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Unit and regression testing
EasyBuild is tested rigorously to try and ensure high-quality code.
For every push to the master
and develop
of easybuild-framework
, a set of unit tests is run.
To run the unit tests yourself, simply execute python -m easybuild.test.suite
on an installed version of EasyBuild. This should give you output like below:
$ python -m easybuild.test.suite
Running tests...
Ran 29 tests in 6.932s
Generating XML reports...
Log available at /tmp/easybuild_tests.log , XML output of tests available in test-reports directory
A more thorough test that also requires significantly more resources is a regression test, which consists of building all easyconfig files distributed with EasyBuild, in a pristine install directory.
A regtest is submitted using the following command:
eb --regtest --robot -ld
Note: this assumes that the command is executed on a system that has can submit jobs to a PBS server (--regtest
uses --job
in the background).
The results for both the unit tests and regression test are available through the Jenkins continuous integration server at UGent, see http://jenkins1.ugent.be/view/EasyBuild.
Jenkins also takes care of automatically running the unit tests on every push to either the master
or develop
branch of the easybuild-framework
The regression tests are triggered manually, and Jenkins is triggered to pull in the test results after the regression test has completed.
For this, the following script is used:
if [ ! -z $PBS_OWORKDIR ]
export PYTHONPATH=$VSC_SCRATCH/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.4/site-packages
export PATH=$PATH:$VSC_SCRATCH/easybuild_easy_installed/bin
if [ -d software/WIEN2k ]
chmod -R 755 software/WIEN2k
rm -rf software modules ebfiles_repo
cd -
outfile="full_regtest_`date +%Y%m%d`_submission.txt"
eb --regtest --robot -ld 2>&1 | tee $outfile
results_dir=`grep "Submitted regression test as jobs, results in" $outfile | tail -1 | sed 's@.*/@@g'`
after_anys=`qstat | grep ^[0-9] | sed 's/^\([0-9]*\).*/\1/g' | tr '\n' ':' | sed 's/^/afterany:/g'`
echo "after_anys: $after_anys"
qsub -W depend=$after_anys << EOF
cd $PWD
# aggregate results
out=`eb --aggregate-regtest=$results_dir`
if [ $ec -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to aggregate regtest results!"; exit $ec; fi
fn=`echo $out | sed 's/.* //g'`
datestamp=`date +%Y%m%d`
# move to home dir with standard name
mv $fn $outfn
if [ $ec -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to move regtest result for Jenkins!"; exit $ec; fi
echo "Aggregate test results made available for Jenkins in $outfn"
# trigger Jenkins test to pull in aggregated regtest result
wget https://jenkins1.ugent.be/view/EasyBuild/job/easybuild-full-regtest_develop/build?token=3asybu1ld_t0k3n &> /dev/null
echo "Triggered Jenkins to pull in regtest results."
Note: the TOKEN
needs to be replaced with the actual token that allows to trigger the Jenkins test easybuild-full-regtest_develop
. Contact the EasyBuild team if you want to run a regression test and make Jenkins pull back the results.