Get the currently playing song from Spotify
Get the currently playing song from Spotify
A format string can be passed with --format or -f to specify what the status printout should look like. The following fields are available:
%a - Artist %t - Track %b - Album %f - Playing %e ️- ▶ or ⏸️ %s - Play progress
If a song has multiple artists, you can specify the upper limit of artists to display with %Xa, where X is the number of artists to print, separated by commas.
If there is no currently playing song on Spotify, regardless of format argument the command will return an empty string. This may happen if Spotify is paused for an extended period of time
spc status [flags]
-f, --format string Format string for formatting the status
-h, --help help for status
--config string Config file (default is $HOME/.config/spc/config.yaml)
-v, --verbose verbose error logging
- spc - Command line tool to control Spotify