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The plugin of umi@4 uses @reduxjs/toolkit.

Install and use

If you want to use plugin, you must install first.

yarn add umi-plugin-redux-toolkit @reduxjs/toolkit
// or
npm install umi-plugin-redux-toolkit @reduxjs/toolkit

Finish installed, you may enable the plugin.


  • ignoreOptions { object } : Configure ignored options, refer to,
    When the object in redux may be created from new Class, or other non-serializable values,
    there will be a warning when the action is obtained or called, and this option can be configured to ignore the warning.

    • ignoreOptions.ignoredPaths { Array<string> } : Ignore value.
    • ignoreOptions.ignoredActions { Array<string> } : Ignored actions.
  • modelName { string } : Customize the name of the model folder and ignore the singular configuration after configuration.

  • singular { boolean } : Whether the directory is singular.

  • esModule { boolean } : Import using the es6 module method.

  • ignore { string | Array } : Ignored model files. (Refer to the ignore configuration of glob)

  • asyncLoadReducers { boolean } : Enable the function of asynchronously injecting reducers.
    (Need to manually mount on the component, it will be more troublesome, so it is not recommended).

How to configure

// .umirc.js or umi.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'umi';

export default {
  // Configuration of umi-plugin-redux-toolkit
  reduxToolkit: {
    esModule: true

How to use

Create the models folder, create a ts or js file under the folder, and export the slice created by createSlice, or the configuration of createSlice.
Export slice Reference, Export the configuration of createSlice Reference.

import { createSlice } from '@redux/toolkit';

const slice = createSlice({
  name: 'sliceName',
  initialState: { value: 0 },
  reducers: {
    addValue(state, action) {

const { addValue } = slice.actions;

export default slice;

When exporting the configuration of createSlice, if the reduce key is created by createAction, the namespace will be automatically removed. E.g:

import { createAction } from '@redux/toolkit';

const action = createAction('sliceName/action');

export default {
  name: 'sliceName',
  initialState: { value: 0 },
  reducers: {
    // will automatically change index/action into action
    [action](state, action) {
      return state;

Now also supports exporting APIs created by RTK RTKQuery. E.g:

import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react';

const api = createApi({
  reducerPath: 'api',
  baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/' }),
  endpoints(builder) {
    return {
      getData: builder.query({
        query: (q) => q

export const { useGetDataQuery } = api;
export default api;

Exporting listenerMiddleware is now also supported. E.g:

import { createListenerMiddleware } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { setAction } from './actions';

const listenerMiddleware = createListenerMiddleware();

  actionCreator: setAction,
  effect(action, listenerApi) {
    console.log('Listener: setAction');

export default listenerMiddleware;

Initial value

Export in app.js

export const reduxToolkit = {
  initialState: {},    // Initialize the value of redux
  ignoreOptions: {},   // Same as the ignoreOptions configuration above, it will be merged
  warnAfter: 800,      // If the check time of immutableCheck and serializableCheck exceeds 32ms, there will be a warning. Modify the warning time
  reducers: {},        // Custom add reducers
  middlewares: [],     // Custom add middlewares
  treatStore(store) {} // Allows you to perform other processing on the store, such as mounting some monitoring methods

// or

export function reduxToolkit() {
  return {
    initialState: () => ({}), // It can also be a function to initialize the value of redux
    ignoreOptions: {},        // Same as the ignoreOptions configuration above, it will be merged
    warnAfter: 800,           // If the check time of immutableCheck and serializableCheck exceeds 32ms, there will be a warning. Modify the warning time
    reducers: {},             // Custom add reducers
    middlewares: [],          // Custom add middlewares
    treatStore(store) {}      // Allows you to perform other processing on the store, such as mounting some monitoring methods

Asynchronous injection of reducers

The *.async.{js,jsx,ts,tsx} files in the models folder will be considered as asynchronously injected reducers and will not be automatically loaded.
Configure asyncLoadReducers: true to enable asynchronous injection of reducers.

Api created by RTK RTKQuery cannot be loaded asynchronously because it needs to add middleware.

import { dynamicReducers } from 'umi-plugin-redux-toolkit/dynamicReducers';
import model_0 from './models/model_0';
import model_1 from './models/model_1';

function Component(props) {
 return <div />;

export default dynamicReducers([model_0, model_1])(Component); // Multiple models pass array
// or
export default dynamicReducers(model_0)(Component); // Single model

Get the store object

You can get the store object in the following way:

import { store } from '@@/plugin-reduxToolkit/store';