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169 lines (117 loc) · 6.89 KB

File metadata and controls

169 lines (117 loc) · 6.89 KB


1.0.1 (2013-11-07)

  • Fixed the file so that it now includes NOTICE.txt

  • Fixed the file so that it now specifies the correct Python version requirement.

1.0.0 (2013-11-05)

  • Removed Pants' DNS utility. UDP support needs to be completely rewritten before it can be released properly.

  • Changed FileServer to use the new HTTPRequest.send_file method. This required the removal of the experimental renderers and greatly simplified the code.

  • Changed HTTPRequest.uri to HTTPRequest.url and otherwise changed all uses of URI to URL for consistency.

  • Changed url_for's name processing behavior to be more intuitive.

  • Changed WebSocket to clearly differentiate between byte strings and unicode strings and added support for fragmented messages.

  • Changed the HTTP client API to bring it more in line with that of the excellent requests module.

  • Fixed a bug in _Channel.close which could cause an AttributeError to be raised if the socket was None.

  • Fixed a bug in sendfile on Mac OS X which caused Pants to resend the same bytes repeatedly.

  • Fixed Server such that on_close is actually called when the server is closed.

  • Fixed Application's handling of HTTP status codes that should not have response bodies. Application will now generate 204 No Content responses if a route handler returns None.

  • Fixed WSGIConnector and FileServer not correctly handling it when Application passes more than one variable captured from the URL.

  • Fixed HTTPRequest using the imprecise time.time on Windows rather than time.clock.

  • Fixed not actually using the provided Engine instance when creating its internal HTTPServer instance.

  • Fixed bug in WebSocket.write_file causing it to believe that the WebSockets were always disconnected.

  • Fixed bug in WebSocket causing it to only handle one incoming message when more than one message was received within a single read event. Also added checks to prevent the buffer from expanding beyond the maximum allowed size.

  • Added HTTPRequest.send_file for sending static files to the client in the most efficient way possible.

  • Added basic hooks to Application for when requests are started, finished, and torn down.

  • Added advanced Converter support for capturing variables from URLs with Application. Converters are now classes, and capable of using custom regular expressions with any number of capture groups to capture their data.

  • Added optional request parameters to various pants.web.application.

  • Added and an associated on_pong event handler.

  • Added HTTPRequest.is_secure property for easily determining whether or not the request was received via HTTPS.

1.0.0-beta.3 (2013-03-25)

  • Changed engine.time to engine.latest_poll_time, as that name more accurately reflects the value of the attribute.

  • Fixed a bug in Stream that would cause buffered data to be lost when the Stream was closed. Streams now process buffered data before closing to make sure all data is passed to on_read.

  • Fixed automatic address family detection, notably fixing a bug that would prevent Pants from connecting to IPv6 addresses unless given an address tuple with four entries.

  • Fixed a bug in pants.web preventing it from being successfully imported in Python 2.6.

  • Added Windows-specific timing code to improve the precision of timer execution on Windows platforms.

  • Added the ability to create a basic HTTP file server by running the pants.web.fileserver module using: python -m pants.web.fileserver

  • Added support for using NetStruct instances as read_delimiters.

1.0.0-beta.2 (2012-11-05)

  • Fixed HTTPRequest's secure cookies not being HttpOnly by default.

  • Fixed a bug in HTTPRequest's secure cookies that would cause an exception when trying to read a non-existent cookie, rather than returning None.

  • Fixed the use of structs as read_delimiters everywhere, removing the struct_delimiter class and using instead struct.Struct.

  • Fixed a bug in Application's default 500 error handler that would result in a non-pretty error page when debugging is disabled, and made errors within the core Application generate appropriately pretty error pages as well.

  • Fixed HTTP header handling with a new data structure that has improved random access performance and iteration that, while slower, is guaranteed to produce proper HTTP header casing.

  • Fixed HTTPRequest's scheme and protocol variables were misnamed. scheme is the URI scheme (either 'http' or 'https') and protocol is the HTTP protocol version.

  • Fixed HTTPException and HTTPTransparentRedirect now call super().

  • Fixed Application's support resource loading now uses pkg_resources rather than __file__.

  • Fixed FileServer not checking file permissions before attempting to read a file and not handling the resulting exception.

  • Fixed Application.route's handling of route handlers, removing the inspection of function arguments and making it always pass the request argument, leading to a more predictable experience.

  • Fixed the routing table generation in Application to eliminate rule collisions.

  • Added pants.web.async, a decorator for use with Application that uses generators to make asynchronous request handling easy.

  • Added unit tests for HTTPRequest's secure cookies.

  • Added support for JSON and unicode values to HTTPRequest's secure cookies.

  • Added the pants.web.Response class as a potential return value for Application route handlers.

  • Added headers and content_type arguments to Application's route and basic_route decorators.

  • Added support for route variables to WebSockets attached to Application instances. They are handled in the on_connect function.

  • Added checks to pants.web.Module against cyclic nesting of Modules.

1.0.0-beta.1 (2012-10-21)

  • Initial preview release