Releases: easysoft/zentaopms
Releases · easysoft/zentaopms
zentaopms_18.4.beta1 * Add 18.4.beta1 tag.
New features in this release
- Add Custom Language Item in the Admin > Develop.
- Provide the built-in editor no needs to download and install plugin.
Full Changelog
New features in this release
- Manage execution node snapshots.
- Use the ZTF client to experience UI automation testing when remotely managing execution nodes.
- The style of the host and execution node pages are optimized.
- The style of the host and execution node help are optimized.
- The display area for the content of the remote management execution node window is expanded.
Full Changelog:
Release time : 2022-11-30
Mode upgrade:
- Classic Mode is upgrade to Light Mode, which is suite for the small size software development organizations.
- General Mode is upgrade to ALM Mode, which is suite for the medium and large software development organizations.
- The data could be merged automatically while upgrade from the old version to the new version.
- Projects are allowed to link products beyond their programs.
- Projects without iterations enabled are allowed to be created.
- Projects without products linked in are allowed to be created.
- One set of stages can be edited according to the project itself, while multi-set of stages can be edited according to products.
- It is supported to create integrated builds under a project, which allows users to link multiple builds under the iteration.
- Code repository could be created directly under projects.
- Programs could be edited even products have been linked with projects.
- Multiple builds could be linked to a single product release.
- Codebase could be linked with the related projects, and the code can be viewed and reviewed under the projects after association.
- Codebase could be linked with the non-product-based projects.
- Administrators can control the current system to enable/disable certain features.
Release time : 2022-10-26
- The new feature of sorting task effort is newly added. For tasks involved in multi-users, you can sort the effort by date and order.
- Column width in Kanban can be customized according to your particular habits.
- The full screen of Kanban board is adjusted visually.
- The forms in Product, Project, Execution, and My are optimized.
Release time : 2022-09-15
- For the multiple-users-task in serial, it will be assigned to multiple users according to the team member's sequence set in the task, and the involved members will handle the task one by one until finishing.
- For the multiple-users-task in parallel, it will be assigned to all the involved team members synchronously.
Release time : 2022-08-18
- ZenTao's database engine was changed from MyISAM to InnoDB.
- Improve the access speed of My Dashboard and global search.
- Optimal ranking of search items for global search.
- Optimize the password difficulty check rules.
- Add release-related requirements and bug information to the product release notification email.
- It's supported to build relationships between user requirements and user requirements, software requirements and software requirements.
- Cancel the parent program's restrictions on project budget and time range.
- When task boards in Scrum Kanban are grouped by stories, the software requirement column supports sorting by different conditions.
- The search function is added to the execution list (the project list is added synchronously in the classic mode).
- When batch converting the execution list into tasks, users are supported to double change and confirm information.
- Allow joining meetings without a microphone.
- All the chat history can be deleted completely in the backend.
- Optimize audio and video setting items and prompt text, and add deployment process guidance instructions on the audio and video setting page.
Release time : 2022-07-06
- The search bar is added to several lists such as Recycle, R&D Kanban, Product--Plan, My--Work, and My--Contribute to facilitate user search by criteria.
- Project and execution can be linked to multi-plans under one product, enhancing the flexibility for plan management.
- Features of ''Customize Columns" and "Advanced Table" are added to the execution list, for the convenience of users to customize fields and models flexibly.
- Stories, tasks, and bug cards in the Scrum Kanban and R&D Kanban can be dragged up and down for sorting, making Kanban-related actions easier.
- The UX issues in the modules Execution and Kanban are optimized.
- We have fundamentally solved the problem of multi-application navigation highlighting errors in multi-tab scenarios, which significantly improves the user experience.
Release time : 2022-06-08
- Support multi-node operation, making it convenient for large enterprises to achieve high availability and multi-node deployments.
- The interface and installment process are improved in the one-click installation package (updated ZenTao Runner).
- Implements search and paging features for the core lists such as Program, Product, and Project, which makes it easy for users to find items quickly in the mass data.
- Adds the display of the delayed data in the burndown chart, making the delayed data shown more clearly.
- The catalog and documents can be dragged in the Doc Library, making it easy for users to adjust the sorting.
- Adds tags classified by type to the recycle bin, making it easy for users to find data by category.
- In the component of switching executions, we have optimized the various sorting methods to meet users' different using habits.
- More operations can be applied to the cards in Kanban boards, making the cards more flexible.
- The feature "Build" is added to the professional R&D Kanban, making it easy to do the builds management.
- Reminders will pop out once the plug-ins are expired or going to expire, which is convenient for users to take action in advance to avoid abnormal functions.
- The search tag "AssignedByMe" is newly added to "My"-"Personal Contribution", "Product"-"Software Requirement", "Execution"-"Task", "QA"-"Bug", and other lists.
- The performance of Kanban is optimized to ensure that the system can run stably and smoothly in the scenario of large data.
- The parent plan can be adjusted in the product plan, improving the flexibility of plan management.
- Improve the history record in the product plan -- the related record of stories and bugs are added to facilitate information traceability.
- The features of advanced table and customized columns are added to the lists of Project, "Execution"-"Bug", and Software Requirement.
- The column's name is blocked out in "Execution"-"Software Requirement".
- Once the project is closed, the execution under this project will change its parent project automatically.
- The must-filled items are not marked when importing the templates of the use case.
- The second navigation bar is missing after adding stages.
- There are no pages of re-login or errors reported when upgrading the opensource version to ZenTao Max in the classic model.
Release time : 2022-06-01
- Support multi-node operation, making it convenient for large enterprises to achieve high availability and multi-node deployments.
- The search tag "AssignedByMe" is newly added to "My"-"Personal Contribution", "Product"-"Software Requirement", "Execution"-"Task", "QA"-"Bug", and other lists.
- The performance of Kanban is optimized to ensure that the system can run stably and smoothly in the scenario of large data.
- The parent plan can be adjusted in the product plan, improving the flexibility of plan management.
- Improve the record of history in the product plan -- the related record of stories and bugs are added to facilitate information traceability.
- The features of advanced Excel and customized columns are added to the lists of Project, "Execution"-"Bug", and Software Requirement.
- Fix show expired parent plan when creating a new plan
- Fix multi branch product creation plan, the branch does not display synchronously