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Attestation: OE SDK Integration with Intel® SGX DCAP Quote Verification Library for SGX Evidence Verification

This design document proposes an update of the OE SDK implementation for integration with the Intel® SGX Data Center Attestation Primitives (DCAP) Quote Verification Library (QVL), for support of evidence verification in ECDSA-p256 format.


The existing OE SDK implements its own SGX ECDSA quote verification. As implemented in code file common/sgx/quote.c, the verification code performs SGX cert chain verification and Enclave Identity verification, including X.509 parser, cert revocation checking, JSON parser, etc. Also it uses some 3rd-party libraries, such as mbedtls.

However, there are a few areas that could be improved:

  • The current SGX ECDSA quote verification logic in common/sgx/quote.c is not a complete implementation, e.g.:
    • Only check quote version number in function _validate_sgx_quote() in file common/sgx/quote.c
    • Only allow TCB level UpToDate, all other TCB levels would be treated as invalid. But in SGX design, some other TCB levels such as OutOfDate, SWConfigNeeded should not be treated as critical error, it's up to a verifier application to decide whether the platform TCB is valid or not for its intended usages.
  • In the current implementation, all the quote verification logic is built into verifier enclaves. This means that OE SDK greatly increases the TCB of verifier enclaves. If security bugs in verification logic, including 3rd-party component, are discovered, verifier enclaves need to be upgraded and rebuilt.

User Experience

The proposed update only changes the internal implementation of the OE SDK attestation software stack. It does not impact the OE SDK attestation API.

With the integration of Intel® SGX DCAP QVL (including an untrusted library (called QVL when there is no ambiguity) and a Quote Verification Enclave (QvE)), a verifier's call to OE SDK API oe_verify_evidence() for verification of SGX ECDSA evidence would trigger quote verification by invoking QVL or QvE, depending on whether the call is from the host side or the enclave side, respectively.

Integration of the DCAP QVL depends on the installation of Intel® SGX DCAP packages libsgx-dcap-quote-verify and libsgx-ae-qve and their dependencies, as well as proper configuration of the components and their access to dependent backend services (e.g. Quote Provider Library and Provisioning Certificate Cashing Service (PCCS)). Details for the DCAP quote verification library installation and configuration are outside the scope of this document.


Existing OE SDK Implementation

Implementation of the SGX ECDSA-p256 verifier plugin

The OE SDK framework implementation searches for a verifier plugin that supports the requested evidence format, and invokes the verify_evidence() or verify_report() entry point of the selected plugin.

The SGX ECDSA-p256 verifier plugin is implemented in code files enclave/sgx/report.c, common/sgx/verifier.c and common/sgx/quote.c. The same source tree implements both the enclave-side and host-side verifier plugins.

There are 2 different verifier application / enclave scenarios in current implementation for SGX ECDSA quote verification:

  • Scenario 1 - Call oe_verify_report() to verify SGX remote report (aka SGX quote)
  • Scenario 2 - Call oe_verify_evidence() to verify evidence in format OE_FORMAT_UUID_SGX_ECDSA_P256.

Based on design doc Remote Attestation Collaterals, new API oe_verify_evidence() will supersede oe_verify_report(). In both scenarios, the same internal function oe_verify_quote_with_sgx_endorsements() is invoked for quote verification.

For SGX ECDSA-p256 quote verification, in the enclave-side and host-side plugin implementation of function _verify_evidence() in common/sgx/verifier.c, several functions are called.

