Releases: duracelltomi/gtm4wp
Releases · duracelltomi/gtm4wp
v1.11 beta1
Please read the changelog very carefully as there are many important changes and removed features which could need your attention before updating!
- Added Oxygen Builder and Beaver Builder Theme support - you can now use the codeless placement option without issues
- Added ability to fix the Google Tag Manager ID and GTM Environment parameters in wp-config.php. To use it, create PHP constants with the names
- Added support for WooCommerce Grouped Products
- Added new WooCommerce option to add all order data into the data layer on the order reveived page
- This includes personal data of the customer -> you need to ensure this is used in a privacy friendly and compliant way!
- This order data will be always present on the order received page, even if the page is reloaded or later revisited!
- Removed several unofficial data layer variables on the WooCommerce order received page as they can be read using the new order data option
- transactionDate
- transactionType
- transactionPaymentType
- transactionShippingMethod
- transactionPromoCode
- Removed legacy events from WooCommerce order received pages: gtm4wp.orderCompleted and gtm4wp.orderCompletedEEC - you can simply instead use a Page View trigger to fire corresponding tags
- Improved: price reporting with the WooCommerce enhanced ecommerce integration now follows the option set with the 'Display prices in the shop' option of WooCommerce
- Improved: from WooCommerce 3.7 WC_Abstract_Order::get_used_coupons() was replaced with WC_Abstract_Order::get_coupon_codes() which is now used if WC 3.7+ is detected
- Improved: use localStorage for WooCommerce duplicate transaction tracking prevention if available. Should be work with Safari at least for now.
- Fixed: WooCommerce duplicate transaction tracking prevention's cookie was set to expire on session end, now adds 1 year.
- Deprecated data layer variable productIsVariable. Use the new productType data layer variable which will equal to simple, variable, grouped or external depending on the type of the product shown
- Fixed: Wrong lookup for product brand name if Use SKU instead of product ID option was turned on
- Fixed: Wrong lookup for product brand name for variable products
! Planned deprecation of support for WooCommerce 2.x-3.1.x with next plugin version !
! Planned deprecation of support for WordPress 4.x with next plugin version !
- Fixed: wrong cookie name was used with the newly introduced double transaction tracking protection while setting the cookie
- Fixed: double transaction tracking JavaScript code is now only included on the order received page
- Fixed: replaced all references to AdWords to Google Ads
See changelog in v1.10 beta
Final version contains some bug fixes since the beta release.
v1.10 beta1
- Added: Automatically add the noscript part of the container code after the opening body tag for WordPress 5.2+ sites where themes support the new wp_body_open action
- Added: add associated taxonomy values for post type
- Added: select brand taxonomy for WooCommerce products to populate "Product brand" dimension in enhanced ecommerce
- Added: add cart content into data layer so that you can personalize your site experience using Google Optimize
- Added: option to remove shipping costs from revenue data on order received page of WooCommerce
- Added: if you are using Cloudflare, you can now add the country code HTTP header value into the data layer and read from it with the geoCloudflareCountryCode variable name
- Fixed: better compatibility with Google's mod_pagespeed
- Fixed: missing product quantity while adding a variable product into the cart
- Fixed: prevent multiple tracking of WooCommerce orders on mobile devices where the mobile browser reloads the order received page from local cache executing GTM tracking again
Fixed possible PHP warning if geo data or weather data feature is turned on
See changelog for v1.9.1 beta
- Fixed: better WooCommere Quick View integration
v1.9.1 beta
- Fixed: handle out of quota cases with ipstack queries properly
- Fixed: proper YouTube tracking for WordPress sites and WordPress multisites installed in a subdirectory
- Fixed: properly detect client IP address and also properly escape this data while using it
- Fixed: WooCommerce checkout steps after page load did not include products in the cart
- Fixed: checkout step events for payment mode and shipping type not always fired
- Fixed: the CMD on Mac will be treated just like the Ctrl key on Windows while processing the product click event in the WooCommerce integration (thy for luzinis)
- Fixed: possible cross site scripting vulnerability if site search tracking was enabled due to not properly escaped referrer url tracking
- Changed: code cleanup in WooCommerce integration
- fixed some Unicode encoding issue with WooCommerce product names
- fixed a PHP notice
- do not track clicks on quick view buttons
- some minor code formatting changes
- better WP Rocket support
- fixed save button not working on admin pages in some cases
Full changelog with all major additions in beta1 release:
v1.9 beta1
- Added: initial support for AMP plugin from Automattic (thx koconder for the contribution!)
- Added: option to remove tax from revenue data on order received page of WooCommerce
- Added: WooCommerce enhanced ecommerce datasets now include stock levels
- Added: new productIsVariable data layer variable is set to 1 on variable WooCommerce product pages
- Added: product impressions can now be split into multiple chunks to prevent data loss on large product category and site home pages (thx Tim Zook for the contribution!)
- Added: you can now disable flagging of WooCommerce orders as being already tracked once. In same cases (with iDeal for example) you may need this to make purchase tracking to work.
- Added: uninstalling the plugin will now remove configured plugin options from database
- Added: new advanced plugin option: data layer variable visitorDoNotTrack will include 1 if the user has set the do not track flag in his/her browser
- Added: new data layer event when a user has logged in on the frontend: gtm4wp.userLoggedIn
- Added: new data layer event when a new user has registered on the frontend: gtm4wp.userRegistered
- Added: new advanced plugin option: move data layer declaration and Google Tag Manager container as close as possible to the beginning of the HTML document
- Updated: Full Google Optimize support. Now the plugin can load your Google Optimize container with the recommended code placement
- Updated: moved most of the inline JavaScript codes into separate .js files which should help cache plugins to do their job much better when my plugin is active
- Fixed: wrong ecomm_pagetype on product search result pages
- Fixed: PHP notice in some cases when geo data was not loaded properly
- Fixed / Added: was rebranded to and an API key is needed now even for free usage. You can now add your API key so that weather data and geo data can be added into the data layer
- Warning: some plugin features will be remove from v1.10, most of them can be tracked now using pure Google Tag Manager triggers:
- Social actions
- Outbound link click events
- Download click events
- Email click events
- Warning: PHP 5.6 is now the minimum recommended version to use this plugin. I advise to move to PHP 7.x
See the changelog of v1.8.1 beta1 and beta2, in addition to that:
- Fixed: some other plugins call found_variation event of WooCommerce without product variation data being included
- Fixed: product name included variation name on order received page which broke GA product reports
- Fixed: in some cases, no contact form 7 data was being passed to the gtm4wp.contactForm7Submitted event