diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fc7537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+language: php
+ - 7.1
+ - 7.2
+ global:
+ - APP_NAME=ocdownloader
+ matrix:
+ - DB=sqlite SERVER=nextcloud/travis_ci/master SERVER_BRANCH=master
+ - DB=mysql SERVER=nextcloud/travis_ci/master SERVER_BRANCH=master PHP_COVERAGE=TRUE
+ - DB=pgsql SERVER=nextcloud/travis_ci/master SERVER_BRANCH=master
+ fast_finish: true
+# branches:
+# only:
+# - master
+ #- /^stable\d+(\.\d+)?$/
+ - wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$SERVER/before_install.sh
+ - . ./before_install.sh "$APP_NAME" "$SERVER_BRANCH" "$DB"
+ - cd ../core || cd ../server
+ - php occ app:enable $APP_NAME
+ # Test lint
+ - cd apps/$APP_NAME
+ - find . -name \*.php -exec php -l "{}" \;
+ - echo hello test
diff --git a/appinfo/info.xml b/appinfo/info.xml
index 86fe89d..fec4f9b 100644
--- a/appinfo/info.xml
+++ b/appinfo/info.xml
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
diff --git a/appinfo/routes.php b/appinfo/routes.php
index e9588f9..f31169e 100644
--- a/appinfo/routes.php
+++ b/appinfo/routes.php
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
'ocs' => [
['name' => 'Api#Handler', 'url' => '/api/handler', 'verb' => 'POST'],
- ['name' => 'Api#Add', 'url' => '/api/add', 'verb' => 'POST']
+ ['name' => 'Api#Add', 'url' => '/api/add', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'Api#getQueue', 'url' => '/api/queue', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'Api#getCount', 'url' => '/api/queue/count', 'verb' => 'POST']
diff --git a/controller/lib/api.php b/controller/lib/api.php
index ab9af96..01934e6 100644
--- a/controller/lib/api.php
+++ b/controller/lib/api.php
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ class API
public static function add($URL)
+ trigger_error('Deprecated: '.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__, E_NOTICE);
try {
@@ -134,39 +135,20 @@ public static function add($URL)
public static function checkAddonVersion($Version)
- $AppVersion = \OC::$server->getConfig()->getAppValue('ocdownloader', 'installed_version');
+ trigger_error('Deprecated: '.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__, E_NOTICE);
+ $AppVersion = \OC::$server->getConfig()->getAppValue('ocdownloader', 'installed_version');
return array('RESULT' => version_compare($Version, $AppVersion, '<='));
public static function getQueue()
- self::load();
- try {
- $Params = array(self::$CurrentUID);
- $StatusReq = '(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
- $Params[] = 0;
- $Params[] = 1;
- $Params[] = 2;
- $Params[] = 3;
- $Params[] = 4;
- $IsCleanedReq = '(?, ?)';
- $Params[] = 0;
- $Params[] = 1;
- $SQL = 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*ocdownloader_queue`
- WHERE `UID` = ? AND `STATUS` IN '.$StatusReq.' AND `IS_CLEANED` IN '.$IsCleanedReq
- if (self::$DbType == 1) {
- $SQL = 'SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*ocdownloader_queue
- WHERE "UID" = ? AND "STATUS" IN '.$StatusReq.' AND "IS_CLEANED" IN '.$IsCleanedReq
- }
- }
+ trigger_error('Deprecated: '.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__, E_NOTICE);
+ }
public static function Handler ($URI)
+ trigger_error('Deprecated: '.__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__, E_NOTICE);
self::Load ();
@@ -268,235 +250,6 @@ public static function Handler ($URI)
- public static function CheckAddonVersion ($Version)
- {
- $AppVersion = Config::getAppValue ('ocdownloader', 'installed_version');
- return Array ('RESULT' => version_compare ($Version, $AppVersion, '<='));
- }
- public static function GetQueue ()
- {
- self::Load ();
- try
- {
- $Params = Array (self::$CurrentUID);