  • oe_get_sgx_endorsements() and oe_parse_sgx_endorsements()
    • Get relevant endorsements, including SGX PCK cert CRL, TCB info, QE identity, etc.
  • oe_verify_quote_with_sgx_endorsements()
    • Verify quote with provided endorsements, including quote parsing, cert chain veriifcation, TCB level matching, etc.
  • oe_sgx_extract_claims()
    • Fill required and custom claims

Background: Intel® SGX DCAP QVL library and API

For verification of SGX ECDSA quotes, the SGX DCAP QVL library has the following relevant API functions defined in its header file:

 * Get supplemental data required size.
 * @param p_data_size[OUT] - Pointer to hold the size of the buffer in bytes
 *  required to contain all the supplemental data.
 * @return Status code of the operation, one of:
 *      - SGX_QL_SUCCESS
quote3_error_t sgx_qv_get_quote_supplemental_data_size(uint32_t *p_data_size)

 * Perform quote verification.
 * @param p_quote[IN] - Pointer to SGX Quote.
 * @param quote_size[IN] - Size of the buffer pointed to by p_quote (in bytes).
 * @param p_quote_collateral[IN] - This is a pointer to the Quote Certification
 *        Collateral provided by the caller.
 * @param expiration_check_date[IN] - This is the date that the QvE will use to
 *        determine if any of the inputted collateral have expired.
 * @param p_collateral_expiration_status[OUT] - Address of the output expiration
 *        status.  This input must not be NULL.
 * @param p_quote_verification_result[OUT] - Address of the output quote
 *  verification result.
 * @param p_qve_report_info[IN/OUT] - This parameter can be used in 2 ways.
 *        If p_qve_report_info is NOT NULL, the API will use Intel QvE to
 *        perform quote verification, and QvE will generate a report   using the
 *        target_info in sgx_ql_qe_report_info_t structure.
 *        if p_qve_report_info is NULL, the API will use QVL library to perform
 *        quote verification, not that the results can not be cryptographically
 *        authenticated in this mode.
 * @param supplemental_data_size[IN] - Size of the buffer pointed to by p_quote (in bytes).
 * @param p_supplemental_data[OUT] - The parameter is optional.  If it is NULL,
 *        supplemental_data_size must be 0.
 * @return Status code of the operation, one of:
 *      - SGX_QL_SUCCESS
quote3_error_t sgx_qv_verify_quote(
    const uint8_t *p_quote,
    uint32_t quote_size,
    const struct _sgx_ql_qve_collateral_t *p_quote_collateral,
    const time_t expiration_check_date,
    uint32_t *p_collateral_expiration_status,
    sgx_ql_qv_result_t *p_quote_verification_result,
    sgx_ql_qe_report_info_t *p_qve_report_info,
    uint32_t supplemental_data_size,
    uint8_t *p_supplemental_data)

Notes on the API function sgx_qv_verify_quote():

  • Verifier application (called the verifier) controls quote verification via trusted QvE or untrusted QVL by specifying parameter p_qve_report_info
    • Trusted QvE when this parameter is non-NULL, containing the report for the verifier enclave that verifies the QvE security properties: Quote verification would be done inside QvE, and QvE would return a report targeting the verifier enclave, it means the verifier can verify QvE's return report and identity
    • Untrusted QVL when this parameter is NULL: Quote verification would be done inside untrusted QVL library, the verifier can use this way on a non-SGX capable system, but the result cannot be cryptographically authenticated in this mode
  • If verifier doesn't provide quote verification collateral (aka Endorsement), QVL will try to load the Quote Provide Library (QPL) and connect to the PCK Cert Caching Server (PCCS) to get corresponding verification collaterals automatically
  • This API can return a supplemental data structure to allow the verifier to have an alternative verification policy
/** Contains data that will allow an alternative quote verification policy. */
typedef struct _sgx_ql_qv_supplemental_t
    uint32_t version;               ///< Supplemental data version
    time_t earliest_issue_date;     ///< Earliest issue date of all the collateral (UTC)
    time_t latest_issue_date;       ///< Latest issue date of all the collateral (UTC)
    time_t earliest_expiration_date;///< Earliest expiration date of all the collateral (UTC)
    time_t tcb_level_date_tag;      ///< The SGX TCB of the platform that generated the quote is not vulnerable
                                    ///< to any Security Advisory with an SGX TCB impact released on or before this date
                                    ///< See [Intel Security Center Advisories](
    uint32_t pck_crl_num;           ///< CRL Num from PCK Cert CRL
    uint32_t root_ca_crl_num;       ///< CRL Num from Root CA CRL
    uint32_t tcb_eval_ref_num;      ///< Lower number of the TCBInfo and QEIdentity
    uint8_t root_key_id[48];        ///< ID of the collateral's root signer (hash of Root CA's public key SHA-384)
    sgx_key_128bit_t pck_ppid;      ///< PPID from remote platform.  Can be used for platform ownership checks
    sgx_cpu_svn_t tcb_cpusvn;       ///< CPUSVN of the remote platform's PCK Cert
    sgx_isv_svn_t tcb_pce_isvsvn;   ///< PCE_ISVNSVN of the remote platform's PCK Cert
    uint16_t pce_id;                ///< PCE_ID of the remote platform
    uint8_t sgx_type;               ///< Indicate the type of memory protection available on the platform, it should be
                                    ///< one of Standard (0) and Scalable (1)

