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Unit and regression testing

boegel edited this page Nov 20, 2012 · 11 revisions

EasyBuild is tested rigorously to try and ensure high-quality code.

Unit testing

For every push to the master and develop of easybuild-framework, a set of unit tests is run.

To run the unit tests yourself, simply execute python -m easybuild.test.suite on an installed version of EasyBuild. This should give you output like below:

$ python -m easybuild.test.suite
Running tests...
Ran 29 tests in 6.932s


Generating XML reports...
Log available at /tmp/easybuild_tests.log , XML output of tests available in test-reports directory

Regression testing

A more thorough test that also requires significantly more resources is a regression test, which consists of building all easyconfig files distributed with EasyBuild, in a pristine install directory.

A regtest is submitted using the following command:

eb --regtest --robot -ld

Note: this assumes that the command is executed on a system that has can submit jobs to a PBS server (--regtest uses --job in the background).

Test results @ Jenkins

The results for both the unit tests and regression test are available through the Jenkins continuous integration server at UGent, see

Jenkins also takes care of automatically running the unit tests on every push to either the master or develop branch of the easybuild-framework repository.

The regression tests are triggered manually, and Jenkins is triggered to pull in the test results after the regression test has completed.

For this, the following script is used:


if [ ! -z $PBS_OWORKDIR ]

export PYTHONPATH=$VSC_SCRATCH/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.4/site-packages
export PATH=$PATH:$VSC_SCRATCH/easybuild_easy_installed/bin

if [ -d software/WIEN2k ]
    chmod -R 755 software/WIEN2k
rm -rf software modules ebfiles_repo


cd -

outfile="full_regtest_`date +%Y%m%d`_submission.txt"

eb --regtest --robot -ld 2>&1 | tee $outfile

results_dir=`grep "Submitted regression test as jobs, results in" $outfile | tail -1 | sed 's@.*/@@g'`

after_anys=`qstat | grep ^[0-9] | sed 's/^\([0-9]*\).*/\1/g' | tr '\n' ':' | sed 's/^/afterany:/g'`

echo "after_anys: $after_anys"

qsub -W depend=$after_anys << EOF
cd $PWD

# aggregate results
out=`eb --aggregate-regtest=$results_dir`
if [ $ec -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to aggregate regtest results!"; exit $ec; fi

fn=`echo $out | sed 's/.* //g'`
datestamp=`date +%Y%m%d`

# move to home dir with standard name
mv $fn $outfn
if [ $ec -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to move regtest result for Jenkins!"; exit $ec; fi

echo "Aggregate test results made available for Jenkins in $outfn"

# trigger Jenkins test to pull in aggregated regtest result
wget &> /dev/null
echo "Triggered Jenkins to pull in regtest results."


Note: the TOKEN needs to be replaced with the actual token that allows to trigger the Jenkins test easybuild-full-regtest_develop. Contact the EasyBuild team if you want to run a regression test and make Jenkins pull back the results.

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