- $StatusReq = '(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
- $Params[] = 0; $Params[] = 1; $Params[] = 2; $Params[] = 3; $Params[] = 4;
- $IsCleanedReq = '(?, ?)';
- $Params[] = 0; $Params[] = 1;
- $SQL = 'SELECT * FROM `*PREFIX*ocdownloader_queue` WHERE `UID` = ? AND `STATUS` IN ' . $StatusReq . ' AND `IS_CLEANED` IN ' . $IsCleanedReq . ' ORDER BY `TIMESTAMP` ASC';
- if (self::$DbType == 1)
- {
- $SQL = 'SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*ocdownloader_queue WHERE "UID" = ? AND "STATUS" IN ' . $StatusReq . ' AND "IS_CLEANED" IN ' . $IsCleanedReq . ' ORDER BY "TIMESTAMP" ASC';
- }
- $Query = \OCP\DB::prepare ($SQL);
- $Request = $Query->execute ($Params);
- $Queue = [];
- while ($Row = $Request->fetchRow ())
- {
- $Status = (self::$WhichDownloader == 0 ? Aria2::TellStatus ($Row['GID']) : CURL::TellStatus ($Row['GID']));
- $DLStatus = 5; // Error
- if (!is_null ($Status))
- {
- if (!isset ($Status['error']))
- {
- $Progress = 0;
- if ($Status['result']['totalLength'] > 0)
- {
- $Progress = $Status['result']['completedLength'] / $Status['result']['totalLength'];
- }
- $DLStatus = Tools::GetDownloadStatusID ($Status['result']['status']);
- $ProgressString = Tools::GetProgressString ($Status['result']['completedLength'], $Status['result']['totalLength'], $Progress);
- $Queue[] = Array (
- 'GID' => $Row['GID'],
- 'PROGRESSVAL' => round((($Progress) * 100), 2),
- 'PROGRESS' => Array (
- 'Message' => null,
- 'ProgressString' => is_null ($ProgressString) ? 'N_A' : $ProgressString,
- 'NumSeeders' => isset ($Status['result']['bittorrent']) && $Progress < 1 ? $Status['result']['numSeeders'] : null,
- 'UploadLength' => isset ($Status['result']['bittorrent']) && $Progress == 1 ? Tools::FormatSizeUnits ($Status['result']['uploadLength']) : null,
- 'Ratio' => isset ($Status['result']['bittorrent']) ? round (($Status['result']['uploadLength'] / $Status['result']['completedLength']), 2) : null
- ),
- 'STATUS' => Array (
- 'Value' => isset ($Status['result']['status']) ? ($Row['STATUS'] == 4 ? 'Removed' : ucfirst ($Status['result']['status'])) : 'N_A',
- 'Seeding' => isset ($Status['result']['bittorrent']) && $Progress == 1 && $DLStatus != 3 ? true : false
- ),
- 'STATUSID' => $Row['STATUS'] == 4 ? 4 : $DLStatus,
- 'SPEED' => isset ($Status['result']['downloadSpeed']) ? ($Progress == 1 ? (isset ($Status['result']['bittorrent']) ? ($Status['result']['uploadSpeed'] == 0 ? '--' : Tools::FormatSizeUnits ($Status['result']['uploadSpeed']) . '/s') : '--') : ($DLStatus == 4 ? '--' : Tools::FormatSizeUnits ($Status['result']['downloadSpeed']) . '/s')) : 'N_A',
- 'PROTO' => $Row['PROTOCOL'],
- 'ISTORRENT' => isset ($Status['result']['bittorrent']),
- );
- if ($Row['STATUS'] != $DLStatus)
- {
- $SQL = 'UPDATE `*PREFIX*ocdownloader_queue` SET `STATUS` = ? WHERE `UID` = ? AND `GID` = ? AND `STATUS` != ?';
- if (self::$DbType == 1)
- {
- $SQL = 'UPDATE *PREFIX*ocdownloader_queue SET "STATUS" = ? WHERE "UID" = ? AND "GID" = ? AND "STATUS" != ?';
- }
- $Query = \OCP\DB::prepare ($SQL);
- $Result = $Query->execute (Array (
- $DLStatus,
- self::$CurrentUID,
- $Row['GID'],
- 4
- ));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $Queue[] = Array (
- 'GID' => $Row['GID'],
- 'PROGRESS' => Array (
- 'Message' => 'ErrorGIDnotfound',
- 'ProgressString' => null,
- 'NumSeeders' => null,
- 'UploadLength' => null,
- 'Ratio' => null
- ),
- 'STATUS' => Array(
- 'Value' => 'N_A',
- 'Seeding' => null
- ),
- 'STATUSID' => $DLStatus,
- 'SPEED' => 'N_A',
- 'PROTO' => $Row['PROTOCOL'],
- 'ISTORRENT' => isset ($Status['result']['bittorrent'])
- );
- }
- }
- $DLStatus = Tools::getDownloadStatusID($Status['result']['status']);
- $ProgressString = Tools::getProgressString(
- $Status['result']['completedLength'],
