An Franchisereferalincome Object
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
PkiFranchisereferalincomeID | int | The unique ID of the Franchisereferalincome | [optional] |
FkiFranchisebrokerID | int | The unique ID of the Franchisebroker | |
FkiFranchisereferalincomeprogramID | int | The unique ID of the Franchisereferalincomeprogram | |
FkiPeriodID | int | The unique ID of the Period | |
DFranchisereferalincomeLoan | string | The loan amount | |
DFranchisereferalincomeFranchiseamount | string | The amount that will be given to the franchise | |
DFranchisereferalincomeFranchisoramount | string | The amount that will be kept by the franchisor | |
DFranchisereferalincomeAgentamount | string | The amount that will be given to the agent | |
DtFranchisereferalincomeDisbursed | string | The date the amounts were disbursed | |
TFranchisereferalincomeComment | string | Comment about the transaction | |
FkiFranchiseofficeID | int | The unique ID of the Franchisereoffice | |
SFranchisereferalincomeRemoteid | string |