    // Multi-Package PCK cert related flags, they are only relevant to PCK Certificates issued by PCK Platform CA
    uint8_t platform_instance_id[16];///< Value of Platform Instance ID, 16 bytes
    pck_cert_flag_enum_t dynamic_platform; ///< Indicate whether a platform can be extended with additional packages
                                           ///< via Package Add calls to SGX Registration Backend
    pck_cert_flag_enum_t cached_keys;      ///< Indicate whether platform root keys are cached by SGX Registration Backend
    pck_cert_flag_enum_t smt_enabled;      ///< Indicate whether a plat form has SMT (simultaneous multithreading) enabled

} sgx_ql_qv_supplemental_t;

Proposed Changes

In order to smoothly switch quote verification from OE to SGX DCAP QVL/QvE, we propose to implement the change in 2 steps as below:

  • Step 1: Implement QVL-based quote verification and make it co-exist with the existing implementation
  • Step 2: Remove existing implementation and makes the DCAP QVL a hard dependency

Step 1: Implement QVL-based quote verification and make it co-exist with the existing implementation

If SGX DCAP QVL/QvE are not installed, quote verification will continue to use existing logic. Otherwise, quote verification will switch to QVL/QvE automatically.

Add functions in host-side plugin for SGX ECDSA-p256 quote verification

To align with the current implementation of SGX quote-ex library integration, the OE SDK host-side verifier plugin library will dynamically detect the presence of QVL library and load it at runtime. In case the QVL library can't be found, a specfic error will be returned.

  • Add functions in file host/sgx/sgxquote.c and host/sgx/quote.c
    • Use environment variable, e.g. “USE_SGX_QVL”. Only when this variable is set, try to detect & load the QVL library, return specific error if environment variable not set or QVL doesn't exist
    • Call QVL API to verify the quote

Add OCALL to support enclave-side SGX ECDSA-p256 quote verification

As quote verification will be done by DCAP QVL/QvE, for enclave-side plugin, it requires OCALL to call host-side APIs.

In this proposal, we will add one OCALL oe_verify_quote_ocall() in edl/sgx/attestation.edl. The OCALL is used for passing quote buffer and related parameters to host side. All other relevant logic will be implemented on the host side, in files host/sgx/ocalls.c and host/sgx/quote.c. If DCAP QVL cannot be found in host-side plugin, a specific error will be returned.

Note that currently only ECDSA-p256 quotes are supported, but the OCALL will keep format_id and opt_params for forward compatibility.

oe_result_t oe_verify_quote_ocall(
    [in] const oe_uuid_t* format_id,
    [in, size=opt_params_size] const void* opt_params,
    size_t opt_params_size,
    [in, size=quote_size] const void* p_quote,
    size_t quote_size,
    oe_datetime_t expiration_check_date,
    [out] uint32_t *p_collateral_expiration_status,
    [out] uint32_t *p_quote_verification_result,
    [in, out, size=qve_report_size] void* p_qve_report_info,
    size_t qve_report_size,
    [out, size=supplemental_data_size] void* p_supplemental_data,
    size_t supplemental_data_size,
    [out] size_t* p_supplemental_data_size_out);

Update implementation of existing plugin functions

These plugin functions include _verify_evidence(), _verify_report() and they both invoke function oe_verify_quote_with_sgx_endorsements() for quote verification.