- $Status['result']['totalLength'],
- $Progress
- );
- $Queue[] = array(
- 'GID' => $Row['GID'],
- 'PROGRESSVAL' => round((($Progress) * 100), 2),
- 'PROGRESS' => array(
- 'Message' => null,
- 'ProgressString' => is_null($ProgressString)?'N_A':$ProgressString,
- 'NumSeeders' => isset($Status['result']['bittorrent']) && $Progress < 1?$Status['result']['numSeeders']:null,
- 'UploadLength' => isset($Status['result']['bittorrent']) && $Progress == 1?Tools::formatSizeUnits($Status['result']['uploadLength']):null,
- 'Ratio' => isset($Status['result']['bittorrent'])?round(($Status['result']['uploadLength'] / $Status['result']['completedLength']), 2):null
- ),
- 'STATUS' => array(
- 'Value' => isset($Status['result']['status']) ?($Row['STATUS'] == 4?'Removed':ucfirst($Status['result']['status'])):'N_A',
- 'Seeding' => isset($Status['result']['bittorrent']) && $Progress == 1 && $DLStatus != 3?true:false
- ),
- 'STATUSID' => $Row['STATUS'] == 4?4:$DLStatus,
- 'SPEED' => isset($Status['result']['downloadSpeed'])
- ?($Progress == 1
- ?(isset($Status['result']['bittorrent'])
- ?($Status['result']['uploadSpeed'] == 0
- ?'--'
- :Tools::formatSizeUnits($Status['result']['uploadSpeed']).'/s')
- :'--')
- :($DLStatus == 4
- ?'--'
- :Tools::formatSizeUnits($Status['result']['downloadSpeed']).'/s'))
- :'N_A',
- 'PROTO' => $Row['PROTOCOL'],
- 'ISTORRENT' => isset($Status['result']['bittorrent']),
- );
- if ($Row['STATUS'] != $DLStatus) {
- $SQL = 'UPDATE `*PREFIX*ocdownloader_queue`
- SET `STATUS` = ? WHERE `UID` = ? AND `GID` = ? AND `STATUS` != ?';
- if (self::$DbType == 1) {
- $SQL = 'UPDATE *PREFIX*ocdownloader_queue
- SET "STATUS" = ? WHERE "UID" = ? AND "GID" = ? AND "STATUS" != ?';
- }
- $DownloadUpdated = true;
- $Query = \OC_DB::prepare($SQL);
- $Result = $Query->execute(array(
- $DLStatus,
- self::$CurrentUID,
- $Row['GID'],
- 4
- ));
- }
- } else {
- $Queue[] = array(
- 'GID' => $Row['GID'],
- 'PROGRESS' => array(
- 'Message' => 'ErrorGIDnotfound',
- 'ProgressString' => null,
- 'NumSeeders' => null,
- 'UploadLength' => null,
- 'Ratio' => null
- ),
- 'STATUS' => array(
- 'Value' => 'N_A',
- 'Seeding' => null
- ),
- 'STATUSID' => $DLStatus,
- 'SPEED' => 'N_A',
- 'PROTO' => $Row['PROTOCOL'],
- 'ISTORRENT' => isset($Status['result']['bittorrent'])
- );
- }
- } else {
- $Queue[] = array(
- 'GID' => $Row['GID'],
- 'PROGRESS' => array(
- 'Message' => self::$WhichDownloader == 0
- ?'ReturnedstatusisnullIsAria2crunningasadaemon'
- :'Unabletofinddownloadstatusfile',
- 'ProgressString' => null,
- 'NumSeeders' => null,
- 'UploadLength' => null,
- 'Ratio' => null
- ),
- 'STATUS' => array(
- 'Value' => 'N_A',
- 'Seeding' => null
- ),
- 'STATUSID' => $DLStatus,
- 'SPEED' => 'N_A',
- 'PROTO' => $Row['PROTOCOL'],
- 'ISTORRENT' => isset($Status['result']['bittorrent'])
- );
- }
- }
- // Start rescan on update
- if ($DownloadUpdated) {
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::touch(self::$AbsoluteDownloadsFolder . $DL['FILENAME']);
- }
- return array(
- 'ERROR' => false,
- 'MESSAGE' => null,
- 'QUEUE' => $Queue,
- 'COUNTER' => Tools::getCounters(self::$DbType, self::$CurrentUID)
- );
- } catch (Exception $E) {
- return array('ERROR' => true, 'MESSAGE' => $E->getMessage(), 'QUEUE' => null, 'COUNTER' => null);
- }
- }
/********** PRIVATE STATIC METHODS **********/
private static function load()
diff --git a/lib/Backend/IBackendDownloader.php b/lib/Backend/IBackendDownloader.php
index 3a80343..e85c669 100644
--- a/lib/Backend/IBackendDownloader.php
+++ b/lib/Backend/IBackendDownloader.php
@@ -139,11 +139,7 @@ public function add($URI, $OPTIONS) {
return $DL;
- }
- }
- catch (Exception $E)
+ } catch (Exception $E)
throw new BackendException('Unabletolaunchthedownload');