fork | group |
Frontier |
Environmental Information |
Index 1 is top of the stack. See PUSH.
Not allowed in EOFv1 code, code containing this instruction will fail validation.
: 20-byte address of the contract to query. Ifaddress
points to an EOF contract, result is as if its code wasEF00
: byte size of the code.
* | Input | Output |
1 |
0x43a61f3f4c73ea0d444c5c1c1a8544067a86219b |
32 |
[Reproduce in playground][1].
[1]: /playground?unit=Wei&codeType=Mnemonic&code='gCQYthacQ8%20GJ%20a_-deW7...p0KWJ6l5260206lF3NNNNN0p32KjjgCBm8mY-dVabovep41p0p0jCREATE%20gPutsmnew)addresLjjgThVaddres_iL%2C%20wVcan%20querymsizejEXTCODESIZE'~JJJFp91%20m%20thVl000j%5Cng%2F%2F)-ntracs%20Y-nstructor%20W9G0xVe%20QB_a%20NlllL_onmstackKjMSTOREJFFG32%20Breate9jPUSH8fwith.~~~-cot%20)%20f%01)-.89BGJKLNQVWY_fgjlmp~
The state changes done by the current context are reverted in those cases:
- Not enough gas.
- Not enough values on the stack.