Mesure distance using apple ARKit
- Xcode 9
- iOS 11
- An iOS device with an A9 or better processor (iPhone 6s or superior, iPad Pro, iPad 2017)
You should mesure with enough light to detect feature point.
cd to the project folder and run pod install
This project use the methods below to determine start and end point.
let planeHitTestResults = sceneView.hitTest(position, types: .existingPlaneUsingExtent)
if let result = planeHitTestResults.first {
let planeHitTestPosition = SCNVector3.positionFromTransform(result.worldTransform)
let planeAnchor = result.anchor
// Return immediately - this is the best possible outcome.
return (planeHitTestPosition, planeAnchor as? ARPlaneAnchor, true)
- Get feature points within the frustum combinate with axis that from camera location to screen perspective vanishing point,minimum distance which is 10cm and maximum distance with 3m.
let highQualityfeatureHitTestResults = sceneView.hitTestWithFeatures(position, coneOpeningAngleInDegrees: 5, minDistance: 0.1, maxDistance: 3.0)
- Fliter the points's discrepancy beyond 3σ.
func fliterWithFeatures(_ features:[FeatureHitTestResult]) -> [SCNVector3] {
guard features.count >= 3 else {
return { (featureHitTestResult) -> SCNVector3 in
return featureHitTestResult.position
var points = { (featureHitTestResult) -> SCNVector3 in
return featureHitTestResult.position
// 平均值
let average = points.average!
// 方差
let variance = sqrtf(points.reduce(0) { (sum, point) -> Float in
var sum = sum
sum += (point-average).length()*100*(point-average).length()*100
return sum
// 标准差
let standard = sqrtf(variance)
let σ = variance/standard
points = points.filter { (point) -> Bool in
if (point-average).length()*100 > 3*σ {
return (point-average).length()*100 < 3*σ
return points
- Determain the plane base on the least-square method.
let detectPlane = planeDetectWithFeatureCloud(featureCloud: warpFeatures)
- Calculate the crossover point with the plane and the axis.
var planePoint = SCNVector3Zero
if detectPlane.x != 0 {
planePoint = SCNVector3(detectPlane.w/detectPlane.x,0,0)
}else if detectPlane.y != 0 {
planePoint = SCNVector3(0,detectPlane.w/detectPlane.y,0)
}else {
planePoint = SCNVector3(0,0,detectPlane.w/detectPlane.z)
let ray = sceneView.hitTestRayFromScreenPos(position)
let crossPoint = planeLineIntersectPoint(planeVector: SCNVector3(detectPlane.x,detectPlane.y,detectPlane.z), planePoint: planePoint, lineVector: ray!.direction, linePoint: ray!.origin)
- If not meet the conditions,return average.
- If the frustum don't contain any point,return the point nearest to axis.
Inspired by a video from weibo
Some code adapted fromApple ARKitDemo
Plane fitting method refer to this blog
Any suggestion or bug please open an issue.
ARuler is released under the GPL license.See LICENSE for details.