alpha: 0.05 box_avg: 'False' box_boxwex: 0.2 box_notch: 'False' box_outline: 'True' box_pts: 'False' caption_align: 0.0 caption_col: '#333333' caption_offset: 3.0 caption_size: 0.8 caption_weight: 1 cex: 1 colors: - '#ff0000' - '#55ff00' con_series: - 1 - 1 create_html: 'True' derived_series_1: [] derived_series_2: [] dump_points_1: 'True' dump_points_2: 'False' event_equal: 'False' fcst_var_val_1: REFC_ENS_NMEP_ge20_NBRHD729_GAUSSIAN1: - PSTD_BRIER fcst_var_val_2: [] fixed_vars_vals_input: {} grid_col: '#cccccc' grid_lty: 3 grid_lwd: 1 grid_on: 'True' grid_x: listX indy_stagger_1: 'True' indy_stagger_2: 'False' indy_label: - '0' - '1' - '2' - '3' - '4' - '5' - '6' - '7' - '8' - '9' - '10' - '11' - '12' - '13' - '14' - '15' - '16' - '17' - '18' - '19' - '20' - '21' - '22' - '23' - '24' - '25' - '26' - '27' - '28' - '29' - '30' - '31' - '32' - '33' - '34' - '35' - '36' indy_vals: - '0' - '10000' - '20000' - '30000' - '40000' - '50000' - '60000' - '70000' - '80000' - '90000' - '100000' - '110000' - '120000' - '130000' - '140000' - '150000' - '160000' - '170000' - '180000' - '190000' - '200000' - '210000' - '220000' - '230000' - '240000' - '250000' - '260000' - '270000' - '280000' - '290000' - '300000' - '310000' - '320000' - '330000' - '340000' - '350000' - '360000' indy_var: fcst_lead legend_box: o legend_inset: x: 0.0 y: -0.25 legend_ncol: 3 legend_size: 0.8 line_type: None list_stat_1: - PSTD_BRIER list_stat_2: [] list_static_val: [] mar: - 8 - 4 - 5 - 4 method: bca mgp: - 1 - 1 - 0 num_iterations: 1 num_threads: -1 plot_caption: Caption plot_ci: - std - std plot_disp: - 'True' - 'True' plot_filename: ./line.png plot_height: 8.5 plot_res: 72 plot_stat: median plot_type: png16m plot_units: in plot_width: 11.0 # Optional, uncomment and set to directory to store the .points1 file # that is used by METviewer (created when dump_points_1 is set to True) # if dump_points_1 is True and this is uncommented, the points1 file # will be saved in the default location (i.e. where the input data file is stored). points_path: ./ random_seed: null series_line_style: - '-' - '-' series_line_width: - 1 - 1 series_order: - 1 - 2 series_symbols: - . - . series_type: - b - b series_val_1: model: - RRFSE_CONUS_ICperts_nostoch.rrfs_conuscompact_3km_prob - RRFSE_CONUS_ICperts_stoch.rrfs_conuscompact_3km_prob series_val_2: {} show_nstats: 'False' show_signif: - 'False' - 'False' stat_input: /Volumes/d1/minnawin/PR_METcalcpy/METplotpy/metplotpy/plots/line/ sync_yaxes: 'False' title: reset index title_align: 0.5 title_offset: -2 title_size: 1.4 title_weight: 2.0 user_legend: [] variance_inflation_factor: 'False' vert_plot: 'False' x2lab_align: 0.5 x2lab_offset: -0.5 x2lab_size: 0.8 x2lab_weight: 1 x2tlab_horiz: 0.5 x2tlab_orient: 1 x2tlab_perp: 1 x2tlab_size: 0.8 xaxis: test x_label xaxis_reverse: 'False' xlab_align: 0.5 xlab_offset: 2 xlab_size: 1 xlab_weight: 1 xlim: [] xtlab_decim: 0 xtlab_horiz: 0.5 xtlab_orient: 1 xtlab_perp: -0.75 xtlab_size: 1 y2lab_align: 0.5 y2lab_offset: 1 y2lab_size: 1 y2lab_weight: 1 y2lim: [] y2tlab_horiz: 0.5 y2tlab_orient: 1 y2tlab_perp: 1 y2tlab_size: 1.0 yaxis_1: test y_label yaxis_2: '' ylab_align: 0.5 ylab_offset: -2 ylab_size: 1 ylab_weight: 1 ylim: [] ytlab_horiz: 0.5 ytlab_orient: 1 ytlab_perp: 0.5 ytlab_size: 1 #lines: #- color: '#8000ff' # line_width: '2' # position: '11' # type: horiz_line # line_style: '--' #- line_style: '-' # color: '#000000' # line_width: 1 # position: "18" # type: vert_line # To save your log output to a file, specify a path and filename and uncomment the line below. Make sure you have # permissions to the directory you specify. The default, as specified in the default config file is stdout. log_filename: ./line.log # To change the log level, specify a log level: debug, info, warning, error and uncomment the line below. # Debug and info log level will produce more log output. log_level: INFO