  • Update API oe_verify_quote_with_sgx_endorsements() implementation as below:
    • Try to call DCAP QVL to verify quote first
      • In host-side plugin:
        • Call host-side function oe_sgx_verify_quote() with SGX endorsements, which will call SGX QVL library to verify quote.
      • In enclave-side plugin:
        • Construct structure sgx_ql_qe_report_info_t as below, nonce and app_enclave_target_info are input, qve_report is QvE report which target to application enclave.
        typedef struct _sgx_ql_qe_report_info_t {
          sgx_quote_nonce_t nonce;
          sgx_target_info_t app_enclave_target_info;
          sgx_report_t qve_report;
        • Call OCALL function oe_verify_quote_ocall() to host-side plugin library to verify SGX quote.
        • With all the QvE return values, call new API. oe_verify_qve_report_and_identity() (described below) to verify QvE report and identity
    • If DCAP QVL returns error to indicate that QVL doesn't not exist on current platform, then automatically fallback to the existing implementation
    • Add log information to indicate whether the QVL-based or existing implementation is used
  • If QVL-based quote verification is used, in order to exactly align with current implementation, only SGX ECDSA quote with UpToDate TCB status would be accepted in step 1.

Add function in enclave-side plugin for QvE Identity verification

For enclave-side verifier plugin, after quote verification, it needs to verify that the result comes from a trusted QvE.

Intel® SGX SDK provides a library named sgx_dcap_tvl to help the verifier to verify QvE's identity, you can refer to source file

This library uses hardcoded QvE identity values, because:

  • There is no need for x509 and JSON parser in verifier enclave's TCB.
  • Most of QvE's identity attributes only change infrequently.

The only identity info may change more often is QvE's ISV SVN, so the verifier needs to provide a SVN number as threshold, only when current QvE's ISV SVN is equal to or larger than this threshold, the verifier can trust the QvE verification result. The verifier can get latest QvE ISV SVN from QvE Identity at Intel® Provisioning Cert Server

As OE SDK cannot use Intel® SGX SDK trusted library directly, we need to port this library into OE SDK as part of enclave-side plugin.

oe_result_t oe_verify_qve_report_and_identity(
        const uint8_t *p_quote,
        uint32_t quote_size,
        const sgx_ql_qe_report_info_t *p_qve_report_info,
        time_t expiration_check_date,
        uint32_t collateral_expiration_status,
        sgx_ql_qv_result_t quote_verification_result,
        const uint8_t *p_supplemental_data,
        uint32_t supplemental_data_size,
        sgx_isv_svn_t qve_isvsvn_threshold)

All the data returned by the QvE are included in the QvE report data field for integrity protection.

QvE report_data = SHA256([nonce || quote || expiration_check_date ||
expiration_status || verification_result || supplemental_data]) || 32 - 0x00

The flow of the API function oe_verify_qve_report_and_identity() is as below:

  • Verify QvE report.
  • Verify report data (report data described as above).
  • Check QvE Identity by comparing QvE report fields against hardcode values.
    • Check that Report.MRSIGNER equals to Hardcoded QvE MRSIGNER.
    • Check that Misc Select, Attribute and ProdID equal to the hardcoded values, Misc select and Attribute need to apply Mask before comparison.
  • Check that Report.ISVSVN >= Hardcoded ISV SVN.

Options to provide QvE ISV SVN threshold:

  • Option 1: Hardcode QvE ISV SVN in enclave-side plugin. Every time the QvE ISV SVN is updated, the plugin library implementation will need to be updated to stay in sync.
  • Option 2: Update existing enclave-side plugin API to allow the verifier to input QvE ISV SVN threshold value. But it requires plugin API change, also it's NOT TEE agnostic.
  • Option 3: Add custom policy for SGX, user can specify the QvE ISV SVN in SGX custom policy. Then OE SDK doesn't need to change when SGX DCAP has a new release.

