there are two docker containers for the MAMA-REST application:
based onphp:7.0-apache
container; it install all MAMA's php, modules, extensions, third-part dependencies...mama-rest
based onmama-conf
container; it install all MAMA php scripts and php configurations files.
note: if no modification has been made in the configuration, keep the old (and same) one!
# go into mama-rest directory
cd /path-to-mama-rest/
# go into 'docker-conf' sub directory
cd docker-conf
# build docker container
docker build -f mama-config-dockerfile -t npaulhe/mama-config:7.0 .
note: you also can reuse an old image if you add a volum mount for /var/www
directory with the MAMA-REST php sources.
# go into mama-rest directory
cd /path-to-mama-rest/
# build MAMA-REST docker image
docker build -t npaulhe/mama-rest:7.0 .
note: if mama-config
docker container has not been updated, skip commandes for it!
on your computer save docker container into image files
# save docker container into image files on your computer
docker save -o $(pwd)/mama-config-7.0.image npaulhe/mama-config:7.0
docker save -o $(pwd)/mama-rest-7.0.image npaulhe/mama-rest:7.0
# copy image files from your computer to the docker-server (into '/tmp/' directory)
scp /dir-to-save-img-on-your-computer/mama-* docker-server:/tmp/
... loggin into docker-server
as root
ssh docker server...
su -
... on docker-server
deploy the new images
# if an old image is already running, KILL IT!!!
docker ps
docker stop {sha1-of-mama-rest-running-container}
# deploy new new imagesimages
cat /tmp/mama_docker_images/mama-config.image | sudo docker load
cat /tmp/mama_docker_images/mama-rest.image | sudo docker load
# run new image
docker run \
-d \ # deamon mode
-v /mnt/test:/var/www/html/uploaded_files \ # mount uploaded file volume
-v /var/log/mama-mail:/var/www/logs \ # mount emails log directory
-p 80:80 \ # port re-routing
npaulhe/mama-rest # docker container name
... now enter into the container in order to set the configuration file! (set database connection, ...)
# get new container id
docker ps
# enter into it
docker exec -it {sha1-of-mama-rest-running-container} bash
# into the container, add your favorit text editor (optional)
apt-get install nano vim vi
# into the container, edit the MAMA-REST application configuration file
vim conmfi/mama-config.ini
# enter `exit` to leave container bash
# back on `docker-server` promp? commit the changes into the container
docker commit -m "update databases files config" -a "YourFirstName YourLastName" {sha1-of-mama-rest-running-container} npaulhe/mama-rest
# optional: kill and re-launch the container
docker stop {sha1-of-mama-rest-running-container}
docker run -d -v /mnt/test:/var/www/html/uploaded_files -v /var/log/mama-mail:/var/www/logs -p 80:80 npaulhe/mama-rest
Note: instead of launching the cron script via the container sha1 (or short sha1) you can set a name for the conainter and use it!
# edit the current crontab
crontab -e
# add the following rule
* * * * * /bin/docker exec -i {sha1-of-mama-rest-running-container} php /var/www/html/jobby.php 1>> /dev/null 2>&1
docker run --rm -it -p 888:80 npaulhe/mama-rest:7.0