EzmaxinvoicinguserResponse Properties Name Type Description Notes pkiEzmaxinvoicinguserID Integer The unique ID of the Ezmaxinvoicinguser [optional] fkiEzmaxinvoicingID Integer The unique ID of the Ezmaxinvoicing [optional] fkiBillingentityinternalID Integer The unique ID of the Billingentityinternal. sBillingentityinternalDescriptionX String The description of the Billingentityinternal in the language of the requester fkiUserID Integer The unique ID of the User iEzmaxinvoicinguserEzsigndocument Integer The number of ezsign documents bEzmaxinvoicinguserEzsignaccount Boolean Whether there is an eZsign account bEzmaxinvoicinguserBillableezsign Boolean Whether it is billable for eZsign eEzmaxinvoicinguserVariationezsign FieldEEzmaxinvoicinguserVariationezsign