains('Log in')) + +username_elem = browser.find_element_by_id('username') +username_elem.send_keys(NEW_USER) + +password_elem = browser.find_element_by_id('password') +password_elem.send_keys(NEW_USER) + +login_btn_elem = browser.find_element_by_id('kc-login') +login_btn_elem.click() + +browser.get(sys.argv[1]) + +# Waiting for theia itself to be loaded so that git will clone and tests will be run +wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//*[@class='theia-ApplicationShell']")))