The log of my #100DaysOfCode challenge. Started on [Wednesday, October 7, 2020].
Started freeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design Program. Completed Basic HTML and HTML5
Completed Basic CSS exercises on FreeCodeCamp. Learned about overriding styles in CSS. Also learned a new keyword "!important". Decided to look back at my code on codepen I created a few months ago where I was working on understanding padding and margins.
Began the lesson on Applied Visual Design on FreeCodeCamp, although I did not get to complete it I will resume tomorrow. Enjoyed learning the different properties of CSS.
Continuation of Applied Visual Design still progressing. Created an Example of Color Hue & Scaling.
Completed Responsive Web Design: Applied Visual Design on freeCodeCamp. Learned about creating 2D graphics & using keyframes to manipulate animations in CSS.
Completed 55% of Applied Accessibility on freeCodeCamp. Was introduced to many elements that makes web designs accesible for people with visual, auditory, mobility, or cognitive disabilities.
Completed 100% of Applied Accessibility on freeCodeCamp. Also worked on my web page I began on yesterday to change a few things that I leared previously and today. Applied Accessibility
Completed Responsive Web Design Principles section on freeCodeCamp and I'm applying it. Worked on the web page that I have named Applied Accessibility thinking about changing the name and adding more info.
Watched a video on Responsive Web Design - HTML & CSS on freeCodeCamp youtube channel. Made some changes to the previous site I've been working on for the past few days.
Began lesson on CSS Flexbox on freeCodeCamp. Working on different layouts that can be done with the display property.
Completed CSS Flexbox on freeCodeCamp. Still currently practicing on flexbox.
Worked on my Flexbox webpage. Also did some more research on flexbox to get a better understanding from different point of views.
Began lesson on CSS Grid on freeodeCamp. Rewatched first 2 hoursvideo of Responsive Web Design from Day 9.
Completed lesson on CSS Grid.
Began first project on Responsive Web Design. The project was to create a Tribute page I decided to do mine on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Started on the Survery Form project from freeCodeCamp. Didn't get to complete it. Having trouble with the margins and padding.
Still working on my Survey Form project. Did some more research on the best way to do a layout for a form. Made a few changes
Watched the last 2 hours of freeCodeCamp YouTube channel 4 hour video on Responsive Web Design.
Completed the Survey Form Project on freeCodeCamp.
Began Computer Programming course on Khan Academy.
Continued course on Computer Programming on Khan Academy.
Completed the "What's for Dinner" challenge from @khanacademy computer programming course.
Learned about variables and animations in JS processing library in Khan Academy Computer Programming course.
Continued working on animations on the Computer Programming course at Khan Academy.
Learned how to make programs that draw shapes based on the mouse location, also how to use variable expressions to resize parts of your drawing relative to other parts.
Completed the "Animal attack" challenge at khanacademy. Also worked on how to display text on a canvas, resize it, and color it.
Re-learned about how to reuse code using functions in javascript, also how to make them accept parameters and return values.
Worked on the "fish tank" project on codeacademy's computer programming course. After I completed this I worked on Bootstrap 3.4.1.
Completed the "fish tank" project and I'm satisfied now. Also began working on Logic and If statements on khanacademy.
Finished lesson on Logic and if Statements, and completed the Magic 8-Ball project on KhanAcademy.
Learned about loops in Javascript by using processingJS library on khanacademy. Began working on the "Build-a-House project".
Completed the "Build a House" project on KhanAcademy. Also recieved more tips on writing clean code, and completed lesson on arrays in javascript.
Worked on my FCC- Product Landing Page today. I'm stuck on viewing my first section after creating a fixed navigation. HELLLLLPPPPPP!!!
Continued working on my FCC - Product Landing Page .. playing around with different styles using CSS.
Played around with some margins and padding on my Product Landing Page.. Learned about how to use Font Awesome 5.
Still working on the Product Landing Page Project from freeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design projects.
Watched some videos on CSS Box Model and a few clips on chrome devTools tricks to help me see what I'm missing in my Product Landing Page Project.
Completed the Product Landing Page project at freeCodeCamp's Responsive Web Design projects. Started on the 4th project .. Build a Technical Documentation Page.
Worked on the Build a Technical Documentation Page project today from freeCodeCamp's Responsive Web Design curriculum.
Completed the Technical Documentation Page Project from freeCodeCamp's Responsive Web Design(RWD) curriculum.
Began planning how I want my next project to look.. which is Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage.
Continued with my Personal Portfolio project from freeCodeCamp added a nice color to it.
Continued working on my Personal Portfolio didn't make much progress because once again I am honestly lost.
Completed my Personal Portfolio for freeCodeCamp's Responsive Web Design final project. I'm so excited. 😏
Using float and clear to create 3 layouts using HTML & CSS.
Played this fun game called CSS Diner where you learn and practice CSS Selectors.
Started on the homework assignment which was to create a clone of the website using float, and began the Learn Javascript course on codecademy.
Read an article on How to Code Advanced HTML & CSS.
Still trying to figure out how to clone these websites just using floats. I have the layout but can't decide whether or not I should be using margin or padding.. I'm sure its padding tho.
