- Fix deprecation warnings EasyApplication.installation? | @jiri.vojta
- easy_patches are no longer deprecated - in core of ER we will use them because of order
- uninstallation
- Zeitwerk compatibility
- deprecations
- "assets" folder from rys generator
- multi-tenant migrations
- Use easy_style gem
- Ensure migrations (db & data) for all RYSy (= provide DSL)
- Add supporting multiple db connections
- Rails 6.1 compatibility
- support for Rails 5 or lower
- update .rubocop.yml
- allow migration for systemic RYSy
- Missing api directory in plugin templates
- private methods can be controller via feature in patches
- after_plugins migration are skipped if env NAME is given
- Generator - fix default repo url
- Plugin name with a dash
- select Easy Redmine plugins that could be deactivated
- check activation based on Easy Redmine plugins
- apply_if_rysy to patcher