- test summary
failed tests
Some validators have deliberately chosen not to support parts of the spec. Go to the json-schema-library
homepage to learn if
that is the case for these tests.
test failed | reason |
allOf with boolean schemas, some false, any value is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
allOf with boolean schemas, all false, any value is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
anyOf with boolean schemas, all false, any value is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
boolean schema 'true', number is valid |
The schema failed to load(Object.defineProperty called on non-object ). This excludes this validator from performance tests |
boolean schema 'true', string is valid |
The schema failed to load(Object.defineProperty called on non-object ). This excludes this validator from performance tests |
boolean schema 'true', boolean true is valid |
The schema failed to load(Object.defineProperty called on non-object ). This excludes this validator from performance tests |
boolean schema 'true', boolean false is valid |
The schema failed to load(Object.defineProperty called on non-object ). This excludes this validator from performance tests |
boolean schema 'true', null is valid |
The schema failed to load(Object.defineProperty called on non-object ). This excludes this validator from performance tests |
boolean schema 'true', object is valid |
The schema failed to load(Object.defineProperty called on non-object ). This excludes this validator from performance tests |
boolean schema 'true', empty object is valid |
The schema failed to load(Object.defineProperty called on non-object ). This excludes this validator from performance tests |
boolean schema 'true', array is valid |
The schema failed to load(Object.defineProperty called on non-object ). This excludes this validator from performance tests |
boolean schema 'true', empty array is valid |
The schema failed to load(Object.defineProperty called on non-object ). This excludes this validator from performance tests |
boolean schema 'false', number is invalid |
The schema failed to load(Object.defineProperty called on non-object ) |
boolean schema 'false', string is invalid |
The schema failed to load(Object.defineProperty called on non-object ) |
boolean schema 'false', boolean true is invalid |
The schema failed to load(Object.defineProperty called on non-object ) |
boolean schema 'false', boolean false is invalid |
The schema failed to load(Object.defineProperty called on non-object ) |
boolean schema 'false', null is invalid |
The schema failed to load(Object.defineProperty called on non-object ) |
boolean schema 'false', object is invalid |
The schema failed to load(Object.defineProperty called on non-object ) |
boolean schema 'false', empty object is invalid |
The schema failed to load(Object.defineProperty called on non-object ) |
boolean schema 'false', array is invalid |
The schema failed to load(Object.defineProperty called on non-object ) |
boolean schema 'false', empty array is invalid |
The schema failed to load(Object.defineProperty called on non-object ) |
const validation, another value is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const validation, another type is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with object, another object is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with object, another type is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with array, another array item is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with array, array with additional items is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with null, not null is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with false does not match 0, integer zero is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with false does not match 0, float zero is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with true does not match 1, integer one is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with true does not match 1, float one is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with [false] does not match [0], [0] is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with [false] does not match [0], [0.0] is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with [true] does not match [1], [1] is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with [true] does not match [1], [1.0] is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with {"a": false} does not match {"a": 0}, {"a": 0} is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with {"a": false} does not match {"a": 0}, {"a": 0.0} is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with {"a": true} does not match {"a": 1}, {"a": 1} is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with {"a": true} does not match {"a": 1}, {"a": 1.0} is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with 0 does not match other zero-like types, false is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with 0 does not match other zero-like types, empty object is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with 0 does not match other zero-like types, empty array is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with 0 does not match other zero-like types, empty string is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with 1 does not match true, true is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with -2.0 matches integer and float types, integer 2 is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with -2.0 matches integer and float types, float 2.0 is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
const with -2.0 matches integer and float types, float -2.00001 is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
float and integers are equal up to 64-bit representation limits, integer minus one is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
float and integers are equal up to 64-bit representation limits, float minus one is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
nul characters in strings, do not match string lacking nul |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
contains keyword validation, array without items matching schema is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
contains keyword validation, empty array is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
contains keyword with const keyword, array without item 5 is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
contains keyword with boolean schema true, empty array is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
contains keyword with boolean schema false, any non-empty array is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
contains keyword with boolean schema false, empty array is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
items + contains, matches items, does not match contains |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
invalid definition, invalid definition schema |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
dependencies with boolean subschemas, object with property having schema true is valid |
Expected result: true but validator returned: "Invalid dependency definition for #/foo. Must be list or schema" . This excludes this validator from performance tests |
dependencies with boolean subschemas, object with property having schema false is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: "Invalid dependency definition for #/bar. Must be list or schema" |
dependencies with boolean subschemas, object with both properties is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: "Invalid dependency definition for #/foo. Must be list or schema" |
exclusiveMaximum validation, boundary point is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
exclusiveMaximum validation, above the exclusiveMaximum is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
exclusiveMinimum validation, boundary point is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
exclusiveMinimum validation, below the exclusiveMinimum is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of e-mail addresses, ignores integers |
Expected result: true but validator returned: "value.includes is not a function" |
validation of e-mail addresses, ignores floats |
Expected result: true but validator returned: "value.includes is not a function" |
validation of e-mail addresses, ignores objects |
Expected result: true but validator returned: "value.includes is not a function" |
validation of e-mail addresses, ignores null |
Expected result: true but validator returned: "Cannot read property 'includes' of null" |
validation of IP addresses, ignores integers |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