In order to align with existing implementation, we propose option 1 in step 1, and in step 2, we will try to change it to option 3.

Step 2: Remove existing implementation and makes the DCAP QVL a hard dependency

In step 2, we propose to remove the existing implementation. The step 2 proposal is target for future OE release.

Update claims list to add SGX Quote Verification status and QVL/QvE returned supplemental data

In SGX remote attestation, the verifier may want to provide a different quote verification policy than the one enforced by the sgx_qv_verify_quote() API.

The proposal is to extend claims definition with new SGX related claims.

SGX quote verification API sgx_qv_verify_quote() returns 2 types of errors, fatal errors or warning errors:

  • Fatal error: such as cert chain verification failed, cert revoked, API will return an error code directly
  • Warning error, such as cert chain out-of-date, API will return successful, but there is an output parameter to indicate the specific error code. In this case, the verifier can decide whether the SGX quote is valid based on their own policy.

We propose to introduce a new SGX-specific claim OE_CLAIM_SGX_QUOTE_VERIFICATION_STATUS to indicate QVL/QvE return status. The verifier can check the status to see if there is a warning error during quote verification. This claim can have one of three values:

  • OE_OK - Quote verification passed, and TCB level is up to date
  • Warning error code - API returns OE_OK, but claim OE_CLAIM_SGX_QUOTE_VERIFICATION_STATUS in claims returns an error code. The verifier can refer to this status in his/her verification policy. Warning error can be one of below:
   OE_SGX_CONFIG_NEEDED // Quote verification passed and the platform is patched
                        // to latest TCB level, but additional configuration of
                        // the SGX platform may be needed. For example, attester
                        // may need to enable/disable SMT in BIOS
   OE_SGX_OUT_OF_DATE  // The Quote is good but TCB level of the platform is
                       // out of date, additional configuration of the SGX
                       // Platform at its current patching level may be needed.
                       // The platform needs patching to be at the latest TCB level
   OE_SGX_SW_HARDENING_NEEDED  // The TCB level of the platform is up to date,
                               // but SGX SW Hardening is needed. For example,
                               // attester may need to apply LVI mitigation in
                               // his/her enclave by linking LIV version SDK
   OE_SGX_CONFIG_AND_SW_HARDENING_NEEDED  // The TCB level of the platform is up
                                          // to date, but additional
                                          // configuration of the platform at
                                          // its current patching level may be
                                          // needed. Moreover, SGX SW Hardening
                                          // is also needed. For example,
                                          // attester may need enable/disable
                                          // SMT in BIOS, also he/she needs to
                                          // apply LVI mitigation in enclave


If the verifier needs to provide a different quote verification policy beyond the policy enforced by the sgx_qv_verify_quote() API, the verifier can request sgx_qv_verify_quote() API to return supplemental data. The detailed supplemental data definition is described in above Background section.

So we also propose to add SGX supplemental data fields to the list of claims.

PR 3353 added SGX endorsements into SGX-specific claims, here we propose to use SGX supplemental data (returned by QVL/QvE) instead. Because user needs to parse the endorsements by himself if we only return the endorsements directly, but parsing x509 cert chain/CRL and JSON is quite a complex task.

The new SGX-Specific claims definition (Pls refer to Background section for the description of each SGX specific claim):

#define OE_CLAIM_SGX_QUOTE_VERIFICATION_STATUS "sgx_quote_verification_status"