Worked on making my TechCrunch and other web clones better.
Continued JavaScript lesson on codecademy.
Still creating layouts using float for homework assignments.. This has gotten very interesting. Did a levelground-wireframe layout.
Making the 5th layout using float 2 more to go for my homework assignment from my Full Stack Bootcamp.
Began working on the cuisine restuarant website which is the 6th layout.
Started today with CSS Diner, then continued working on the last two layouts: cuisine restuarant and salon.
Added a footer to the cuisine restuarant layout, then watched Traversy Media Crash Course on Javascript.
Started on freeCodeCamp's Javascript Algorithms and Data Structure Certification. Completed 40% of Basic Javascript.
Enjoyed class today 100Devs(introduced us to Javascript), then after class I continued with freeCodeCamp's Basic Javascript cirriculum.
Continued working on freeCodeCamp's Basic Javascript cirriculum made it to 60%.
Worked on the 100Devs homework assignments, and continued freeCodeCamp's Basic Javascript made it to 70%.
Worked on a homework assignment the salon landing page ... It is almost complete.
Continued freeCodeCamp's Basic Javascript completed 1% today and got stuck 75% on the Counting Cards challenge for an hour.
Completed 80% of Basic Javascript on freeCodeCamp, attended class #100Devs which is a 30 week Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp Currently on Class #10.
Created a temperature converter using #html #css and #javascript
Attended the 30 week Full Stack WebDev bootcamp which was 3 hours we reviewed variables and conditionals, and last we covered functions in javascript.
Completed 87% of Basic Javascript on freeCodeCamp site. Also installed git, and played around with arrays and objects had some trouble but it will get better.
Studied Arrow functions in javascript which was a homework assignment from 100Devs bootcamp, made a few arrow functions to understand how they work.
Studying for loops in javascript .. Having trouble understanding how nested for loops work. I remember doing java and learning it in college but it's just not sticking right now.
Made it to 90% on Basic Javascript freeCodeCamp Javascript Algorithms & Data Structures. Taking it slow so i can absorb the important things.
Completed 91% of Basic Javascript on freeCodeCamp, and honestly I completed 1% today because I did not remember how recursion works so I had to read on that.
Continued working on Basic Javascript on freeCodeCamp.
Completed 100% of Basic Javascript on freeCodeCamp, and began working on the coding challenge for the 100Devs Bootcamp I'm in.
Began Javascript Algorithms and Data Structures: ES6 completed 26%.
Worked on freeCodeCamp JavaScript ES6 made it to 52% ... spent sometime on Destructing it was very challenging especially the last one. But I got through it.
Completed 65% of ES6 on freeCodeCamp ... This was interesting because I revisited template literals again.
After a day of trying to figure out how typed.js library works I finally got it ... Can you say excited? Now time to create this portfolio.
Completed 87% of ES6 on freeCodeCamp .. Learned about getters and setters and how to reuse js code by import and export from a file.
Worked on my javascript coding challenge #3 this was interesting had a error with putting the button inside the form and had to move it outside of the form.
Completed 100% of ES6 on freeCodeCamp this was an interesting journey and there will be days where I go back and use spaced repetition to understand those lessons.
Read about functions in javascript .. This cool website called Eloquent Javascript has detailed information about the language.
Planned and drew a wireframe for my portfolio.
Had fun implementing my portfolio.. I think I'm satisfied now... But there is a few things I'd like to change on it so tomorrow will be interesting.
Started on the Regular Expression section of freeCodeCamp completed 30% (10/33). So far I'm loving RegEx maybe because the beginning of using it is so simple. The symbols are so easy to remember.
Started working on my horoscope project. Also continued the RegEx section freeCodeCamp completed 64%(21/33).
Worked on my Horoscope app today completed all the main parts just have to fix a few bugs in it. Still learning how to use Javascript DOM.
Worked on my horoscope app .. added a clear button to reset the form and data underneath. Also, read Eloquent Javascript Chapter 5: Higher-Order Functions very interesting.
Read Eloquent Javascript Chapter 4 - Data Structures: Objects and Arrays
Read Eloquent Javascript Chapter 5 - High-order Functions
Read Eloquent Javascript Chapter 6 - The Secret Life of Objects
Been away from freeCodeCamp for a few days so I decided to watch their video on Regular Expression
Completed 100% of freeCodeCamp Regular Expressions (RegEx) section.
Started on creating a Simple Calculator with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Worked on my Simple Calculator & attended class 100Devs
Worked on khanacademy today. Successfully made through JS Objects section.
Continued working on khanacademy JS Objects began the Project: Bookshelf.
Sat here for an hour trying to figure out how to display the stars for every book the Bookshelf project on khanacademy couldn't come up with a solution I'll try again tomorrow.
Figured out how to make the amount of stars given for each book to display on the book ... I'm so excited.
Attended 100Devs class where we learned about Javascript Arrays. Also Redid my Simple Calculator, and changed a few things on my 3rd portfolio.
Worked on a few things to finalize my portfolio.
Finalizing my portfolio.