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Changes to the latest Hanlon Microkernel

Recently, we have made significant changes to the Hanlon Microkernel project. Previous versions of the Hanlon Microkernel project included a set of scripts that could be used to build a customized Hanlon Microkernel ISO that was used by Hanlon for node discovery. Starting with version 3.0.0, the Microkernel itself has been converted from a customized ISO (that was based on Tiny Core Linux's standard ISO) to a Docker image that, when combined with a RancherOS ISO, performs the same tasks. The instructions in this document are meant to aid those who are interested in building their own Hanlon Microkernel images.

The new Hanlon Microkernel (Docker) image is based on the standard Alpine Linux container. This container provides us with a platform that is both small (an important consideration for a Microkernel that is intended to be used for discovery in both small and large datacenter environments) and that includes pre-built versions of the packages necessary to satisfy he dependencies for our Microkernel controller (including the bash, sed, dmidecode, ruby, open-lldp, util-linux (which includes the lscpu tool), open-vm-tools, lshw, and ipmitool packages). A few other dependencies (like the facter gem) are also installed during the image build process.

Once these dependencies have been pulled down and installed in the image that is being built, the code for the Facter gem is modified dynamically (using the sed command) so that it will detect facts from the host (rather than detecting and reporting facts from the container that the Microkernel agent is running in) and the code from the local copy of the Hanlon Microkernel project is added to the image. All of this is accomplished using a Docker file that looks something like this:

FROM gliderlabs/alpine

# Install any dependencies needed
RUN apk update && \
    apk add bash sed dmidecode ruby ruby-irb open-lldp util-linux open-vm-tools sudo && \
    apk add lshw ipmitool --update-cache --repository --allow-untrusted && \
    echo "install: --no-rdoc --no-ri" > /etc/gemrc && \
    gem install facter json_pure daemons && \
    find /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/facter-2.4.4 -type f -exec sed -i 's:/proc/:/host-proc/:g' {} + && \
    find /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/facter-2.4.4 -type f -exec sed -i 's:/dev/:/host-dev/:g' {} + && \
    find /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/facter-2.4.4 -type f -exec sed -i 's:/host-dev/null:/dev/null:g' {} + && \
    find /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/facter-2.4.4 -type f -exec sed -i 's:/sys/:/host-sys/:g' {} +
ADD hnl_mk*.rb /usr/local/bin/
ADD hanlon_microkernel/*.rb /usr/local/lib/ruby/hanlon_microkernel/

To help those unfamiliar with the structure of Dockerfiles, we thought we would break down this file into sections and discuss each of those sections individually.

The first line of this file uses the FROM command to state that our Microkernel container will be based on the standard Alpine Linux container from GliderLabs:

FROM gliderlabs/alpine

After that line, the next section of the file uses the RUN command to execute a series of the apk and gem install commands that install the packages needed to satisfy the dependencies for our Microkernel agent code:

RUN apk update && \
    apk add bash sed dmidecode ruby ruby-irb open-lldp util-linux open-vm-tools sudo && \
    apk add lshw ipmitool --update-cache --repository --allow-untrusted && \
    echo "install: --no-rdoc --no-ri" > /etc/gemrc && \
    gem install facter json_pure daemons && \

In this section of the Dockerfile, the bash, sed, dmidecode, ruby, ruby-irb, open-lldp, util-linux (which contains the lscpu command), and open-vm-tools packages are installed from the 'main' Alpine Linux package repository and the lshw and ipmitool packages are installed from the 'testing' repository (since they are not yet available in the 'main' repository). The last two lines of this section setup the gem command so that it will not install documentation by default and install the facter, json_pure, and daemons RubyGems (which are required by the Microkernel controller codebase).

Now that we have installed the packages containing our dependencies, the last section of our Dockerfile is used to modify the facter gem that was installed previously so that it looks for system-related information in a different location that it would typically look. These modifications are made using a series of find/sed commands:

find /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/facter-2.4.4 -type f -exec sed -i 's:/proc/:/host-proc/:g' {} + && \
find /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/facter-2.4.4 -type f -exec sed -i 's:/dev/:/host-dev/:g' {} + && \
find /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/facter-2.4.4 -type f -exec sed -i 's:/host-dev/null:/dev/null:g' {} + && \
find /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/facter-2.4.4 -type f -exec sed -i 's:/sys/:/host-sys/:g' {} +

In the first, second, and fourth lines of this snippet you can see that the /proc/, /dev/, and /sys/ strings (all of these are absolute paths to files in the /proc, /dev, and /sys filesystems in what will be the Microkernel container) are replaced with the strings /host-proc/, /host-dev/, and /host-sys/, respectively. The third line in this snippet just rolls back changes that might have been made to commands that redirected to the /dev/null device so that the reference remains correct in that instance.

The last sections of that Dockerfile:

ADD hnl_mk*.rb /usr/local/bin/
ADD hanlon_microkernel/*.rb /usr/local/lib/ruby/hanlon_microkernel/

Simply add files from the local copy of the Hanlon-Microkernel repository to the Docker image that is being built. The result is a Docker image that can be run on any platform capable of running Docker containers and that contains the code necessary for that Docker container to act as a Hanlon-Microkernel.