validation of IP addresses, ignores floats |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
validation of IP addresses, ignores objects |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
validation of IPv6 addresses, ignores integers |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
validation of IPv6 addresses, ignores floats |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
validation of IPv6 addresses, ignores objects |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
validation of hostnames, ignores integers |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false . This excludes this validator from performance tests |
validation of hostnames, ignores objects |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
validation of hostnames, ignores null |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
validation of date-time strings, ignores integers |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
validation of date-time strings, ignores floats |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
validation of date-time strings, ignores objects |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
validation of date-time strings, ignores null |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
validation of URIs, ignores integers |
Expected result: true but validator returned: "uri.match is not a function" |
validation of URIs, ignores floats |
Expected result: true but validator returned: "uri.match is not a function" |
validation of URIs, ignores objects |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
validation of URIs, ignores null |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
items with boolean schema (false), any non-empty array is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
items with boolean schemas, array with two items is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
not with boolean schema false, any value is valid |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
oneOf with boolean schemas, one true, any value is valid |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
float comparison with high precision, comparison works for high numbers |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
float comparison with high precision on negative numbers, comparison works for very negative numbers |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
all integers are multiples of 0.5, if overflow is handled, valid if optional overflow handling is implemented |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
validation of e-mail addresses, dot before local part is not valid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of e-mail addresses, dot after local part is not valid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of e-mail addresses, two subsequent dots inside local part are not valid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of host names, exceeds maximum label length |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true . This excludes this validator from performance tests |
validation of IPv6 addresses, ipv4 is not ipv6 |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true . This excludes this validator from performance tests |
validation of IPv6 addresses, leading whitespace is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of IPv6 addresses, trailing whitespace is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of IPv6 addresses, zone id is not a part of ipv6 address |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of JSON-pointers (JSON String Representation), not a valid JSON-pointer (~ not escaped) |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of JSON-pointers (JSON String Representation), not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #1 |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of JSON-pointers (JSON String Representation), not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #2 |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of JSON-pointers (JSON String Representation), not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #3 |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of JSON-pointers (JSON String Representation), not a valid JSON-pointer (some escaped, but not all) #1 |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of JSON-pointers (JSON String Representation), not a valid JSON-pointer (some escaped, but not all) #2 |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of JSON-pointers (JSON String Representation), not a valid JSON-pointer (wrong escape character) #1 |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of JSON-pointers (JSON String Representation), not a valid JSON-pointer (wrong escape character) #2 |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of JSON-pointers (JSON String Representation), not a valid JSON-pointer (multiple characters not escaped) |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of JSON-pointers (JSON String Representation), not a valid JSON-pointer (isn't empty nor starts with /) #1 |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of JSON-pointers (JSON String Representation), not a valid JSON-pointer (isn't empty nor starts with /) #2 |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of JSON-pointers (JSON String Representation), not a valid JSON-pointer (isn't empty nor starts with /) #3 |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of URI References, an invalid URI Reference |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
validation of URI References, an invalid URI fragment |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
format: uri-template, an invalid uri-template |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
Proper UTF-16 surrogate pair handling: pattern, matches empty |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
Proper UTF-16 surrogate pair handling: pattern, matches two |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
Proper UTF-16 surrogate pair handling: patternProperties, doesn't match two |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
patternProperties with boolean schemas, object with property matching schema false is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
patternProperties with boolean schemas, object with both properties is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
patternProperties with boolean schemas, object with a property matching both true and false is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
propertyNames validation, some property names invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
propertyNames with boolean schema false, object with any properties is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
remote ref, containing refs itself, remote ref invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
$ref to boolean schema false, any value is invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
Recursive references between schemas, valid tree |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false . This excludes this validator from performance tests |
Location-independent identifier, match |
Expected result: true but validator returned: "Cannot read property 'type' of undefined" |
Location-independent identifier, mismatch |
Expected result: false but validator returned: "Cannot read property 'type' of undefined" |
Location-independent identifier with absolute URI, match |
Expected result: true but validator returned: "Cannot read property 'type' of undefined" |
Location-independent identifier with absolute URI, mismatch |
Expected result: false but validator returned: "Cannot read property 'type' of undefined" |
Location-independent identifier with base URI change in subschema, match |
Expected result: true but validator returned: "Cannot read property 'type' of undefined" |
Location-independent identifier with base URI change in subschema, mismatch |
Expected result: false but validator returned: "Cannot read property 'type' of undefined" |
base URI change, base URI change ref invalid |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
base URI change - change folder, number is valid |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
base URI change - change folder in subschema, number is valid |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false |
root ref in remote ref, string is valid |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false . This excludes this validator from performance tests |
root ref in remote ref, null is valid |
Expected result: true but validator returned: false . This excludes this validator from performance tests |
uniqueItems validation, objects are non-unique despite key order |
Expected result: false but validator returned: true |
All other tests passed.