#define OE_CLAIM_SGX_TCB_LEVEL_DATE_TAG "sgx_tcb_level_date_tag"
#define OE_CLAIM_SGX_PCK_CRL_NUM "sgx_pck_crl_num"
#define OE_CLAIM_SGX_ROOT_CA_CRL_NUM "sgx_root_ca_crl_num"
#define OE_CLAIM_SGX_TCB_EVAL_REF_NUM "sgx_tcb_eval_ref_num"
#define OE_CLAIM_SGX_ROOT_KEY_ID "sgx_root_key_id"
#define OE_CLAIM_SGX_PCK_PPID "sgx_pck_ppid"
#define OE_CLAIM_SGX_TCB_CPUSVN "sgx_tcb_cpusvn"
#define OE_CLAIM_SGX_TCB_PCE_ISVSVN "sgx_tcb_pce_isvsvn"
#define OE_CLAIM_SGX_PCE_ID "sgx_pce_id"
#define OE_CLAIM_SGX_TYPE "sgx_type"
#define OE_CLAIM_SGX_PLATFORM_INSTANCE_ID "sgx_platform_instance_id"
#define OE_CLAIM_SGX_DYNAMIC_PLATFORM "sgx_dynamic_platform"
#define OE_CLAIM_SGX_CACHED_KEYS "sgx_cached_keys"
#define OE_CLAIM_SGX_SMT_ENABLED "sgx_smt_enabled"


Options for retrieving SGX endorsements when using QVL-based quote verification

There are two options for the OE SDK plugin library to retrieve SGX endorsements.

Option 1: Keep existing implementation in SGX verifier plugin

In the current plugin implementation, if the verifier doesn't provide SGX endorsements, it calls API oe_get_sgx_endorsements() to parse SGX ECDSA quote body to get PCK cert chain first, then calls OCALL API oe_get_quote_verification_collateral_ocall() to load Quote Provide Library(QPL) and connect to PCK Cert Caching Sever(PCCS) to get corresponding verification collaterals, including CRL, TCB and QE Identity, etc.

Option 2: Ask DCAP QVL to retrieve endorsements

If the verifier doesn't provide endorsements when calling DCAP QVL API, the QVL API implementation will parse quote body to get PCK cert chain, then load QPL and connect to PCCS to get corresponding verification collaterals.

Proposal: Ask DCAP QVL to retrieve endorsements

The proposal is to implement option 2, the reasons are:

  • The Intel SGX DCAP QVL already has logic to parse quote, and gets verification collaterals
  • The collateral definition may change from time to time, e.g. DCAP 1.7 release updated PCK cert extension to add new fields for support of multi-package platforms
  • If we stay with the existing OE SDK implementation
    • The implementation would need to be updated whenever the verification collateral definition is changed
    • The OE SDK logic for retrieving and parsing endorsements increases verifier enclave TCB.

With option 2, OE SDK doesn't need to maintain the complex logic for SGX collateral retrieving & parsing, nor need to be updated in response to changes in SGX collateral definition.

Update existing plugin functions to only use DCAP QVL/QvE

  • In API _verify_evidence(), remove function call oe_get_sgx_endorsements(), and only call oe_parse_sgx_endorsements() if caller provides an endorsement buffer
  • In API _verify_report() and relevant internal APIs, such as oe_verify_report_internal() and oe_verify_sgx_quote(), remove the code that loads QPL and retrieves endorsements
  • There is an API __oe_sgx_set_minimum_crl_tcb_issue_date()in header file properties.h, which will be used in function _verify_report. As SGX DCAP QVL API allows caller to specify an expiration date as threshold, we propose to remove this API

Update oe_sgx_extract_claims() to remove SGX endorsement dependency

As SGX endorsements will be retrieved by the SGX DCAP QVL library, the verifier plugin implementation will be changed to get the supplemental data returned from QVL/QvE first, then use the returned data to fill claims.

In verifier plugin file common/sgx/quote.c, only keep 2 existing APIs, remove all other APIs in this file

  • oe_verify_quote_with_sgx_endorsements()
    • Updated implementation
  • oe_verify_sgx_quote()
    • Keep backward compatibility

Remove other utility functions

  • common/sgx/collateral.h & .c
  • common/sgx/endorsements.h & .c, only keep oe_parse_sgx_endorsements() as user may provide endorsements
  • common/sgx/qeidentity.h & .c
  • common/sgx/sgxcertextension.c
  • common/sgx/tcbinfo.h & .c
  • common/sgx/tlsverifier.c

Clean header files to remove some no-longer-used internal APIs and macros


  • Hongyan Jiang (@hyjiang)
  • Shanwei Cen (@shnwc)