Building a new Hanlon Microkernel image

Now that we have explained how this Dockerfile works, how do you use it? The command to build a new image using this Dockerfile is quite simple:

docker build -t new_mk_image:{VERSION} .

where the string {VERSION} should be replaced with the version number of the Microkernel instance that is being built.

Once that command has been run, a new image (named 'new_mk_image') will appear as an image within Docker (and can be used as the basis for starting new containers using the docker run command). The next step in the process is to save that image in a form that can be used to transfer the image over to a running RancherOS instance. The easiest way to do this is via the docker save command:

docker save new_mk_image > new_mk_image_save.tar

The resulting tarfile can then be gzipped (using the gzip command) or bzipped (using the bzip2 command) if you would like to save space (or it can be left as a regular tarfile). It can then be included as part of a Hanlon Microkernel via the hanlon image add -t mk ... CLI command (or an equivalent POST to the Hanlon server's RESTful API):

hanlon image add -t mk -p ~/transfer/rancheros-v0.4.1.iso -d ~/transfer/new_mk_image_save.tar.bz2 -k ~/.ssh/

Those familiar with the old (pre-version 3.x) version of Hanlon, will notice that the command shown above had a few additional arguments above and beyond the arguments that were used in older versions of Hanlon to add a new Microkernel to the system. As was the case with previous versions of Hanlon, adding a Microkernel to Hanlon requires that a reference to the ISO for an in-memory OS that can be used to iPXE-boot a node (using the -p or --path argument followed by the path the the ISO file). As was mentioned previously, the difference here is that the Microkernel ISO that is provided must be the ISO for a RancherOS distribution (rather than a customized version of Tiny Core Linux). In addition, adding a Microkernel to Hanlon also requires that we provide a path to a Microkernel (Docker image file that was constructed and saved to a local file using the procedure outlined above. The path to this Microkernel (Docker) image file is specified using the new -d or --docker-image command-line flag. As was described earlier, Hanlon assumes that the version for the Microkernel is included in the Microkernel (Docker) image's tag, so there is no need to specify a version when adding a Hanlon Microkernel image to Hanlon.

There is an additional flag shown in the hanlon image add -t mk ... command that is shown above that sets a public key (the public part of a public/private key pair) that can be used to log into the a node (as the user rancher) once that node has booted into the Hanlon Microkernel. Another optional flag can be used to set a password that can be used to SSH into the instance (if you'd prefer to authenticate using a username/password instead of a public/private key pair) and, of course, the same tasks can be accomplished through the Hanlon RESTful API. Both of these parameters are described more fully (along with the RESTful equivalent to the CLI command shown, above) in the documentation for Hanlon's image slice in the Hanlon Wiki.

Versioning the Microkernel based on meta-data from the local GitHub repository

As an aside, it should be noted that it the Hanlon Microkernel can be easily tagged with a version number that reflects the version information from the local clone of the GitHub repository directly in the docker build ... command shown above. To add a GitHub-based tag simply use a command that looks something like this during the Microkernel (Docker) image build process:

docker build -t new_mk_image:`git describe --tags --dirty --always | sed -e 's@-@_@' | sed -e 's/^v//'` .

The {VERSION} string from the docker build ... command shown previously has been replaced (in this example) with the embedded command pipeline:

git describe --tags --dirty --always | sed -e 's@-@_@' | sed -e 's/^v//'

This command pipeline first uses the git describe command to retrieve the current version from the repository, resulting in a string that looks something like v2.0.1-13-g3eade33-dirty. That string is then piped through to a sed command that converts the first - to an _ (so the new string looks something like v2.0.1_13-g3eade33-dirty) and the result is piped to a second sed command that simply strips off the leading v character. The result is a tag suitable for use with a Docker image that will look something like the following:


In this example, you can see that the Microkernel was built from a clone of the Hanlon Microkernel project that is 13 commits ahead of a tag that looks like v2.0.1, that the corresponding commit in the GitHub repository is commit g3eade33, and that the Microkernel includes changes that have not yet been committed to the repository (which is apparent by the -dirty suffix that was added to the tag by the original git describe command).

How Hanlon uses the Microkernel image

Hanlon follows a two-part strategy when booting a node using the Microkernel instances added to it. First, Hanlon will iPXE-boot the node using the RancherOS ISO that was used when adding the Microkernel to Hanlon. The iPXE-boot script that is fed to that RancherOS instance includes a Hanlon URL that the RancherOS instance should use to retrieve it's cloud-config. That cloud-config includes a Hanlon URL that the RancherOS should use to retrieve (and start a container using) the associated Microkernel (Docker) image file during the boot process. During the process of starting that Microkernel container, the Microkernel controller will also be automatically started, causing the node to checkin and register with Hanlon.

Interacting with a running Microkernel container

Once the Microkernel container is up and running, you can SSH into the RancherOS image (provided your Microkernel instance allows for that level of access using either an SSH key or a password). Once you've logged into the RancherOS instance attaching to the running container is a simple matter of running a command like the following:

docker exec -it hnl_mk /bin/bash

That command should present you with a command-line prompt for a new BASH shell instance running on the hnl_mk container instance that is running inside of the RancherOS instance.

Once you've attached to the hnl_mk container instance, there are a number of steps that you can use to debug issues that might arise with the Hanlon Microkernel in your own environment. Details on this are process are included in the Hanlon-Microkernel Wiki.